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Impacts of social networks on consumers’ trust and behavior in the Vietnamese retail sector

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The goal of the study is to analyze social networking related factors influencing consumers’ trust and intent to purchase online via social networks in the Vietnamese market. The model of social commerce adoption of Hajli is used as the primary research framework to analyze the factors affecting Vietnamese consumers’ trust when purchasing goods through Social Networks

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Nội dung Text: Impacts of social networks on consumers’ trust and behavior in the Vietnamese retail sector

  1. VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business, Vol. 36, No. 2 (2020) 26-38 Original Article Impacts of Social Networks on Consumers’ Trust and Behavior in the Vietnamese Retail Sector Luu Thi Minh Ngoc1,*, Nguyen Thi Trang Nhung2, Nguyen Phuong Mai3, Dao Phu Quy1 1 VNU University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam 2 Faculty of Business Administration, Hanoi University of Industry, 298 Cau Dien, Bac Tu Liem, Hanoi, Vietnam 3 International School, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam Received 5 November 2019 Revised 06 March 2020; Accepted 06 March 2020 Abstract: The goal of the study is to analyze social networking related factors influencing consumers’ trust and intent to purchase online via social networks in the Vietnamese market. The model of social commerce adoption of Hajli (2015) is used as the primary research framework to analyze the factors affecting Vietnamese consumers’ trust when purchasing goods through Social Networks [1]. Research results through a Google Form online questionnaire survey with a sample size of 1037 consumers, identified four elements of social networks affecting consumers’ trust including forums and groups, ratings and reviews, reference groups and information security. In addition, this study also proved that perceived usefulness had both a direct and indirect impact on consumers’ online purchasing intention through trust. Keywords: Perceived usefulness, social network, retail trade, TAM, trust, Vietnam. 1. Introduction * million people) has been involved in online shopping with annual purchases worth $350 per According to the E-commerce Report 2017 head. The total revenue of B2C online sales issued by the Vietnam E-commerce and reached $10 billion in 2016, accounting for 5% Information Technology Agency, 30% of of the country’s total revenues of goods and Vietnam’s population (approximately 27 services. This figure seems quite high but still _______ disproportionate with the country’s potential * Corresponding author. despite significant improvements and E-mail address: investments L.T. Min telecommunication infrastructure, online payments, business 26
  2. L.T.M. Ngoc et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business, Vol. 36, No. 2 (2020) 26-38 27 supporting platforms, and online selling. One of and their behavior, [6] while other studies the reasons why consumers are still reluctant to demonstrate that many suppliers can easily do online shopping is they do not have full trust exploit online consumers [8]. in this format: 50% have not yet bought online This research aims to investigate the as it is challenging to check product quality; impacts of social networks on the trust and 48% do not trust sellers while another 48% purchase intentions of consumers and suggest believe that they can shop in stores, solutions to build up and maintain consumers’ supermarkets, and convenience stores more trust in online selling channels in order to quickly and conveniently. promote their purchase intentions. Previous studies indicate that trust The rest of this paper is structured into five represents a vital factor in the decision-making parts. Part 2 summarizes the theoretical process as well as the development of business background and research model. Part 3 presents brands. Research models on purchasing the methodology. Part 4 discusses the findings behavior have confirmed the positive role of of this research. The limitations and trust in purchasing intentions. Typically, the implications of this research are mentioned in research by Gan and Wang (2017) looked into Part 5. Finally, Part 6 concludes this paper. purchasing intentions based on the two elements of trust and perceived value when consumers evaluate a product or service in the 2. Theoretical Background and Research Model context of e-commerce [2]. The research by Kim et al. (2008) constructed a purchasing 2.1. Purchasing on Social Network intention model based on three elements: consumers’ trust, awareness of benefits and Purchasing on the social network has awareness of risks [3]. become a more accessible