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Unit 6: Competition

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Nội dung Text: Unit 6: Competition

  1. Unit 6: Competition Section B: Speaking I/ Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:  express their opinions in English  give opinions about different competitions and programs II/ Objectives: Students can express in English about their agreement or disagreement about the kinds of competitions in school III/ Materials: Textbook, handout, …. IV/ Anticipated problems: Some students seem too shy to share opinions V/ Procedure Students’ Time Steps Teacher’s activities activities 5’ I/ Warm-up: Give instructions Listen Jumbled words 1. onticonipeti => competition Write the jumbled Play the game 2. ulondewrf => wonderful words on the board 3. tuopniporty => opportunity 4. grbino => boring 5. itxingec => exciting 6. etrag => great Deliver handout to II/ Pre-speaking:  Task 1: Which of the competitions / Ss 7’ Listen contests below do you like or dislike? Give instructions Do as directed Put a tick () in the right column. Ask Ss to do the task  Model questions: and then compare 1.Which competition do you like? their opinion with 2. What about Poetry Reading? Do you partners like it? 3. I like English Competition. What about you? / Do you? Go around for help Individual Type of competition Like Dislike Pair work / contest General Knowledge Quiz English Competition
  2. Art Competition (Painting, Drawing, Sculpture,…) 10’ Poetry Reading / Reciting Competition Singing Contest Athletics Meeting (Running, Jumping, Pair work …) III/ While-speaking:  Task 2: Ask your partner how he / she feels about each type of the competitions/ contests in Task 1 Example: Model (T & a A: What do you think of the General stusent) Knowledge Quiz? And then call on B: Oh, it’s great. It’s an opportunity to some Ss to practise test my general knowledge. the Task Useful language great -opportunity to test my Notice the interesting genaral knowledge pronunciation and good fun -good time to practise my intonation boring English wonderful -opportunity for my exciting creative activities -makes me feel sleepy Go around for help -makes me cheerful / feel happy -good chance for my 8’ physical training  Task 3: Answering questions Group work Talk about a competition or contest you Ask Ss to work in have recently joined or seen. Use the groups suggestions below. Go around for help (See textbook – page 70) Ask Ss to turn in  Suggested answers: answering T’s 1. In HCM City last Sunday questions Feedback 12’ Group work
  3. IV/ Post-speaking: Retell the competition Have Ss rely on the reading in textbook to retell a complete 3’ speaking Whole class V/ Wrapping: Call on some ss to Summarise the main points retell the Have Ss write about 50 words about the competition competition which Ss have just taken part in or seen Lesson Plan  Unit 6: Competition Section C: Listening I/ Aim: Listening for specific information II/ Objectives By the end of the lesson, s will be able to:  listen and understand the summary history of Boston Marathon in The United States  listen and choose the right or false information  ask and answer about the content of dialogue III/ Materials: Textbook, cassette player, tape, …. IV/ Anticipated problems: Ss may have difficulty in catching exact words and phrases to fill the blanks in the conversation. V/ Procedure Teacher’s Students Time Steps activities activities 7’ Show the pictures I/ Warm-up: and ask the questions Listen Ask Ss to answer Do as directed the questions about Group work the pictures
  4. 8’ Answering questions 1.What are they doing? Elicit Listen 2. Have you ever taken part in the Model Repeat marathon race? 3. Do you know the Boston Marathon? Notice the II/ Pre-listening: pronuciation Copy down  Pre-teach Vocabulary: -athletic /æθ’letik/ (adj): thuộc về điền kinh 8’ Whole class -formally /’fɔmlli/ Adv: 1 cách chính Ask Ss to read the thức questions in task 1 -clock /klɔk/ (v): bấm giờ Run through the -join /dʒɔin/ (v) = take part in: tham gia questions Listen -association /əsousi’ei∫n/ (n): hội Play the tape Pair work  Checking: R & R Go around for checking III/ While-listening:
  5.  Task 1: True / False statements Play the tape again Listen to the dialogue about the Boston Check Marathon and decide whether the Play the tape again statements are true (T) or false (F)  Correct answers: 1.T – It is held every year in the USA 2. T – It began in 1897 10’ 3. F – not “… 15 minutes” -> “… 50 minutes…” Ask Ss to relisten 4. F – not “in 1957 -> “1967” the dialogue ans 5. T – 34 countries answer the 6. F (not “runners have to pass the center questions of Boston” -> “Runners have to go Run through through 13 towns during the race. The Check if Ss Pair work race ends in the center of Boston”) remember the Listen  Task 1: Answer the questions content of the Listen again and answer the following dialogue questions. Play the tape Check if Ss  Correct answers: 10’ understand Group work 1. New York Play the tape again 2. 1972 Give feedback 3. 8 women Have Ss work in 4. 6164 runners groups Go around for help Call on some Ss to 2’ present in front of Whole class IV/ Post-listening: the class Discussion Name some of famous runners in Vietnam and say what is special about them V/ Wrapping: Summarise the main points Lesson Plan  Unit 6: Competition Section D: Writing I/ Aim: Writing a letter
