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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi thử tốt nghiệp môn: tiếng anh – đề 2', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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  1. ĐỀ THI THỬ TỐT NGHIỆP MÔN: TIẾNG ANH – ĐỀ 2 Choo se the best answer among A, B, C or D to comp lete each sentence. 1 ) She divo rced him b ecause o f his to the child ren. A. kindness B. u nkindly C. u nkindness D. kind ly 2 ) The recent hu rricane cau sed damage. A. widening B. wid esp read C. wid ely D. widen 3 ) Don't the door. The p aint is still wet. A. keep o ff B. watch C. leave D. touch 4 ) I b elieve you becau se I know yo u are . A. truthful B. truthlessness C. truth D. entru st 5 ) It's so long since I saw him that I almost failed to him. A. recognize B. app rove C. receive D. accept 6 ) We must ou r forests and woodlands for fu tu re generations. A. conservatio n B. conserving C. conserve D. conservational 7 ) The was a success; the p atient will fully recover in a month's time. A. operating B. operator C. operate D. op eration 8 ) He was born blind ; bu t despite this t he to p he still managed to b eco me o ne o f Pop singers of his generation. A. disability B. ability C. u nable D. disab le 9 ) He me b y asking me stupid qu estions while I'm working. A. anno ys B. quarrels C. d amages D. interests 2
  2. OÂn taäp toát nghieäp THPT Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch - Nguyeãn Ñaëng Ho aøng Duy 10) Oscar had eaten so mu ch he had to his belt. A. loo seness B. loosen C. loosing D. loosely 11) His health was seriously affected and he suffered fro m constant . A. sleeping B. sleeplessness C. sleep y D. asleep 12) You will have to work hard if yo u want to . A. su ccess B. su ccessfu l C. succeed D. successfully 13) He is under sixteen; he should not drive a car. A. so far as B. however C. therefo re D. considering 14) The gunman the pilot of the plane to change the d irection. A. made B. fo rced C. controlled D. demanded 15) In Britain it is and for child ren to attend school between the ages o f five sixteen. A. co mpulso ry B. obliged C. mad e D. enfo rced 16) When the alarm went , Mick ju st turned o ver and went back to sleep. A. o u t B. up C. down D. o ff 17) The b arbecu e was cancelled the heav y rain. A. because B. b ecause o f C. althou gh D. despite 18) As I felt so mu ch b etter, my do ctor me to take a holiday b y the sea. A. suggested B. consid ered C. accepted D. advised 19) Burning coal is an way o f heating a house. Gas is much cheap er. A. unecono mical B. econo mic C. u necono mic D. econo mical 20) Hoi An is a tourist . A. attractive B. attraction C. attracted D. attract 21) Our education will help with the o f kno wledge fo r the young. A. richness B. enrich ment C. rich D. riches 22) Their has lasted for mo re than 20 years. A. friendly B. friendship C. friends D. friend 23) The o ld bu ild ing is in a good state o f excep t for the wood en floors. A. preserve B. preserving C. p reservatio n D. preserved 24) He draws cartoons for a magazine. A. hu mo rou s B. hu morlessl y C. hu mo r D. hu mored 25) - “Wou ld yo u like to have d inner with me?” - “ .” A. I’m ver y happ y B. Yes, so do C. Yes, it is D. Yes, I’d love to 26) The o ld coup le have saved a lo t o f money fo r their . A. retirement B. retiring C. retire D. retired with mo st other countries, Britain has a ver y high rate o f heart 27) In attacks. A. co mp arab le B. co mp arably C. co mparative D. comparison 28) Do you think we'll find a so lution this p rob lem? A. at B. about C. with D. to 29) AIDS is a(n) disease. A. danger B. endangered C. end anger D. dangerou s 3
