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Backtracking Search Optimization Algorithm (BSA) is a new stochastic evolutionary algorithm and the aim of this paper is to introduce a hybrid approach combining the BSA and Quadratic approximation (QA), called HBSAfor solving unconstrained non-linear, non-differentiable optimization problems.
12p tohitohi 22-05-2020 19 1 Download
This paper presents a new penalty function called logarithmic penalty function (LPF) and examines the convergence of the proposed LPF method. Furthermore, the LaGrange multiplier for equality constrained optimization is derived based on the first-order necessary condition.
10p tohitohi 22-05-2020 13 0 Download
We take a critical look at the relationship between the security of cryptographic schemes in the Random Oracle Model, and the security of the schemes that result from implementing the random oracle by so called \cryptographic hash functions". The main result of this paper is a negative one: There exist signature and encryption schemes that are secure in the Random Oracle Model, but for which any implementation of the random oracle results in insecure schemes.
37p tai_lieu2014 11-04-2014 65 7 Download
Cellular manifestations of aging are most pronounced in postmitotic cells, such as neurons and cardiac myocytes. Alterations of these cells, which are responsible for essential functions of brain and heart, are particularly important contributors to the overall aging process. Mitochondria and lysosomes of postmitotic cells suffer the most remarkable age-related alterations of all cellular organelles.
7p research12 01-06-2013 41 5 Download
Chemosensory proteins (CSPs) are ubiquitous soluble small proteins isolated from sensory organs of a wide range of insect species, whichare believedtobeinvolvedinchemical communication. We report the cloning of a honeybee CSP gene called ASP3c, as well as the structural and functional characterization of the encoded protein. The protein was heterologously secretedby the yeastPichia pastorisusing the native signal peptide.
11p research12 23-04-2013 28 1 Download
This review summarizes the most recent state of haemo-globin (Hb) research based on the literature and our own results. In particular, an attempt is made to form a unified picture for haemoglobin function by reconciling the cooperative oxygen binding with the stabilization of the bound dioxygen in aqueous solvent. The HbA molecule contains two types ofabcontacts. One type is thea1b2or a2b1 contacts, called sliding contacts, and these are strongly associated with the cooperative binding of O2to the a2b2 tetramer. ...
11p tumor12 20-04-2013 36 2 Download
The AnCOB group I intron fromAspergillus nidulans encodes a homing DNA endonuclease called I-AniI which also functions as a maturase, assisting in AnCOB intron RNA splicing. In this investigation we biochemically char-acterized the endonuclease activity of I-AniIin vitro and utilizedcompetitionassays toprobe the relationshipbetween theRNA- andDNA-binding sites.
12p tumor12 20-04-2013 34 3 Download
Embryos of the brine shrimp,Artemia franciscana, exhibit remarkable resistance to physiological stress, which is tem-porally correlated with the presence of two proteins, one a small heat shock/a-crystallin protein termed p26 and the other called artemin, of unknown function.Artemin was sequenced previously by Edman degradation, and its rela-tionship to ferritin, an iron storage protein, established.The isolation from anArtemiaexpressed sequence tag library of artemin and ferritin cDNAs extends this work. ...
9p tumor12 20-04-2013 25 4 Download
New technologies enable acquisition of large data-sets containing genomic, proteomic and metabolic information that describe the state of a cell. These data-sets call for systematic methods enabling relevant information about the inner workings of the cell to be extracted. One important issue at hand is the understanding of the functional interactions between genes, proteins and metabolites.
11p awards 06-04-2013 26 2 Download
The spontaneous acquisition of resistance to a variety of unrelated cytotoxic compounds has important implications in medical treatment of infectious diseases and anticancer therapy. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiaethis pheno-menon is caused by overexpression of membrane efflux pumps and is called pleiotropic drug resistance. We have found that allelic forms of the genes for the transcription activators Pdr1p and Pdr3p, designated PDR1-12and PDR3-33,respectively, mediate resistance to diazaborine....
