Đề cương ôn tập giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7 năm 2024-2025 - Trường THCS Văn Quán, Hà Đông
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Nội dung Text: Đề cương ôn tập giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7 năm 2024-2025 - Trường THCS Văn Quán, Hà Đông
- TRƯỜNG THCS VĂN QUÁN ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP KIỂM TRA GIỮA KÌ I Môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Năm học: 2024 -2025 I. PHONETIC: from unit 1 to unit 3 - Pronunciation: Sounds /ə/ and /ɜ:/ - Pronunciation: Sounds /f/ and /v/ - Pronunciation: Sounds /id/, /t/ and /d/ II. VOCABULARY(FromUnit1toUnit 3) 1. Hobbies 2. Healthyliving 3. Communityservice III. GRAMMARPOINTS - Tenses of verbs: Present simple. - Verbs of liking + V-ing/ to V - Simple sentences - Past simple PRACTICE EXERCISES A. PHONETICS I. Choosethewordwhoseunderlinedpartispronounceddifferentlyfromthe others. 1 A. burn B.hurt C.birth D.singer 2. A.surfing B.colour C.opinion D.above 3. A. mother B.badminton C.learn D.picture 4. A.about B.hobby C.collect D.player 5. A.donated B.provided C.flooded D.changed 6. A.helped B.worked C.reduced D.followed 7. A.saved B.interested C.volunteered D.enjoyed 8. A.cooked B.watered C.followed D.cleaned 9. A.flu B.laugh C.knives D. leaf 10. A.paragraph B.flower C.enough D.vitamin II. Choosethewordthathasthemainstressplaceddifferentlyfromtheothers. 1. A.serious B.condition C.physical D.vitamin 2. A.countryside B.interested C.volunteer D.library 3. A.explore B.enjoy C.active D.cartoon 4. A.children B.boring C.always D.donate 5. A.healthy B.sunburn C.disease D. acne 6. A.sweeten B.expect C.affect D.exchange 7. A.interesting B.exciting C.exercise D.neighbourhood 8. A.opposite B.programme C.tomorrow D.wonderful 9. A.homeless B.hobby C.cardboard D.reduce 10. A.responsible B.vegetables C.activity D.community B. GRAMMAR&VOCABULARY
- I. ChoosethebestanswerA,B,CorDtocompletethesentence. 1. Communityserviceistheworkyoudoforthe...............................ofthecommunity. A. problemsB.solutionsC.benefits D.causes 2. I’mamemberofa(n)...................................thathelpsstreetchildren. A. organization B.show C. talk D.programme 3. Herhobbyis..............................models. A. making B.having C.building D.taking 4. Itisanon-profitorganizationthat................................theenvironment. A. provides B.protects C.helps D.supports 5. MyclassmatesandI..............booksandoldclothesforhomelesschildrenlastweek. A. used B.had C.collected D.carried 6. Therearemanyactivitiesthatindividualsororganizations……..tobenefit thecommunity. A. do B. does C. did D.aredoing 7. Theyoungpeoplelove…………….volunteer…...............................inthecountryside. A.do/responsibilityB.doing/job C.doing/work D.do/ task 8. Mybrothersometimes...............................bloodatalocalhospital. A. raises B.provides C.helps D.donates 9. Shehates..........................ahorse. A.ride B.ridingC.ridesD. rode 10. Sheloves..................................postcardsandsellingtheminthemarket. A. having B. giving C. cutting D. making 11. Don’teverthinkgardeningisapiece of...........................Youmustspendalotoftime takingcareofyourplants. A. cake B.paperC.workD.art 12. It’s..............................foraboytohaveahobbyofplayingdolls. A. common B.naturalC.typicalD.unusual 13. Jacobisagreatartist.He................abletocarveinbothwoodand stone. A. is B.isn’t C.wasD.wasn’t 14. It’sreallydangerousifyougo...............................withoutbeingabletoswim. A. skating B. surfing C. jogging D. camping 15. Myfather……..modelsofplanes,motorbikesandcarsformewhenIwasalittleboy. A. maked B. makes C. made D.is making 16……givesusbeautifulplants,pleasantsmellingflowersandfreshfruitsandvegetables. A. ArrangingflowersB.Bird-watchingC.GardeningD.Makingmodel 17. Peterlikes........................toEnglishsongseveryday. A. listening B.listen C.listens D.listened 18. Theprimarystudentsoften............................uplitterinthe park. A. picking B.picks C. pick D.topick 19. We...............treesinourschooleveryyear. A. planting B. plants C. plant D. planted 20. Theyhelped........................inthenursinghomelastSunday. A. homeless children B. old peopleC. patients D. poor people 21. Does your father like………….photos? A.doing B. making Ctaking D.having 22. Thechildrenlovebeing.........................withthetreesandflowers. A. indoors B.outdoors C.insideD.outside 23. Myfather..................................alotoffishfromtheriverthisafternoon.
