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United States General Accounting Office GAO February 1990 Report to the Congress_part5

Chia sẻ: Kim Ku | Ngày: | Loại File: PDF | Số trang:9

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Nội dung Text: United States General Accounting Office GAO February 1990 Report to the Congress_part5

  1. 8PCZE9'Z $ 19S.8 FJ0.J. 9S8’L6Pb1 +n=u LP'6 90’L PSZ’SOZ C66I OO’L 660‘LOE 1661 19’1 1661 68LX6Z &WE81 0661 80'8 ELS’DI s %61-L 6861 am namuf OZJB?A--W J-A r==!J a8aSuogq a8txa~y Feed pP=Fw :(spwsnoql u! srellop) Iayearaql pue sreaK m aAg ax9u 103 molaq pamasald aw saggqeg aumaq bnr snql pue ‘hnuaguue qaoz qaql aql q3eaJ are~%o~d(p)(S)Izz uoyas aqi Japun SaSeSuourSu!pueinno qyqm u! JeJK au .aSeSuour aqi 30 luapraslopua ~euy Iaye k.res~agnue qylz aqt Su~oflo3 vi3 maK aql Sugp m 01 sa%eSrroruqaql uSyze 01 uala ismu saaSI?Swxu alq$hl3 uo pay3331 isalalu! paa3xa 11~ samluaqap -saSeSuou aql aql uo pgd isalam! ‘saxmmm~!:, asoql u! ‘aDug saw lsalam! aSe%vom aqi paa3xa saw arruuaqap paqsyqEls9-KxnseaJ~ hg!qeg E uj apsai 3! Kenr m au *saw lsaraay 1uauIw Suyeaq sarmuaqap 01 sa%&onr asaql 30 auauxu.S~sse VH..J 103 a%tmpxa u! saaSe%uou Kq (pun.~ If)) VIJJ 01 pauSpse aq KEUI wy Suym01-1 pzuopeN aqa 30 (p)(S)Izz uo!wag Iapun pamsy saSaSvom maw '8861 Suunp ualip a3aemsy ou peq pun3 II-IH~ au *Ias 103 uoglp sL$ pre ‘If) ~03 wll?!q E’L$ ‘IVI:ZY ~03 uo!lFq E’IPS =M 8861 Su!mP PuncI Kq uallum a3u=nsY -a3103 axm.msq 1 ap!L 30 amunsa s,h3y u! -. s9O’ZIP’EOE $ 000'000‘L $ IL0'96E'VP $ V66'SIO'ZE $ FJ0.L SOS'OE6‘S ZEL'SOS'9 MS LEZ'9EV'ZI 0 19 S6C696'LE 806'686‘91 * ooo'ooo'L EOC'6E6'19 IL1‘91S 0 IL1'9lS 0 II-m3 IVWI $ PSC'OZS'SZZ $ FX'OZS'SZZ $0 %0 al8tns ww 4wwrw I arw. FJ0.L ri~UJE.J 8861 :(spuzsnoq1 IIJ slellop) a3103u! aXXEmSu!SUgXWlnno le shtono3 SE REM @JO-L 8861 ‘0~ laqmaldas This is trial version
  2. -ssaduo3 kq spunA ohu asaqi 01 paieudolddc [ei!deD Kq iago il@!ued 318 spunA 1~s pm 1f) 3r.p 30 sass01a+ielnr.u~ -spun3 aqi 30 auamaJ!nbaJ Superado paujmaiap Kpgwe uo paseq saunocm arm asaql 01 pamoI[e are suopmado 30 a[nsaJ ar\papwry -pannbal J! sasodmd Su!wado ~03 pasn aq OS@ Ktw I! @noqi@ ‘uaploqhlod 01 saleqs aAgnqg?p Ked 01 pasn