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Giáo trình Anh văn 3 (Nghề: Điện công nghiệp) - Trường TCN Kỹ thuật công nghệ Hùng Vương

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Giáo trình Anh văn 3 cung cấp cho người học những kiến thức như: Module 11: Going away, Module 12: Spending money Module review: Consolidation, Module 13: Buying and selling, Module 14: Street life, Module 15: Learning for the future

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Nội dung Text: Giáo trình Anh văn 3 (Nghề: Điện công nghiệp) - Trường TCN Kỹ thuật công nghệ Hùng Vương

  2. TABLE OF CONTENT Module 11: Going away Module 12: Spending money Module review: Consolidation Module 13: Buying and selling Module 14: Street life Module 15: Learning for the future
  3. negatives and questions; and and but ► Vocabulary: irregular verbs; holiday expresslons ► Rea! life: buying a train ticket a) Write the names of three popular places in your country. 1 Look at pictures a-c. Which is the best place a) a big city to go on holiday? b) a place in the country/ in tbe mountains What can you do in these places? c) a town near the seo/ Compare answers in pairs. a Iake/o river go to the beach go to museums go skiing go for a walk go shopping go to restaurants b) Tell your partner what peopfe usually do in stay in a hotel go swimming these places. ► Vocabulary book pa:ge 52. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j, 90
  4. We didn't go to expensive restaurants . (= did not) 1/you!fie!sheithey an~ the same. They didn't ha\1e a lot of rnoney. l dldn't see you last week. 6 a) Write sentences about Matt and Claire's ·. holiday. Use the information in Exercise 5. a) -n,e~ ~l'\t.. for o, l.,..)C).\k LI'\ Mo,l'\ho,l:.l:.o,l'\. b) (go shopping) c) (go to the Metropolitan Museum) d) (go to the Statue of Liberty) e) (go to the Empire State Building) f) (stay in a hotel) g) (stay with friends) h) (go for a walk in Central Park) b) ~ [11.2] Listen and check, a) Make correct sentences about your day 4 a) Look at the pictures of New York. Think of yesterday. three places you can visit there. I I got up late. ✓ 2 I had eggs for breakfast. b) ~· [11.1] Listen to Matt talking about his I di..ctn'l:. e33s for holiday in New York. Did he enjoy it? I ho,d O.f'ld coffee. 3 I went to work 5 Listen again. Tick (✓) the things Matt and 4 I had a big lunch. Claire did in New York, and cross (X) the 5 l went to the cinema. things they didn't do. 6 I watched TV in the morning. a) 0 go for a walk in Monhatton 7 I wrote an email to o. friend. b) D go shopping 8 I had dinner at home. c) D go to the Metropolitan Museum 9 I went to bed early. d) D go to the Statue of Liberty e) D go to the Empire State Building b) Compare your sentences with another f) D stay in a hotel student. g) D stay with friends h) go for a walk in Central Pmk i) go to expensive restcrnrants 91
  5. s a Where did you go? ...,............ 1 1 Put the holiday vocabulary into A - ways to travel, or B - things to do. When did you go there? go by train A go to nice restaurants go by car go by boat a) this year go to museums go by plane go shopping r·elax and do nothing go to the mountains go to the beach go by bus b) last year cJ ......... years ago When you go on holiday: Old you travel ... • which is your favourite way to travel? a) by car? • which don't you like? b) by plane or boat? • which things in Exercise 1 B do you like doing? c] by train or bus? Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about 'a holiday you remember well'. Write your partner's answers. Where did you stay? a] 1n a hotel b) with family c) with friends d] other ......................... Stiort 2;1-S\:vers: Did you have a good time? Yes, I did. No, I didn't. Did you go ... Where did you go? a} with your family? !· What did you do? b} with friends? c) alone? 'j ": fJC'ge 18, \~---·-------------------___,. . What did you do there? a) Put these questions in the correct order. a) go to the beach 1 have/a/Did/holiday/nice/you ? b} go shopping DLd .:)Ov o. l"ILce ho\Ld°'.::i? cJ go for walks 2 do/did/you/last Sunday/What? d) other ......................... 3 go out/you/last night/Did ? 4 nice weekend/a/you/have/Did ? Did you have a good time? 5 watch TV/last night/you/Did? a) Yes, I did. b) '~:, [11.3] Listen and check. Practise saying the questions. b) No, l didn't c) !twas okay. c) Choose three questions to ask your partner. 92
