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Tham khảo tài liệu 'kỳ thi: lọc lớp chọn 2011 môn thi: tiếng anh 12 đề số: 195', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: KỲ THI: LỌC LỚP CHỌN 2011 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH 12 ĐỀ SỐ: 195

  1. SỞ GD-ĐT BẮC NINH KỲ THI: LỌC LỚP CHỌN 2011 TRƯỜNG THPT QUẾ VÕ 1 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH 12 (Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút) --------------- ĐỀ SỐ: 195 Họ tên thí sinh:.............................................................. SBD:......................... ..................................................... I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction Câu 1: Will we go to the pop concert this weekend for a change? A B C D Câu 2: Are you thirsty? Would you like anything to drink? A B C D Câu 3: T he streets are crowded with a population who has no interest in learning. A B C D Câu 4: It is the English articles and p hrasal verb which puzzle me most A B C D Câu 5: . In England, young and old people are fond with watching football. A B C D II. Read the following passage and choose the correct option for each blank. It is a characteristic of human nature that people like to get together and have ……(6)……, and people living during America’s frontier days were no exception. ……(7)…….because life was hard and the necessities of day-to-day living took up their time, it was common for recreation to be combined …..(8)…… activities for survival. One example of such a form of recreation was logrolling. Many frontier areas ,,,,,,,(9)…… heavily wooded, and in order to settle an area it was necessary to remove the trees. A settler could cut down the trees ….(10)…., but help was needed to move the cut trees. After a settler had cut a bunch of trees, he would then ….(11)….. his neighbors over for a logrolling. A logrolling was a community event …..(12)….. families got together for a combination of work and fun. The women would bring food and have a much needed and infrequent ……(13)… relax and chat with friends, the children would play together exuberantly, and the men ……(14)…….hold lively competitions that involved rolling logs from place to place as quickly as possible. This was a day of fun for everyone involved, but at its ……(15)……was the needed to clear the land. Câu 6: A. enjoy B. fun C. excitement D. happy Câu 7: A. So B. Therefore C. Yet D. However Câu 8: A. with B. for C. at D. of Câu 9: A. have B. are C. were D. had Câu 10: A. lonely B. alone C. single D. solely Câu 11: A. offer B. advise C. suggest D. invite Câu 12: A. when B. where C. for which D. so Câu 13: A. opportunity B. change C. fortune D. possibility Câu 14: A. ought B. might C. would D. used Câu 15: A. statement B. foundation C. existence D. development III. Choose the best answer to each of the following question. Câu 16: Besides being expensive, the food in the cafeteria tastes ……………. A. badly B. too badly C. too much bad D. bad /4 - Mã đề 195 Trang 1
  2. Câu 17: The old man asked her to move because he …………… that chair A. used to sit B. was used to sit C. used to sitting D. was used to sitting Câu 18: The young men were ……………… guilty of shoplifting. A. found B. convicted C. accused D. condemned Câu 19: The doctor advised my father to cut ……………… the number of cigarettes he smokes A. off B. out C. down on D. up Câu 20: Ann was taken ………………when the doorbell rang, as she wasn’t expecting anyone. A. by chance B. by accident C. by mistake D. by surprised Câu 21: The conference was organized for all of the ………………in the state. A. mathematic teachers B. mathematics teachers C. mathematics teacher D. mathematic teacher Câu 22: Dany’s shirt needs ……………… There are many tears and holds in it. A. to be mending B. mend C. to be mended D. mended Câu 23: “Are you good at math?” “ ……………..” A. I’m taking my driving test next week B. Yes, about fifty words a minute C. I think so. I’ve got a lot of friends D. I came top in my class in the last test Câu 24: . My mother goes to ……….church ………..Sunday morning. A. the …every B. the ……….on C. _.......every D. _ ….in Câu 25: Your personality is important ………….the success of your work. A. to B. for C. in D. on Câu 26: My father went to Ho Chi Minh City last month and only came back home last night. A. returned B. telephoned C. wrote D. contacted Câu 27: Although it rained heavily, we continued our trip. A. sad B. sadly C. hard D. hardly Câu 28: You should have your car fixed as soon as possible. A. repaired B. repainted C. polished D. loaded Câu 29: We had waited for two hours and in the end they arrived A. luckily B. eventually C. suddenly D. gradually Câu 30: John would buy a new car if he had enough money. A. borrow B. manufacture C. consume D. purchase IV. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each question Câu 31: A. breakfast B. scream C. deal D. please Câu 32: A. mo ther B. northern C. south D. theirs Câu 33: A. farm B. warm C. park D. garden V. Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each question. Câu 34: A. opposite B. banana C. camera D. difficult Câu 35: A. animal B. business C. chemistry D. discover VI. Choose the sentence that is the nearest in meaning to the original one. Câu 36: Would you please give me a hand? A. Would you consider handing something to me? B. Would you mind helping me? C. Would you remember giving me a hand? D. Would you expect to give me a hand? Câu 37: Tom’s score on the test is the highest in the class; ……………. A. I hope to have one more mark 10 so as to receive a prize from my parents. B. I didn’t get enough mark 10, and didn’t receive a prize. C. I got one more mark 10 and received a prize. /4 - Mã đề 195 Trang 2
