Social Identity Theory
The aim of this research is to deepen insight into the social-psychological factors that influence the formation of a desire to attend classical music concerts and to better predict people’s positive behavioural responses towards live classical music performances.
437p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 5 Download
The primary purpose of this study is to explain how and when customer experience benefits the company. Built upon Customer-Dominant Logic, Social Identity theory and Need for cognition, the study propose that customer experience leads to customer engagement behavior via two routes: customer-firm and customer-employee identification.
216p hoamaudon2510 16-06-2022 76 5 Download
This study begins with the desire to better understand the construction of university reputation. The framework of university reputation and student behavioral intention is formed by the relationship between student trust, student identity, and student commitment. Vietnam's higher education sector plays an essential role in education; this sector has been encountering various problems, and university reputation is a key pillar in educational management theory.
201p nguathienthan10 23-02-2021 19 3 Download