- A. had B.broughtC.carriedD.caught 24. What…….they................................aboutgardening? A. do/have B. does/ have C. do/ think D. does/think 25. Mydaughteris..............................Shecanmakenewthingseasily. A. creative B.careful C.serious D.happy 26. We..........................therubbishandputitintothebinoverthere. A. get B.collectC.use D.provide 27. Mymumdoesexerciseeverydayto........................fit. A. keep B. do C. take D. turn 28. I......................ata bank. A. don’t work B. don’t works C. work D.AandCare correct 29. She......................withherparents. A. doesn’tlive B. live C.doesn’tlives D.lived 30. Cows...............ongrassnow. A. feed B. feeds C.arefeeding D.fed 31. …….Janet........................tobea singer? A. Is-want B.Does-wants C.Does-want D.Did-wanted 32. Emily...................deliciouscookieseveryday. A. make B. makes C. making D.made 33. Artiandherhusband.........................inSingaporefiveyearsago. A. doesn’tlive B.isn’tliving C.didn’tlive D.lives 34. ………RohanandSania........................playingcomputergames? A. Do-like B.Does-likes C.Are-liking D.Did-liked 35. ………..Sophia........................Englishvery well? A. Does-speak B.Did-speak C.Is-speaking D.Is–speak 36. Martin …………forawalkinthemorning. A. go B. goes C.going D. went 37. Mygrandfather...........................hispetdog. A. adore B.adoringC.adoresD.adored 38. Plants.......................waterandsunlightformakingtheirfood. A. need B.needsC.needingD.needed 39. Heatealotoffriedfood,sohe...............................fatquickly. A. get B. got C. getsD.isgetting 40. Myfamilyoften........................cyclinginthecountryside. A. going B.to go C. goes D. went 41. Bringalongahat and..........................whenyougooutinhotweather. A. sunburn B. glasses C. lunch box D. suncream 42. TheJapaneseeatalot offishandhealthyfood, theyliveforalongtime. A. so B.becauseC. or D.but 43. Lan: My eyes are tired! Hoa:………………… A. YoucanuseeyedropsC.Youshouldn’treadindimlight. B. Youshoudstayup lateD.AandCarecorrect. 44. YoushouldwatchlessTVbecauselookingatthescreenfortoolong……..youreyes. A. hurt B.hurtsC.ishurtingD.tohurt 45. Weusually…………..lunchatschool.Buttodaywe.......................lunchathome. A. have/areeatingB.has/areeatingC.have/eat D.eat/ have
- 46. TheJapanese.................hardanddoalotofoutdooractivitiestoo. A. worked B.work C.working D.works 47. He...................booksforpoorchildrenlastsummer. A. hascollectedB.collectsC.iscollectingD.collected 48. Acne..................small,redspotsonthefaceandtheback. A. causes B. makes C.cause D.make 49. Here........................sometipsfortakingcareofskinwithacne. A. is B.are C.tobe D.being 50. -Pleasenamesome ………… -Carrotandtomatoes. A. colouredvegetables C.redspots B. vegetableprotein D.greensalad II.Choosetheunderlinedpartthatneedscorrectionineachofthefollowing sentences. 1. Hebeginsalwayshislessonswithawarm-upexercise. A B C D 2. Doingexercisesisoneofthekeycomponentsofahealthlifestyle AB C D 3. Youcanavoidsomediseasebykeeping yourselfclean. AB C D 4. Idon’twanttoleavea warmcozybedtodojogginginthewinter. AB C D 5. Hegivesmesome tipsforplayingtheguitarandsingatthesametime. AB C D 6. Sheenjoystobuilddollhousesandpostingpicturesofthemonsocialmedia. AB C D 7. Readingbooksareagoodactivityfor youreducationaland mentalgrowth. AB C D 8. Ididn’tdonatefoodbutsingand dancedwiththeelderlyinthenursinghome. AB C D 9. IaskedsomeclassmatesabouttheirhobbiesandIgetsomeinterestingresults. A B C D 10. Sheshouldtodrinkaglassofhotmilktofeelbetter. ABC D C. READING