  6. II/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:  Understand the content, language and structure of a letter required to supply the information  Write a letter to repond for supplying information about English Speaking Competition III/ Materials: Textbook, chalk, …. IV/ Anticipated problems: Ss may not be familiar with writing a letter about asking for information V/ Procedure Teacher’s Students’ Time Steps activities activities 5’ I/ Warm-up: Deliver handout to Pair work Ss and ask them to Matching match the greetings Match the greetingd and endings. and endings Which are formal? 1.Dear Hellen a.Yours (Bob) b. Yours faithfully Go around to check 2. Dear Sir and and explain the Madam (Albert Cook) new words 3. Darling Rosie c. Love Peter 4. Dear Mr. Mc d. Lots of love Correct Donald (Bobby Clark) 5. Dear Philip e. Your sincerely (Robert Fleming)  Key: 1. c 2. b (formal) 3. d 4. e (formal) 5’ 5.a Elicit II/ Pre-writing:  Pre-teach vocabulary: Model Listen Repeat -entry /’entri/ (n) sự đi vào -venue /’venju:/ (n): nơi tổ chức, nơi gặp gỡ -procedure /pr ’sidʒə / (n): tiến trình, Notice Ss how to Copy down pronounce the new quá trình words -be limited /’limitid/(v): đ ược giới hạn -contestant /kə ,’testə nt/ (n): ng ười dự Deliver handout to Group work thi 7’ Ss and explain the -registration /redʒi’trei∫n/ (n): sự đăng kí requires  Checking: W & W  Task 1: Write the correct numbers of
  7. the following rules in the correct boxes on the letter. 46 Quan Su St Hanoi,Vietnam 17 October 2006 Go around for help 140 Kham Thien St Dong Da District Hanoi, Vietnam Dear Sir or Madam I have read the information about the English Speaking Compectition on your Language Centers Website.I am interested in practicing English with native speakers and I want to get information about the competition.Could you please send me details of the competition, the number of partcipants, entry procedures, venue, date and time? Please provide me with your phone numberand e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Your faithfully Thutrang Thu Trang 1. We write our own address in the top right hand corner. 2. We end with an expression like “I look forward to…” 3. We write the receivers name and address on the left hand side. 4. We sign off with “Your faithfully…” 5. We write our name under the Give feedback signature.
  8. 6. We don’t use short forms. 7. We write the date under our address. 8. We start the letter with “Dear…” 9. We use “Sir or Madam”if we don’t know the persons name.  Key: 46 Quan Su St 1 1 Hanoi,Vietnam 7 17 October 2006 140 Kham Thien St Dong Da District 3 Hanoi, Vietnam 8 Dear Sir or Madam 9 I have read the information about the 6 English Speaking Compectition on your Language Centers Website.I am interested in practicing English with native speakers and I want to get information about the competition.Could you please send me details of the Deliver handout to Individual 7’ competition, the number of partcipants, Ss and ask them to entry procedures, venue, date and time? match the column Please provide me with your phone A with the column numberand e-mail. B I look forward to hearing from you 2 soon. Your faithfully Have Ss exchange their paper with a Pair work 4 partner Thutrang Thu Trang 5 Handout: Go around for help Match one phrase in column A with another one in column B to make a rule of writing formal letters A B 1.We write our own A.”I look Give feedback address … forward to …” 2. We end with an B.”Your
  9. expression like … faithfully…” 3. We write the C.”Sir or receivers name and Madame” address … D. “Dear…” 4. We sign off with E. under the .. signature. 4’ 5. We write your F. on the left Ask Ss to work in Group work name … hand side. groups 6. We don’t use … G short forms. 7.We write the H. under our date... address 8. We start the I. in the top right letter with … hand corner 9. If we don’t know the persons name, we use … Do as directed Key: 7’ 1. I; 2. A; 3. F; 4. B; 5. E; 6. G Go around for help 7. H; 8. D; 9. C  Task 2: Read the letter and find out the information required for the English Speaking Competition See textbook – page 72  Key:  number of participants  entry procedure  venue  date and time phone number and e-mail 8’  Task 3: (task 2 – page 73) Choose two Imagine you are Kate Johnson, secretary writings to correct Correct of the English Speaking Competition. the common Write a letter to repond to Thu Trang, mistakes using the details below  number of partipants: 25  venue: 106 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi  date: 25th November  arrival time: 7:00 p.m; starting time: 8:00 p.m  phone number: (04) 9838188
