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Lecture Human anatomy and physiology - Chapter 3: Cells (part c)

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Chapter 3 (part c) provides knowledge of the cytoplasm. This chapter describe the composition of the cytosol; discuss the structure and function of mitochondria; discuss the structure and function of ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, and the Golgi apparatus, including functional interrelationships among these organelles; compare the functions of lysosomes and peroxisomes.

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Nội dung Text: Lecture Human anatomy and physiology - Chapter 3: Cells (part c)

  1. Cells: The Living Units: Part C
  2.  Located between plasma membrane and  nucleus  Cytosol ◦Water with solutes (protein, salts, sugars, etc.)  Cytoplasmic organelles ◦Metabolic machinery of cell  Inclusions ◦Granules of glycogen or pigments, lipid droplets,  vacuoles, and crystals
  3.  Membranous  Nonmembranous ◦Mitochondria ◦Cytoskeleton  ◦Peroxisomes ◦Centrioles  ◦Lysosomes ◦Ribosomes ◦Endoplasmic reticulum ◦Golgi apparatus
  4.  Double­membrane structure with shelflike cristae  Provide most of cell’s ATP via aerobic cellular  respiration  Contain their own DNA and RNA
  5. Outer mitochondrial membrane Ribosome Mitochondrial DNA Inner mitochondrial (a) membrane Cristae Matrix (c) Enzymes (b) Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 3.17
  6.  Granules containing protein and rRNA  Site of protein synthesis  Free ribosomes synthesize soluble proteins   Membrane­bound ribosomes (on rough ER)  synthesize proteins to be incorporated into  membranes or exported from the cell
  7.  Interconnected tubes and parallel membranes  enclosing cisternae  Continuous with nuclear membrane  Two varieties: ◦Rough ER ◦Smooth ER
  8. Smooth ER Nuclear envelope Rough ER Ribosomes (a) Diagrammatic view of smooth and rough ER Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 3.18a
  9.  External surface studded with ribosomes  Manufactures all secreted proteins  Synthesizes membrane integral proteins and  phospholipids 
  10.  Tubules arranged in a looping network  Enzyme (integral protein) functions: ◦In the liver — lipid and cholesterol metabolism,  breakdown of glycogen, and, along with kidneys,  detoxification of drugs, pesticides, and  carcinogens  ◦Synthesis of steroid­based hormones  ◦In intestinal cells—absorption, synthesis, and transport  of fats ◦In skeletal and cardiac muscle — storage and  release of calcium
  11.  Stacked and flattened membranous sacs  Modifies, concentrates, and packages proteins  and lipids  Transport vessels from ER fuse with convex cis  face of Golgi apparatus  Proteins then pass through Golgi apparatus to  trans face  Secretory vesicles leave trans face of Golgi stack  and move to designated parts of cell
  12. 1 Protein- containing Rough ER ER Phagosome Plasma vesicles pinch membrane mem- off rough ER Proteins in brane and migrate to cisterna fuse with Pathway C: membranes of Lysosome containing Golgi acid hydrolase apparatus. enzymes 2 Proteins are Vesicle becomes modified within lysosome the Golgi compartments. 3 Proteins are then packaged Secretory Golgi Pathway B: within different vesicle apparatus Vesicle membrane vesicle types, to be incorporated depending on into plasma their ultimate Pathway A: membrane Vesicle contents Secretion by destination. destined for exocytosis exocytosis Extracellular fluid Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 3.20
  13.  Spherical membranous bags containing digestive  enzymes (acid hydrolases)  Digest ingested bacteria, viruses, and toxins  Degrade nonfunctional organelles  Break down and release glycogen  Break down bone to release Ca2+  Destroy cells in injured or nonuseful tissue  (autolysis)
  14.  Overall function ◦Produce, store, and export biological molecules ◦Degrade potentially harmful substances
  15. Nucleus Nuclear envelope Smooth ER Rough ER Vesicle Golgi Plasma apparatus membrane Transport Lysosome vesicle Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 3.22
  16. PLAY Animation: Endomembrane System
  17.  Membranous sacs containing powerful oxidases  and catalases  Detoxify harmful or toxic substances  Neutralize dangerous free radicals (highly  reactive chemicals with unpaired electrons) 
  18.  Elaborate series of rods throughout cytosol ◦Microtubules  ◦Microfilaments  ◦Intermediate filaments
  19.  Dynamic actin strands attached to cytoplasmic  side of plasma membrane  Involved in cell motility, change in shape,  endocytosis and exocytosis
  20.  Cilia and flagella ◦Whiplike, motile extensions on surfaces of certain cells ◦Contain microtubules and motor molecules ◦Cilia move substances across cell surfaces ◦ Longer flagella propel whole cells (tail of sperm) PLAY Animation: Cilia and Flagella



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