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Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Lễ tân (Ngành: Tiếng Anh lễ tân nhà hàng, khách sạn - Trung cấp) - Trường Cao đẳng Xây dựng số 1

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Giáo trình "Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Lễ tân (Ngành: Tiếng Anh lễ tân nhà hàng, khách sạn - Trung cấp)" được biên soạn với mục tiêu nhằm giúp sinh viên nắm được các kiến thức về: Sử dụng tiếng Anh thành thạo trong các tình huống giao tiếp lễ tân; hiểu biết và phát triển từ vựng qua các chủ điểm ngôn ngữ;... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!

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Nội dung Text: Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Lễ tân (Ngành: Tiếng Anh lễ tân nhà hàng, khách sạn - Trung cấp) - Trường Cao đẳng Xây dựng số 1

  1. BỘ XÂY DỰNG TRƯỜNG CAO ĐẲNG XÂY DỰNG SỐ 1 GIÁO TRÌNH TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGÀNH MÔN: TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGÀNH LỄ TÂN NGÀNH: LỄ TÂN NHÀ HÀNG KHÁCH SẠN TRÌNH ĐỘ: TRUNG CẤP Ban hành kèm theo Quyết định số: 374ĐT/QĐ-CĐXD1 ngày 16 tháng 8 năm 2022 của Hiệu trưởng Trường Cao đẳng Xây dựng số 1 Hà Nội, năm 2022
  2. MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION Construction Technical College No 1 ENGLISH FOR RECEPTION (For major in Reception, Restaurants, Hotels) Student book Hanoi, 2022 Page | 2
  3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The edition of English for Reception – Student book is designed for students whose major is in English for Reception Restaurants Hotels at Construction Technical College No. 1 only. This material includes topics that reflect the most common understanding of computing and combines the use of language and a strong vocabulary syllabus with specialized terms that learners need for success in their chosen field. We would like to express our great thanks to Trish Stott & Rod Revell, authors of Highly recommended - English for the hotel and catering industry (New Edition); Francis O’Hara, author of Be my guest - English for the hotel industry and along with other necessary references in completion of this material. Compiled by M.A. Nguyen Thi My Hanh Page | 3
  4. TABLES OF CONTENT Unit Language focus Skill Development Unit 1 Make requests with Listening 1 Taking phone calls Taking phone calls “Can/Could” or “I’d like” 2 Taking messages p5 Writing Expressions with verbs Speaking Role play situations Unit 2 Expressions with verbs Listening 1 Taking a reservation Taking room reservations Prepositions of time 2 Checking and confirming p Speaking Role play situations Unit 3 Possessive adjectives Listening Checking into a hotel The check-in Days and dates Reading and Writing Checking in p Speaking Role play situations Review 1 Unit 4 There is/There are Listening What facilities are there? Giving information Reading Hotel Amenities p Speaking Role play situations Unit 5 Preposition of location Listening 1 Excuse me, where’s the bar? Giving directions and direction 2 Can you direct me to the theatre? p Speaking Role play situations Unit 6 Refusing requests Listening Making apologies Giving polite responses Reading and Writing Written apologies p Speaking Role play situations Review 2 Unit 7 Making suggestions Listening Have you visited the Empire State Bldg? Places to visit Comparatives and Reading A short break in Rome p Superlatives Speaking Role play situations Unit 8 Linking words Listening 1 What can you offer the business Facilities for business traveller? traveller 2 We're planning a conference. p Reading&Writing Emails about conference services Speaking Role play situations Unit 9 Giving advice Listening 1 Excuse me, where’s the bar? Offering help and 2 Can you call a doctor, please? advice Reading Your health and safety is important to us. p Speaking Role play situations Review 3 Unit 10 Make explanations and Listening Are we service-minded enough? Problems and solutions give solutions Reading Offer advice and solutions p Speaking Role play situations Unit 11 Giving an answer Listening 1 Room rate enquiries Enquiries 2 Facilities and services p Speaking Role play situations Unit 12 Present perfect Listening 1 How would you like to pay? The check-out Past tense 2 That’s the 10% service charge. p Speaking Role play situations Review 4 Additional materials Glossary p64 References p71 Page | 4
