The programming language
Graduation thesis "A study on the application of Shadowing techniques to improve pronunciation competence of freshmen at Hai Phong University of Management and Technology" is conducted with the hope to: the first-year students study in the right direction and effectively in the beginner program, spend time studying and practicing every day, improving their pronunciation quickly. Foreign language learners have a new perspective on foreign language learning through masking.
58p daonhiennhien 03-07-2024 13 4 Download
Lecture Java Programming Language: Variables and Constants provide knowledge about declaring variables, using variables, primitive data types, abstract data types, java packages, obtaining a value from the user, type casting, formatting numeric ouput, assignment operators, using named constants.
15p lavender2022 22-04-2022 39 2 Download
Lecture Java programming language: Conditional Control Structures introduces content such as the if Statement , the if-else statement, nested statements, the if-else if statement, the switch statement, generating random number, compound boolean expressions, the math class.
11p lavender2022 22-04-2022 50 2 Download
Loop Structures and Strings has main content such as the while statement, the do-while statemen, infinite loops , the for statement, debugging techniques, the string class, the string class, comparing strings.
10p lavender2022 22-04-2022 28 2 Download
Methods has main content such as program development using methods, program development using methods, writing methods, method parameters, method overloading, the return statement, documenting methods.
10p lavender2022 22-04-2022 22 2 Download
Lecture Java programming language: Classes and Object-Oriented Development mentions about what is an object?, designing and writing a class, writing constructors, instance and class members, the object class, classes using classes, object-oriented development.
10p lavender2022 22-04-2022 26 2 Download
Lecture Java Programming Language: Files and Exception Handling has main content such as what is a file, handling exception, the filereader and bufferedreader classes, he filewriter and bufferedwriter classes, object serialization,…
12p lavender2022 22-04-2022 24 2 Download
Lecture Java Programming Language: Recursion and Advanced Algorithms provide knowledge about selection sort, sorting objects, insertion sort, recursion, mergesort, depth-first searching.
10p lavender2022 22-04-2022 22 2 Download
Lecture Java Programming Language: The content of data structures mentions about the stack data structure, the queue data structure and the linked list data structure. Download to see more, please!
12p lavender2022 22-04-2022 23 2 Download
The study aimed to investigate the EMI program, especially related to the learners. It identified strategies that Vietnamese students used in order to deal with challenges they faced. Based on these findings, recommendations to promote learners‟ proficiency and improve the implementation of EMI policies are made.
59p closefriend09 16-11-2021 29 4 Download
The research objective: To study the methods used to modeling constraints and improve constraint solving capability. To apply symbolic execution technique in automatic test case generating. To implement proposed methods in automatic test case generating on string constraints and mixed constraints. To analyze and evaluate the obtained results.
27p extraenglish 24-05-2021 18 5 Download
This thesis aims to research on overview of automatic test case generating, symbolic execution applied into automatic test case generating. The modeling techniques based on Automata and Bitvector are also studied in this thesis. Apart from that, the analysis and evaluation of available test case generating methods on different constraint are mentioned. The quality and effectiveness of test cases generated by using symbolic execution are assessed.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 40 4 Download
The study aims at evaluating the textbook Tiếng Anh 6 (10-year program) to explore if it really meets the defined aims of the course and if it is appropriate to the students’ level of English and their background knowledge. I also hope that the findings of the thesis will partly help to decide whether to modify any contents or the structure of the book to improve the quality and the effectiveness of the material.
116p minhxaminhyeu1 06-05-2019 59 11 Download
Contents: Introduction to Assembly, Instruction Cycle, Addressing Modes
15p tungxxx 14-03-2017 56 1 Download
A practical agent programming language discusses the need for an eective and practical bdi based agent oriented programming language. It proposes an alternative by presenting the syn tax and semantics of a programming language, called 2apl (a practical agent programming language). This programming language facilitates the implementation of multi agent systems consisting of individual cognitive agents.
17p namdmcist 24-05-2015 45 5 Download
.Course Description • Provide students general and detail knowledge about how to build a CMOS chip • Learn and practice the Verilog (or VHDL) language for hardware programming
10p vanmanh1008 07-06-2013 143 11 Download
Exception handling is the process of responding to the occurrence, during computation, of exceptions – anomalous or exceptional events requiring special processing – often changing the normal flow of program execution. It is provided by specialized programming language constructs or computer hardware mechanisms.
1p sakuraphuong 05-06-2013 81 3 Download
Developed by Sun Microsystems (James Gosling) A general-purpose object-oriented language Based on C/C++ Designed for easy Web/Internet applications Widespread acceptance Simple fixes some clumsy features of C++ no pointers automatic garbage collection rich pre-defined class library Object oriented focus on the data (objects) and methods manipulating the data all functions are associated with objects almost all data types are objects (files, strings, etc.) potentially better code organization and reuse...
14p huanltgc00061 05-05-2013 72 3 Download
I have noticed over the years that students have great deal of difficulty dealing with composite and abstract data types. Therefore we are going spend an extra lab review material we have already learned. Vector data type, a variation of array, will be introduced as well. Vector data type (Vector Class) can be used when you need an array that grows dynamically. However, C++ does not allow us to declare size of an array dynamically like some other languages. It is important for you to declare the maximum size you will need. Suppose you are writing a program to keep...
7p linhtk93 15-04-2013 59 2 Download
When instructions within a program are executed one after the other sequentially that program is said to have a linear structure. Decision making after examining all available options is very important in life as well as in programming. For example, it is the law that all males 18 or older should register with the selective service. If you are writing a program to send out reminders to enforce this law, the decision to send the letter should be based on if a person is male and if he is 18 or older. In this chapter you will learn how to...
8p linhtk93 15-04-2013 84 3 Download