The genetic control
Vietnam, a nation with a rich and complex history of migration and settlement, is home to 5 fundamental language families: Austroasiatic (AA), Tai-Kadai (TK), Austronesian (AN), SinoTibetan (ST) and Hmong-Mien (HM). Among them is the Austronesian, a language family substantial in island Southeast Asia (ISEA) but marginal in mainland counterpart (MSEA), constituted five Vietnamese ethnolinguistic groups. Here, we analyzed the control region, and the complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of 121 individuals from 3 AN-speaking populations (Churu, Ede, and Giarai).
10p myhouse01 09-11-2024 1 0 Download
The research has designed a novel active truck seat suspension system for a further study of active vibration control. A 5-degree-of-freedom driver and seating suspension system model for active vibration control has been developed. A novel fast system parameter identification method from vibration measurement data has been proposed for the seat-occupant system based on the multi-objective Genetic Algorithm optimization (GA).
206p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 5 Download
The human b-globin gene locus is the subject of intense study, and over the past two decades a wealth of information has accumulated on how tissue-specific and stage-specific expression of its genes is achieved. The data are extensive and it would be difficult, if not impossible, to formulate a comprehensive model integrating every aspect of what is currently known. In this review, we introduce the fundamental characteristics of globin locus regulation as well as questions on which much of the current research is predicated.
11p system191 01-06-2013 47 4 Download
The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) is subjected to multiple interacting levels of control in plant cells. The first level is subcellular compartmentation. Plant cells are unique inhaving twodistinct, spatially separated forms of the PDC; mitochondrial (mtPDC) and plastidial (plPDC). The mtPDCis the site of carbon entry into the tricarboxylic acid cycle, while the plPDCprovides acetyl-CoAandNADHfor de novofatty acid biosynthesis.
7p tumor12 20-04-2013 30 2 Download
Humanb2 -glycoprotein I (b2 GPI), also known as apolipo-protein H, has been implicated in haemostasis and the pro-duction ofanti-phospholipid antibodies. There is a wide range ofinterindividual variation in b2GPI plasma levels that is thought to be under genetic control, but itsmolecular basis remains unknown. To understand the genetic basis of b2GPI variation, we analyzed the 5¢ flanking region ofthe b2GPIgene for mutation detection by DHPLC and identi-fied a point mutation at the transcriptional initiation site ()1CfiA) with a carrier frequency of 12.1%. ...
9p tumor12 20-04-2013 36 3 Download
Ca 2+ and cAMP are ubiquitous second messengers in euk-aryotes and control numerous physiological responses ran-ging fromfertilization to cell death induction 1 . Todistinguish between these different responses, their subtle regulation in time, space and amplitude is needed. Therefore, the char-acterization of the signalling process requires measurement of secondmessengers with tools of precise localization, high dynamic range and as little disturbance of cell physiology as possible.
10p fptmusic 16-04-2013 41 4 Download
Members of the serine protease inhibitor (serpin) superfamily play import-ant roles in the inhibition of serine proteases involved in complex systems. This is evident in the regulation of coagulation serine proteases, especially the central enzyme in this system, thrombin. This review focuses on three serpins which are known to be key players in the regulation of thrombin: antithrombin and heparin cofactor II, which inhibit thrombin in its pro-coagulant role, and protein C inhibitor, which primarily inhibits the throm-bin⁄thrombomodulin complex, where thrombin plays an anticoagulant role. .
10p fptmusic 12-04-2013 39 3 Download
To test the role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase on the telomerase activity, we determined the telomerase activity in leukemic cells K562 treated with benzamide and 4-amino 1,8 naphthalimide (NAP), the inhibitors of PARP. We observed that both the agents inhibited telomerase activity in a dose-dependent manner. The doses of benzamide and NAP that inhibited telo-merase activity to 50% of untreated control cells were 10.7 ± 0.6 mmand 200 ± 7lm, respectively.
12p fptmusic 11-04-2013 47 2 Download
Research in diatom biology has entered the postgenomic era since the recent completion of the Thalassiosira pseudonanagenome project. How-ever, the molecular tools available for genetic manipulation of diatoms are still sparse, impeding the functional analysis of diatom genes in vivo. Here we describe the first method for inducible gene expression in transgenic diatoms.
11p fptmusic 11-04-2013 45 2 Download
Cys34 in domain I of the three-domain serum protein albumin is the bind-ing site for a wide variety of biologically and clinically important small molecules, provides antioxidant activity, and constitutes the largest portion of free thiol in blood. Analysis of X-ray structures of albumin reveals that the loop containing Tyr84 occurs in multiple conformations. In structures where the loop is well defined, there appears to be an H-bond between the OH of Tyr84 and the sulfur of Cys34.