  5. CHƯƠNG TRÌNH MÔN HỌC (Kèm theo Quyết định số 127/QĐ-CĐXD1 ngày 30/ 3 /2022 của Hiệu trưởng Trường Cao đẳng Xây dựng số 1) Tên môn học: TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGÀNH LỄ TÂN Mã môn học: MH20 Thời gian thực hiện môn học: 105 giờ. Trong đó: - Lý thuyết: 15 giờ; - Thực hành, thí nghiệm, thảo luận, bải tập: 86 giờ; (Thực hành: 30 giờ) - Kiểm tra: 4 giờ I. Vị trí, tính chất của môn học: - Vị trí: + Môn học được bố trí ở kỳ học thứ 3. + Môn học tiên quyết: Tiếng Anh - Tính chất: là môn học Chuyên môn. II. Mục tiêu môn học: - Về kiến thức: + Sử dụng tiếng Anh thành thạo trong các tình huống giao tiếp lễ tân; + Hiểu biết và phát triển từ vựng qua các chủ điểm ngôn ngữ; - Về kỹ năng: + Kỹ năng nói, học sinh có thể: Chào hỏi, giao tiếp trực tiếp hoặc trên điện thoại với khách; giải quyết các yêu cầu của khách; cung cấp thông tin, giải đáp các câu hỏi về cơ sở vật chất và dịch vụ, tư vấn thông tin, địa điểm du lịch cho khách nếu được yêu cầu; trả lời, trả lời về phương thức thanh toán … bằng tiếng Anh + Kỹ năng nghe, học sinh có thể: Nghe hiểu được những yêu cầu dịch vụ cụ thể và chi tiết của khách, nghe hiểu và giải quyết những vấn đề liên quan đến đặt chỗ, chỉ dẫn đường, nghe hiểu và giải đáp thông tin về cơ sở vật chất và dịch vụ, các tình huống vấn đề khách gặp phải… bằng tiếng Anh. + Kỹ năng đọc, học sinh có thể: Đọc hiểu và xử lý tình huống khi khách yêu cầu thay đổi thông tin, yêu cầu dịch vụ, các địa điểm du lịch, hóa đơn thanh toán … bằng tiếng Anh. + Kỹ năng viết, học sinh có thể: Viết thư xác nhận, hồi đáp đặt phòng với khách, giải quyết thắc mắc, khiếu nại của khách; viết thư giải thích, xin lỗi khách, đưa ra giải pháp hoặc cách xử lý, viết thông báo về một tình huống khẩn cấp … bằng tiếng Anh. - Về năng lực tự chủ và trách nhiệm: + Hình thành cho học sinh thói quen nghe tốt, tích cực rèn luyện kỹ năng nghe và ý thức tự học cũng như làm việc nhóm; III. NỘI DUNG MÔN HỌC: Page | 5
  6. UNIT 1 Taking phone calls OVERVIEW istening aking phone calls aking messages peaking ole play situations Writing xpressions with verbs anguage focus Make requests with Can/Could” or “I’d like” Page | 6
  7. LISTENING 1 Taking phone calls Task 1 Look at the picture of reception desk above and name four pieces of equipment. Look at May Lee, Matthieu, Isobel, and James and name their job. Task 2 Listen to the calls and tick (✓) the correct answers. Call 1 1 Caller’s name Mr Carl Mr Phillips Call 2 2 Room number 329 221 Call 3 3 Hotel Rio Parc Rio Parthenon Call 4 4 Receptionist Luke James Task 3 Listen again and complete the sentences from the receptionists’ dialogues. Use these words. help Can speaking connect calling through Page | 7
  8. Call 1 1 Good afternoon, New Palace Hotel. May Lee _________(1). How can I _________(2) you? Call 2 2 One moment, and I'll _________(3) you. Call 3 3 Just one moment. Who's _________(4), please? Thank you, Mr Falgado. You're _________(5) now. Call 4 4 Yes, sir. _________(6) I have your name, please? Turn to the Listening script on page 66 and practise the dialogues with a partner. Take turns to be the caller and the receptionist LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 Task 1 Make requests with Can or Could Use questions with Can/Could to make requests or offers. Could is more polite than Can. Can/Could I reserve a parking space? (request) Can I help you? (offer) Can/Could I take your coat? (offer) Example speak to / Mrs Bader Could I speak to Mrs Bader, please? 1 reserve / a parking space 2 help / you 3 make / a room reservation 4 have / your name 5 speak to / Miss Jennifer Diaz 6 book / a double room Task 2 Make requests with I'd like to Use I'd like to/I'd like to make requests. It is a more polite way of saying I want. I'd like to book a room. (I'd like to + verb) Page | 8
  9. I'd like a coffee, please. (I'd like + noun) Match the words and make requests with I’d lil‹e to. book make speak to reserve 1 the manager 3 a reservation 2 a single room 4 a parking space LISTENING 2 Taking messages Task 1 Listen to the dialogue and complete the message. Choose the correct words. 502 today ten o'clock tomorrow 402 Mr Schmidt meeting Mr Wollman two o'clock Message for Room number Caller Event Day Time Task 2 Listen again and put the dialogue in the correct order. Complete the sentences with the information in task 1. A Just one moment, and I’ll connect you. I'm sorry, there's no answer from room _________(1). Can I take a message for you? В Hello. Could I speak to Mr _________(2) in room _________(3), please? A Good morning, Athens Palace Hotel. Angela speaking. How can I help you? A Certainly, sir. В Yes, please. My name's Hans _________(4). Please tell him there's a meeting _________(5) at _________(6) o'clock. Page | 9