i1[elauaS s! wnom? aNasal Sugedppntd aql aI!qm Supwado ~03 *)unoJx aNas? a[qEpAe 6[@JJUJ% s! lunoc0B Sn[&nS @Km38 au aql pm lunom aleledas OMI II! paup?m!enr Sn[dInS @lJUJ% aql :slunom! ale 1~~3 pm INN 30 D!nba aqi ‘a~ Su!snoH [EUO!JEN aqi Kq pa+bal sv 13861 ‘ocwmdas ie uogsod p2pueug S,V&J waJJe KIpeyamu IOU fp~ stuyp put? suo[13~ @aI asaql 30 uopnlosaJ aieuI!qn aqi ‘1asunoD@lauaS pm uxaruaSewur 30 uoy!do aql us ‘l! JSU@E JO Kq lL@tOJq srupzp pue suo!ue @%a[ snoy-eh u! s! VH.J zaqig pm si!nrmtq -uo!i!sod p2!xmxx!~30 iuauraieig aqt II! paplosal uaaq lad IOU seq umSoJd (p)(S)~zz uo!uas palepyomo3 aqi uro4 Buyma ‘PIE 31 ‘h!g!qeg auaSuguo9 aqi ‘aJo3aJapL *aieugsa sg u! suoneFap a&[ 103 @pualod E saieaw saw aalaiu! arwy Srmjpald 30 SL9S Jq [[!M uogdo lI.IJ~p~ (~)(S)IZZ uoyag h[nSgJ!p aql ‘K’A?MoH -Uo![[!Iu aqi rnoq punj of, aqi 01 Is03 @!malod pzloi aql ieql pamrqsa seq .i.mwe s,~ 30 swap aql 30 se sam isaJaiu! iaqmn SuI?%aJd pm saw isa~aitq aSeSuotu uaaq seq iunomp e ?uarmj pavmaJ aql uaahuaq azmalagp aqi 103 paplosal pm VI+J 01 pati!sse uaaq Kpear@ aheq saSe%uour(+)(S)~ZZ novas amq iuaixa aqi 0~ maxad ~751-8 aw amuaqap paqsgqma-hsvag s! iuam au :(PanWuoa) h!I!W?-l lUaaU!lUQ m8JhJd (p)@)Izz UOflm :(panu!iuo>) sa!maSu!iuo3 PUB siuamiguuro~ *t[ aloN This is trial version
  3. *palr!a3ai are suoyeydordde pmn suoyelado ,spun.~ aqi uyns 01 Knssa3au sSu!molloq uo pam’tm! asuadxa isaiaau! iaAoo3IOU op suoyeydoJdde aql *ssol e le ~10s an iuau1apias soya uj parmbm nasse pun pah!aJa1 ‘alormaqiln~ 10 pananbal aq iouum leqdm paaegdoidde pawlal ‘sasodmd AmaSpnq 103 apqjm sa%eSuourpamm! uodn pzySosa1 ‘saIduFd Suyxno~m 30 Ilne3ap aql an sass01 paldame Kp@lauaS Japan ‘asfmaq s! sg~, -sassol aJo1sal 01 snogeudoldde ‘papuame se 93~ Smsno~ @uoye~ aql qSnoq uaAa px!dm poaeydoldde sai+oqme spunA Ixs pue 19 aqa 103 (sassol) suoyxado 30 QFsal ahpynm~ paa3xa (Kma!Dyyl) @tLg 9L9’881’ I s ~08L’SOvI) s (PZ6’%L) SXS SOS’SLE’E $ mtde3 pawgdolddy Z893Z6’1 t’SL’OE6’V E9Z’L86’2 0 608’81 (6W’LlI’L) ~Z9t7’EEE’E) (LSI’PBL’E) 0 0 su0pe1ad(J 30 nTnsa8 a.4geTnuxn~ afuasax Suged!ymd 0 I EE’SZE’Z 0 IPS’I 06t7’9ZE’Z [alauag O~Z’LWO’I s0 so s v1’91 s 9OS’OfO’1 s WJ0.L IXS ICI IHH3 IlWl L861 L8fjI ‘01 mqrundas :(sPu’mOqJ UT SJqOp) 30 se spunj S,~J 30 qxa 103hyba ~uauIu.xaAoS uoysodu~os aql s! 8u!mono~ 30 (Kxayyaa) Ky-tbz (EZO‘PSS’Z) 5 tL86’89S’l) S (9S9'OII'E) SLE6'LIS 889'LOS'l S w!dea pnepdolddy LP8‘08Z’S LWLIO’Z 16E’PPZ’E 0 608’81 0 (189’1V6’6) (PE9’98S’E) 1LM)‘SSE’9) 0 suopEJ* 30 sunsax a.4gneTnmn3 afdasax Sugedppred W6’89T‘Z 0 0 PL6’ 1 OL6'99I'Z S (160’8Lf) S W’Z9E) s0 S 8S6’Sl s0 srqdms (Kmagaa) @Jauag VW. IXS If) IHPI3 INPi 8861 :(SpRE~OLjl u! SJVnop) 8861 ‘Of Iaquxaldg 30 se spun3 s,m 30 qxa 103 hyba maunuaaoS 30 uoysoduro3 aql s! SU~OIIOJ :(panuyuoa) Lgnbg luawu.raaog ‘~1 aloN This is trial version
  4. *pau!uIJa1ap naaq iar( 101~ sass01asaqa30 irmomz ayl vtq !lIne3ap s!qi tuoq 2iuy~nsa~ seq sassol v d~pueasqns waq dIaremyIn n!~ m TJO~ s6$ rllaatxuyo~dde Buye%aB% sa%2~~omPam--m peq JapnaI aswm~os paipe3ap s!qJ, sa%e%rroux Pam-09 Qurz3g~m kq pa?xq saypnsas Meg 103 suo@gqo a! 30 iTne3ap u! JapuaI axfern~o9 m Jaqxorre parelc+apm~f) ‘6861 Jaqma3aa 01 :JII~A~ wanbasqns ‘~1 agog This is trial version
  5. 8t aa8d - hbq wemruo~o~ pur syy!q8!1 ISO.L S 252'691'2 S PEB'OZ S ZE8'8E6‘8 S SSL'98L'll P LES'LS9 (Kxxa!~y~) h!nbq IU~~~J~AOE) Laos (EZO’PS8’Z) (9S9‘011 'f) ZE6'LI 889'LOS'l (L86'89S' I) In!dQ pwmdo~ddy 16E't'i'Z'E 0 Lt8'08Z'S LW‘LIO'Z 608'81 s=-s-7 am=lnmn3 spcl P=!P!sq"S bO'SSE'9) 0 (189'1P6'6) ~PE9‘98S't) 0 OW space PWV 0 ZE6‘Ll 6L8'88L‘I 118'908'1 0 :(KsIa~3y~) Kl$JcJ loxmIJaAoog S~!l!1!9~!-l 1wo.L 806'6LZ'S 206'2. WI'IEI‘L 8LL'OWPI PZ8‘9ZZ'Z s=Jva PnnJJ-l JO=orlamm!I3 @00'02) 0 0 owoz 0 KJnSEslJ~.S'fl ql UIOJJs%r+TioJJog 89Z'9SO'Z 0 89Z'E66'E CGfl‘Lt6'1 0 a[qBied SptlTy?~ mnF?Jd PU' Slrlqs WInq!JIS!a EEI'ZOI 0 El 0 OZI'ZPI S16’fX ZLP' 1SE ZLI‘EOI SZO'v91 09E wJ!l!V!-l JWO Paa pau33y ‘olqmba,j5~rmomy sasaadxg srwmq3 01pmss~sm.wqaa 68f’l If SZI'8i I SPS'611 0 SummJlJd paIJ~U~ OPI‘I 8f8‘66 f89’LLX’f 899't66'E LOO'91 sw.Jasa~ sscq OOO’IIP’S OOO‘LEI 003‘019'2. 0 KO'W9'Z 0 w@~ed =cl3 SW’EI ZS9’1 sz S6f’f9f 269'829 :n.m-lb~ .LN3~x31\09 aNv siI.LI-IIBV1-I - 0 ZSZ’691’Z S PEX’OZS Zf8’8f6’8 S lfB’LS9 SSL'98L'I I $ dEf‘89Z oz 6tf’SSl pPL'l8 921' 1 0 0 EIB'L8S 255'691 192‘81P f68‘lW OfS‘6ZP’I IIS’LfO’l fZl'tl6'Z E61‘P P9E’969’1 86P‘ff 0 98L’fLI 080'68P'I L86’f61’9 PoO'802'9 LIO‘PI 0 0 801’fll S 86f‘I S SO6’Zf S S 1f6‘S9 S PLS'ZI a'31vaI IXS IHVIV3 1’3 IPm -7OSN03 (spuesnoqL u! slalloa) 8861 ‘0s x3-s UO!$!SOd~8!NJW!j JO WWUW3~S 6U!$Sp!lOSUO~ This is trial version
