Action methods
To describe the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of peripheral nerve damage in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 101 people with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients at the Department of Endocrinology - Diabetes and Neurology Center of Bach Mai Hospital.
8p viormkorn 27-09-2024 4 2 Download
The research reported here addresses the question of what is required to engage stakeholders to create effective change. It is a case study of one organisation, Melbourne Water, which is located in Victoria, Australia. The research is undertaken using a qualitative, action research framework and a systems psychodynamic perspective. Volunteer participants participated in one-on-one interviews and focus groups. The data is also generated through organisational observations and reflection utilising the methods of supervision and journaling.
210p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
The thesis studied the development and implementation of the conceptual Continuous Improvement Teamworking (CIT) Model for strategic performance improvement in retail banking operations. The investigation using of a dominant qualitative to a Less-dominant quantitative approach as a mixed-method strategy revealed the importance of the CIT Model realised through the CTIO (Concern-Task-Interaction-Outcome) Problem-Solving Cycle. The CTIO Cycle is a variant form of the traditional Deming-Shewhart PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) Cycle.
311p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
The main objectives of this research are two fold. First, to make better or to improve the education planning mechanism at the Directorate for Development of Junior Secondary Education (DDJSE). Second, through improved planning, to expand the scope of service to the citizens of the country so that every citizen in Indonesia will have an equal access to Junior Secondary Education (JSE) and to improve the quality of JSE in Indonesia. To achieve these research objectives, practitioner research was used as an umbrella of research methodology with action research as the main research method.
164p runthenight04 02-02-2023 13 4 Download
The research methods involved participatory action research during the projects, followed by semi-structured interviews with key decision makers after project completion. The analysis was conducted by a combination of manual processes and NVivo software. The analysis revealed decision makers perceived two specific tools, being personas and Journey maps, as having influenced their ‘felt’ accountability.
166p runordie3 06-07-2022 12 4 Download
Compared to RNA-sequencing transcript differential analysis, gene-level differential expression analysis is more robust and experimentally actionable. However, the use of gene counts for statistical analysis can mask transcript-level dynamics. We demonstrate that ‘analysis first, aggregation second,’ where the p values derived from transcript analysis are aggregated to obtain gene-level results, increase sensitivity and accuracy.
11p vimichaelfaraday 25-03-2022 13 3 Download
The study is aimed at: Exploring weaknesses of students in learning the language, finding suitable methods to help the students at Mecha; electric and Water resources Vocational College in Hung Yen raising motivation; helping students at this training institution to improve their vocabulary learning.
92p closefriend09 16-11-2021 35 7 Download
The cross product of two vectors is important concept which is applied in solving many problems when using the spatial coordinate method. By applying the Theory of Didactical Situations in Mathematics, the authors designed teaching situation that they call “the cross product of two vectors concept” in which students learn through situations that involve action, communication and validation.
5p tamynhan8 04-11-2020 17 1 Download
The development of fruits without fertilization is known as parthenocarpy. Parthenocarpy improves the fruit quality, processing attributes, production and productivity of vegetable crops like tomato, cucumber, watermelon etc. Absence of seeds can enhances the shelf life of the fruits, allowing a better conservation, fruit set in adverse climatic conditions, early and offseason production of vegetable crops. Therefore, it is important to ensure yield stability regardless of environmental conditions.
20p gaocaolon5 14-06-2020 16 3 Download
To evaluate the prognosis value of facial nerve conduction study in Bell’s palsy outcome. Subjects and methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study using electro diagnostic data and medical chart review on 29 patients diagnosed with Bell’s palsy in Department of Neurology, Military Hospital 103 from January 2017 to December 2017, were evaluated using the facial nerve grading system 2.0 (FNGS) during their initial visit and on day 20 and day 40. We performed facial nerve conduction studies (NCS) in the first 5 days and on the 20th day.
5p chauchaungayxua1 02-12-2019 52 3 Download
This article introduces some results on reproductive characteristics and methods of asexual propagation by cuttings in Hue Vetiver cuttings under the action of some growth regulating substances.
8p thiendiadaodien_9 04-03-2019 13 1 Download
Bài giảng Nhập môn HTML và thiết kế Web: Bài 14 - Xử lý form và các sự kiện cho các phần tử trong form bao gồm những nội dung về form Action, Method, Text fields, Command Button, Check Box, Radio, Combo box.
17p maiyeumaiyeu19 07-11-2016 78 11 Download
Nội dung chính trong chương 2 gồm: Define and describe controllers, describe how to work with action methods, explain how to invoke action methods, explain routing requests, describe URL patterns. Mời các bạn tham khảo.
31p estupendo1 06-08-2016 33 4 Download
(BQ) Chapter 10: Fundamentals of cost management. Upon completion of this chapter you should be able to: explain the concept of activity-based cost management; use the hierarchy of costs to manage costs; describe how the actions of customers and suppliers affect a firm’s costs; use activity-based costing methods to assess customer and supplier costs;...
32p tangtuy16 02-07-2016 76 6 Download
To Make an Interactive GUI Program To make an interactive GUI program, you need: Components buttons, windows, menus, etc. Events mouse clicked, window closed, button clicked, etc. Event listeners (interfaces) and event handlers (methods) listen for events to be trigged, and then perform actions to handle them
13p huanltgc00061 05-05-2013 53 5 Download
The two-hybrid method detects the interaction of two proteins by their ability to reconstitute the activity of a split transcription factor, thus allow-ing the use of a simple growth selection in yeast to identify new inter-actions. Since its introduction about 15 years ago, the assay largely has been applied to single proteins, successfully uncovering thousands of novel protein partners.
9p fptmusic 12-04-2013 31 2 Download
The Stick Figure In our methodical approach to building up your confidence as an artist, we're going to tackle something simple at first—our friend the stick figure. Go ahead, draw one right now! A reasonable stick figure at this point should contain a midline for the spine, two arms, two legs, and a circle for the head. Fingers for hands and lines for feet are optional, but being the conscientious craftsman that you are, I know you'll want to include them. Now draw your stick figure running, jumping, falling, walking, running, climbing—see how many poses you can come up with. The...
23p dungdiem 25-02-2013 85 15 Download
Poincar´ made the first attempt in 1896 on applying variational calculus e to the three-body problem and observed that collision orbits do not necessarily have higher values of action than classical solutions. Little progress had been made on resolving this difficulty until a recent breakthrough by Chenciner and Montgomery. Afterward, variational methods were successfully applied to the N -body problem to construct new classes of solutions.
25p dontetvui 17-01-2013 38 6 Download
We classify the measures on SL(k, R)/ SL(k, Z) which are invariant and ergodic under the action of the group A of positive diagonal matrices with positive entropy. We apply this to prove that the set of exceptions to Littlewood’s conjecture has Hausdorff dimension zero. 1. Introduction 1.1. Number theory and dynamics. There is a long and rich tradition of applying dynamical methods to number theory.
49p noel_noel 17-01-2013 46 7 Download
Outline Objects and Classes OOP Concepts Encapsulation Aggregation/Composition Inheritance & Polymorphism Some useful Java classes Exception Handling, I/O Readings & Exercise Discussion .
52p lebronjamesuit 23-08-2012 80 9 Download