way of shopping and Given online shopping as a form of has developed more widely in the world in interaction with suppliers, trust is also recent years. Academic research of Singh and considered a property determining the Sailo (2013) and Li and Zhang (2002) defined relationships even more significantly than other purchasing on the social network as the process economic elements such as lower price [4-6]. where consumers buy goods or services via Therefore, trust is considered a tool to minimize social network applications [9, 10]. Online risks between suppliers and inexperienced web purchasing is not just an action but also a administrators and can be seen as a means for process starting from when consumers make reduction of social uncertainty about familiarity purchasing decisions to when they take and belief and about approval seals or policy purchasing action on the social network. In this declarations of privacy [7]. research, the authors accept the definition of In addition, according to the reports of the purchasing on the social network as “a process Vietnam E-commerce and Information where consumers buy goods and services via Technology Agency, retail products are most the Internet-based social network”. Along this frequently purchased on both the social network process, buyers and sellers do not have direct and websites. Given the importance of interactions, and all transactions are conducted consumers’ trust as well as the popularity of on the social network [11]. Online stores on the purchasing retail products online, investigating social network operate 24 hours a day, seven the impacts of trust on the online purchasing days a week so that customers can buy anytime intentions of consumers in the retail sector in they want [11]. When customers want to buy a Vietnam becomes significant. Previous studies product, they need to leave a comment or on e-commerce via Web browsing reveal that message, and then the product will be delivered preventing consumers from evaluating to the address provided by customers. Products suppliers’ reliability affects consumers’ trust in these stores are often described by text,
  3. 28 L.T.M. Ngoc et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business, Vol. 36, No. 2 (2020) 26-38 images, sound, and videos [12, 13]. Therefore, the social network in exchange for the right to customers can only perceive and evaluate get other information from social networks is a products via messages (in the form of images, lack of mutual trust [15]. Trust not only text, sound, and video) posted by sellers on depends on external factors but also depends on their social network but not by common sense the personalities of each customer, which are as they often have in traditional shopping [14]. affected by their experience and culture. As customers get information on the Internet, There are different factors affecting trust, they can access various stores at the same time. but most notably, the researchers classified Therefore, customers can easily find products these affecting factors into four groups of that best satisfy their demand and find the most criteria: i) awareness (quality of information; reliable stores with the most reasonable prices. perception of customer privacy protection, perception of security); ii) influences 2.2. Trust (recognition and approval from the third party, positive reputation); iii) experience (familiarity Hosmer (1995) confirms that trust is the of customers with sellers); iv) personalities expectation that other people will act following (characteristics, culture, living and working commitments, negotiate honestly, and do not environment). take advantage of situations even when they Trust not only encourages consumers to have opportunity [15]. make purchasing decisions but also forms their In studies on social network - based belief in the brands. Research by Ha (2004) business activities, researchers affirm that trust looked into trust in online brands and showed and reputation are decisive factors in the that factors affecting trust in online brands success of online purchases via the social include: security, privacy (protecting network. Trust is when one party believes that customers’ information), brands/names, word the other can be reliable [16] or willing to be of mouth, experience and quality of information empathetic to the other party. Suh and Han [20]. Trust in an online brand is represented by (2003) and Yoon (2002) claim that trust creates the customers’ familiarity with and preference a feeling of security and safety when receiving to that brand over other brands of the same care from the other party [17, 18]. Consumers’ kind. Scholars also introduced some elements trust in online purchasing via the social network typical of the virtual environment, such as order is the willingness of consumers to accept