I-Readthepassageandchoosethebestoptiontoanswereachofthefollowing questions. Having a hobby that we enjoy brings us joy and enriches our lives. It gives us something fun to do during our leisure time and affords us the opportunity to learn new skills. We are very fortunate to have so many different options out there today. In fact, there are entire websites devoted to hobbies and interests. The best way to cultivate a new hobby is to try something new. The world is full of wonderful, exciting activities that we can explore and adopt as our own. Of course, all of us are unique and, therefore, our interests and hobbies vary. But once we find a hobby that we truly enjoy and are passionate about, we become hooked. It becomes part of our lives and captivates us in a very personal way. 1. Whatisthepassagemainlyabout? A. Theimportanceofhobbies B.Thedefinitionofhobbies C.Timetostarta hobby D.Hobbiesandinterests
- 2. Whatcanahobbygiveyou? A. Leisuretime B.Chancetoaffordnewthings C.Morefreetime D.Somethingfunto do 3. Whatshoudwedoifwewanttocultivateanewhobby? A. refertowebsites B.checktheoptions C.trysomething newD.participateinactivities 4. Ourinterestsandhobbiesvarybecause_ . A. theworldiswonderful B.therearemanyexcitingthingstoexplore C.eachofusenjoysmanythings D.allof usareunique 5. Whatdoestheword“It”referto? A. Anactivity B.Ahobby C.Apart D.Apersonalway II- Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F). Community service is when you work for free to help benefit the public or your community. Usually, students who choose to do community service do so as volunteers, meaningthattheychoosetohelpoutbecausetheywanttodoso.Communityservicecan have a lot of positive effects on students, such as helping them to develop skills, making contacts, and allowing them to improve the quality of life of others. Youprobablyknowsomestudentsin yourschoolwhochoosetovolunteertheirfreetime through community service. There are many ways that you can do this, such as joining a non-profit organization, working with a church group, or you can choose a cause and create your own service project. Volunteer work can range from the relatively simple, like helping coach the football teamat youroldjuniorhigh,tothemuchmorecomplex,likestartinganon-profitthat helps homeless people in your area. 1. Studentsoftendocommunityserviceasvolunteers. 2. Communityserviceallowsthemtoimprovethequalityoflifeof others. 3. Nostudentschoosetovolunteertheirfreetimethroughcommunityservice. 4. Joininganon-profitorganizationistheonlywaytodocommunityservice. 5. Therearemanytypesofvolunteerwork,bothsimpleandcomplexones. III-Choosethebestanswertoeachofthefollowingquestions. VOLUNTEERINGTOHELPDESERTANIMALS Cameron Oliver had a passion for the welfare of desert animals. He received the Abu Dhabi Award as a community hero for his contributions to society. However, the biggest reason for his fame may be that he was very small. He was only 11 years old whenhebeganhisowncampaigntosavecamelsfromeatingplastic.“Ifoundoutthat camels are eating rubbish people leave behind and it’s killing them,” says the SouthAfricanboy.“Ilove animals,sowhenIsawhowthecamelswere dying,IthoughtIhad to do something and make a difference to save them.” He was very excited about receiving this award. He said, “My life changed after I receivedtheaward,becauseitopenedalotof doorsfor me.Manypeoplecontactedand helped me promote my campaign.” (ESL Printables) 1. WhatdidCameronOliverstartwhenhewas11yearsold? A. theAbuDhabi Award B.beingacommunityhero C.acampaigntosave camels D.acamel farm 2. Inline2,whatdoestheword“contributions”mean? A. changesinsomethingthatmakeitworse
