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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi thử tốt nghiệp môn: tiếng anh – đề 14', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả
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- ĐỀ THI THỬ TỐT NGHIỆP MÔN: TIẾNG ANH – ĐỀ 14 A. Choose the b est answer among A, B, C or D to complete each senten ce. 1 . I would have visited you b efo re if there house. qu ite a lot of peop le in you r A. hadn't B. hadn't b een C. wou ldn't be D. wasn't 2 . If yo u had caught the b us, yo u late for wo rk. A. wou ldn't have b een B. wou ld have been C. wou ldn’t b e D. wou ld be 3 . If I , I wou ld express my feelings. A. were asked B. wou ld ask C. had been asked D. asked 4 . If as I to ld her, she wou ld have su cceed ed. A. she has d one B. she had done C. she d oes D. she d id 5 . Will you b e angry if I you r pocket d ictionary? A. stole B. have stolen C. were to steal D. steal 6 . You made a mistake b y telling her a lie. It better if yo u to her. A. wou ld have b een / had n't lied C. wou ld be / didn't lie B. will be / don't lie D. wou ld be / hadn't lied 7 . John wou ld be taking a great risk if he his money in that business. A. wou ld invest B. invested C. had invested D. invests 8 . She wouldn't have given them all that money if we her to. A. wou ldn’t advise C. won't advise B. hadn't advised D. didn't advise 9 . If the tree hadn't b een so high, he it up to take his kite do wn. A. could have climbed B. climb C. is climb ing D. climb ed 10. If the wall weren't so high, he it up to take his ball do wn. A. climb ed B. cou ld climb C. is climb ing D. climb 11. If I her phone numb er, I her. A. had known / cou ld have phoned C. knew / wou ld have p honed B. know / can p ho ne D. knew / cou ld phone 12. If we to Londo n when we in England, yo u would have never seen Big Ben. A. hadn't go ne / were B. went / were C. went / are D. go / are 13. If you press that bu tto n what ? A. wou ld happ en B. wou ld have happ ened C. will happ en D. happen 14. She says if she that the traffic lights were red she . A. had realized / wou ld stop C. realized / could have stopped B. has realized / stopp ed D. had realized / wou ld have stopp ed 15. I am ver y thin. I think, if I smoking, I might get fat. A. stop B. had stopped C. will stop D. stopped 16. If I that yesterday, I them. A. had discovered / would inform C. had discovered / would have informed B. had discovered / could inform D. discovered / can inform 52
- OÂn taäp toát nghieäp THPT Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch - Nguyeãn Ñaëng Ho aøng Duy 17. If you to the course regularly, they a certificate last year. A. go / gave C. go / give B. had gone / wou ld have given D. went / wou ld give 18. I think he is not at ho me. If he in, he the phone. A. was / answered C. were / wou ld answer B. were / wou ld have answered D. had been / wou ld have answered 19. If I in London now, I could visit British Museu m. A. were B. had been C. have been D. wou ld be 20. If Co lu mbus money fro m Queen Isab ella, he across the Atlantic. A. do not receive / could not sail C. had not received / might not have sailed B. did not receive / might not have sailed D. wou ld no t receive / might no t sail 21. If you didn't wear shabb y clothes, you more good-looking. A. will b e B. wou ld be C. wou ld have been D. can be 22. If you r hair grey now, what yo u ? A. went / would / do C. goes / would /do B. had gone / wou ld/do D. had gone / wou ld have / done 23. If you be so meone, who you ? A. could / wou ld / have been C. could / would / be B. can / will / b e D. are ab le to / will / b e 24. If I an Angel, I would try to make happ y all the child ren. A. am B. have been C. were D. had been 25. John wo uld b e taking a great risk if he his money in that b usiness. A. wou ld invest B. invested C. had invested D. invests 26. It if nob od y had remind ed them. A. wou ld have b e forgot B. wou ld have been fo rgo tten C. wou ld have fo