the fulfillment [21] and web design [22, 23]. impacts of actions taken by suppliers in transactions on the social network based on the 2.4. Research Model and Hypotheses expectation that the suppliers will act adequately irrespective of the controls and The authors use the Social Commerce supervision of consumers (Lee and Turban, Adoption Model developed by Hajli (2015) as 2001). According to Pavlou (2003), online trust the primary framework to build up a model to allows consumers to accept the weaknesses of explain and analyze factors affecting online sellers after considering the sellers’ Vietnamese consumers’ trust when purchasing characteristics. online and add the “information security” adopted from the study of Mak Wing Ka F 2.3. Factors Affecting Trust When Purchasing (2014) into the framework [24]. Thus, the Via Social Networks research model of this study is presented in Figure 1. Privacy can affect consumers’ trust when 2.4.1. Relationship between trust and they buy online [3, 19]. Hoffman et al. (1999) purchasing intentions via social networks stated that one reason why people are reluctant Scholars believe that trust, especially social to buy online or even to provide information on trust, is a vital element of the online
  4. L.T.M. Ngoc et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business, Vol. 36, No. 2 (2020) 26-38 29 environment [25]. Trust is essential as it helps Based on these arguments, we put forth the to reduce transaction costs in business following hypothesis: interactions and also reduce care about Hypothesis 1: Consumers’ trust has a activities of other business entities [26]. positive impact on purchasing intentions via Trust helps to improve the efficiency of social networks. society by facilitating activity coordination. 2.4.2. Relationship between the social Social trust facilitates enterprises to expand network and consumers’ trust their business in the market by attracting more There are many factors constructing trading customers, thereby promoting economic activities via social networks. They include growth. Many people believe that a market in social media, ratings and reviews, social the digital economy is based on the reduction of shopping, social advertising, proposals and face-to-face meetings. In this setting, trust plays recommendations, forums, and groups. a vital role in online interactions. Enterprises use them as a platform to connect with customers and allow them to connect [32]. Forums and Online technology providers have created groups platforms that allow enterprises and customers to interact, and with the support of Web 2.0 and Ratings and social media technology, customers can provide reviews ratings, reviews, proposals, and recommendations. Purchasing Trust intentions Members of social networks can assure each other Reference by exchanging information and experience of groups shopping and using products/services, which results in higher consumer trust and a higher willingness to buy [17]. Information Perceived security usefulness Another feature of the social network is the application of ratings and reviews. Customers can access the websites of suppliers to read SOCIAL NETWORK reviews and ratings of their friends and other customers. Reading these ratings and feedback Figure 1. Proposed research model. from other buyers is a foundation for customers Source: Adapted from previous studies. to believe in products/services to make purchasing decisions. The reputation of brands Researchers affirm that trust has an can be partly affected by ratings and reviews essential role in the purchasing intentions of [33]. The quality and quantity of information customers [17, 27, 28]. Customers will seek new provided by customers’ reviews positively products or services in the social network affect the purchasing intentions of customers. environment and are more likely to buy when Consumers can also rely on proposals and they have trust in suppliers and feel that they have recommendations from reference groups such fewer risks [17, 29, 27]. Reality has shown that as acquaintances and friends, or those with the more trust consumers have, the more likely experience of shopping for goods and services they are to make purchasing decisions [17]. from online stores on the social network. There exists a significant relationship Opinions from reference groups seem to have between trust and online purchasing behavior substantial impacts on consumers’ trust in via social networks [30]. Trust plays the products and services they intend to buy. Furthermore, by encouraging friends and other primary role in determining behavioral users to participate in and provide reviews, intentions and real intentions of consumers sellers can raise their ratings on the social [31, 26]. network. These interactions will help to raise
