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Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học " Evolution of Evolution of IPM "

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PestWhat là gì sâu bệnh? Các sinh vật mà chúng tôi tin rằng giảm giá trị của nguồn tài nguyên mà chúng tôi quan tâm. Họ làm điều này bằng cách gây thiệt hại trong sản xuất và chất lượng của thực phẩm và chất lượng chất xơ, bằng cách truyền bệnh, và giảm môi trường của chúng tôi

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Nội dung Text: Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học " Evolution of Evolution of IPM "

  1. Evolution of IPM Evolution Ho Van Chien & Le Quoc Cuong Ho Chien Le Quoc (collection and Synthesis) (collection Southern regional Plant Protection Center Southern
  2. What are pests? What  Organisms that we believe reduce the value of Organisms resources that we are interested. They do this by causing loss in production and quality of food and fiber; by transmitting diseases; and reduce quality of our environment. of Human values Production Pest Protection activities Damage activities Pest populations Norton and Conway, 1977
  3. Traditional pest control methods Traditional  Use of ants and PSO for Use fruit-orchards in China. fruit  Late sowing to control Late white stem borers in Java. Java.  Delay transplanting for Delay yellow stem borer control in Japan. in  Handpicking egg Handpicking masses. masses.  Removing eggs using a Removing rope soaked with kerosene
  4. Pesticide Era Pesticide Discovery of DDT (Muller 1939; Nobel Prize 1948)  Chlorinated compounds (BHC, dieldrin, Chlorinated dieldrin  endosulfan) endosulfan Organophosphates/Carbamates (m-parathion, parathion,  carbofuran) carbofuran Pyrethroids (deltamethrin) 
  5. Pesticide Era Pesticide •R & D on chemical interventions dominated on agricultural change in developed countries in 1960’s and 1970s and is still strongly influencing 1960 and pest management practices in most of Asia. pest •Ecological understanding largely ignored or Ecological superficially dealt with. superficially •Green Revolution -Pesticides introduced as a necessary input and farmers Pesticides encouraged to use them to achieve high yields through advertising and loans. advertising Eg. Masagana 99 (Philippines), BIMAS (Indonesia) Masagana
  6. Ecological and health concerns Ecological  Silent Spring Rachel Carson 1962  Undesirable effects of pesticides  Development of resistance  Increased need to discover new chemicals  Pollution – Biomagnification Pollution  Accumulation of residues up the food chain  Human health hazards  Acute and chronic toxicities  Effects on non target organisms, like bees, Effects wildlife wildlife  Loss in biodiversity  Disrupt natural biological control mechanisms  Pest resurgence  Development of secondary pest outbreaks
  7. Phases in agricultural production and pest control practices and  Subsistence Subsistence  Ecological  Exploitation  Crisis  Resistance Resistance  Cocktails  Higher sprays Higher freq. & volumes freq.  Disaster  Industry decline  Recovery
  8. Book Chapter Book Ecotoxicology: Pesticides and Beneficial Organisms Impact of Insecticides on Herbivore-Natural Enemy Natural Communities Communities in Tropical Rice Ecosystems K.L. Heong & K.G. Schoenly K.L. Schoenly 1998
  9. Ecological and species concerns Ecological
  10. Ecological disruptions that cause Insect-pests and diseases Insect pests problems problems  Drought  Floods  Abnormal migrations  Pesticides
  11. Impact of insecticides on predators predators  The insecticide sprays The in citrus orchards cause of red-mite cause mite resurgence and population increase.  Loss of natural enemy Loss components, could not weaver ant-keeping. weaver keeping.
  12. Mean food chain lengths reduced Mean  Sprays reduced chain lengths Sprays significantly from 3 to about 2. significantly  Estimated time for food web to Estimated recover was 22 days after the last spray. 22  Sprays bring about asynchrony in Sprays predator-prey relationships. predator
  13. The secondary pest becomes to major pest major  Insecticide sprays, especially in the early Insecticide crop stages, favor the development of secondary pests, like BPH in Rice or Red mite in Citrus. mite  Insecticides have differential effects on Insecticides guilds and community structure. guilds  The secondary pest has higher population The growth rates than predators. growth
  14. Egg stage – refuge from refuge pesticides or the secondary pest resurgence resurgence
  15. Resurgence and secondary pest Resurgence Pest resurgence Pre treatment Shortly after treatment o o o o oo o o x o x x xx xxxxx x x xxxxx o oo o oo o ox x xx xxxxx x xxxxx o o o o oo o o x xx x ox Pre treatment Shortly after treatment Outbreak of pest o o o o o oo o o o o o o oo xxxxx x x o x o x oo o oo o oo o o o oo o oo xxxxx x o ox oooo o o o o oo o o o o o oo
  16. Semantics Semantics  Integrated pest control Integrated  Smith, van den Bosch, Stern, FAO panel of Smith, experts 1960s & 1970s experts  Pest management  Clark, Geier, Morris.1960s & 1970s Clark, Geier  Integrated pest management  Bottrell 1979.  Now a widely adopted term.
  17. Definitions Definitions  WWW site for IPM definitions. WWW  IPM is the selection, integration, and IPM implementation of pest control based on predicted economic, ecological, and sociological consequences (Bottrell, sociological 1979) 1979) economic ecological sociological
  18. Economic Threshold Concept Economic 90 Economic injury level (EIL) • Pest level that will cause loss greater than Pest 80 control cost control Crop loss cost > Control cost 70 Economic threshold Level (ETL) 60 • Pest level at which control should be taken to Pest prevent pest from reaching EIL. prevent 50 EIL Control benefit = Control cost 40 PDK = C P = price of produce 30 ETL D = loss in yield per insect unit 20 K = % reduction achieved by control 10  = pest level C = control cost. 0 ETL ( *) = C/ PDK *) PDK 10 0 2 4 6 8
  19. Threshold control strategy rely on Threshold strategy prior knowledge of pest population dynamics dynamics 90  Pest A population Pest Pest A 80 increases with time increases 70  Expected benefits when Expected control is applied at 40 60 is large. is 50  Pest B population Pest 40 declines after first peak. declines 30  Expected benefits from Expected Pest B control is much 20 reduced. reduced. 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



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