  10. Practise the dialogue with a partner. Take turns to be the caller and the receptionist. Task 3 Four different callers are phoning the Plaza Hotel. Listen to the four conversations and complete the message notes. TELEPHONE MESSAGE TELEPHONE MESSAGE For ........................................ For ....................................... TELEPHONE MESSAGE Room number..................... TELEPHONE MESSAGE Room number ..................... For ....................................... From .................................... For ........................................ From ..................................... Room number..................... Message Room number...................... Message From .................................... .............................................. From ..................................... ............................................... Message .............................................. Message ............................................... .............................................. .............................................. ............................................... ............................................... .............................................. .............................................. ............................................... ............................................... .............................................. .............................................. ............................................... ............................................... .............................................. ............................................... .............................................. ............................................... Being clear and polite Listen to these sentences and repeat them. I'm afraid the line is busy, would you like Would you like to leave a message? to hold? Could you spell that, please? I'll put you through. I'll make sure he gets the message. There's no answer, can I take a message? I'll give her the message as soon as Just connecting you ... she returns. SPEAKING Task 1 Work with a partner. 1 Student A You work at reception in the Hotel Canaria. Read the information and answer the calls. Mr Luiz room 204 line is busy (take a message?) Jane Williams room 48 no answer Mrs Lane room 469 connect the call Example Good afternoon, Hotel Canaria. How can I help you? Student B Make three calls to the Hotel Canaria. Ask to speak to these people. Mr Luiz room 204 leave a message (there's a meeting tomorrow at the Hotel at 2.30 p.m.) Page | 10
  11. Jane Williams room 48 no answer, you will call back later Mrs Lane room 469 connect the call Example Good afternoon, could I speak to ......... , please? 2 Student A Make three calls to the Hotel Superior. Ask to speak to these people. Reservations Manager leave a message (ask him to call you back on 0778 938471) Marcello Benito room 571 (no answer, you will call back later) Mrs Franklin room 18 Example Good morning, could I speak to ... please? Student B You work at reception in the Hotel Superior. Read the information sheet and answer the calls. Reservations Manager line is busy (take a message) Marcello Benito room 571 (no answer) Mrs Franklin room 18 (connect the call) Example Good morning. Hotel Superior. How can I help you? Task 2 Work in pairs. Role play the situation. Change roles. Student A: You are the caller. Student B: You are the employee. 1 - Ask to speak to Jack Overton in - Say that Jack Overton is not in his room 782. room. Offer to take a message. - Leave this message: pick up your - Write down the message. tickets at the airport this afternoon. 2 - Ask to speak to Holly Delroy in suite 1. - Say that there is no reply. Offer to - Leave this message: the meeting is take a message. in your suite tonight at 7. - Write down the message. 3 - Ask to speak to Gunter Becker in - Say that the line is busy. Wait, say room 23. the line is still busy, then offer to - Leave this message: call Peter in take a message. Rome this evening, urgent. - Write down the message. 4 - Ask to speak to Maria Marconi in - Say that Maria Marconi is out. room 389. Offer to take a message. - Leave this message: dinner booked - Write down the message. at the Meranda restaurant at 9 pm. Page | 11
