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A study on human resource services towards an organization in India

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This article deals with the duties and responsibilities of the HR department a particular company by conducting a survey and the role played by it in the progressive development of the company by conducting effective recruitment processes and hiring eligible candidates i.e Right Person for the Right job

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  1. International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2020, pp. 277-285, Article ID: IJM_11_05_027 Available online at Journal Impact Factor (2020): 10.1471 (Calculated by GISI) ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 DOI: 10.34218/IJM.11.5.2020.027 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed A STUDY ON HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES TOWARDS AN ORGANIZATION IN INDIA N.F. James Bernard Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, BIHER - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India Dr. A. Ravikumar Associate Professor, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, BIHER - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India ABSTRACT Interview is the linking gateway permitting an employee to come in contact with the company. This interview process must be conducted in a transparent way and also in a fair conduct so that the candidates must have a positive approach towards the company which will make them 100% loyal to the company after they get into it as employees or trainers. This whole responsibility lies with the Human Resources department as the interview process will be solely conducted by them with the help of some technical experts. This article deals with the duties and responsibilities of the HR department a particular company by conducting a survey and the role played by it in the progressive development of the company by conducting effective recruitment processes and hiring eligible candidates i.e Right Person for the Right job. This article also gives various literary reviews on various effective methods of Recruitment processes and educating the candidates. Key words: Human Resource Services, Organization, Organization in India, HR department, employees, trainers Cite this Article: N.F. James Bernard and Dr. A. Ravikumar, A Study on Human Resource Services towards an Organization in India. International Journal of Management, 11 (5), 2020, pp. 277-285. 1. INTRODUCTION Successful human resources should identify Human Resource needs in the organization. Recruitment is the discovering of potential candidates for actual or Anticipated Organizational vacancies. It is a linking activity bringing together those who are working and those seeking job. The ideal recruitment effort will attract a large number of qualified applicants who will take the job if it is offered. It should also provide information so that unqualified applicants can self-select themselves out of job candidacy; this is, a good Recruiting Program should 277
  2. N.F. James Bernard and Dr. A. Ravikumar attract the qualified and not attract the unqualified. This dual objective will minimize the cost of processing unqualified candidates. 1.1. Preference of the Employers Employees quit their job for many reasons. Those reasons are tough to address by the employer and it maybe a voluntary or forceful exit. That is the reason why replacement is happening in the organization. The organization is commercial development on all or a particular portion installation, construction, acquisition of the project expansion. It helps to develop the employment for the educated candidates. And this new hiring is mainly to prefer to the fresher’s with a required knowledgeable candidate. It helps to achieve the organization goals for the long term. It also might be voluntary or involuntary associate exit with the organization. This is the most and important reason for the replacement process. 1.2. Rectification by the Employers Such transfers are resorted to when there is a need of manpower in one department and surplus manpower in other department. These kinds of transfers are needed to meet the organization requirement. It prevents the layoffs form the organization. The surplus associates in one department might be observed in other place where there is a requirement. And also it’s good to cover the exiting staff rather than to hire the new one. This transfer refers to rectification of wrong selection or placement of associates. If the associate can adjust himself in the given job he can be transfer to the job where he can use his skills and knowledge accordingly. Such transfers are made to increase versatility of the associate from one job to another and one department to one department. Job rotation is to skilled the associate. Each associate should provide a varied and broader job experiences by moving from one department to another. This transfer is preparing the associates for promotion. This kind of an opportunity will definitely help to have job enrichment. 