Tables and data
In the multi-dimensional model of data warehouses, data drawn from multiple sources is organized into fact tables and dimension tables. Data cubes pre-compute the aggregations of measurements along combinations of dimensions to speed up the processing of Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) queries. When the underlying fact tables or dimension tables change over time, data cubes need to be incrementally maintained to reflect these changes. In this thesis, we study the problem of incrementally maintaining data cubes under slowly changing dimensions.
22p runthenight05 01-03-2023 10 3 Download
Lecture Data Structures: Lesson 43 provide students with knowledge about hashing animation; applications of hashing; compilers use hash tables to keep track of declared variables (symbol table); entire dictionary can be hashed and words checked in constant time;...
10p hanthienngao 15-04-2022 8 2 Download
The thesis consists of 135 pages, including 21 tables of data, 50 figures and 144 references. The structure of the thesis consists of: Introduction: 4 pages; Overview: 32 pages; Experimental part: 13 pages; Results and discussion: 63 pages; Recent contributions of the thesis: 1 page; The list of published works: 2 pages; References: 18 pages. There is also an appendix containing the spectrums and diagrams that measure the characteristics and properties of components and AG/CS/LOV, AG/CS/LOV/ginsenoside Rb1 composites with 11 pages.
30p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 30 3 Download
Introduction to the ArcView Interface and the Data, working with tables, inputting Geographical Data, working with tables,... là những nội dung chính trong tài liệu "Bài thực hành GIS". Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo để nắm bắt nội dung chi tiết.
7p tothanhluong 07-11-2015 106 0 Download
BÀI TẬP 2.Bài 2. Sử dụng file Table 6.4..Fertility and other data for 64 countries.CM = child mortality (tỉ lệ tử vong ở trẻ sơ sinh).FLR = female literacy rate (tỉ lệ phụ nữ biết chữ).PGNP = per capita GNP in 1980 (thu nhập bình quân đầu người năm 1980)
10p meomeoten 02-12-2013 134 16 Download
Auditing If an unauthorized user is deleting data, then the DBA might decide to audit all connections to the database and all successful and unsuccessful deletions from all tables in the database. The DBA can gather statistics about which tables are being updated, how many logical inputs/outputs (I/Os) are performed, and how many concurrent users connect at peak times.
16p trinh02 28-01-2013 52 9 Download
This workshop covers: Creating tables and sequences Modifying data in the tables Modifying table definitions Creating views Writing scripts containing SQL and iSQL*Plus commands Generating a simple report
14p trinh02 28-01-2013 74 4 Download
Built-In Database Objects In addition to creating the database files, several other structures are created. Data dictionary: Contains descriptions of the objects in the database Dynamic performance tables: Contains information used by the database administrator (DBA) to monitor and tune the database and instance PL/SQL packages: Program units adding functionality to the database. These packages are created when the catproc.sql script is run after the CREATE DATABASE command. PL/SQL packages will not be discussed within the scope of this course.
20p trinh02 28-01-2013 63 4 Download
Action queries are a way to make corrections to database. They can make an enormous mess of database if used incorrectly. Action queries differ from select queries: A select query shows you data that meet your criteria. An action query looks for the data that meets your criteria, and then does something with it, such as making changes to the data or moving records to a new table.
19p huynhbahoc 19-11-2012 59 2 Download
Trong bài này chúng ta sẽ tìm hiểu ứng dụng của một loại stored procedure đặc biệt gọi là Triggers và dùng Views để thể hiện data trong một hay nhiều table như thế nào. Triggers Trigger là một loại stored procedure đặc biệt được execute (thực thi) một cách tự động khi có một data modification event xảy ra như Update, Insert hay Delete. Trigger được dùng để đảm bảo Data Integrity hay thực hiện các business rules nào đó....
20p suthebeo 17-07-2012 98 19 Download
Phần mềm dò tìm và khôi phục các record thông tin Partition: Partition Magic, Active Partition Recovery, Partition Table Doctor,… Phần mềm dò tìm và khôi phục các record thông tin tập tin: Get Data Back, Recorvery My Files, Nucleus Kernel for FAT and NTFS,
14p vietcuong19 01-06-2011 106 16 Download
Dissociation Constants Of Organic Acids And Bases: This table lists the acid-base dissociation constants of over 600 organic compounds, including many amino acids. All data apply to dilute aqueous solutions and are presented in the form of pKa, which is the negative of the logarithm of the acid dissociation constant Ka.
17p anhngoc007 23-11-2010 363 46 Download
[ Team LiB ] Recipe 2.20 Retrieving Data from an Oracle Package Problem Given an Oracle package that returns multiple result sets for related tables as REF CURSOR data types, you want to access this data using a DataReader and load the data into a DataSet. Solution Use the data type OracleType.Cursor .
5p luvpro 04-08-2010 91 7 Download
[ Team LiB ] Recipe 7.12 Binding a Windows DataGrid to Master-Detail Data Problem You need to bind both a parent table and child table within a DataSet to a DataGrid so that the child data is displayed when the parent is expanded, and update the database with edits made to data in both tables.
15p luvpro 04-08-2010 89 9 Download
[ Team LiB ] Recipe 5.2 Copying Tables from One DataSet to Another Problem You need to copy an existing schema and data from one DataSet to another. Solution Use one of the following techniques
5p luvpro 04-08-2010 69 4 Download
[ Team LiB ] Recipe 4.14 Overcoming Keyword Conflicts When Using CommandBuilders Problem Your data includes table and column names that conflict with SQL keywords. You can overcome this with brackets or quotes in SELECT statements that you write, but the CommandBuilder creates illegal update statements.
4p luvpro 04-08-2010 75 4 Download
[ Team LiB ] Recipe 2.16 Mapping Table and Column Names Between the Data Source and DataSet Problem You want to control the names assigned to tables and columns when you fill a DataSet using a DataAdapter.
3p luvpro 04-08-2010 108 10 Download
Using the Data Form Wizard to Create a Windows Form In this section, you'll use the VS .NET Data Form Wizard to create a Windows application that accesses both the Customers and Orders tables.
5p daisuphu 29-07-2010 150 20 Download
Modifying Data Using a Strongly Typed DataSet In Chapter 10, you saw how to create and use a strongly typed DataSet class named MyDataSet. You can use objects of this class to represent the Customers table and rows from that table
3p daisuphu 29-07-2010 93 7 Download
Listing 8.3: SCHEMAONLYCOMMANDBEHAVIOR.CS /* SchemaOnlyCommandBehavior.cs illustrates how to read a table schema */ using System; using System.Data; using System
11p daisuphu 29-07-2010 74 6 Download