  12. WRITING Expressions with verbs Task 1 Study these verbs One-word verbs: to leave (a message) to take (a message) to give (a message) Two-word verbs: to put someone through to call back to hold on Task 2 Complete the dialogues below by writing the correct words in the gaps. Choose these words yourself. 1 Employee Hello, Plaza Hotel, ________ I help you? Caller Yes, can you ________ me ________ to Rosemary James, it's room 213. Employee I'm afraid the ________ is busy, would you like to ________? Caller OK, I'll ________. Employee The line's still ________. I'm afraid. Caller In that case I'll ________a message. 2 Caller Good morning, can I ________ room 87, please? Employee I'm afraid there's no ________, can I ________ a message? 3 Caller Can I ________to Pierre Chatty in suite 2, please? Employee Right, madam, I'll ________ you ________. … There's ________ answer, would you like to ________ a message? 4 Employee Hello, Plaza Hotel, can I help you? Caller Yes, can you________ me to Jane Campbell in room 101? Employee Just ________ you. I’m sorry, madam, but there's ________ reply from her room. Caller Can I ________ a message? Employee Yes, of course. Caller Tell her to ________ the office as soon as possible. Employee Certainly, I'll ________ her the message as soon as she returns. Caller Thank you. Page | 12
  13. UNIT 2 Taking room reservations OVERVIEW Listening 1 Taking a reservation 2 Checking and confirming Language focus Expressions with verbs Prepositions of time Speaking Role play LISTENING 1 Taking a reservation Task 1 Match the words to the pictures. 1  double room 2  single room 3  suite 4  twin room Task 2 Listen to the phone call and circle the correct answer. 1 Do Mr and Mrs Morell want to book a room for Tuesday night? Yes/No 2 Does the room cost 225 euros per night? Yes/No 3 Does the hotel have a restaurant? Yes/No Page | 13
  14. 4 Do they want to book a table for seven o'clock? Yes/No 5 Does Mrs Morell have a mobile phone? Yes/No Task 3 Listen again and complete the five white boxes on the screen. Morell Great Britain Turn to the Listening script Unit 2 – Listening 1 and practise the dialogue with a partner. Take turns to be the caller and the receptionist. LANGUAGE FOCUS Task 1 Read the expressions. Expressions to learn I'd like to book a room, please. C Do you have a double room for next Wednesday? C How many nights is it for? S Yes, we have a double room available. S Would you like me to book you a table? S Do you have a contact number? S Could you send an email or fax to confirm your reservation? S C = customer S = member of staff Page | 14
  15. Task 2 Make questions and short answers using “do” or “does”. serve lunch/dinner/afternoon tea? Do have a parking space/swimming pool/sauna? have a double room/twin room/single room? Does the hotel have a sauna/restaurant? the bar open at lunchtime/in the evening? Practise the questions and short answers with a partner. Example A Do you serve dinner? В Yes, we do./No, we don't Task 3 Look at these examples. Prepositions of time on Monday, on 1st September, at 8.30, at 15.00, at the weekend, at Christmas, in two weeks, in September, in 2005, in spring, in the evening, from 12.00 to 3.00, from 2001 to 2004 Make questions and answers using the correct preposition. Then practise with a partner. Example A Does the bank close on Mondays? (Sundays) В No, it closes on Sundays. 1 the restaurant close / Sundays? (Mondays) 2 the exchange bureau open / 9.00? (Yes) 3 the shops close / the weekend? (No) 4 the summer season start / July? (June) 5 you serve tea / the afternoon? (Yes) 6 the hotel serve dinner / 7.00-11.00? (7.00-10.00) LISTENING 2 Checking and confirming Task 1 Listen to the voicemail message. Put the message in the correct order.  Thank you, goodbye.  We arrive in Dusseldorf at 6.00 p.m. on the 18th. Page | 15
  16.  I'd like to make a room reservation for five nights from the 18th to the 22nd of June.  Please reserve us a parking space and a table for four for dinner at 7.30.  Hello. This is Steven Dickson from Edinburgh, UK.  I'd like a double room for me and my wife, and an adjoining twin room for my two daughters. Task 2 Complete the email confirmation. Use these words. table 7.30 twin reserved confirm car park READING AND WRITING Task 1 Read Mr Bouvier's e-mail. Is there a room available for him? Complete the reservations chart. ROOM NO: 402 421 437 ROOM TYPE: S-Bath D-Shower D-Bath, Balcony DATE: July Dear Sir or Madam, 12 Ms Sung 13 Ms Sung 14 I'd like to reserve a double room with 15 Mr Yomoto bath, from 18-21 July, if possible with 16 Miss Sadler Mr Yomoto 17 Mr Corelli Mr J. Green a balcony. 18 19 Yours sincerely, 20 Mr Klee Jacques Bouvier 21 Mr Jones Mr Klee 22 Mr Jones Mr Klee 23 Page | 16
