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Time and interest

Xem 1-17 trên 17 kết quả Time and interest
  • Inputs: interesting topic, ideas and questions to respond to, teacher’s and students’ enthusiasm, personal experiences, listenings, readings, short video clips, memories etc. Skills: ability to pronounce clearly, ability to organise and develop ideas in real time, being able to produce chunks (phrases), being able to ask for clarification, being able to check understanding ...

    ppt78p tailieuchinhanh 18-01-2011 386 154   Download

  • Accountability. Clarifying governance roles & responsibilities, and supporting voluntary efforts to ensure the alignment of managerial and shareholder interests and monitoring by the board of directors capable of objectivity and sound judgment.Transparency. Requiring timely disclosure of adequate information concerning corporate financial performance

    pdf30p vnquanly 01-10-2013 35 4   Download

  • The modelling of traffic flow using methods and models from physics has a long history. In recent years especially cellular automata models have allowed for large-scale simulations of large traffic networks faster than real time. On the other hand, these systems are interesting for physicists since they allow to observe genuine nonequilibrium effects. Here the current status of cellular automata models for traffic flow is reviewed with special emphasis on nonequilibrium effects (e.g. phase transitions) induced by on- and off-ramps.

    pdf23p nguyenhaisu 07-08-2015 65 4   Download

  • This examination explores the effect of foreign direct investment on the supply chain management and balance of payment in Iraq market. The study is conducted in Iraqi circumstances focusing on the time period of 2005-2017 by considering the supply chain management. Johansen-Juselius co integration technique has been employed to measure the association among variables of interest which is FDI, CAB and GDP. In this context of particular importance are management concepts such as supply chain and chain quality management concepts.

    pdf6p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 14 2   Download

  • Karl Lagerfeld's significance, contributions and original fashion designs are generated by several interrelated factors: perceptive use of historical antecedents, artistic background, love of art and design and the influence of artists and selected fashion designers. These factors had profound effects which provided a personal conceptual base for his own label, the House of Chanel, Chloe and the Fendi sisters. His various designs for these disparate labels reflect the complexity of Lagerfeld's character and display the adaptability of his individualistic talents.

    pdf196p runthenight07 01-03-2023 10 3   Download

  • This research investigates the relationship between microeconomic, macroeconomic variables and number of cars sold in US. The main objective is to determine the factors that affecting the number of car sold in US. This research covers the time period from 1975 to 1990. The analysis methods that have been applied in this study include descriptive statistics, linear regression and correlation analysis.

    doc36p daothikimlinh 25-02-2021 37 9   Download

  • Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) are common genetic changes in the human genome. In recent time, many scientists have shown their interests in studies on SNPs’ roles in the pathological risk especially in cancer and metabolic diseases.

    pdf27p tamynhan0 15-06-2020 22 1   Download

  • Bài giảng "Kinh tế xây dựng - Chương 2: Thời gian và lãi suất" cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Hệ số F-P và P-F, hệ số P-A và A-P, hệ số F-A & A-F, nội suy. Đây là một tài liệu hữu ích dành cho các bạn sinh viên ngành Kinh tế và những ai quan tâm dùng làm tài liệu học tập và nghiên cứu.

    pdf9p abcxyz123_07 04-04-2020 59 8   Download

  • Phần tiếp theo bài giảng "Kinh tế xây dựng - Chương 2: Thời gian và lãi suất" cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Hệ số P-G, F-G và A-G, Gradient hình học, tính lãi suất, tính thời đoạn, bảng tính. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

    pdf13p abcxyz123_07 04-04-2020 50 8   Download

  • In the past, we presented tutorials called “Introduction to Statistical Machine Translation”, aimed at people who know little or nothing about the field and want to get acquainted with the basic concepts. This tutorial, by contrast, goes more deeply into selected topics of intense current interest. We aim at two types of participants: 1. People who understand the basic idea of statistical machine translation and want to get a survey of hot-topic current research, in terms that they can understand. 2.

    pdf1p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 64 3   Download

  • Sinh tại Hải Phòng Tốt nghiệp trường đại học Mỹ thuật công nghiệp Hà Nội năm 1979 Họa sĩ hiện đang định cư tại Waianae, Hawaii, Hoa Kỳ Vietnamese born Quy “Tim” Nguyen was always interested in art as a child. He began his career as an interior designer yet ever since he can remember, painting has been his favorite form of self expression. After a visit to the Hawaiian Islands, Tim was so inspired he decided to move his family here. Painting is now his full-time passion and the art he creates reflects life in Hawaii through his Eastern eyes....

    pdf9p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 78 4   Download

  • Adobe Photoshop is a very powerful and versatile image editing/graphics creation application that is the industry standard in its category. Though Photoshop’s interface is intuitive enough for an absolute beginner to learn basic image editing tasks such as cropping and resizing, to be able to fully master and utilize all of its tools takes a considerable amount of time. If you’re interested in honing your Photoshop skills to create spectacular compositions, this is for you.

    pdf19p bongbong_hong 11-12-2012 67 10   Download

  • I. Listen carefully twice and write the missing words. (1.5) My name is Kien and fishing is my (1)............................................. sport. I often fish for hours without catching (2) ............................................... But this doesn’t worry me. After spending the (3)................................................ morning on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. My (4).................................................. say: “You should give up fishing. It’s a waste of time”. But they don’t (5) .............................................

    doc5p oanh1062 27-11-2012 125 26   Download

  • EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing 2003:7, 713–729 c 2003 Hindawi Publishing Corporation Joint Time-Frequency-Space Classification of EEG in a Brain-Computer Interface Application Gary N. Garcia Molina School of Engineering, Signal Processing Institute, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Email: Touradj Ebrahimi School of Engineering, Signal Processing Institute, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Email: touradj.ebrahimi@epfl.

    pdf17p sting12 10-03-2012 57 5   Download

  • ON MONOTONICITY OF SOLUTIONS OF DISCRETE-TIME NONNEGATIVE AND COMPARTMENTAL DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS VIJAYSEKHAR CHELLABOINA, WASSIM M. HADDAD, JAMES M. BAILEY, AND JAYANTHY RAMAKRISHNAN Received 27 October 2003 Nonnegative and compartmental dynamical system models are widespread in biological, physiological, and pharmacological sciences. Since the state variables of these systems are typically masses or concentrations of a physical process, it is of interest to determine necessary and sufficient conditions under which the system states possess monotonic solutions.

    pdf11p sting12 10-03-2012 52 4   Download

  • Let G be a graph with vertex set V (G) = {1, . . . , n} and edge set E(G). We are interested in studying the functions of the graph G whose values belong to the interval [ (G), (G)]. Here (G) is the size of the largest stable set in G and (G) is the smallest number of cliques that cover the vertices of G. It is well known (see, for example, [1]) that for some  0 it is impossible to approximate in polynomial time (G) and (G) within a factor of n, assuming P 6= NP. We suppose that better approximation could...

    pdf5p thulanh5 12-09-2011 72 4   Download

  • Michael Faraday, an English experimental physicist, was the son of a poor blacksmith. After very little schooling he was apprenticed to a bookbinder. The boy worked hard all day and studied at night. One day a man on entering the shop found a boy at work binding an encyclopedia, and at the same time studying hard at the article on electric in it. The man was surprised to see the boy so interested in a very difficult subject and questioned him.

    doc6p langtudatinh20888 04-01-2010 869 116   Download



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