2. STAGES OF INTERVIEW PROCESS 2.1. Identification of the Vacancy The first stage of recruitment is should be identify the vacancy. A request for the vacancy to be filled can be made as a result of where the replacement is required or creation of a new role. Before recruit new associates and additional staffs, or replacement. Analysis should take the place to ensure that the vacancy is genuine. Should review whether the role could be offered on a more flexible working pattern such as (part time, vendors, stipend general trainee or fixed term). The vacancy must be sought at the relevant level for identifying vacancy. 2.2. Advertisement of the Vacancy Job description is the chance to connect with the potential candidates. Make your job description specific. Uniqueness of the title will help to attract the more qualified candidates. The job description summarizes essential role and responsibilities, activities, qualification and required skills for the role. And make sure the list of responsibility detailed but concise. And also emphasize duties that may unique to the organization. The main goal of the advertising job vacancy is to inform the potential candidates about opening and attract them to apply. In Intellect design arena mostly advertising through job portal (Naukri and linked in) and next to job portal we use social media channel such as (facebook, Whatsapp group) and summarize should be starts with important or attractive quotes or profile or image. It helps to attract the qualified candidates. 278
  3. A Study on Human Resource Services towards an Organization in India 2.3. Screening of the Candidates Once we complete the advertising process interested candidates will send their profiles to the portal. After that should determine, whether a candidate is qualified for the role based on his or her education, experience, personal skills and other information captured on their resumes. After, we complete the screening process the organization will schedule for the interview through phone call or an e-mail. The phone interview is often used to narrow the pool of candidates who will be invited for in person interview. It should be clearly mention about the date, time, and the location of the company. Let the candidate know how the organization works. It helps to attract the right candidates. Group Discussion: In this method more than 8 people sit together and discuss about the particular topic in a positive and negative points view with their teammates which is given by the recruiter or taken by the students. The panel will see as follows: Technical Round: Level 1 and 2 specially conduct to see their subject knowledge and technical skills. The technical test is an important parts of the programmers how they handle the pressure for the critical question. HR Round: HR Round generally the last round in recruitment process at any company. Every organization do HR Interview to judge our personality, strengths and weakness, your capability to handle the roles your behavior and check whether you are fit to this job. It depends on which role we are choosing to work especially. We should be very careful with what role you are choosing. Most of the HR questions depend on the role. Salary Fixation: The cost to the company also depends on the associate experience. Intellect has separate budget policy for the fresher’s and experience candidates. Intellect has 12 different units. Each unit has budget limit. And also the budget based on experience, current cost to the company, field (technical field, critical field, non-technical field) 3. INDUSTRY PROFILE Intellect design arena ltd a Polaris group of company – was founded in the year 2014 by Arun Jain. Intellect design arena global leader in financial technology for banking, insurance and other financial services. A uniquely focused products business, intellect addresses the needs of financial institutions in varying stages of technology adopting intellect is positioned at the fore front of the transformation that global banks are looking for in a connected world. All the company’s products are built on the digital platform that makes them scalable, extendable, secure and able to facilitate digital transformation of banking operation and consumer experience. Intellect’s robust digital platform enables products across four distinct line of business Information technology (IT) industry in India has played a key role in putting India on the global map. IT industry in India has been one of the most significant growth contributors for the Indian economy. The industry has played a significant role in transforming India’s image from a slow moving bureaucratic economy to a land of innovative entrepreneurs and a global player in providing world class technology solutions and business services. The industry has helped India to transform from a rural and agriculture- based economy to a knowledge based economy. Information technology has made possible information access at gigabit speeds. It has made tremendous impact on the lives of millions of people who are poor, marginalized and living in rural and far flung topographies. Internet has made revolutionary changes with possibilities of e- government measures like e- health, education, e- agriculture, etc.. Today whether it is filling income tax returns or applying for passports online or railway e- ticketing, it just need few clicks of the mouse. India’s IT potential is on a steady march 279