  6. 5 a) Put the time words in order on the line. yesterday last year ths morning last weekend ia,;c \~/otk in :;T(H.1ps of thrr~e or four, Pl tht: hc .:..:rd 1 g.11n(-;>. (S00 p:,ge 11? for rules.) past now I I __,__ _---..;.---------··-· ~;---·-·1-'- lo.s!:.. !:..h
  7. The family who sailed around Focus 3 the world und e rid Engineer Jeff Dent, 46, and wife Alison, 1 Do you like travelling by boat? When was 44, ahvays loved sailing. They first met at the last time you travelled by boat? a sailing club and their dream was to sail Where did you go? Did you enjoy it? around the \Norld. So, when Jeff became unemployed in 2 a) Look at the pictures and the title. January 1999, they decided to make their What is the article about, do you think? dream come true. Alison left her job as a teacher and they bought an eight-metre sailing boat, the Charlotte Rose. They o) It's about three brothers and three sisters wanted to sail from Britain to South who sailed around the world. Africa, then to Australia, across the South b) It's about six people in the some fomily Pacific to Argentina, and back to Britain who sailed around the world. across the Atlantic. c) It's about two people who sailed around They weren't the first people to make the world with their three children. this journey; but this time there ,vas one big difference - Jeff and .Alison took their three children with them: ten-year-old b) •~ [11 .5] Listen and read the text. Check your 01.iver, Charlotte, \.Vho was seven, and answers. three-year-old Daniel. Yesterday; after two years and 48,000 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. kilometres, they arrived back in Britain. Compare answers in pairs. To their surprise, hundreds of friends and journalists were there to meet them. a) Alison is an engineer and Jeff is a teacher. So how was it? "It vvas very difficult," b) They met at a golf club, said Alison, "but it was also the best tvvo years of my life." The children also loved c) Their dream was to sail across the Atlantic. it. "We saw things that most people never cl) They took their four children with them. see," said Oliver. ''One morning we got up e) Their boat, the Charlotte Rose, was eighteen and there were three whales near the boat metres long. ... that was fantastic!" f) They went to South America first, then There was one question everyone Australia, and then South Africa. wantedto ask. Did they argue a lot? g) Alison didn't enjoy the journey. Jeff ansi;vered. "Of course we argued h) One day the children saw five whales near sometimes, but we were a great team. their boat. It was a11 amazing journey." i) Jeff says that the family argued all the time. 94
  8. r Alison left her job as a teacher and they bought a sailing boat. a) Find the past tenses of these verbs in the We argued sometimes but we were a article, and write them in the box. real team. meet .. mel ....... . 7 Look again at the text and ~ every decide and and but. buy '\,\/Clnt .. · · ·· ..... • .. · ·•• Join these sentences with and or but. tClke a) Tom's married. He has two children. arrive Tom's mo.rri...ed o,fld he ho,s t..\.,0Q chddfe.f\. see b) They ·went to Rome. They didn't go to Venice. argue c) Marta went to Thailand on holiday. She had a great time. b) ~ [11.6] listen and check. Which verbs d) I like English. I don't understand everything. are irregular? e) This is a good hoteL The rooms ore very quiet. t) Sue had a ticket for o concert. She didn't go. 5 For you, which of these words and phrases g) I can play the guitar. l can't sing. describe the Dents' journey? Compare answers with other students. Complete these sentences for you. Compare your sentences with another student. - dangerous - exciting - interesting - boring - a great idea - o stupid idea 1 At the weekend I usually ................ . and ................. . Dlscuss these questions with other students. 2 I like .................. but I don't like ................. . 3 Last week I ................. ond ................. . - Would you like to make a journey like the Dents'? 4 I can .................. but 1 can't ................. . - Which pklCes in the world would you like 5 I always .................. but !. never ................. . to visit? Why? 6 Yesterday I ................. and .......... --..... . 95
