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Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 năm 2022-2023 - Trường THPT An Lão

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  1. TRƯỜNG THPT AN LÃO ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KÌ II Môn: Tiếng Anh- Khối 11Năm học: 2022- 2023 (BỔ SUNG TIẾP THEO ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP GIỮA KỲ IIUNIT 9+ 10) A. GRAMMAR: I/ Tag questions: (Câu hỏi đuôi) + Câu hỏi đuôi gồm 2 thành phần: phần phát biểu (statement) và phần đuôi (tag) * Lưu ý: + Nếu ở phần phát biểu ở dạng phủ định thì phần đuôi ở dạng khẳng định và ngược lại. Ex: - You agree with me, don’t you? - He doesn’t go out, does he? + Nếu ở phần phát biểu dùng động từ be hoặc trợ động từ thì phần đuôi cũng sẽ sử dụng động từ be hoặc trợ động từ. Ex: - She is lazy, isn’t she? - He can’t speak English, can’t he? + Nếu ở phần phát biểu động từ chia ở thì nào thì phần đuôi cũng phải chia ở thì đó. Ex: - He didn’t come, did he? - He will come, won’t he? * Dạng đặc biệt: - I am……, aren’t I? / I am not ......., am I? - Câu mệnh lệnh: ………., will you? 1. Let’s + V, shall we? (câu mời, rủ rê) - Go out, will you? Vd: Let’s play tennis, shall we? Please + V, will/won’t you? 2. Let O (me/him…) + V, will you? (câu chỉ sự xin phép, cho phép) Vd: Please help me, will/won’t you? Vd: Let him buy it, will you? - Don’t tell him that, will you? - There is/ are……., isn’t/ aren’t there? - This/ That is………., isn’t it? - Câu mang nghĩa phủ định (no, nobody, never…) Ex: - You never help me, do you? - Nobody had any plans, had they? - Nothing else matters to him, does it? Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D). 1. We should call Rita, _______________? A. should we B. shouldn't we C. shall we D. should not we 2. Monkeys can't sing, ______________? A. can they B. can it C. can't they D. can't it 3. These books aren't yours, ____________? A. are these B. aren't these C. are they D. aren't they 4. That's Bod's, ____________? A. is that B. isn't it C. isn't that D. is it 5. No one died in the accident, ______________? A. did they B. didn't they C. did he D. didn't he 6. The air-hostess knows the time she has been here, ______________? A. does she B. isn't it C. doesn't she D. did she 7. This is the second time she's been here, ______________? A. isn't this B. isn't it C. has she D. hasn't she 8. They must do as they are told, ________________? A. mustn't they B. must they C. are they D. aren't they 9. He hardly has anything nowadays, _________________? A. hasn't she B. has he C. doesn't he D. does she 1|
  2. 10. You've never been in Italy, _________________? A. have you B. haven't you C. been you D. had you Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with the correct question tags. 1. Let’s save paper by using both sides of the sheet, _________________? 2. Everybody wants to live in a clean and green place, _________________? 3. There are waste processing plants in this city, _________________? 4. Please don’t smoke here, _________________? 5. Nobody wants to get stuck in a traffic jam, _________________ ? 6. People shouldn’t leave rubbish in public parks, _________________ ? 7. Nobody wants to live in polluted areas,___________? 8. They have banned private cars from the centre, ________? 9. Please don't drop litter in the street,_____________? 10. I think we got stuck in a traffic jam,___________? III- CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 0: IF+ S + V (present tense), S + V (present tense) / V(imperative) Or S + V (present tense) / V(imperative)+ IF + S + V (present tense) Eg:If/ when you buy a motorbike, you also have to buy insurance. Turn off the machine if/when you see the red button on it. Use: Câu điều kiện loại 0 để diễn tả chân lý hoạc điều mà ta cho là luôn đúng. Exercise: Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense 1. If you __________ (heat) ice, it __________ (turn) to water. 2. If you __________ (stand) in the rain, You __________ (get) wet 3. If you__________ (press) this button, the machine __________ (stop) 4. If you_____________ (multiply) 6 to 8, you__________ (get) 48 5. If I (wake up) __________ late, I (be) ___________ late for work. 6. If you (mix) __________ water and electricity, you (get) ___________ a shock. 7. If you (smoke) _________ , you (get) __________ yellow fingers. 