  4. N.F. James Bernard and Dr. A. Ravikumar towards global competitiveness and improving defense capabilities and meeting up energy and environmental challenge amongst others. 4. OBJECTIVES  To know the recruitment and selection process in Intellect design arena  To know recruitment method that helps intellect to enhance the brand image  To understand various sources of the recruitment and selection process  To identify on the difficulties faced in the recruitment process  To find out the various mechanism which helps in selecting the candidates 5. REVIEWS OF LITERATURES Rajasekar David, Pratyush Banerjee (2017) Results show that the stakeholders of RPO are not satisfied with issues such as violation of initial contact and contracts by the vendor, unfair practices and service by the vendor, misunderstanding of the client’s culture, improper usage of human resources and loss of morale and managerial control within the employees. Scholoris.D Lockyer. C and Johnson. H (2009) – Recruitment experiences are a part of a process of pre‐entry organizational socialization, also known as anticipatory socialization. Graduates are exposed to the society during their training. Employees are made to realize carrier expectations and also the psychological contract between them and the employers Stewart. J and Knowles.V (2000) Reports the results of SME’s in determining the skill of the employee. It describes in detail the research methods, interviews with large organizations, alongside existing research, SME’s characteristics for a particular sector. It is concluded that SME’S value can be transferable and differ with the emphasis of large organizations Christopher O.L.H Porter(2015) Employers have always been ignoring salary negotiations to attract the new employees. Here we vary the salary levels and negotiations between the employer and employee, deadlines to sign the bonus are noted. MBA students must know to maintain the hiring methodology of the company as well as convincing the employees. 6. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Descriptive type of research has been used in the study; The total number of human resource managers in the organization is 60 indefinite. A sample of 35 respondents was taken into consideration for my study and required data will be collected. 6.1. Primary Data In this study questionnaire has been used to collect primary data. the questionnaire is close ended with likert scale from 1 to 5 with loading starting from strongly agree to strongly disagree. 6.2. Secondary Data The secondary data are those which have already collected by someone else. in this study secondary data are collected past record and websites. 280
  5. A Study on Human Resource Services towards an Organization in India 7. DATA ANALYSIS 7.1. Gender of the Respondents Table 1 Gender of the Respondents Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Male 22 64.7 64.7 64.7 Valid Female 12 35.3 35.3 100.0 Total 34 100.0 100.0 Inference From the table we can observe that 64.7% of the respondents are female and 35.3% of the respondents Age Table 2 Age of the Respondents Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent 18-25 18 52.9 52.9 52.9 26-35 8 23.5 23.5 76.5 Valid 36-45 8 23.5 23.5 100.0 Total 34 100.0 100.0 Inference From the table we can observe that ,52.9% of the respondents are below 18-25 years, 23.5% of the respondents are 26-35years ,20.3% of the respondents are 36-45 year 7.2. Chi- Square Test Table 3 Case Processing Summary Cases Valid Missing Total N Percent N Percent N Percent Effective source * skilled 34 100.0% 0 0.0% 34 100.0% source Table 4 Effective Source * Skilled Source Cross Tabulation Count Skilled source Total 0-2 3-5 6-10 Linkedin 7 4 4 15 Effective source Naukri 8 4 2 14 monster 5 0 0 5 Total 20 8 6 34 281
  6. N.F. James Bernard and Dr. A. Ravikumar 7.3. Chi-Square Tests Table 5 Pearson Chi-Square Value Df asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 4.879a 4 .300 Likelihood Ratio 6.613 4 .158 Linear-by-Linear Association 3.578 1 .059 N of Valid Cases 34 a. 7 cells (77.8%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .88. Table 6 Nominal by Nominal Value Approx. Sig. Nominal by Nominal Contingency Coefficient .354 .300 N of Valid Cases 34 Interpretation Calculated value 4.879. Which means 4.879 and it not significant at the level of non- significance 0.000 at degree of freedom 8 in spss significant value is more than 0.05. reject alternative hypothesis and accepted null hypothesis. In this above obtained result the significant value is more than 0.05, so alternative hypothesis rejected. Hence there is a non- significant association between effective and skilled source to find best talents of respondent’s opinion Table 7 Case Processing Summary Cases Valid Missing Total N Percent N Percent N Percent Recruitment process * best 34 100.0% 0 0.0% 34 100.0% recruitment practice Table 8 Recruitment Process * best recruitment practice Cross tabulation Best recruitment practice Total internal external Both strongly agree 9 2 4 15 Agree 6 6 1 13 Recruitmentprocess Neutral 2 2 0 4 Disagree 1 0 0 1 strongly disagree 1 0 0 1 Total 19 10 5 34 7.4. Chi-Square Tests Table 9 Pearson Chi-Square Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 7.486a 8 .485 Likelihood Ratio 8.698 8 .368 Linear-by-Linear Association 1.169 1 .280 N of Valid Cases 34 a. 13 cells (86.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .15. 282