  17. Task 2 Another guest, Ms Sung, wants to change her reservation. Here is part of the e-mail she sent. What change does she want to make? Dear Sir or Madam, I have a reservation for two nights, the 12th and 13th July for a single room with bath. I would like to change the dates, if possible, to the 15th and 16th July ... Check the reservation chart. Is it possible? Task 3 Now write the reply. Put these phrases into the correct order to complete the letter of confirmation to Ms Sung.  Dear Ms Sung,  Arrival: 15th July; Departure: 17th July  Thank you for your e-mail of ...  your new reservation as follows:  Room rate: €99 per night  We are pleased to confirm  We look forward  to welcoming you on the 15th July  Room type: single room with bath  Confirmation: JU15 S2B 393  Kind regards, SPEAKING Task 1 Work with a partner. Student A: You are the Student B: You are the guest. receptionist. 1 You work at reception in the Call the Sonotel Hotel. Book a Sonotel Hotel. Take this phone double room for tonight. reservation. Remember to ask for Find out if the rooms have air- confirmation in writing. conditioning and a shower or bath • all rooms have air-conditioning in the bathrooms. • bathrooms have baths not Find out if the hotel has a showers swimming pool, an exchange • there is a car park, an exchange bureau, and a car park. bureau, and shops Page | 17
  18. Example Good morning, Sonotel If so, book a parking space. Your Hotel. How can I help you? name is Mr Pappadopolous and your mobile is 0778 56923. Example Good morning, I'd like to book ... 2 You work at reception in the Call the Mercury Hotel. Book a Mercury Hotel. Take this phone twin room for the night of 27 May reservation. Remember to ask for for you, and your five-year-old confirmation in writing. daughter. • all rooms have air-conditioning, Find out if the rooms have showers and Internet access and air-conditioning, and if the hotel has a restaurant. • all bathrooms have baths and showers If so, book a table for two at 7.30 p.m. Your name is Francis and you • there is a private car park and will arrive at about 7.00 p.m. Your restaurant mobile is 0778 468291. Task 2 Work in pairs. Practise the conversation. Change roles. Student A: You are the receptionist. Student B: You are the Mr Bouvier, the guest. Go to Listening Script Unit 2 – Listening 1 Page | 18
  19. UNIT 3 The check-in OVERVIEW Listening Checking into a hotel Language focus Possessive adjectives Days and dates Reading and Writing Checking in Speaking Role play LISTENING Checking into a hotel Task 1 Look at the photograph above. Tick (✓) what you can see. 1 receptionist  4 luggage  2 reception desk  5 telephone  3 computer  6 key card  Task 2 Listen and complete the registration card. Registration card Name ………………………………………………… C/Puente 3, 1, Madrid Address 428329177 ………………………………………………… Passport number ………………………………………………… Arrival date ………………………………………………… C. Rodrigues Departure date ………………………………………………… Task 3 Listen again and complete the sentences. Room number ………………………………………………… 1 Good …………………, sir . Can I ………………… you? 2 Signature name's Rodrigues. ………………… ………………………………………………… Page | 19
  20. 3 Could you please ………………… in this registration card? 4 Do I fill in ………………… home address? 5 And ………………… I have ………………… passport? 6 The porter will ………………… you with ………………… luggage. Task 4 Mr and Mrs Bouvier arrive at reception. First mark the sentences G (Guest) or R (Receptionist). Then put the sentences in order to make the dialogue between the guest and the receptionist. Two have been done for you. R 1 Good evening sir, good evening madam. Thank you. Bouvier, yes, ... so that's a double room with bath and balcony for three nights. Thank you sir, here's your key. It's on the fourth floor, room 401. Yes, of course. Could you just sign here, please? B-O-U-V-I-E-R. Could you spell that, please? Thank you. Good evening, we have a reservation, the name's Bouvier. That's right. I'll call a porter. Enjoy your stay. Listen to the conversation above and check your answers. LANGUAGE FOCUS Task 1 Read the expressions. Expressions to learn I'd like to check in, please. C Could you please fill in this registration card? S Your room number's 361. It's on the third floor. S Here's your key card for your room. S Would you like to have dinner in the restaurant? S Can you reserve me a table for two at eight o'clock? C C = customer S = member of staff Page | 20



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