The reading pane
The Reading Pane Microsoft replaced the Preview pane with what it calls the Reading Pane. By default, the Reading Pane is on the right side of the window
2p chutieuchuathieulam 23-07-2010 66 4 Download
Use the following switches to control how you start Outlook, including switches that enable you to disable the Navigation Pane or reading pane.
2p chutieuchuathieulam 23-07-2010 88 3 Download
[ Team LiB ] The Reading Pane Microsoft replaced the Preview pane with what it calls the Reading Pane. By default, the Reading Pane is on the right side of the window, although you can move it to the bottom of the window or turn it off completely. When the Reading Pane is on the right, more of the message is visible, which means less scrolling is required and your efficiency is improved when reading large volumes of email. You can change the position of the Reading Pane using the Other Settings dialog, or by right-clicking in the gray border...
2p chutieuchuathieulam 23-07-2010 105 7 Download
[ Team LiB ] Controlling How Outlook Opens Use the following switches to control how you start Outlook, including switches that enable you to disable the Navigation Pane or reading pane. You can also use switches to select a specific profile when Outlook loads, disable Outlook's capability to check whether it's the default mail client, and disable an automatic mail check. Additional startup switches are discussed in the "Diagnostic Switches" section, including /Safe switches and switches used to clean special items, such as reminders or rules. ...
2p chutieuchuathieulam 23-07-2010 103 8 Download