  5. 30 L.T.M. Ngoc et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business, Vol. 36, No. 2 (2020) 26-38 consumers’ trust, and enterprises can increase From these arguments, we propose their sales [34]. Ratings also help to increase these hypotheses. consumers’ trust when they perform Hypothesis 6: Consumers’ perceived transactions [34]. usefulness of purchasing via a social network From these arguments, we propose the has a positive impact on their trust in following hypotheses: purchasing via social networks Hypothesis 2: Opinions from forums and Hypothesis 7: Consumers’ perceived groups have a positive impact on consumers’ usefulness of purchasing via a social network trust when purchasing via social networks has a positive impact on their purchasing Hypothesis 3: Ratings and reviews of intentions via social networks sellers on the social network have a positive impact on consumers’ trust when purchasing 3. Methodology via social networks 3.1. Research Sample Hypothesis 4: Proposals and recommendations from reference groups have a The research sample was selected in such a positive impact on consumers’ trust when way that as many samples could be chosen as purchasing via social networks. possible with two control properties: age and Hypothesis 5: Commitments to customer income. This research chose sample size n = information security have a positive impact 1100 based on the sampling distribution theory on consumers’ trust when purchasing via [36]. To collect 1100 responses, the authors social networks. conducted a Google Form online questionnaire 2.4.3. Relationship between perceived survey via email and other social usefulness of purchasing via social networks communication channels, including Viber, Zalo and purchasing intentions of consumers and Facebook. After being collected and The Technology Adoption Model (TAM) is filtered, 63 samples were rejected due to one of the most successful theories in testing response errors. As a result, 1037 completed and forecasting the intentions of information questionnaires were used. technology users. Perceived usefulness is one of Sample statistics reveal that 195 the two main constructs of TAM. respondents have a monthly income of less than Many researchers believe that perceived VND 2 million (accounting for 18.8%); 393 usefulness affects purchasing intentions when people have a monthly income of VND 2 consumers use e-commerce. This element is million to 4 million (equivalent to 37.9%); 329 also applied in purchasing and selling via social people have a monthly income of VND 4 networks [17]. Useful, simple, and easy-to- million to 8 million (representing 31.7%), and understand information on the social network of 120 respondents have a monthly income of over sellers increases online trust and therefore 8 million (making up 11.6%). In terms of age, increases the purchasing intentions of 176 respondents are aged 18-22 (accounting for consumers on the social network [35]. Research 17%); 430 are aged 23-31 (representing indicates that a social network account 41.5%); 332 people are aged 32-38 (equal to providing many useful functions to customers 32%); and the remaining 99 respondents are (such as information and content) can enhance over 38 (making up 9.5%). consumers’ trust in their products and services 3.2. Measurements [35]. The content and design of a social network can significantly affect the success of Measurement tools used in this research are e-commerce activities on the social network. A adopted from previous studies. All English social network with an attractive design and measurement scales were translated into easy navigation can help customers feel Vietnamese. To verify the translation, a comfortable and build trust in the network. bilingual expert translated scales from English
  6. L.T.M. Ngoc et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business, Vol. 36, No. 2 (2020) 26-38 31 into Vietnamese then translated back into Forums and groups (DD) are measured by English to ensure the quality of translation. For scales developed by Han and Windsor (2011) each item in the questionnaire, respondents with four observation variables [17]. The CFA were asked to express their viewpoint in a test showed that all observation variables have 5-point Likert scale, with 1 representing quite a big weight and exceed the allowed criteria “strongly disagree” and 5 representing (0.50). Findings also showed that this model is “strongly agree”. appropriate with market data: Chi-square = 4.168, Purchasing intentions via social network degree of freedom df = 2, IFI = 0.999, GFI = 0.998, AGFI = 0.990, NFI = 0.998, Purchasing intentions via the social network TLI = 0.998, CFI = 0.999, RMSEA = 0.032 and (YD) consists of 4 observation variables RMR = 0.004. Composite reliability of the developed from the research by Lu and Hsiao measurement of forums and groups