  3. D. I would never receive a prize because I have only one more mark 10. Câu 38: If I were you I would never tell her the truth. A. You’re advised not to tell her the truth. B. You had better never tell her the truth. C. You can tell anyone the truth, except her. D. Never should you tell her the truth. Câu 39: The only thing that makes this job worthwhile. A. Were it not for the money this job wouldn’t be worthwhile. B. Were it not for the money I wouldn’t do this job. C. This jo b is worthwhile thanks to only the money. D. Money, which is the only thing that makes this job worthwhile, is not what I care about. Câu 40: It was easy for Lisa to get tickets for the show. A. Lisa didn’t have any problem getting tickets for the show. B. Lisa found no difficulty in getting tickets for the show. C. Lisa didn’t have any problem getting tickets for the show as she used to. D. Lisa had no trouble in getting tickets for the show. VII. Choose the best way of making up the sentence Câu 41: Tom’s score on the test is the highest in the class; ……………. A. he should study last night. B. he should have studied last night. C. He must have studied last night. D. he could have studied last night. Câu 42: in order / make/ good impression/ job interview/ you need/ prepare yourself/ interview/ carefully A. In order to make a good impression on a job interview, you need to prepare yourself to be interviewed carefully. B. In order to make a good impression during a job interview, you need to prepare yourself for the interview carefully. C. In order to make good impression during a job interview, you need to be prepared yourself for the interview carefully. D. In order to make a good impression on a job interview, you need to prepare by yourself for the interview carefully. Câu 43: some/ pesticides and fertilizers/ we/ sprayed/ our/ crops/ find/ dangerous. A. Some pesticides and fertilizers which we spray on our crops are found dangerous. B. Some of pesticides and fertilizers we spray to our crops are found to be dangerous. C. Some of the pesticides and fertilizers we are spraying with our crops have been found to be dangerous. D. Some of the pesticides and fertilizers we have sprayed on our crops have been found to be dangerous. Câu 44: if/ you take aspirin/ long time/ you/ have stomach pains/ and hear/ problems. A. If you take aspirin in a long time, you will have stomach pains and hear some problems B. If you take aspirin within a long time, you have stomach pains and hearing problems C. If you take aspirin for a long time, you will have stomach pains and hearing problems D. If you took the aspirin for such long time, you would have stomach pains and hearing problems Câu 45: life/ New York/ more/ than/ of/ Oxford/ in / is / expensive/ that A. That life of Oxford is more expensive than in New York B. That life in New York is more expensive than of Oxford. C. Life in New York is more expensive than that of Oxford. D. Life of Oxford is expensive more than that in New York VIII. Read the following passage and mark the correct answer to each question The computer is producing an army of robots – machines that are directed by electronic brains and which replace human labor in industrial operations. Many are artificial arms which reach into areas man enters only at his peril, such as the inside of a nuclear reactor. Already in 1990 there were thousands of robots working in industrial plants through out the world. The big changeover to the robots, however, is likely to come only when their costs go down while workers’ wages continue to rise. Câu 46: Sentence 1 indicates that robots are used mainly ……………. A. to operate computers B. to direct electronic brains C. to fight wars D. to take the place of human workers /4 - Mã đề 195 Trang 3
  4. Câu 47: An observer today is most likely to see robots in operation in …………….. A. military battles B. business offices C. modern factory D. Scientific laboratories Câu 48: The article makes clear that a very valuable use of many robots is to …………… A. do tasks extremely dangerous for humans to do B. replace the human brain in producing computers C. aid doctors in medical operations D. Act as a teacher to human beings Câu 49: Which one of the following statements about the last sentence in the passage is certainly true? A. Robots are becoming cheaper all the time. B. The cost of a human worker is higher than that of the average robot. C. Robots are becoming more expensive all the time. D. The cost of the average robot is higher than that of a human worker. Câu 50: The writer indicates that the widespread replacement of human labor by industrial robots ………… A. has already begun worldwide. B. is starting especially in the developing nations. C. is being delayed mainly for economic reasons. D. will not take place in the foreseeable future. ----------------- HẾT ----------------- /4 - Mã đề 195 Trang 4



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