- B. awardsthatsomebodygets C. thingsthatareaddedtosomethingelse D. actionsthathelptocauseorincreasesomething 3. ThemainreasonwhyCameronOliverbecamefamouswasthat . A. hewas veryintelligent B.hewas veryyoung C.hewasveryhandsome D.hewasveryfriendly 4. Accordingtothetext,themaingoalofhiscampaignis to . A. protectcamelsfromeatingplasticsB. keepthedesertclean C. createacamelfarmD. protecttheenvironment 5. HowdidCameron’slifechangeafterhereceivedtheaward? A. Hebecamerich. B. Hedidnothavetoopendoorsanymore. C. Hewasknownbymorepeople. D. Hedidnothavetogotoschool. IV.ChoosethecorrectanswerA,B,CorDtofilleachblankinthefollowing passage. I have a very interesting and (1) hobby. I make short video clips with my digitalcamera.Itwasmybirthdaypresentfrommyparentslastyear.Sincethen,Ihave (2) three short films. It’s great fun! I started asking my friends and relatives to take (3) in the films. I have tried to write the story for my video clips. When I have finished the script, I make copies for the “actors”. Each scene is small and they can look at the words just (4) we start filming. We film at the weekend in my neighborhood, (5) noone has to travel far. When the video clip is finished, I invite all the “actors” and we watch the film at my house. 1.A.enjoyable B.enjoyed C.enjoying D.enjoy 2.A.done B.made C.played D.watched 3.A.scene B. role C. part D. film 4.A.until B.after C. only D.before 5.A.so B.because C. but D.although V.Choosethecorrect answerA,B,CorD tofilleachblankinthefollowing passage. Breakfast is the (1) importantmealoftheday.Itprovidesthenutrients yourbody needs for good health, the calories it needs for (2) and helps to maintain your blood sugar level. Studies have shown that people who don’t have breakfast have a low blood sugar level and are often slow, tired, hungry and (3) _ to concentrate. Surprisingly, breakfast actually plays a part in weight control. It's easier to (4) weightif youeatinthemorningratherthanlaterintheday.Dividingtheday’scalories (5) three meals helps take off weight more efficiently than (6) breakfast and having two larger meals a day does. 1.A.healthy B.tasty C.main D.most 2.A.strenght B.power C.energy D.effort 3.A.able B.enable C.unable D.capable 4.A.lose B. put C. gain D. drop 5.A.in B.into C. up D.for 6.A.skipping B. making C.buying D.serving D.WRITING I. Reorderthewordstomakecorrectsentences. 1. They/take/a/of/photos./usually/beautiful/lot/
- 2. visited/Lastweek,/they/anorphanage/HoChiMinhCity./in/ 3. What/your/do/his/time?/does/brother/free/in/ 4. They/the/kitchen/ago./cleaned/one/week/ 5. Do/do/morning/every/day?/you/exercise/ 6. I/stamps/I/was/a/child./collected/when/ 7. a/lifestyle/important./healthy/is/Having/ 8. Dickens/a/lot/novels./wrote/of/ _ 9. I/to/some/food,/but/I/a/throat./want/eat/have/sore/ 10. Yesterday,/I/to/zoo/family./went/the/with/my/ II. Rewritethefollowingsentences,usingtheprompts 1. My school has 50 classrooms. There 2. Shelovescollectingoldcomicbooks. Sheenjoys 3. LearningEnglishisnotdifficult. It’s 4. Whatfooddoyoulike most? What’s_________________________________________________________________? 5. Iwalkedinthesunsolong,soIgotsunburn. I got sunburn 6. Jamesisn’tafastswimmer. Jame doesn’t 7. Sheusuallydoesherhomeworkfortwohours. Shespends 8. She’sinterestedinwatchingcartoons. Shelikes_ 9. It’snotgoodtotouchyourfacewithdirtyhands. You shouldn’t 10. Mr.RobertwasaverygoodMathsteacher. Mr. Robert taught III. Combineeachpairofsentencesintoanewone 1. She’sgoodatEnglish.She’sgoodatHistory. 2. Heisstrong.Heis confident. _ 3. Thelawnisgreen.Thelawnisfresh.