  10.  e-mail: IV/ Post-writing:  The sample letter: 140 Kham thien St Dong Da District Hanoi, Vietnam 18 October 2006 46 Quan Su St Hanoi, Vietnam Dear Thu trang, I have got your letter dated on 17 October and I have a great pleasure in welcome you to our English Speaking Competition. The following is some Whole class important information about the competition: Number of participants: 25 2’ Entry procedure: you have to fill in an application form Venue: 106 Tran Hung Dao street, Hoam Kiem District, Hanoi Date: October 25th The competition will start at 8.30p.m, so you should be present at 7p.m You may contact me on the phone number (04) 988188 for more information I look forward to meeting you later Your faithfully, K. Johnson Kate Johnson V/ Wrapping: Summarise the main points Lesson Plan  Unit 6: Competition Section E: Language Focus I/ Aim: Helping Ss use English correctly
  11. II/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson. Students will be able to:  pronounce correctly the double consonants /tr/, /dr/ and /tw/  understand and use correctly reported speech having the repoting verbs followed by gerund III/ Materials: Textbook, handout, chalk, cassette player,… IV/ Anticipated problems: Ss may not know how to pronounce the sounds /tr/ and /dr / and /tw/ correctly V/ Procedure Teacher’s Students’ Time Steps activities activities 3’ I/ Warm-up: Give instructions Listen Write the orthographic forms of the Pair work words 1. /’træfik/ => traffic Do as directed 2. /’trauz z/ => trousers 3. /’draiv / => driver 4. /drink/ => drink 5. /’twenti/ => twenty 7’ 6. /twin/ => twin Model Repeat PRONUCIATION  Listen and repeat: See textbook – page 73  Practise reading aloud these sentences: 1. /tr/ 2. /dr/ 3. /tw/ Call some Ss to 1. John always enjoys traveling by practise reading train these words 2. Jane’s teeth are troubling her 3. George is driving dangerously 4. Her new dress is an absolute dream Deliver handout to 7’ 5. She has an amused twinkle in her Ss Do as directed eyes Ask Ss to match the 6. Think twice before doing column A with the something column B GRAMMAR Matching Match a phrase on the left column with a phrase on the right to make 5 sentences Go around for help
  12. A B 1.John a.about the congratulated me holidays 2.He thanked them b. for breaking 3.Mary apologised my watch Give feedback me c. on passing the 5’ 4.I’m thinking exam Elicit 5.The weather d. from going a Model Listen prevented us camping trip Repeat e. for helping him Key: 1. c; 2. e; 3. b; 4. a ; 5. d  Pre-teach Vocabulary: Copy down -to insist on: cố nài -to accuse of buộc tộ ai về điều gì - to congratulate on chúc 7’ Ask Ss to change Individual mừng ai về điều gì the direct speech -to apologise to for xin lỗi ai into reported Pair work về điều gì speech -to warn against cảnh giác ai Have ss exchange  Set the scene: Today we’re going to with a partner study the verbs followed by a preposition Go around for help Verb + (o) + preposition + / noun Give feedback  Exercise 1: see textbook – page 74 Correct answers: 1….us on passing our examìe 2.…for not phoning me earlier 3….on driving Linda to the station 8’ 4….of the boy of not paying attention to Ask ss to report the Individual what he had said dialogue, using the 5…of being rich provided verbs Listen 6…Ann against staying at the hotel near Model Pair work the airport Go around for help 7…Jane from going out that night 8…Jack for visiting her  Exercise 2: See textbook – page 75 Give feedback Correct answers: 1.Tom insisted on paying for the meal 2.Mr. and Mrs. Smith ooked forward to meeting their children. 3.The boy denied breaing the window of
  13. her house 4.The policeman stopped the customer 6’ from leaving the shop. 5.The thief admitted stealing Mrs. Brown’ s car. 6. Ann suggested having a party on Saturday 7.John and his wife were thinking of Pair work buying the house Go around for help Additional Activity Which verbs can be used to report the direct speech in the sentences below? Put a letter a to f in the box Give feedback b c 1.deny 2. dream d f 3. accuse 4. admit 5. suggest 6. thank e a a. “It was really kind of you to help me. Thank you very much.”, Mary said to you b. “Don’t play with the matches.”, I said to you 2’ c. “I have always wanted to be a pilot.”, Whole class Paul said to you d. “You didn’t do what I said.”, the mother said to her son e.Lan says: “We should go for a picnic on Sunday.” f. The thief said: “I don’t take the bicycle.” g. “I break the mobile phone.” said Ba  Homework: Change sentences in the above exercise into indirect speech, using appropriate verbs



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