Bài tập môn Tiếng Anh
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Nội dung Text: Bài tập môn Tiếng Anh
- Na nle: Tn\n lI , nh Thily C lan : KJ OA TASK I The roles or a teacher in classroom. Answer; I. Ccm rotler : The teacher controls the class fully. He/she tells the students what they' must do, when they do it; what they must study', when Ihey should study'". The teacher controls the pace so that activities run smoothly and efficiently. The teacher first tells the studen ts what the)' will learn in that class. then teaches the couteeu in rbe book and asks the student to read. or do exercise and so on. We also hear the teacher say: "now, do the exercise b~ yourselves. and if )'ou hal e questions. y'ou rna)' ask me:' In this way', the students rna)' pay' their attentions to whut the teacher say. and all the students study the same knowledge in the same way and at tho: salllO: time. For examp le: The reacher gives students fWO minutes 10 skim a text. and when lime is up, he/she asks siudcnts to stop and answer some questions. 2. Orgllninr: The success of many activities depends on good organi/alion and on the students knowing exactly what they' are 10 do. Giving iesrructicns is vital in this role as well as setting up actlvhies. 111e leacher's major responsibilities is to design and organize tasks that students can carry out in the class. II is in doing this that teachers have the most freedom and most challe nge. and it is ...h ere the teacher can exert creativeness in an unlimited way, For example: before organizing an IIL11\-i ty in the class, the teacher should envisage whal the activity is going 10 be like. He/she should also anticipate problems that rna)' arise when the activity' is being carried out. Before students start the a
- monitor what the students an: sa)'ing. If some students are nOI doin g the righl llIsk, the teache r should feelif)' it. Ta king mental notes will help the teac her 10 provide accurate feedbac k later. J. Prom pt e r: "Prompter" tS a teacher role wh ich makes the student the center. When students an: not sun: how 10 start an activity, or whal 10 do next. o r ...hallo say next, the teacher should give appropr iate prompts. He/she encourages studen ts 10 participate and makes suggestions about how students may proceed in an activity. ........ Example: -jf students lind it difficult 10 slllrt lalking in a task ...here they have to choose one from five places 10 go for an outing. the teac her rna)' tellthem to consider distance, means of Iransport. time available, safety etc. When a student does n't seem 10 be rea dy for an answer, the teacher can give hints; when a student finishes with a , 'cl)' short answer, the teacher shou ld elicit more by sa)'ing "and .. .?MMAn)1hing else?" "Yes. but why...?" J • The leachL'T asks a student a question "Ha ve you ever boug ht clothes with problems?" If the student doesn't seem 10 be ready. lhe teacher says "for example, a shin without ,.:. and points 10 the butto ns on his ow n shin or j ack et. 4. Pa l1ici pllnl: This role improves she atmosphere in the class when Ihe leaeher takes part in an activ ity. Once the teacher has finis hed giving instructions and the activity has started. besides monito ring the class, lhe teacher can also join one or 1"'0 groups as an ordinal)' participant. However, the teac her should change his ihcr role once he/she joins the students. He/she should not dom inate or appear 10 be euthornarive, though students regard it a good chance.' 10 pract ice with someone who speaks it bener lhan themselves. Ex: The teac her has II wo rd in his mind and asks students 10 guess by asking only Ye~o questions until they make the correct g uess. ~. Al5tssor: The main work a teacher should do is indication of ...hether or ncr they an: gelling their English right. Feedback. correction and grad ing students in venous ways. Students should know whal we are look ing for and what success looks like so mey can measure lhe msd vl.'S aga insl this. A lso be sensitive 10 the student's possible react ion. Glve fee dback with st'nsili\'it)' and support. Ell.: \\'hen a studcm has made a sente nce with -borro....., ..j bono...ed a paper 10 wr ite a letter", the teacher says, " Well, we don't say a paper. we SOl) ' a piece ofpaper", 6. Resoeree: The teacher is a kind of walking resource centre (moni tor) ready 10 offer help
- if needed OT providing students with whatever language they lad: whcn performing communicative activities. We should be helpful and available . Offer guidance to where they can go and look for the information. Help them to become more independent in their Icaming generally, Ex: While doing a writing task either individually or in groups. the students need to use a particular WOI'd they don't know. so they ask the teacher. he/she: can provide that word for them. 7. Tutu,,: The teacher acts as a coach " hen students arc involved in project work or sclf study. The teacher provides advice and guidance and helps students clarify ideas and limit tasks, The teacher can work with individuals 01' small groups. combining the: roles of prompter and resource, More personal contact give'S the learners a rcal chance 10 fed supported and helped. Positive for the general class atmosphere. ~

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