  3. OÂn taäp toát nghieäp THPT Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch - Nguyeãn Ñaëng Ho aøng Duy 30) Ann: Do yo u think you’ll get the job? Mary: . A. Well, I hope so B. I think no t C. I kno w so D. Yes, that’s right 31) Do you really me to believe you ? A. plan B. wait C. think D. exp ect 32) We have to keep o ur costs as small as po ssible. We have so man y trying to take o ur cu sto mers away. A. co mp etitive B. inco mpletion C. co mp etitio n D. competito rs 33) I don't b elieve a word she sa ys, I think she . A. is lying B. lied C. is telling lie D. is la ying 34) I feel so I' m go ing to bed . A. asleep B. sleep C. sleep y D. sleep ing 35) English is a easy language to learn. A. co mp aratively B. co mp arative C. co mpared D. comparable 36) A person o r thing that is loved and ad mired very mu ch is the . A. ideal B. idea C. fan D. idol 37) It's a nice sho p and the assistants are all po lite and very . A. helpless B. helpfu lness C. help ful D. help fully 38) At first the d isease affected o nly his hands, but now it has to his arms. A. covered B. entered C. exp anded D. spread 39) You r father's death was a terrible shock. I would like to sho w my d eep ly sad to you. A. emotional B. emotionally C. emo tio n D. emo tionless 40) The judge the pedestrian for the accid ent. A. blamed B. charged C. sued D. accused 41) When I saw him yesterd ay, he was a taxi. A. running after B. running o ver C. co ming along D. walking up 42) So me sp ecies of rare animals are in of extinction. A. dangerously B. d anger C. d angerou s D. end anger 43) Altho ugh so me societies are undeveloped, their languages, fro m a linguist’s po int of view, are ver y co mp lex. A. techno logist B. techno logical C. technology D. techno lo gically 44) We should b e responsible fo r the hu mans are d oing to the environment. A. destructio n B. d estro y C. d estru ctibility D. d estru ctive 45) You have to wo rk for the co ming exam. A. more hard B. hardly C. more hard ly D. hard 46) is an extremel y popu lar ho bb y. A. Pho tography B. Pho tographer C. Photograp hic D. Photographically 47) When she looked in her purse she found that her mo ney had b een . A. stolen B. broken C. thieved D. robbed 48) I find it quite to talk in front of a group of p eople. A. embarrassingly B. emb arrassingC. emb arrassment D. embarrassed 4
  4. OÂn taäp toát nghieäp THPT Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch - Nguyeãn Ñaëng Ho aøng Duy 49) The fo llo wing d ay she felt well to go to work. A. su fficiency B. su ffice C. su fficiently D. su fficient 50) The school bo y in the accid ent. A. was seriou sly injured B. seriou sly injured C. seriously was injured D. to be inju red seriou sly 51) - “How do yo u do?” - “ ” A. I’m well. Thank you. B. Not too b ad. C. Yeah, OK. D. How do yo u do? 52) He has to arrange fo r the o f his furnitu re before he go es ab road. A. sale B. seal C. sole D. sail 53) He hoped his would give him a pay rise. A. emplo yee B. emplo y C. emp lo yed D. emp lo yer 54) The winner o f the contest was given a(an) for her excellent p erformance. A. award B. reward C. fine D. bonu s 55) Sara speaks so that I can't understand her. A. faster B. fastest C. fast D. fatly 56) A relief has been set up to help earthqu ake victims. A. co llection B. fund C. treasu ry D. donatio n 57) Miss White sang very at my b irthday part y last night. A. beau tify B. b eau ty C. b eautiful D. beautifully 58) In order to with his stu dies he wo rked through the su mmer. A. take on B. take up C. catch on D. catch up 59) Cou ld yo u me how to u se this new mobile p hone? A. show B. d irect C. say D. exp lain 60) When he heard the terrible noise he asked me what was on. A. happ ening B. going C. getting D. being 61) My new hou se is well with the surrounding area. A. integrated B. integrate C. integrating D. integrates 62) You can learn as mu ch theory as you like, bu t you o nly master a skill b y........ it a lo t. A. practising B. doing C. training D. exercising 63) You need a lot of to be a teacher. A. patient B. p atience C. impatient D. patiently 64) There are many interesting events included in this book. A. histo rian B. histo rical C. history D. historically 65) The weather will be b right with showers. A. occasionally B. o ccasion C. o ccasionality D. o ccasional 66) It was an trip that we had last week. A. eventfu l B. eventfully C. event D. events 67) There are many b etween living in a city and living in a country. A. differently B. d ifferent C. d ifferences D. difference 68) The she gave last night was marvellous. 5