is 0.907, with (2010), measured by a scale with four an average variance extracted of 71.0%. observation variables [27]. The CFA test Ratings and reviews revealed that all observation variables have Ratings and reviews (XH) consist of 4 quite high weight and all exceed allowed observation variables used in the research of criteria (0.05). Findings also showed that this Han and Windsor (2011) [17]. The CFA test model is appropriate with market data: showed that this model is appropriate with Chi-square = 5.966, degree of freedom df = 2. market data: Chi-square = 5.202, degree of Other criteria measuring appropriateness are freedom df = 2, IFI = 0.995, GFI = 0.992, very high (IFI = 0.987, GFI = 0.989, AGFI = 0.958, NFI = 0.995, TLI = 0.986, AGFI = 0.946, NFI = 0.986, TLI = 0.960, CFI = 0.995, RMSEA = 0.085 and CFI = 0.987, RMSEA = 0.046 and RMR = 0.009. Composite reliability of the RMR = 0.012). Composite reliability of the measurement of ratings and reviews is 0.928 measurement of purchasing intentions via the with an average variance extracted of 76.3%. social network is 0.843, with an average Reference groups variance extracted of 57.3%. Reference groups (TK) consists of 4 Consumers’ trust observation variables based on the research of Consumers’ trust in purchasing via social Hasslinger et. al (2008) [38]. The CFA test networks is measured by six observation showed that this model is appropriate with variables developed by Gefen and Straub market data: Chi square = 1.897, degree of (2004) [37]. Preliminary testing results rejected freedom df = 2, IFI = 1, GFI = 0.999, variable NT5, leaving five observation AGFI = 0.995, NFI = 0.999, TLI = 1, CFI = 1, variables. The CFA test showed that all RMSEA = 0.000 và RMR = 0.004. observation variables have quite big weight and Composite reliability of the measurement of exceed the allowed criteria (0.50). Findings also the reference group is 0.860 with an average showed that this model is appropriate with variance extracted of 60.8%. market data: Chi-square = 11.115, degree of Information security freedom df = 5. Other criteria measuring Information security (BM) is measured by 4 appropriateness are very high (IFI = 0.990, GFI observation variables based on the research of = 0.986, AGFI = 0.957, NFI = 0.988, (Mak Wing Ka F, 2014) [24]. The CFA test TLI = 0.980, CFI = 0.990, RMSEA = 0.015 and showed that this model is appropriate with RMR = 0.012). Composite reliability of the market data: Chi-square = 5.33, degree of measurement of consumers’ trust is 0.889, with freedom df = 2, IFI = 0.988, GFI = 0.976, AGFI an average variance extracted of 62.2%. = 0.880, NFI = 0.988, TLI = 0.965, Forums and groups CFI = 0.988, RMSEA = 0.048 and RMR = 0.013. Composite reliability of the
  7. 32 L.T.M. Ngoc et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business, Vol. 36, No. 2 (2020) 26-38 measurement of information security is 0.958 from Table 1, all items loading in their with an average variance extracted of 84.9%. hypotheses and estimates are positive Perceived usefulness and significant, providing evidence for Perceived usefulness (HI) uses 3 convergence [40]. observation variables based on the research of Cha (2009) [39]. The CFA test showed that this Table 1. Confirmatory factor analysis and reliability of measurements model is appropriate with market data: Chi-square = 4.924, degree of freedom df = 2, IFI = 0.927, Items Standardiz ed loading Reliability (CR, AVE) Items Standardiz ed loading Reliability (CR, AVE) GFI = 0.927, AGFI = 0.915, NFI = 0.924, Ratings and reviews (XH) TLI = 0.926, CFI = 0.927, RMSEA = 0.042 and YD1 0.749 XH1 0.874 RMR = 0.010. Composite reliability of the YD2 YD3 0.77 0.735 CR = 0.843 AVE = 0.573 XH2 XH3 0.883 0.87 CR = 0.928 AVE = 0.764 measurement of perceived usefulness is 0.818 YD4 0.772 XH4 0.869 with an average variance extracted of 60.0%. Reference groups (TK) NT1 0.692 TK1 0.858 NT2 0.909 TK2 0.802 3.3. Data Analysis Strategies NT3 0.662 CR = 0.892 AVE = 0.627 TK3 0.723 CR = 0.861 AVE = 0.608 NT4 0.746 TK4 0.728 Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was NT6 0.915 Information security (BM) conducted to test the hypothesis model on the HI1 0.788 BM1 0.939 basis of standard indexes such as Chisapes [χ2], HI2 0.757 BM2 0.927 CR = 0.814 CR = 0.957 Chi-square/df [2/df], Goodness of Fit Index AVE = 0.599 AVE = 0,849 BM3 0.906 [GFI], Incremental Fit Index [IFI], Tucker- HI3 0.776 BM4 0.913 Lewis index [TLI], Comparative Fit Index [CFI], Root Mean Square Error Approximation DD1 0.771 Note: [RMSEA] when using AMOS-22. We use DD2 0.872 CR = 0.907 CR: Scale composite AVE = 0.710 reliability Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to test DD3 0.889 AVE: Average variance extracted hypotheses on the direct and indirect relations DD4 0.834 between variables in the research model Items Standardiz