- 4. Ishouldgo.Ishouldseeadoctor. 5. Carolisathome.Herbrotherisathome. 6. Shedoesn’teatpotatoes.Shedoesn’teatonions. 7. Ilikechickensoupwithvegetables.Ilikechickensoupwithmushroom. 8. Mymomoftencooksdinner.Mydadoftencooksdinner. 9. Thehouseseemednice.Thehouseseemedtidy. 10. Youshouldwearamasktoavoidviruses.Youshouldwash yourhandoftentoavoid viruses. IV. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. Use the word in brackets and do not change it. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. 1. My father often collects stamps in his free time. (HOBBY) My _________________________ collecting stamps. 2. It often takes her hours to draw pictures every Sunday. (SPENDS) She often ________________________ pictures every Sunday. 3. The Japanese have a healthy diet so they live long lives. (OF) The Japanese live long lives ________________________ healthy diet. 4. We donate these clothes to children who have no home. (HOMELESS) We give these clothes _________________________. 5. My mother began to teach English in 1996. (WORKING) My mother started ________________________ English teacher in 1996. 6. Joana doesn't eat much in order not to be overweight. (BECAUSE) Joana doesn't eat much ___________________want to be overweight. 7. She likes arranging flowers. ( HOBBY) Arranging flowers _________________________. 8. Linda thinks mountain climbing is dangerous. (FINDS) Linda _______________________________dangerous. 9. Why don't we go swimming this afternoon? ( ABOUT) What _____________________________this afternoon? 10. How about going to the movies tonight? (GO) Let’s _______________________movies tonight READINGTO MAKE A LOGICAL TEXT. 1: Put the sentences (a-c) in the correct order, then fill in the blank to make a logical text. We had an unfogettable holiday in Singapore last week. Things didn’t go on as smoothly as we had expected before. _________
- a. Upon our arrival at the Safari park 2 hours later, we realized that it was closed for maintenance. b. It all started when my parents decided to visit the Safari park c. We were so excited about the trip, but the moment that we left the hotel, it started raining. A. b-c-a B. a-c-b C. c-b-a D. b-a-c 2:Put the sentences (a-c) in the correct order, then fill in the blank to make a logical text. We decided to have a picnic by the lake last Sunday. Everything was perfect until something unexpected happened. _________ a. As soon as we finished setting up, dark clouds appeared in the sky. b. We packed all the food and drinks and headed to the lake early in the morning. c. Suddenly, it started raining heavily, and we had to rush back to the car. A. . b-a-c B. c-b-aC. a-c-b D. b-c-a 3: Put the sentences (a-c) in the correct order, then fill in the blank to make a logical text. Last weekend, we went on a hiking trip in the mountains. We were all excited, but things didn’t go as planned. _________ a. Halfway up the trail, we realized that we had forgotten to bring enough water. b. We decided to turn back and head home before it got too late. c. The sun was strong, and we quickly became tired and thirsty. A.a-b-c B. c-a-bC. b-a-c D. a-c-b RAEDING SIGNS 1.Look at the signs. Choose the best answer for the question. A. A. Dogs cannot be taken into this place as it is a children’s play area. B. Dogs are not safe for children in this play area. C. Dogs are not allowed to play with children in this area. D. Don’t let your children play here because of the dogs. 2 .Look at the signs. Choose the best answer for the question.
- A. You don’t have to raise your voice in this area. B. You shouldn’t speak to anyone in this area. C. You must be quiet in this area. D. You mustn’t talk in this area. 3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the apartment? A. It has a double bedroom B. It has a new kitchen C. It has been recently painted D. It has a balcony WRITINGTOPIC (Approximately70words) 1. Writeashortparagraphaboutyourhobby. 2. Whatarethetipsforahealthylife? 3. Whatdoyoudotohelpyourcommunity?

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