8p dell39 03-04-2013 38 3 Download
Deciphering the laws that govern metabolic responses of complex systems is essential to understand physiological functioning, pathological conditions and the outcome of experimental manipulations of intact cells. To this aim, a theoretical and experimental sensitivity analysis, called modular meta-bolic control analysis (MMCA), was proposed.
14p inspiron33 23-03-2013 49 3 Download
Expression of a previously cloned secretory protein named adrenocortical zonation factor 1 (AZ-1, also called Tin-ag-RP or lipocalin 7) is tightly linked with the zonal differentiation of adrenocortical cells. It is also pre-sent in vascular smooth muscle (VSM), although its function has remained unknown.
17p galaxyss3 21-03-2013 51 3 Download
The eye lens is composed of fiber cells that differentiate from epithelial cells on its anterior surface. In concert with this differentiation, a set of proteins essential for lens function is synthesized, and the cellular organelles are degraded. DNase II-like acid DNase, also called DNase IIb, is specifically expressed in the lens, and degrades the DNA in the lens fiber cells.
10p galaxyss3 19-03-2013 42 2 Download
Cytochrome P450 (P450) 4X1 is one of the so-called ‘orphan’ P450s with-out an assigned biological function. Codon-optimized P450 4X1 and a number of N-terminal modified sequences were expressed inEscherichia coli. Native P450 4X1 showed a characteristic P450 spectrum but low expression inE. coliDH5acells (
12p galaxyss3 07-03-2013 43 4 Download
In recent years, classical antibody-based affinity reagents have been challenged by novel types of binding proteins developed by combinatorial protein engineering principles. One of these classes of binding proteins of non-Ig origin are the so-called affibody binding proteins, functionally selected from libraries of a small (6 kDa), non-cysteine three-helix bundle domain used as a scaffold.
9p galaxyss3 07-03-2013 43 4 Download
The barnacle relies for its attachment to underwater foreign substrata on the formation of a multiprotein complex called cement. The 20 kDa cement protein is a component ofMegabalanus rosacement, although its specific function in underwater attachment has not, until now, been known.
11p media19 05-03-2013 35 1 Download
PLANNING DEVELOPMENT: THE STATE, GLOBALIZATION, AND SHIFTING LOCUS OF PLANNING There are two obvious ways to correct Hoxbys specification for this bias. First, in the spirit of so-called Heckman corrections (Heckman, 1979; Card and Payne, 2002), one can control directly for functions of the MSA private enrollment rate in models for public school students.
174p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 55 7 Download
The rare 6-deoxysugard-rhamnose is a component of bacterial cell sur-face glycans, including the d-rhamnose homopolymer produced by Pseu-domonas aeruginosa, called A-band O polysaccharide. GDP-d-rhamnose synthesis from GDP-d-mannose is catalyzed by two enzymes. The first is a GDP-d-mannose-4,6-dehydratase (GMD). The second enzyme, RMD, reduces the GMD product (GDP-6-deoxy-d-lyxo-hexos-4-ulose) to GDP-d-rhamnose.
15p viettel02 22-02-2013 40 2 Download
The translocation domain (T domain) of diphtheria toxin adopts a partially folded state, the so-called molten globule state, to become functional at acidic pH. We compared, using hydrogen⁄deuterium exchange experiments associated with MS, the structures of the T domain in its soluble folded state at neutral pH and in its functional molten globule state at acidic pH.
10p mobifone23 18-01-2013 43 3 Download
We characterize precisely the possible rate of decay of the anti-analytic half of a trigonometric series converging to zero almost everywhere. 1. Introduction 1.1. In 1916, D. E. Menshov constructed an example of a nontrivial trigonometric series on the circle T ∞ (1) n=−∞ c(n)eint which converges to zero almost everywhere (a.e.). Such series are called nullseries. This result was the origin of the modern theory of uniqueness in Fourier analysis, see [Z59], [B64], [KL87], [KS94]. Clearly for such a series |c(n)|2 = ∞.
33p noel_noel 17-01-2013 39 6 Download