Reliability Items Standardiz Reliability ed loading (CR, AVE) ed loading (CR, AVE) (H1 - 7). Ratings and reviews (XH) YD1 0.749 XH1 0.874 4. Findings YD2 0.77 XH2 0.883 CR = 0.843 CR = 0.928 4.1. Reliability and Validity Test YD3 0.735 AVE = 0.573 XH3 0.87 AVE = 0.764 The results of linear structural analysis YD4 0.772 XH4 0.869 indicate the significant values of the model: Reference groups (TK) Chi-square of 905.079, Cmin/df = 2.751, NT1 0.692 TK1 0.858 IFI = 0.959, GFI = 0.925, AGFI = 0.907, NT2 NT3 0.909 0.662 CR = 0.892 AVE = 0.627 TK2 TK3 0.802 0.723 CR = 0.861 AVE = 0.608 NFI = 0.944. TLI = 0.952, CFI = 0.959, NT4 0.746 TK4 0.728 NT6 0.915 RMSEA = 0.052, RMR = 0.022. So it is Information security (BM) possible to conclude that the critical model is HI1 0.788 BM1 0.939 appropriate with market data. HI2 0.757 CR = 0.814 BM2 0.927 CR = 0.957 In this research, we used the Composite AVE = 0.599 AVE = 0,849 BM3 0.906 Reliability index of Bagozzi and Yi (1988) and HI3 0.776 BM4 0.913 Average Variance Extracted of (Fornell and DD1 0.771 Note: Larcker, 1981) to calculate the reliability of DD2 0.872 CR = 0.907 CR: Scale composite DD3 0.889 AVE = reliability measurements [40, 41]. Both Composite 0.710 AVE: Average variance DD4 Reliability and the Average Variance Extracted 0.834 extracted are higher than the criteria for all measurements (CR > .60; AVE > .50). Besides, as can be seen Source: Own elaboration.
  8. L.T.M. Ngoc et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business, Vol. 36, No. 2 (2020) 26-38 33 4.2. Model and Hypothesis Test enough. When they trust sellers but do not feel the usefulness of the good or service or the The significant value of Chi-square = necessity to buy, they are not likely to form 711.382. After adjusting with a degree of purchasing intentions. freedom Cmin/df, this index indicates that the model gain has appropriateness with market Table 2. Relations between concepts in the research model (standardized) data (2.074). As such, it is possible to conclude that this model is appropriate with data Relations ML S.E. C.R. P collected from the market. NT
  9. 34 L.T.M. Ngoc et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business, Vol. 36, No. 2 (2020) 26-38 0.513 with a standard error se = 0.022 shows that consumers’ purchasing intentions (p = 0.000). Thus, hypothesis H4 is accepted. will rise when they perceive the usefulness of This shows that opinions from reference groups, purchasing on the social network. The impact including friends, relatives and acquaintances of perceived usefulness of purchasing on the have very positive impacts on consumers’ trust in social network is the strongest on consumers’ sellers on the social network. purchasing intentions; therefore, it is imperative It should be noted that this relationship has to raise consumers’ awareness. the highest impact on consumers’ trust; therefore, selling enterprises or individuals need 5. Discussion to guarantee the quality of their products and 5.1. Theoretical Implications services to satisfy consumers’ demand. Once consumers are satisfied, they are willing to Research results of this study have the share their shopping experiences and following implications in terms of theory: recommend them to other people. Firstly, regarding research methodology, Sellers’ commitments to information this research contributes to the existing security have a positive impact on consumers’ measurement scales of the social network; trust, trust when purchasing via social networks. perceived usefulness, and purchasing intentions Estimated results reveal that the relation by supplementing a valuable measurement scale between the commitments to information in the Vietnam context. This helps to provide security (BM) and consumers’ trust (NT) has a academic and practical researchers on value of 0.118 with a standard error se = 0.012 marketing and business management with a (p = 0.000). As a result, hypothesis H5 is measurement scale system to do their research accepted. This shows that the more security of in the Vietnam market. Moreover, this system consumers’ information sellers guarantee, the can be the foundation for the establishment of a higher consumers’ trust is. However, it should be unified measurement scale on social commerce noted that this relationship has the lowest impact adoption. This is very important in research on on consumers’ trust, which implies that international e-commerce because, currently, Vietnamese people do not really consider one of the difficulties in this sector is the lack information security as an essential thing to them. of a proper basic measurement scale in Perceived usefulness of consumers about developing countries. purchasing via a social network has a positive Secondly, researchers in the e-commerce impact on consumers’ trust and purchase sector can use