8. If you (heat) __________ ice, it (melt) __________. 9. The river (freeze) ___________ if it (be) __________ very cold. 10.If you (mix) __________ red and yellow, you (get) ____________ orange. VI/Conditional sentences (If clause): TYPE IFCLAUSE (Mệnh đề If) MAIN CLAUSE (Mệnh đề chính) Simple Present Simple Present 0 S + V1/es S + V1/es S + don’t / doesn’t + V(inf) S + don’t / doesn’t + V(inf) Simple Future Simple Present S + will + V(inf) I S + V1/es S + will not + V(inf) S + don’t / doesn’t + V(inf) Will + S + V(inf)…? Simple Past S + would / could + V(inf) Be  were (was) II S + wouldn’t / couldn’t +V(inf) S + V-ed/2 S + didn’t + V(inf) Would / Could + S + V(inf)… ? S + would / could have + V-ed/3 Past Perfect III S + had + V-ed/Vpp S + wouldn’t / couldn’t have + V-ed/3 S + hadn’t + V-ed/Vpp Would / Could + S + have + V-ed/3…? Type 0: Express real, evident truth – sự thật hiển nhiên, chân lý. Type 1: - Future possible (real in the present or future- Có thể xãy ra ở hiện tại, tương lai) Type 2: - Unreal condition in the present or future.(Giả sử, trái với thực tế ở hiện tại) Type 3: - Unreal in the past. (Giả sử, trái với thực tế ở quá khứ) 2|
  3. Chú ý: - If …not = Unless. If it doesn’t rain, we will have a picnic.→Unless it rains, we will have a pinic Exercise: Rewrite the sentences using Conditional sentences. 1. Tom always overeats at lunch because he never eats breakfast.  If ………………………………………………………………........................................... 2. I don’t know enough about the machine, so I can't mend it myself.  If ………………………………………………………………........................................... 3. Unless she earned a lot of money, she wouldn’t go home.  If ………………………………………………………………........................................... 4. Unless you break his car, he won’t call the police.  If ………………………………………………………………........................................... 5. He can’t go out because he has to study for his exam. ……………………………………………………………………………………… 6. She is lazy so she can’t pass the exam. ……………………………………………………………………………………… 7. He smokes too much; that’s why he can’t get rid of his cough. ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8. She is very shy, so she doesn’t enjoy the party. ……………………………………………………………………………………… 9. He doesn’t take any exercises. He is so unhealthy.  ………………………………………………………………………………………… 10. Study hard or you won’t pass the exam.  ……………………………………………………………………………………….. V. REPORTED SPEECH: (Câu tường thuật) - Nếu động từ tường thuật ở thì hiện tại thì khi đổi sang câu gián tiếp ta không lùi thì. Ex: She says: “I am doing my homework. . She says sheI is doing her homework. - Nếu động từ tường thuật ở thì quá khứ thì khi đổi sang câu gián tiếp ta đổi ngôi, thì và trạng ngữ. 1/ Cách đổi ngôi: - Ngôi thứ nhất: dựa vào chủ từ đứng trước động từ tường thuật (said/ told), thường đổi thành ngôi thứ ba. I → he / she me → him / her my → his / her We → they us → them our → their - Ngôi thứ hai(you _ you_ your): đổi dựa vào túc từđứng sau động từ tường thuật (said/ told) Ex:He says to her “I miss you very much”  He tells her that .............................................. - Ngôi thứ ba (He / She / Him / Her / His / They / Them / Their): giữ nguyên, không đổi 2/ Cách đổi thì: Trực tiếp Gián tiếp HTĐ - V1 /Vs(es) QKĐ – V2 / V-ed HTTD – am / is / are + V-ing QKTD – was / were + V-ing HTHT – have / has + V3 QKHT – had + V3 HTHTTD – have / has been +V-ing QKHTTD - had been + V-ing QKĐ – V2 / -ed QKHT – had + V3 QKTD – was / were + V-ing QKHTTD – had been +V-ing TLĐ – will + V1 TL trong QK - would + V1 TLTD will be + V-ing TL tiếp diễn trong QK - would be + V-ing Must + V1 had to + V1 3/ Cách đổi các trạng từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn: 3|
  4. Trực tiếp Gián tiếp today/ tonight that day/ that night yesterday the day before/ the previous day last month the month before / the previous month tomorrow the following day/ the next day / the day after the day before yesterday two days before the day after tomorrow in two days’ time next month the following month / the next month / the month after here there now then ago before This/ these That/ those *. with gerund (V-ing): + Structure: S + V + (O) + preposition + V -ing………. - Ex: a) Direct speech: 1) “Thank you very much” said Anna. 2) Teacher: No, Sit down and don’t go out of the class. b) Reported speech: 1) Anna thanked me for helping her. 2) Teacher prevented us from going out of the class. + Use after some verbs: Verb + (S.O) + prep + V –ing to accuse someone of (buộc...) to compliment someone on (khen) to warn someone against (cảnh báo) to prevent someone from(cản) to thank someone for (Cảm ơn) to fine someone for (phạt ai về.. to blame someone for (đổ lổi) to congratulate on ( Chúc mừng to have a good reason for ( Có lý do) to keep someone from (giử, ngăn lại to criticize for (phê bình.. to have difficulty in ( gặp khó khăn) to charge someone with (phê bình.. to stop someone from (ngăn ai đó..) 4|