rget D. wou ld have b een fo rgot 27. The car if so mebod y takes it there. A. will b e repaired B. wou ld be repaired C. will been repaired D. is repair 28. You to prison if yo u d id that. A. wou ld be send B. wou ld have been sent C. wou ld be sent D. were sent 29. You wou ld stud y Italian i f it here. A. was t eaching B. were taught C. wou ld be taught D. is taught 30. It if nob od y reminded them A. was forgo tten B. wou ld be forget C. wou ld be fo rgo t D. wou ld forgot 31. The magazine _ b y mo re p eop le if it had better articles. A. wou ld be read ing B. wou ld read C. wou ld be read D. been read 32. The joke would not be funn y if it into French. A. were translated B. was translated C. was be translated D. translated 53
- OÂn taäp toát nghieäp THPT Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch - Nguyeãn Ñaëng Ho aøng Duy 33. A doctor if so mebod y falls ill. A. will b e cold for B. will be called fo r C. will call for D. wou ld be call fo r 34. Would she go if she ? A. were invited B. was be invited C. have b een invited D. b e invited 35. He the d eath penalty if he were found gu ilty. A. wou ld be given B. wou ld be gave C. wou ld given D. were given 36. Who would have won the World War II if the nu clear bomb b y the Nazus first. A. had be produced B. had produ ced C. had been produced D. wou ld be p roduced 37. The roo m if it is not empty. A. couldn’t b e rep ainted B. canno t b e rep ainted C. cou ld be repainted D. can be rep ainted 38. He the d eath penalty if he had b een found guilt y. A. wou ld has given B. wou ld has b een given C. wou ld have given D. wou ld have b een given 39. The cars if we had no t d one such a huge advertising camp aign. A. wou ld no t have been b ou ght B. wou ld no t have be b ou ght C. wou ld have b een bought D. wou ld no t had b een bought 40. If I were a better conversationalist , to parties more o ften? A. I wou ld be invited B. I would have been invited C. wou ld I b e invited D. wou ld I have been invited 41. The window if the children had no t b een playing footb all in the garden. A. wou ldn't has b een broken B. wou ldn't have been b roken C. wou ld have b een broken D. wou ld be b roken 42. They wou ld have cu t o ff the electricity if the bills . A. had no t b e paid B. had not b een p aid C. had no t b een pay D. had no t p aid 43. Leonard o could have b uilt his flying machine if he 400 years later. A. had been born B. had been bear C. has b een born D. had bore 44. I would not have walked ho me if my b ic ycle . A. hadn't been stolen B. had been stolen C. has b een born D. had bore 45. This country cou ld be richer if it _ . A. was not governed b ad ly B. was no t b ad ly governed C. was governed no t b ad ly D. were not governed bad ly 46. If I a young girl again and the chance to do so mething else. A. was / have C. will have b een / will have had B. wou ld be / have had D. were / had 47. I cou ld never have found su ch a good su mmer hou se, , thank you. 54
- OÂn taäp toát nghieäp THPT Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch - Nguyeãn Ñaëng Ho aøng Duy A. if I weren't unemplo yed C. if it hadn't b een for your help B. if I had managed to finish that wo rk D. unless I work six hours a d ay 48. We their house without asking an yone if we a street - map that d ay. A. could have found / had had C. will have found / had had B. cou ld find / had D. will find / have 49. Car accid ents less if p eople more carefully. A. wou ld take place / had driven C. will take place / d rove B. will be taking place / d rive D. wou ld take p lace / d rove you disappointed if there no snow for this winter 50. holiday? A. Wou ld ........ b e / was B. Will ....... b e / is C. Will ....... be / are D. Cou ld ...... be / is 51. If she ................. yesterd ay, she wo uld co me here with u s to mo rrow night. A. finished it B. finishes it C. had finished it D. has finished it 52. If you r father weren’t the p resid ent o f the co mpany, you ……..