  5. OÂn taäp toát nghieäp THPT Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch - Nguyeãn Ñaëng Ho aøng Duy A. performable B. p erformance C. p erfo rmers D. performing 69) Hung: “Thank you very mu ch fo r a lovely party.” Hoa: “ .” A. Cheers B. Thanks C. You are welco me D. Have a good day that yo u will p ay it 70) The b ank won't lend yo u the money withou t so me b ack. A. interest B. charge C. guarantee D. pro fit 71) Fro m the hotel there is a good o f the mountains. A. view B. sight C. vision D. pictu re 72) I shall do the job to the best of my . A. knowledge B. talent C. cap acity D. ability are equally bad , irrespective o f which p arty they 73) In my o pinion, all b elong to. A. politics B. politicians C. policies D. po licy 74) The situatio n has considerably since the New Year. A. wo rsened B. lessened C. d ecreased D. lo wered 75) I'm sure they were lies! A. sp eaking B. talking C. saying D. telling 76) His lo w sco re in the tests him q uite a lot. A. encouragement B. encouraging C. d iscouraged D. cou rageous 77) Baseball is the sport in the United States. A. natio n B. nationalize C. nationality D. national 78) The will judge your qu ality and performance. A. examination B. examiners C. examining D. examinees 79) Let's wait here for her; I'm su re she'll before long. A. turn do wn B. turn off C. turn over D. tu rn up 80) , there are no su ch so-called ghosts. A. Scientist B. Scientificall y C. Science D. Scientific 81) My father is a . He wo rks in a garage. A. farmer B. teacher C. mechanic D. do ctor 82) There are sma ll between British and American English. A. difference B. d ifferent C. d ifferently D. differences 83) is such a co mp etitive pro fession. A. Advertisement B. Advertising C. Advertise D. Advertiser 84) Picasso was a famou s artist who so me extremely interesting pictures. A. deco rated B. p ainted C. invented D. discovered 85) You r money will be refunded if the go od s are no t to your co mpletely. A. satisfying B. satisfaction C. satisfacto ry D. satisfied 86) We are of the long journey. A. tiring B. tire C. tired D. to tire 87) Dinner will b e a co ld , not a sit-do wn meal. A. dish B. p arty C. buffet D. meal 6
  6. OÂn taäp toát nghieäp THPT Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch - Nguyeãn Ñaëng Ho aøng Duy 88) Nowadays, bu sinessmen usu ally u se telep hones to counterparts. with their A. co mmunicating B. co mmunicative C. co mmunicate D. co mmunicatio n 89) - “I’ve p assed my driving test.” - “ ” A. Do you ? B. Congratu lations! C. It’s nice o f you to say so. D. That’s a good idea. 90) Have I you about ho w Mary is getting on at college? A. answered B. told C. said D. exp lained 91) The p olice are interested in the sudden of the valuable p ainting. A. apprear B. appearing C. d isappearance D. disapp eared 92) Last month, ou r class made a two -day to Nha Trang. A. travel B. vo yage C. excursio n D. flight 93) the Internet' s speed and efficiency in send ing mail electronically rather than b y transporting it has become more popular among young p eople than trad itional mail. A. Since B. Ho wever C. Becau se o f D. As a consequ ence 94) My brother is interested in d oing research. A. scientist B. scientifically C. scientific D. science 95) David: "Hap p y Christmas!" - Jason: " " A. Same fo r you! B. The same to yo u! C. You are the same! D. Happ y Christmas with you ! 96) She was to hear the news of her son's su ccess. A. delightfu l B. d elighting C. d elighted D. delight 97) Cou ld yo u me how to u se this new telephone? A. explain B. show C. rememb er D. say 98) It’s very of yo u to help me. A. well B. glad C. kind D. happ y 99) Can you that strange perfu me she is wearing? A. see B. feel C. smell D. no tice 100) You can't on him at all. He never do es what he says he'll do .
  7. A. arrange B. rely C. tolerate D. collaborate



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