these measurement scales for their intention via the social network. Estimated studies. It should also be noted that the primary results reveal that the relation between the significance of these results is if a hidden concept perception of consumers about the usefulness of (variable) is measured by many observation shopping on social networks (HI) and variables (measurement variables), the value and consumers’ trust (NT) has a value of 0.219 with reliability of measurements will increase while it a standard error se = 0.021 (p = 0.000). As is not necessary to use the exact number of such, hypothesis H6 is accepted. This shows observation variables used in this research. These that when consumers perceive the usefulness of observation variables can be adjusted and purchasing on the social network, they are more supplemented in line with each market. likely to trust in sellers. In addition, estimated 5.2. Practical Implications results reveal that the relation between the perception of consumers about the usefulness of The findings of this research indicate that shopping on social networks (HI) and their the main factors creating consumers’ trust when purchasing intentions (YD) has a value of 0.639 purchasing via social network include: with standard error se = 0.032 (p = 0.000). As Firstly, via forums and groups, information such, hypothesis 7 must be accepted. This about product/service quality and serving
  10. L.T.M. Ngoc et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business, Vol. 36, No. 2 (2020) 26-38 35 attitude of sellers are discussed and evaluated. 5.3. Limitations and Further Research Suggestions This is an entirely accurate source of Like other studies, this research has many information for consumers to refer to before limitations. Firstly, this research was conducted purchasing. Therefore, forums and groups have in only one form of the social network, which is an impact on consumers’ trust in sellers on the Facebook. There may be differences in social network. measurement scales of other kinds of the social Secondly, via ratings and reviews about network. Therefore, it is necessary to repeat sellers on the social network, consumers have research on other types of the social network. the foundations to evaluate the quality of Additionally, this research was conducted products/services of sellers. This is also a basis in a short period of time, using the surveying to raise consumers’ trust in sellers. method of online questionnaires. The number of Thirdly, feedback from reference groups the collected questionnaires was quite large, but such as family members or friends is a reliable the reliability may not be high as respondents source of information for consumers. Therefore, might be affected by many factors, resulting in positive feedback from reference groups helps their giving evasive answers. to consolidate consumers’ trust. This is an The online respondents of the survey were essential factor to which enterprises or mostly young people with a high frequency of individual sellers should pay attention. The only Internet use and online shopping. These way to gain positive feedback from reference respondents might not fully represent the groups is that enterprises and sellers should population (most respondents were aged under always improve the quality of products/services 38, so this research was mostly based on the as well as after-sales services. opinions of young people). Fourthly, guaranteeing consumers’ personal Moreover, this research was done in information security helps consumers feel safer Vietnam. Its generalization is quite high. In the when making purchases. However, these research future, this research can be done in other findings indicate that Vietnamese consumers do markets to compare and build up a system of not really care about information security measurement scales for different concepts of techniques, as a majority of Vietnamese the social network. This would be very helpful consumers tend to place orders online but make to conduct research on e-commerce via the payment in cash upon delivery. Therefore, social social network. This is the orientation for network sellers in Vietnam guarantee following research. customers’ information security by hiding Besides, this research only looks into part customers’ telephone numbers and addresses of the social network (forums and groups, upon provision so that customers’ personal ratings and reviews, reference groups, security). information is not revealed. This helps to avoid Many other factors may consolidate consumers’ the risk of losing customers to competitors and trust in shopping via a social network such as keeps customers from being disturbed. the quality of the services, scales of shops and In addition to objective factors from the reputation of sellers. These suggest another social network, there is a subjective factor from direction for future research. consumers, which affects their trust when purchasing - that is their perception of the 5.4. Recommendations usefulness of purchasing via social networks. Based on the analysis in the research, the Purchasing via social networks is convenient authors suggest that online traders on social and time-saving for consumers. Purchasing via networks should raise the awareness, social networks also provides consumers with understanding, and trust of consumers in this form opportunities to compare different stores before of shopping. To reach these goals, the authors put making decisions. forth the following recommendations:
  11. 36 L.T.M. Ngoc et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business, Vol. 36, No. 2 (2020) 26-38 Although the reference group is the variable care. To have reasonable after-sale care, with the most substantial impacts on enterprises should build up a customer-care consumers’ trust when shopping via social system by using Customer Relationship networks, it is hard to influence and adjust this Management software so that they can take care variable as the opinions of reference groups of each customer by sending an email, messages, depend much on their previous experience of coupons, new product brochures and best wishes using products and services of online traders on on a customer’s birthday and on festivals. the social network. Therefore, the authors In order to raise the quality of suggest that online traders on social networks products/services, enterprises should be prudent in should care about and improve the quality of choosing partners in supplying products as well as products and services they provide to packaging and delivering products to bring the consumers, improve after-sale services to gain best shopping experience to consumers. It is better opinions from reference groups. Once necessary to ensure that products will be delivered reference groups have definite opinions about to online customers rapidly with quality as online traders on the social network, this is a described on the social network. useful source of information to consolidate Buyers on the social network have the right consumers’ trust. This is the most economical to know of product selection, methods of but practical form of marketing. payment, methods of delivery, and customer Similarly, to raise ratings and reviews, protection programs. Therefore, it is necessary besides forums and groups, online traders to guide consumers about the entire online should raise their brand recognition and purchasing process. With this knowledge, reputation via different communication customers will not be overwhelmed or confused channels such as the Internet, television and when browsing and purchasing products on the press. Once domestic shopping websites can social network. build their image, Vietnamese consumers will Consumers buy online via the social be more open and feel more secure when network pages of enterprises or selling accounts shopping via social networks. Vietnamese on the social network. Therefore, online traders enterprises should also care about their on social networks need to provide transparent reputation based on review platforms such as information, a convenient ordering process, and Facebook. These platforms enable consumers to various choices for transactions. Customers will send reviews and ratings about enterprises. feel more satisfied if they can easily find Enterprises should attend to this feedback to information about any products they need to maintain favorable ratings and reviews about buy on the pages of the traders. This requires their products and enterprises. traders to be aware of customer tastes and Besides implementing marketing always update information about product campaigns, especially viral marketing, it is descriptions, prices, shopping policies, necessary to appoint staff in charge of promotion, and prizes on their pages. administrating forums, social networks, groups to provide consultations, information and answer consumers’ inquiries when they want to 6. Conclusion search information from forums. One advantage of shopping online via Consumers’ trust is the critical factor in social networks is enterprises in general and transactions and the prerequisite to the business individual sellers, in particular, can quickly get success of enterprises. Upon surveying a consumer’s information such as their email, consumers’ trust in purchasing products in the telephone number and social network addresses, retail sector on the social network, it can be so they should try to raise the perceived service seen that factors affecting consumers’ trust quality by paying more attention to after-sale when purchasing via social networks include:
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