  9. I Ii a) $:::1: [11.7] Listen to the conversation and ,ai-~ the correct word. ga in ti ---- VERONICA: Can I have a singlef, S t o 1 Match these words with the pictures below. Oxford, please? TICKET SELLER: OK, that's £23.50/£25.30. train a single (ticket) a return (ticket) VERONICA: Here you are. What time'.s the a pla[form a ticket office last/next train? TICKET SELLER: Well, there's one at 10.54/10.24. VERONICA: Oh, good, Which train/platform? TICKET SELLER: Platform six/sixteen, OK, thanks Q lot. Bye. b) Practise the conversation with a partner. Close your books and try to remember the conversation. Work in pairs - A and B. Student A 1 You want to buy tickets to these places on the next train. Ask Student B questions to complett the table below. Imagine the time now is 11 a.m. price time platform 1 a return to Manchester .................. ,.,. ~ ... ♦ ♦,♦ """'"'" ............ ,.,. 2 a single to Oxford .... .. ., ~ .. _, ♦ ..... l' ... .,,. ....... 11- .. ,. .. "., ..... , ,. ~ ·~ . ,,. .... 2 Turn to page 112 and answer Student B's questions . .Student B 1 Turn tq page llO and answer Student J:.!s questions. 2 You want to buy tickets to these plac~s on the n:ext train. Ask Student A questions to complete the table below. Imagine the time now is 11 a.m. price time platform 1 a single to Liverpool .., ..................... .................. . . . . . . I'" .... .,. ..... 2 a return to Leeds ................. ,. .... ' . '..,:& .•. ~ 96
  10. Language sum m Match answers 1-6 with questions a-fin k, 6 Exercise 2. 1) At half past seven. 1 a} Tick (✓) the sentences that are true for 2) Yes,, she did. you. Make the other sentences negative. 3) I met him on holiday. di..dn~t.. p\~ 4) No, he didn't. a) I ~ tennis last month. 5) At abouteleven o'clock. b) I went to the cinema last week. 6) They went to a concert. °' c) I had a dog when I was a child. d) My parents got married in 1975. Match the words and phrases in the box e) I went on holiday two years ago. with the verbs. f) I met some friends at the weekend. g) My mother lived in the country when she was a restaurant with a iami\y shopping young. a good time swimming the beach breakfast a museum in a hotel b) Compare your answers in pairs. a lotof :~~:. ··--'-N_lth_fr_ie_nd_s_ _s_k_iin_s____ ) Put the words in the sentences. GOTO ,c-- dLcl a) Whel)l,he go to bed last night? (did) 'I b) Did come to school by train? (he) c) What did they last night? (do) d) What did you get up this morning? (time) e) your sister go shopping last week? (did) f) Where did you your husband? (meet) 97
  11. ► Grammar: want to; going to ~.,] ► Vocabulary: things you buy 1 (furniture, clothes, etc.); colours i I and sizes 1 ► Real lite: social language bula in ub What is each advert for? Talk to a partner. 1 a) Which things can you see in each advert? Check on page 109. £ Vocabulary book page 57, CVa carpet a book coffee a magazine ') '--•~•••~•••''"''>rnn;,,-,~,.~=,•,=~,Y------------ @------------- ' jeans a jacket a watch boots '·-··••· Which words in Exercise 1 go in these ® . - -.. . . . . . . . .,-•-··•····-··---.. . . . . .-,_ groups? _________________ \......, clothes make-up shampoo a mobile phone) . a) Things you carry with you - o. rnobUe phO
  12. Which of these things do you 1Nant to buy? Teil other students. • clothes • CDs or books " furniture • other things l"tdl\i a) Write six true sentences about yourself from A, B and C. A ~ [12.2] Add these words to the corr-ect group in Exercise 3. Listen and check. a jumper a chair a table a lamp shoes a handbag a T-shirt a briefcase C want tonight :~ [12.3] Listen and write what four students wantto buy. tomorrow next weekend a) Yuko ........................... . c) Ali .......................... .. next week b) Antonia ......................... ... d) Lucas ........................... . I \ I I I i b) Compare answers with I want a CD. ! want to buy a CD. a partner. I want a lamp. l don't want (to buy) anything. !warn summary 1 page 173. to read my nevv ) '"----------------------~/ book tonight 99
  13. 12 Spending money Look at the two Internet shopping sites. What can you see in the pictures? 1 Match the words to the Look at 'extra information' on page 101. Which pictures do they describe? · colours (a-g) below. black b!ue brown red "' green yellow vvhJte a) Match answers a-c with questions 1-3. 1 What colour is it? 2 How much is it? 3 What size is it? a) small/medium/large/size 38 b) $125/£60 c) ye11ow/red/black b) •$:l [12.41 listen and check. Practise the questions and answers. 100