  6. (EZO’PSI’Z)0 (L86’895‘1) S (959’011’f) S Zf6’LI S 889’LOS’l $ JmA JOpq ‘(i=‘!~yy~) rclmb3mamrua~og (9LZ‘f) (L6L‘Z91) 0 0 (125‘651) PFd s=sqs cww!a snogeudo~ddy f60’OSf XZI'LSZ 596'26 0 0 SOX’SLE’E J=-A JO+mM (08L‘80%7’1) bZ6’96L) 9L9’881’1 SLS’81 ‘(KmyyQ t$nbq ,namwao~ (ZLI’ESZ) soswdx~ 11&O smo?*?~ JO ff9’Z (S66’6ZZ’P) (098‘OLS’Z) (965'8oP'I) (sasso-,/K3uapy~) sswx?J P86‘f9f 99f ‘EOS’E 6OS’V68’9 LBZ’I ZL8‘SZO’f 68f‘f EOS‘PS 6fO’fP 161 ZZI'IOI 1f~‘Wl 829’8ft 61 0 SLI'PLI EIZ‘SSP 89f ‘ZZ sc0’fOz f9L’XZZ LLO‘l 0 BSP‘O6Z (6PZ) 868’8ZZ 608‘19 8Pf’L 68P‘ff 696’OfZ 908’1 LZ 0 EBE’ZOI 0 PLB‘ELO’Z 910’6LZ SLZ’Z69’ I 809’f9f’E @If’W 0 ESL’ZSO’Z 11S'9PZ‘I OZ6‘f PI S’W9‘Z OLL’P6o’Z 218‘011 Z1O'SSP SSS’CP 0 P61 ‘L9 89L‘S ILS’LI 98f‘SXS SSP’ZOI 6PZ‘ 1 IEL’TZL 119'62 ffP’SL ZL6’80f fIS’88P’l 68SSL8’1 1L9’2 S88’9f E6E’PPP’I L96’ZfZ IL9’Z OLI'ILI'I 961’IfP S 8tS’Xf s fW’91f s s Sco’9L s 0 MS axvat --IOSN03 This is trial version
  7. (811916) 09 a%=d - s (v66) s (608'8E) s s L&P KZZ'Z9) s CL9L'9Z) GLZ'E) (ZZt'bSI ) 6K'L[5 Zlf'SOP 091'15 iL6L'Z91) 0 0 (SLZ‘E) (ZZ5'651) (890'501) 0 mo'sol) 0 0 (991'812) (991'81Z) 0 0 0 LL8'8D 0 LLS'SP 0 0 OK1'089 OOSOZZ wo'o9v 0 0 998'Z91 9ZE'bV OVS'EII 0 0 (010‘1) IOl'E61 ESO‘EW ZBS'SE9 SOP' E W6'56 0 t'V6.56 0 0 Z EW’POI L9L'L9 968'9 SEO'M (SZP'E) (SZP'E) 0 0 0 SOE'EI 8ZCZZ9'E 0 06C6Z Oc9'69S'E (S06'081'E) 0 0 (OZE'PZ) (585'951'E) (LIS’901’1) 16Z'E (SEE’IS) CEO1‘9o.L) (OLE'.?zE) 0 (66VEE I) w (96t'EE I) 0 OZV' 8oz L9Z'Z E1S'SVCI Il8'88S'l Il9'ZE 69S’bBO’f 0 LZI'OL 8t'Z1'C61 MVPZS'Z EIV CWLIZ 226'59 ISE'IS (Mt‘905'9) (6Z6'obI (I ) 0 (SZE'1OZ) Z8 IP6'E (L9L.L) 6Cl w SW'EPI lE6'Vl I OEO'OZ Z6Z.69 I SIV'LP Eos LSZ'LS WZ'Z9S 0 660'1 LSE'Z9Z (f6E’Vt’V’I) (IL9'Z) (L96‘ZEZ) (S88'96) 809’f9f’E 0 Plf’v9 ESL'ZSO'Z PL9'ELO'Z 0 E8E’zoI 910'6LZ (zLl’Esz) k66'6ZZ'P) s 5 (098'OLS'Z) a3lvaI IXS IO -1OSN03 (spuesnoqL u! srqloa) 8861 ‘OE m-s mold qse3 10 watuawtg bujtepyosuo3 This is trial version prmauralddns uog8u~xo3q
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