…… here. A. wou ldn’t have worked B. won’t wo rk C. wouldn’t b e wo rking D. don’t work 53. If I ................. for an accounting firm, I would be working in a po st-office. A. wasn't wo rking B. wo rked C. hadn't worked D. weren't wo rking 54. What would yo u have done if you .................... a lo t o f money? A. had B. will C. had had D. have had 55. If we had known that yo u were there, we ..................... you a letter. A. wou ld write B. wou ld have write C. wou ld have written D. had written 56. If we had checked the petro l b efo re we started, we .................... here. A. wou ldn't stop B. wou ldn't have stopped C. would have stopp ed D. wou ld stop 57. “Did he stud y yesterday?” “No , but if he ............, he wou ld have done better o n tod ay’s test.” A. had B. has C. will stud y D. had done 58. My sister ................... you the tech nique o f weaving if yo u ask her. A. wou ld show B. sho ws C. will show D. sho wed 59. She would be happ y if we .................. her a bunch of flowers. A. had sent B. sent B. wou ld send C. send 60. If you don’t feel well, you .................. better take a rest. A. are B. wou ld C. had D. have 61. What would yo u have done if you .................. a lot of mone y? A. had B. had had C. have had D. have 62. The movie was sad and she wep t. If it .................. sad, she .................. A. hadn’t b een/ wou ldn’t have wept B. wasn’t/ wou ldn’t weep C. wasn’t/ wou ld weep D. had been/ would have wept 63. I’ll be very disappo inted if yo u .................. the exa m. A. don’t pass B. won’t p ass C. aren’t p assing D. wou ldn’t p ass 55
- OÂn taäp toát nghieäp THPT Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch - Nguyeãn Ñaëng Ho aøng Duy 64. If he .................. harder, the results would b e better. A. has worked B. works C. will wo rk D. worked 65. If I had had free time, I ..................... shopp ing. A. wou ld have gone B. can go C. will go D. will have gone 66. .................. if you take the map with you . A. You will get lo st B. You won’t get lo st C. You get lost D. You got lost 67. If you had co me to the p art y, yo u ......…….. her. A. wou ld meet B. had met C. wou ld have met D. met 68. I’m no t tired enough to go to bed yet. I wou ldn’t sleep if I ........... to b ed now. A. go B. went C. had gone D. wou ld go 69. If I were you, I ....................that shirt. It’s mu ch too expensive. A. won’t bu y B. don’t bu y C. am not go ing to bu y D. wouldn’t bu y 70. I d ecid ed to stay at ho me last night. I wou ld have gone ou t if I ..........so tired. A. wasn’t B. weren’t C. wou ldn’t have been D. hadn’t been B. Choose the u nd erlined part among A, B, C o r D that need s correcting. 1 . If Mary wouldhaveb een morecareful in proofreading her d issertation, she A B C would not have had to get it typ ed again. D 2 . Wou ldyou bu y so me banana if the greengrocer’s is still op en? A B C D 3 . If the d river had seen t he stopsign, the accid ent wouldn’thapp en. A B C D 4 . If I am in your p lace, I wou ld no t do so . AB CD 5 . If we had a b ig house, we can invite ou r friend s tostay. A B C D 6 . You eat fru its when they are ripe. If you eat them when they are still sou r, you A B C might have sto machache. D 7 . If yo u so ld your house, you didn’t get mu ch money forit. A B C D 8 . What would youdo if you have chance totravel in thesub marine? A B C D 9 . If Mr. Black weren’t late, he wouldn’t have lost hisjob. A B C D 10. What couldhappen if the po lice hadn’t arrived so qu ickly? A B C D 11. If the weather was fine, we wou ld surely go out. A B C D 56