10p awards 05-04-2013 36 3 Download
The classical metabolic control theory [Kacser, H. & Burns, J.A. (1973)Symp.Soc.Exp.Biol. 27, 65–104; Heinrich, R. & Rapoport, T. (1974)Eur. J. Biochem.42, 89–95.] does not take into account experimental evidence for correlations between enzyme concentrations in the cell. We investigated the implications of two causes of linear correlations: competition between enzymes, which is a mere physical adaptation of the cell to the limitation of resources and space, and regulatory correlations, which result from the existence of regulatory networks....
17p awards 05-04-2013 49 3 Download
Research on the regulation of transcription in mammals initially focused on the mechanism of transcriptional acti-vation andpositive control of gene regulation. In contrast, transcriptional repression and negative control of gene transcription was viewed rather as part of theprokaryotic book of biology. However, results obtained in recent years have shown convincingly that transcriptional repression mediated by repressor proteins is a common regulatory mechanism in mammals and may play a key role in many biological processes. ...
8p dell39 03-04-2013 38 3 Download
To facilitate the process of proteindesign and learn the basic rules that control the structure and stability of proteins, combinatorial methods have been developed to select or screen proteins with desired properties from libraries of mutants. One such method uses phage-display and proteo-lysis to select stably folded proteins. This method does not rely on specific properties of proteins for selection. There-fore, in principle it can be applied to any protein.
6p dell39 03-04-2013 31 4 Download
A gene encoding thermostable Lon protease fromBrevi-bacillus thermoruberWR-249 was cloned and characterized. TheBr. thermoruberLon gene (Bt-lon) encodes an 88 kDa protein characterized by an N-terminal domain, a central ATPase domain which includes an SSD (sensor- and sub-strate-discrimination) domain, and a C-terminal protease domain. The Bt-lon is a heat-inducible gene and may be controlled under a putativeBacillus subtilisr A -dependent promoter, but in theabsenceofCIRCE(controlling inverted repeat of chaperone expression)....
11p dell39 03-04-2013 38 4 Download
Aquaporins andaquaglyceroporinsmediate the transport of waterand solutesacrossbiologicalmembranes.Saccharo-myces cerevisiaeFps1 is an aquaglyceroporin that mediates controlled glycerol export during osmoregulation. The transport function of Fps1 is rapidly regulated by osmotic changes in an apparently unique way and distinct regions within the longN-andC-terminal extensions are needed for this regulation.
9p dell39 03-04-2013 64 3 Download
The heterologous expression of tryptophan trytophylquinone (TTQ)-dependent aromatic amine dehydrogenase (AADH) has been achieved in Paracoccus denitrificans. The aauBEDAgenes andorf-2from the aromatic amine utilization (aau) gene cluster of Alcaligenes faecaliswere placed under the regulatory control of themauFpromoter fromP. denitrificans and introduced intoP. denitrificansusing a broad-host-range vector.
16p dell39 27-03-2013 42 4 Download
Nitric oxide (NO • ) has been proposed to be a physiological modulator of cell proliferation, able to promote in most cases cell cycle arrest. In this review I explore the molecular basis of this mechanism of action. The mod-ulatory action of NO • on the intracellular concentration of cGMP and the machinery directly involved in the control of cell cycle progression, inclu-ding the expression and activity of diverse cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases,
16p inspiron33 26-03-2013 49 4 Download
Control analysis of the glycolytic flux was carried out in two fast-growth tumor cell types of human and rodent origin (HeLa and AS-30D, respect-ively). Determination of the maximal velocity (Vmax) of the 10 glycolytic enzymes from hexokinase to lactate dehydrogenase revealed that hexokin-ase (153–306 times) and phosphfructokinase-1 (PFK-1) (22–56 times) had higher over-expression in rat AS-30D hepatoma cells than in normal freshly isolated rat hepatocytes.
14p inspiron33 26-03-2013 48 5 Download
Cyclins form complexes with cyclin-dependent kinases. By controlling activity of the enzymes, cyclins regulate progression through the cell cycle. A- and B-type cyclins were discovered due to their distinct appearance in S and G2 phases and their rapid proteolytic destruction during mitosis. Transition from G2 to mitosis is basically controlled by B-type cyclins.
15p inspiron33 26-03-2013 48 4 Download
Genetic screens inDrosophilahave revealed that the serine⁄threonine kinase Hippo (Hpo) and the scaffold protein Salvador participate in a pathway that controls cell proliferation and apoptosis. Hpo most closely resembles the pro-apoptotic mammalian sterile20 kinases 1 and 2 (Mst1 and 2), and Salvador (Sav) has a human orthologue hSav (also called hWW45).
13p inspiron33 25-03-2013 31 2 Download