The marketing plan
Differences between manufacturing and services play important implications For LDCs and the DCs For measuring and studying services
79p batman_1 10-01-2013 50 5 Download
Be aware of Marketing , Service Marketing & Tourism Marketing concepts Identify the similarity and the differences between Service Marketing & Tourism Marketing List characteristics of Services and Marketing - Mix Components Classify the differences between marketing and sales.
129p minhsilver133 04-05-2013 121 35 Download
Lectures "Marketing management - Chapter 2: Developing marketing strategies and plans" provides students with the knowledge: Marketing and customer value, corporate and division strategic planning, business unit strategic planning, a marketing plan. Invite you to refer to the disclosures.
40p doinhugiobay_13 26-01-2016 84 5 Download
Lecture "Designing business plan - Unit 3: industry and market analysis" presentation of content: Industry size, growth rate and sales projections, competition among existing firms, market analysis.
31p tramnamcodon_01 28-03-2016 84 10 Download
Lecture "Marketing management - Chapter 2: The marketing plan" presentation of content: Marketing planning - format, executive summary, tools for situation analysis, marketing strategies, marketing implementing,.... And other contents.
45p bautroibinhyen11 03-01-2017 66 5 Download
Bài giảng Kế hoạch kinh doanh: Chương 3 trình bày về "Kế hoạch marketing". Nội dung cụ thể của chương này gồm có: Phân tích thị trường, khách hàng, phân tích cạnh tranh, lựa chọn chiến lược marketing, nguồn lực và triển khai kế hoạch marketing. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!
25p sangbanmai_0906 15-01-2018 140 23 Download
Lesson "Planning and Creating A Value Proposition The Offer" with content that helps readers know how to analyze the market, define goals and give a timeframe for implementation. Develop strategies with optimal solutions to bring profits and revenue to the business. Hope the document will help you in your work and life.
29p mrh155 26-09-2022 27 6 Download
Meeting the urgent needs of the market: the price of imported pork is cheaper than domestic pork, people can buy without concerning about the price. Imported pork price is lower than domestic price to help enterprises compete on price better.
14p lethu1908 30-03-2021 38 7 Download
According to the ASEAN Consumer Survey conducted by HKTDC Research, ASEAN consumers, including those in Thailand, are willing to spend more on better quality products and have a strong sense of personal style. For international brands, Thailand is a key market among the developing Asian countries, not only because of its growing demand from the emerging middle-income class, but also the country’s flourishing tourism sector. Also, Thailand is a South East Asian country with close proximity to Vietnam.
42p chophen123 02-02-2021 59 10 Download
The primary objective of this study is to examine the role of supply chain marketing planning capabilities and supply chain marketing implementation capabilities to boost tourism industry performance.
12p tocectocec 24-05-2020 26 3 Download
Direct and oversee an organization's sales policies, objectives and initiatives. Set short- and long-term sales strategies and evaluate effectiveness of current sales programs. Recommend product or service enhancements to improve customer satisfaction and sales potential. Familiar with a variety of the field's concepts, practices and procedures. Rely on extensive experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Lead and direct the work of others. A wide degree of creativity and latitude is expected. Typically reports to top management.
3p lanjingyi 18-03-2020 61 4 Download
In conjunction with the managing director, the business development officer is responsible for developing marketing and business plans for the achievement of revenue goals for a company. His/she job description also entails participating in media communication activities for the company; these activities include marketing press releases, websites, and advertisements. The position of the business development officer is a result oriented role. He/she is responsible for understanding the trends in his/her company’s field of specialty; knowing the people that matter in such fields.
3p lanjingyi 18-03-2020 50 3 Download
The main objective of the study is to examine the relationships among factors affecting the results of material misstatement risk assessment in financial statement of listed enterprises on the stock market of Vietnam in all three stages: planning, performing and reporting audit.
0p quenchua 28-09-2019 58 3 Download
The following sections outline and analyze the key differences between financial advisors and Robo-Advisors. First with a comparison of fees, the different advisors are compared, contrasted, and the implications of different fee structures analyzed. Second with comparisons of performance and an overview of the different financial instruments and strategies used by advisors. Third is an overview of the customization ability for both human and Robo-Advisors. Ending with a conclusion outlining the key points made throughout the thesis.
20p fugu897 03-07-2019 17 1 Download
This thesis supports the concept of manufacturing duck and other recreational boats where people live and will allow for customizing and providing an opportunity for hunters and others seeking recreational boats to experience firsthand how boats are made and the specific interest of the soon-to-be new boat owner.
24p fugu897 03-07-2019 34 3 Download
The main content of this document is niche market and competitive priorities, designing of Viettea, process to produce Viettea, location for the manufacturing and roduction plan and MRP.
17p trandatvn97 08-09-2018 59 4 Download
In this chapter you will learn: Understand why physical distribution (logistics) is such an important part of place and strategic market planning, understand why the physical distribution customer service level is a marketing strategy variable. understand the physical distribution concept and why it requires coordination of storing,...
6p allbymyself_06 26-01-2016 80 5 Download
In this chapter you will understand the importance and nature of personal selling. Know the three basic sales tasks and what the various kinds of salespeople are expected to do. Know what the sales manager must do including selecting, training, and organizing salespeople to carry out the personal selling job. Understand how the right compensation plan can help motivate and control salespeople.
9p allbymyself_06 26-01-2016 59 5 Download
When you finish this chapter, you should: Know the advantages and disadvantages of the promotion methods a marketing manager can use in strategic planning, know how the communication process affects promotion planning, understand how direct-response promotion is helping marketers develop more targeted promotion blends,...
11p allbymyself_06 26-01-2016 87 4 Download
When you finish this chapter, you will: Understand how most wholesalers and retailers set their prices using markups, understand why turnover is so important in pricing, understand the advantages and disadvantages of average-cost pricing, know how to use break-even analysis to evaluate possible prices, know the many ways that price setters use demand estimates in their pricing.
10p allbymyself_06 26-01-2016 45 4 Download