vocabulary basic english
Objectives: In pointing out this topic, we focus on surveying some language - cultural characteristics of Nghe Tinh agriculture vovabulary on basic aspects (structure, semantics - identification, culture) for vocabulary classes have been surveyed in agreement with certain criterias. The specific vocabulary classes are: class of tools, instruments, varieties or breeds, farmlands; class of agricultural processes and activities; class of products and finished products; class of environment, seasonal.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 8 3 Download
This article aims to introduce some methods to improve basic IT skills for the student of FLF along with the Technical English vocabulary for FLF studens, base on knowledge from the IT community along with personal experience. By the way of analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of Faculty Language Foreign students at present My research will outlined some general informations which are shortcomings of the IT skills for FLF student. Moreover this research will highlight the importance of Technical English knowledge.
49p dat2812 27-07-2017 68 8 Download
Classroom management: main issues Becoming a good classroom manager Developing a positive classroom atmosphere (including rules and disciplines) Organizing pair and group work Giving feedback (including reward system) 1 .2 .Kinds
19p nhatro75 23-07-2012 162 21 Download
Choose the word which is nearest in the meaning to the word in italics The stem is replaced by the picture. The stem consists of a definition. The stem consists of a lexical item (choose the best synonym or definition) The stem consists of a sentence. (Vocabulary tested in context as the context giving specific meaning and relevance to a word a situation should be as linguistically valid as possible
13p namson94 20-07-2012 131 21 Download
Back in New York City by 1910, Laurent began carving pieces such as The Priestess, which reveals his fascination with African, pre-Columbian, and South Pacific art. Taking a walnut plank, the sculptor carved the expressive, stylized design. It is one of the earliest examples of direct carving in American sculpture. The plank's form dictated the rigidly frontal view and the low relief. Even its irregular shape must have appealed to Laurent as a break with a long-standing tradition that required a sculptor to work within a perfect...
14p contentnew 20-04-2012 207 109 Download