  7. A Study on Human Resource Services towards an Organization in India Table 10 Nominal by Nominal Value Approx. Sig. Phi .469 .485 Nominal by Nominal Cramer's V .332 .485 N of Valid Cases 34 Interpretation Calculated value is 7.486 and it not significant at the level of non-significance 0.000 at degree of freedom 8. In spss significant value is more than 0.05. Reject alternative hypothesis and accepted null hypothesis. In this above obtained result the significant value is more than 0.05, so alternative hypothesis rejected. Hence there is a non-significant association between effective and skilled source to find best talents of respondent’s opinion 8. FINDINGS  Male 64.7% and female 35.3% respondents for the gender  Most of the respondents (52.9%) are 18-25 age  Almost all of the respondents (44.1) rated for strongly agree for recruitment process of the organization  Most of the respondents (50.0%) are 0-5 years of experience  Few of the respondents (2.9%) rated for the strongly disagree for job vacancy advertisement affect the organization  Most of the respondents (47.1%) rated strongly agree for centralized interview panel helps to find good talents  Most all of the respondents (55.9%) rated internal for best recruitment practice to find top talents  Most of the respondents (50.0%) are rated 3-5 for average sourcing experience trend in the market  Few of the respondents (8.3%) are rated above 50% for how much the organization depends on external sources for selecting candidates  Most of the respondents (52.9%) rated inside the city for best practice to find candidates 9. SUGGESSIONS  Recruit efficient manpower in HRD to reduce the work pressure  Make a competitive salary structure.  Provide some motivational or recreation activities.  Online recruitment system is not upgraded. It should be upgraded.  More focuses to retain existing employee than to recruit new staff.  HR recruitment and selection policy should be designed to attract more efficient workers for the organization for improvements 10. NEED OF THE STUDY  To understand the dynamic of the recruitment team in intellect design arena  to know recruitment method that helps intellect to enhance the brand image  getting suggestion to improve CX rating on glass door 283
  8. N.F. James Bernard and Dr. A. Ravikumar  to suggesting an optional to develop the advertising system and pin-point to transplant to the people  understanding the recruitment strategy which is followed by intellect understanding the Recruitment policy for different categories of employees 11. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY  Employees are not allowed to provide sensitive and depth information.  The main constraint of the study was insufficient access to information which has significantly disturbed the scope of the analysis that is required for the study.  As the employees were busy with their own duty, they could give me little time for consultation.  Time restriction is another important for limitation of study.  Published information is not up to date 12. CONCLUSION The main thing that I want to conclude with the help of analysis, feedback generated through questionnaire I found that the company is following an effective Recruitment and Selection process to maximum extent. As per my study, out of the various methods of sourcing candidates, the best one is– getting references via references and networking. In the process, I came across various experiences where the role of an HR and the relevant traits he finds in the candidates were displayed. Company should focus on long term consistent performance rather than short term. The emphasis towards training and enhancing skills of recruiters needs to be more and also consistent. Even though an HR manager has many challenges to face in order to ensure that the human resource department contributes to the bottom-line and emerges as a strategic partner in the business, it is “Talent acquisition”, that is the key determining factor in how well the Human resource Department contributes towards the achievement of the overall objective of the organization and therefore is a daunting task for any HR manager. REFERENCES [1] Ahmad,s and Schroeder. (2002), "The importance of recruitment and selection process for sustainability of total quality management", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 19 No. 5, pp. 540-550. [2] David. R and Banerjee. P (2017), "Risks perceived regarding recruitment process outsourcing: stakeholder concerns", Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, Vol. 10 No. 1, pp. 112-136. [3] Eevans. R (1991), "Surviving the skills shortage: Equal opportunities in Recruitment and Selection", Library Management, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 4-14. [4] Gammie. E and Cargill. E and Gammie. B (2004), "Selection techniques within the accountancy profession in Scotland ", Journal of Applied Accounting Research, Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. 1-51. [5] Girard. A Fallery. B and Rodhain. F (2014), "Integration of Social Media in Recruitment: A Delphi Study", Social Media in Human Resources Management (Advanced Series in Management, Vol. 12), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 97-120. [6] Lepisto,l and Ihantola.E (2018), "Understanding the recruitment and selection processes of management accountants", Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 104-123. 284
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