Structural dynamics
The paper proposes an empirical VAR for the UK open economy in order to measure the effects of monetary policy shocks from 1981 to 2003. The identification of the VAR structure is based on short-run restrictions that are consistent with the general implications of a New Keynesian model. The identification scheme used in the paper is successful in identifying monetary policy shocks and solving the puzzles and anomalies regarding the effects of monetary policy shocks.
37p pnq9292 14-03-2017 71 4 Download
Is a branch of polymer science dealing with analysis and characterisation of polymers. üThe complication of macromolecular chains, the dispersion in molecular weight, tacticity, crystallinity, orientation, composition of polymers etc. and complex morphological systems ⇒ analysis of polymer ≠ the small organic materials ⇒ Focus on viscoelastic properties, dynamic mechanical testing.
114p buitiendung87 06-01-2011 340 154 Download
Contents Client-side dynamic pages JavaScript .Client-side dynamic pages Web page contains programs (script) that will be executed in the client side by browser. Script improve the interaction of users and web page (than HTML) Program is written by different scripting technologies Javascript: Vbscript Flash Applet Ajax … .Javascript, VBscript Javascript: An interpreted programming, a script language from Netscape. Syntax similar to Java but it is not Java Easier and faster to code in than the more structured and compiled languages such as C and C++.
23p nguyenvanhabk1 03-09-2012 61 6 Download
In this lecture we learned about: Overriding a method, static and dynamic binding, virtual function, types of member function, abstract method/abstract class, constructor and destructor: virtual or non-virtual.
29p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 15 2 Download
To achieve the aim, the first objective is preliminary experiments on preparation of polypropylene blends with silicone elastomer masterbatch and characterize by analysis of mass composition, mechanical properties, and dynamic mechanical properties to investigate any improvement of properties. The silicone elastomer masterbatch will then be substituted with propylene-maleic anhydride graft copolymer waxes or other compatibilizers.
147p runthenight05 01-03-2023 7 3 Download
The aim of the research was the processing of the vibration signatures from healthy and damaged composite beams acquired with the help of a Scanning Laser Vibrometer (SLV) upon excitation and analysis of the mode shapes acquired for damage detection. The displacement mode shapes acquired were then converted into curvature mode shapes with the help of a Central Difference Approximation method (CDA).
146p runthenight07 01-03-2023 7 3 Download
This study aims to use CFD analysis of CT scan data from the nasal cavities of a range of older Asian males to investigate the impact of geometric variations between older nasal cavities on the airflow structures and airconditioning capacity of the nasal cavity. Air flow mechanisms, heat transfer rates and humidification efficacy are analysed in order to arrive at a more precise understanding of the role of nasal geometry in the presentation of respiratory ailments.
101p runthenight07 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
In this Masters thesis computational modelling techniques were employed to investigate iron-free apo-Lactoferrin (apo-Lf) structural conformation changes in the presence of variant temperature and pH. These conditions represent the environment most milk protein goes through in food processing and the production of food products.
162p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 3 Download
The thesis is structured as follows: In Chapter 1, the scientific literature is summarized within the scope of this study. Chapter 2 provides a comprehensive overview of the principles of the applied computational approaches in this study. Chapter 3 identifies the important residues of the LsIA/α7 nAChR complex that affect the interactions between the toxin and the membrane protein due to C-terminal carboxylation of LsIA. The effects of C-terminal modification of LsIA on interactions with α3β2 nAChR, involved in cardiovascular diseases, were also investigated in Chapter 4.
234p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 3 Download
This study uncovers a wide range of complex transport dynamics in transiently forced aquifers that has profound implications for the understanding and quantification of solute transport in these important groundwater systems. And the results in this thesis predict that complex transport structures and dynamics arise in natural transiently forced aquifers around the world. When such dynamics do arise, it will lead to mixing and reactive transport patterns that are very different from those predicted by conventional Darcy flow models.
154p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 3 Download
Lecture Data Structures: Lesson 34 provide students with knowledge about equivalence relations; electrical connectivity, where all connections are by metal wires, is an equivalence relation; the disjoint sets view; dynamic equivalence problem; discuss a solution to the union/find problem that for any sequence;...
14p hanthienngao 15-04-2022 21 1 Download
Lecture Data Structures: Lesson 35 provide students with knowledge about dynamic equivalence problem; the trees we will use are not necessarily binary; to perform union of two sets, we merge the two trees by making the root of one point to the root of the other;...
20p hanthienngao 15-04-2022 13 1 Download
Study objectives: Determine the static buckling of the three-phase composite plates under the impact of mechanical loads. Determine the dynamic buckling of three-phase composite panel under the impact of hydrodynamic load.
25p tunelove 11-06-2021 30 3 Download
Objective: This dissertation explores the influence of pectoral fin structures at different swimming modes on a robotic fish's locomotion behavior; Some objectives are addressed to achieve the mentioned aim as follows: Firstly, new designs based on bio-inspired pectoral fin types are constructed. Secondly, to describe fin deformation and body part movement, novel dynamically mathematical models are developed.
28p extraenglish 26-05-2021 27 5 Download
General objective: To contribute to understanding the rules and structural dynamics of evergreen broadleaf natural forests as a basis for proposing some solutions for sustainable forest management.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 11 3 Download
The main objectives this study was investigating the determinants of capital structure of the selected private Bank in India.
7p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 33 2 Download
Cutouts are commonly used as access port for mechanical and electrical structures. Most of the tructures generally work under severe dynamic loading and different constrained conditions during their service life. This may lead to vibration of the structure.
8p tohitohi 19-05-2020 15 4 Download
Objectives of the thesis: The thesis will focus on studying the dynamic behavior of a planar mechanism which has one or more elastic bars, such as calculating the elastic deformation of the links, and assessing the effect of the deformation back on the movement of the structure during the work. The ultimate goal is to help minimize the negative impact of the elastic vibrations as well as limiting the elastic vibrations.
27p xacxuoc4321 09-07-2019 48 4 Download
The objective of the thesis: Study the effect of cracks on the dynamic characteristics of the structure, study the applicability of the time-frequency signal processing method in detecting cracks. Application and development the processing time-frequency oscillation signals methods for cracks detection.
37p xacxuoc4321 09-07-2019 47 6 Download
Bài giảng Điện tử công suất: Các linh kiện bán dẫn (p3) trình bày những nội dung chính sau: Silicon Controlled Rectifier - SCR, basic structure and operation, dynamic switching characteristics, trạng thái SCR, đặc điểm của SCR, gate Turn-off rhyristors - GTO,... Mời các bạn tham khảo.
14p tangtuy19 21-07-2016 76 13 Download