- OÂn taäp toát nghieäp THPT Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch - Nguyeãn Ñaëng Ho aøng Duy 12. If I had enou gh money, I wouldhavebou ght t hat car tod ay. A B C D 13. He wouldb e happ y if he is here no w. A B C D 14. What wouldy ou haved o if you were in m y po sition? A B C D 15. If he hadknew the time when the match started, I wou ldhavetold you . A B C D 16. If I was you no w, I would accep t his suggestion. A B C D 17. If it do esn’t rain tonight, we wouldgo to the Cafe A B C D 18. If I were you, I willhelp him A B C D 19. If he had arrived late, we wouldbegin witho uthim. A B C D 20. No one would have attend ed the lectu re if you to ld thetruthab out the gu est A B C D sp eaker. C. Choose one sentence that best rewrites the sen tence given: 1 . I was not there yesterday, so I cou ld no t help you . A. If I was there yesterday, I could help you . B. Had I been there yest erd ay, I could have help ed you. C. If I had b een there yesterday, I cou ld have helped you. D. B and C are correct. 2 . You didn’t tell me your story, so I cou ldn’t help you . A. If you told me the story, I could help you . B. If o nly you to ld me you r story. C. If you had told me the stor y, I could have helped you. D. Did yo u tell me you r sto ry, I cou ld help you. 3 . If Nam hadn’t gone to schoo l yesterday, he wou ldn’t have u nd erstood that lesson. A. Nam d idn’t go to schoo l yesterday and he d idn’t u nd erstand that lesson B. Nam went to schoo l yesterd ay b ut he didn’t u nderstand that lesson. C. Nam d idn’t go to school yesterday bu t he understood that lesson. D. Nam went to schoo l yesterday and understood that lesson. 4 . He doesn’t stud y hard, so he can fail the examination. A. If he studies hard, he won’t fail the examination. B. If he didn’t stud y hard, so he wouldn’t fail the examination. C. He wouldn’t have failed the examination if he had studied hard. D. If he studied hard, he wouldn’t fail the examination. 5 . She worked hard so she got high wages. A. If she didn’t work hard , she wouldn’t get high wages. 57
- OÂn taäp toát ng hieäp THPT Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch - Nguy eã n Ñaëng Hoaøng Duy B. If she had worked hard, she would have got high wages. C. If she hadn’t worked hard, she wouldn’t have got high wages. D. If she worked hard, she would get high wages. 6. Mary felt sick because she drank too mu ch wine. A. If M ary hadn’t drunk too much wine, she wouldn’t have felt sick. B. If M ary had drunk too much wine, she would have felt sick. C. If M ary didn’t drink too much wine, she wouldn’t feel sick. D. A & C are correct. 7. I didn’t have time, so I didn’t go shopping. A. If I have time, I will go shopping. B. If I had time, I would go shopping. C. If I had had time, I would have gone shopping. D. If I have had time, I would have gone shopping. 8. She doesn’t know English, so she can’t translate English books. A. If she knows English, she can translate English books. B. If she knew English, she can translate English books. C. If she knew English, she could translate English books. D. If she knows English, she could translate English books. 9. Mary didn’t wear the raincoat, so she got cold A. If Mar y wore the raincoat, she wouldn’t get a cold B. If Mar y had won the raincoat, she didn’t get a cold C. If Mar y had worn the raincoat, she wouldn’t have got a cold D. If Mar y has worn the raincoat, she wouldn’t have got a cold 10. You didn’t work hard. You got bad
- marks. A. Had you worked hard, you would have got bad marks. B. If you had worked hard, you would not have got bad marks. C. If you worked hard, you would not get bad marks. D. Did you work hard, you would not get bad marks.

Đề thi thử tốt nghiệp môn Toán lớp 12 đề 23
3 p |
144 |
Đề thi thử tốt nghiệp môn Toán lớp 12 đề 24
1 p |
135 |
1 p |
90 |
2 p |
86 |
Đề thi thử tốt nghiệp môn hóa học - Đề 04 -Trường THPT Phan Đăng Lưu
5 p |
140 |
Đề thi thử tốt nghiệp môn Toán lớp 12 đề 42
1 p |
105 |
1 p |
83 |
1 p |
86 |
Đề thi thử tốt nghiệp môn Sinh học Bài số 5 - Trường THPT Ngô Quyền
4 p |
91 |
2 p |
86 |
Đề thi thử tốt nghiệp môn Toán lớp 12 đề 41
1 p |
108 |
2 p |
97 |
Đề thi thử tốt nghiệp môn Toán lớp 12 đề 38
1 p |
89 |
2 p |
73 |
1 p |
67 |
2 p |
86 |
Đề thi thử tốt nghiệp môn Toán lớp 12 đề 44
1 p |
88 |
Đề thi thử tốt nghiệp môn Toán lớp 12 đề 39
1 p |
90 |

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