  5. +Verb + preposition: to apologize for to object to to complain about to dream of to insist on to take part in to confess to to participate in to win by to think of + Verb + V-ing: Admit/ suggest/ deny + V –ing Ex: “Let’s go to the beach” said he. --> He suggested going to the beach. Notes: -There are some changes about the time & references in reported speech: * Động từ nguyên mẫu thường đi với các mẫu câu đề nghị, lời mời, lời khuyên…cụ thể sau: a) Lời đề nghị: Would you mind + V_ing/ Do you mind + Ving → asked + s.o + to V Would you/ Could you/ Will you/ Can you → asked + s.o + to V Ex1:“Would you mind opening the doors?” → He asked me to open the doors. Ex2: “ Can you read the instructions again?” she said. →Sheasked me to read the instructions again. b) Lời mời: Would you like/ Will you → invited + s.o + to V Ex: “Will you have lunch with me?” he said. → He invited me to have lunch with him. c) Lời khuyên: Had better/ If I were you/ Why don’t you → advised + someone + to V Ex: + “If I were you, I would phone her,” I said. → I advised him to phone her VII/ Conditional sentence in reported speech: Notes: - Tenses of verbs in type 1, use back-shift (thì của động từ ở câu điều kiện loại 1 lùi về 1 bậc): Simple present-> Simple past, Simple future --> could/ would…+ V bare. Ex: “If I have money, I will buy a dictionary” said he. --> He said if he had money, he would buy a dictionary. 1.The teacher: ‘Tuan and Phong, don't talk in class.' => The teacher told_____________________________________________ 2. Nam's yoga instructor: ‘Close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply, and don't think about your problems.' => Nam's yoga instructor asked____________________________________________________ 3. The patient: ‘I didn't follow my doctor's advice.' => The patient admitted_______________________________________________________ . 4.Ha's friend: ‘Let's play some games to relax. We've studied for three hours.' => Ha's friend suggested_________________________________________________________. 5.Van's manager: ‘You'd get a promotion if you could finish the project before the deadline.' => Van's manager said_________________________________________________________________ => Van's manager promised_____________________________________________________________ . 6. Jack's mother: ‘You should drink some ginger tea if you want to feel better.' => Jack's mother said__________________________________________________________________ => Jack's mother advised________________________________________________________________ Exercise. Change into reported speech. 1. “Would you like to go camping with us next weekend?” Andrew said to Cindy. Andrew invited______________________________________________________________________ 2. She said, “I must go home this evening.” ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. The teacher said to us “Don’t make noise in class.” ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5|
  6. 4. Janet said: “My brother will get married next month.” ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Her father said: “I was in a business trip yesterday.” ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Nam said to me “I have just passed the exam.” ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. He said: “My son is serving in the army now.” ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Ben said to the girl: “I am glad to see you here so early.” ____________________________________________________________________________________ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from others Question 1: EXERCISES: I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. environment B. fertilizer C. bride D. discharge 2. A. sugar B. consume C. trans-fat D. obesity 3. A medicine B. remedy C. exercise D. obesity 4. A balanced B. yoga C. fatty D. natural 5. A. chemical B. change C. chalk D. chocolate II. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words. 1. A. prisoner B. difficult C. exercise D. disaster 2. A. improvement B. occasion C. believe D. interest 3. A. influential B. opportunity C. temperament D. expectation 4. A. picture B. number C. water D. advice 5. A. organize B. embarrass C. discourage D. surrounding III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. Life expectancy for both men and women has improved greatly in the past twenty years. A. Living standard B. Longevity C. Life skills D. Lifeline 2. This kind of fruit helps to boost the immune system. A. decrease B. reduce C. increase D. maintain 3. Here are some principles for people to stick to if they want to stay healthy. A. rules B. principals C. laws D. duties 4. There are several ways to exercise and stay healthy. A. apply B. exploit C. keep fit D. operate 5. We should take prescription medicine only when other methods fail. A. decline B. fall C. break D. not succeed 6. Eating a wide variety of fruit and vegetables provides you with vitamins and nutrients. 6|
  7. A. broad B. narrow C. limited D. certain IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning tothe underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. Stretching will relax your muscles and prevent any damage to your joins. A. allow B. avoid C. limit D. protest 2. After hundreds of rejections by the employers, I decided that I need to do something about my obesity. A. denial B. approval C. refusal D. rebuttal 3. I have followed a special diet and joined a fitness class for overweight peoplefor over six months. A. adhered to B. obeyed C. refused D. carried on 4. I have just received my first job offer after having been unemployed for two years. A. got B. gained C. acquired D. rejected 5. My family totally supported me during my fight against obesity. A. aided B. discouraged C. assisted D. promoted V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 1. Won't you be a lot happier if Dad came home this weekend? A B C D 2. Plants would die if they don't get enough water. A B C D 3. If her condition shouldimprove, we inform you immediately. A B C D 4. I don't want a brother or sister, unless it will happens, of course. A B C D 5. If you meet John, will tell him I wantto see him. A B C D 6. None of your friends really enjoyedthemselves at the party, didn't they? A B C D 7. If you borrow my coat, don't get it dirty, can you? A B C D 8. You neverwork more than you have to, do you? A B C D 9. You made no effortto make friends with Darren, didn't you? A B C D 10. Yousentthat letter I gave you, haven't you? A B C D B. READING I. Read the passage then fill the gaps by circling the letters A, B, C or D. 21st CENTURY TEACHERS: INEVITABLE CHANGES st 21 century teachers need to serve as a guide or mentor for their students, not as the all- knowing sage providing them with everything they need. Nowadays, with so much access (1)______ resources of all kinds, children invariably know more than teachers on different topics, step ahead of the technology. Teachers need to be empowered as facilitators for learning, so that they can empower their students in (2)______. This shift is great news for teachers. Instead of struggling to give kids all the information in areas (3)______ they know little about, teachers can support students as they make their own steps into different fields. It’s about preparing them to go beyond their seniors, ensuring they have the skills to do it, and assisting them along the way. 7|
  8. (4)______, teachers need to be forward-thinking, curious and flexible. They must be learners: learning new teaching methods, and learning alongside their students. Simply asking questions like “What will my students need dozens of years from now?” or “How can I help give them those skills?” can change teachers' (5)______, make them a leader, and bring about changes in the classroom, school and community. Question 1: A. to B. with C. for D. in Question 2: A. sight B. use C. line D. turn Question 3: A. what B. that C. where D. whom Question 4: A. For instance B. Therefore C. In practice D. Otherwise Question 5: A. knowledge B. prejudice C. mindset D. judgment II. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. To many people, their friends are the most important in their life. Really good friends always (1)______ joys and sorrows with you and never turn their backs on you. Your best friend may be someone you have known all your life or someone you have grown (2)______ with. There are all sorts of things that can (3)______ about this special relationship. It may be the result of enjoying the same activities and sharing experiences. Most of us have met someone that we have immediately felt relaxed with as if we had known them for ages. (4)______, it really takes you years to get to know someone well enough to consider your best friend. To the (5) ______of us, this is someone we trust completely and who understands us better than anyone else. It's the person you can tell him or her your most intimate secrets. Question 1: A. give B. have C. share D. spend Question 2: A. up B. in C. through D. on Question 3: A. result B. cause C. provide D. bring Question 4: A. However B. Yet C. In addition D. Therefore Question 5: A. Majorially B. majority C. majorial D. major III. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate thecorrect answer to each of the questions. In 2002, several obese teenagers in the USA sued McDonald's, claiming that the company was responsible for making them fat. They argued that McDonald's deliberately misled them into thinking that their cheeseburgers and other products were healthy and nutritious food. They claimed that the company had not warned them about the health problems that can result from eating too much salty, high-fat food and drinking too many sugary drinks: diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. The mother of one of the children, who at the age of 15 weighed more than 180 kilograms, said in her statement: ‘I always believed McDonald's was healthy for my son.' McDonald's rejected the claim that they were responsible for these teenagers’ health problems. ‘People don't go to sleep thin and wake up obese,' said McDonald's lawyer, Brad Lerman. 'The understanding of what hamburgers and French fries do has been with us for a long, long time,’ he added. The judge agreed, and dismissed the case, saying: 'it is not the place of the law to protect people against their own excesses.' In other words, if people choose to eat a lot of unhealthy food, they can't blame the company that sold it to them. Other similar lawsuits against fast food companies in the USA have also failed. In 2005, the US House of Representatives passed a bill which became known as the 'Cheeseburger Bill'. It made it much harder for obese people to take legal action against the food industry. However, the bill has not ended the arguments about responsibility. There is some scientific evidence to suggest that fast food is addictive, and harmful too. 8|
  9. 1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. Obesity - who is to blame? B. Is fast food addictive? C. Is fast food really healthy? D. How to get rid of fast food? 2. According to the obese teenagers in the USA who sued McDonald’s, which of the following health problems was NOT mentioned? A. diabetes B. hypertension C. obesity D. heart disease 3. In paragraph 2, the word “rejected” is closest in meaning to ____. A. accepted B. denied C. ignored D. agreed 4. In paragraph 2, the word “it” refers to ____. A. law B. healthy food C. unhealthy food D. bill 5. What happens if people choose to eat a lot of unhealthy food? A. The company will be responsible for their health problems. B. They may get financial support from the company. C. They will surely succeed in lawsuits. D. They can't force the company to be responsible for them. 6. In paragraph 3, the word “failed” is closest in meaning to ____. A. not famous B. not important C. not successful D. not proud 7. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about fast food? A. salty and high-fat B. addictive C. nutritious D. harmful C. WRITING and SPEAKING 1. Write a paragraph about 100-120 words to tell about a city in the future which you would like to live. 2. Write a paragraph about 100-120 words to tell natural landscape Complex that you like best. 3. Write a paragraph about 100-120 to tellthe causes and effects of global warming andgive some possible solutions. 9|



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