  14. Work with a partner. You have three minutes to answer as many questions as you can. 1 What sizes are the men's jackets? 2 ls then:_i o medium size coffee toble? 3 Ho,,v much is o Jorge jumper? Bl307 Short leather jacket:, made in Italy. $195 Women's sizes smaJl/medium/la1·ge $175 6 How much ls a jacket for o ten-yeor-o!d child? Children's sizes ages 5-6 years/7-8 years $85 7 Which is cheaper, the men's jacket or the (boys/girls} ages 9-l0 years/11-12 years $105 women's jacket? colours: black only 8 What colours are the briefcases? 9 Who is the jumper for - men, women or both? BL20 I Quality leather briefcase, made in Brazil, 10 How many centimetres high are the two coffee tables? Suitable for men or women. ;..wo~,. • • ~ t~;,'> •*~•• ,> •, ~~~• ~• ~~->.~e,;.~-.-.~¥~ ... medium (38cm x 25cm) $85 large (44cm x 32cm} $95 colours: black/brown ' :1 Choose a present from the pictures for: a) a man you know (your father/husband/a friend) b) a woman you know c) your teacher d)a child you know e}yourself \ Think about what each person likes. El 33A Pure wool jumper for men and . women. \2 Work in small groups. Te!! the other students : what you want to buy and who it is for. Colours: brown and white/black and white/ blue and white sizes: extra small/small $45 medium/large/extra large $58 El 67C Handmade coffee table from South India. Large: 70cm x 45cm x 30cm high $ l 30 For my s\ster, I want to buy ... (a jumper). Small: 45cm x 45cm x 30cm high $85 What colour? What size? 101 .:
  15. 12 Spending money a) c:o (12.S] Listen to four of the people. Who is talking? going to 0. - l"\Urnbef (o 1 Look at the shopping mall. What places do you see? b) ~ [12.6J Can you complete the sentences? Look at the people numbered 1-7. Which Listen and check. people are these sentences about? 1 lvly mother's in hospital so I'm ................. .. hook page 59, visit her this nftemoon. 2 We're ................... visit the Cnstle 1v1useum. a) ~ She's going to buy some flowers. Then we' ................... find a hotel. b) 0 Theyire going to have lunch. 3 I'm ................... going to buy a computer c) 0 She's going to play tennis. today. d) 0 They're going to watch a footboll 4 I'm ................... meet my girlfriend's parents mntch this nfternoon. this evening. \!'le' ................... have dinner at their house. e) 0 Perhaps he's going to buy a new computer. f) They're going to go home. g) He's going to meet his girlfriend. 102
  16. Gram ar Pronunciation f"o 1 t:::i f12.8] Listen and notice that to is weal< in I and you forms these sentences. I'm going to visit my mother in hospital. /t~/ If,\ Arc vuu In ph,.·,n,:, Und(I 1c1dov? I'm not going to buy a compuler tod;,y /t::,i ,. • WhAt are you gQing to do? r·i,.1 l\.1 '.Jfl ,;•,\ ! (J'·:·1:\;ht) /1;,/ he/she/we/they forms Ne,. I'm :Jning to wotch TV. He/She's going to play tennis. We're going to visit the museum. 2 Practise the conversations in Exercise 5. They're going to watch a football match. Ask and answer questions about the people 'l You are going to ask other students about in the picture. next weekend, First, write down the questions that you are going to ask. Are :JO'-.l 30Lf\S lo vLsd:.. fo. .e.l\ds ne;•d:. weekef\d? Find one person in the class who ... 1 is going to visit friends. ~ [12.7] Match questions 1-6 with answers 2 is going to meet a friend. a-f. Listen and check. I 3 is going to do some sport.I~-----~ 1 Are you going to phone Linda today? 4 is going to work or study. 2 Are you going to drive to the airport tomorrow? 5 is going to buy some new clothes, 3 Are you going to go out tonight? 6 is going to go to another town. 4, Are you going to go to the shops this morning? 7 is going to see a film or concert. 5 Are you going to have a holiday this year'? 8 is going to sleep a lot. 6 What are you goin:g to do when you finish university? 2 Ask different students the questions. Write a) No, I'm going to watch that Woody Allen film the name of the one person in each box above. on TV ... I'm really tired. b) Yes, soon. Do you want something? 3 Tell the class. c) Yes, I think we're going to stay with my aunt and uricle in London. O
  17. 12 Spending money h r e 1 Match the phrases in the box with pictures a-e. // Have a nice weekendf Have a nice holiday! See you 1n September! Good luck with your new job! Good luck with your new school! Anna is going to start a new school soon. boei< 60 2 a),~ [12.9] Listen and check. Repeat the conversations. b) Practise the conversations with a partner. ~> ------ Tristan is going to go on holiday next week. 0 It is the end of your English course this year; You are going to start the next course in September. ~--
  18. 3 a) Make similar phrases ge 1 18 using the prompts below I ,·· ~{ 1 Have o nice ... ! ,:ind te H1 . meal table below . Q_K_IT ,I



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