Binomial probability distribution
Lectures "Applied statistics for business - Chapter 5: Discrete probability distributions" provides students with the knowledge: Random variables, developing discrete probability distributions, expected value and variance, expected value and variance financial portfolios,... Invite you to refer to the disclosures.
34p doinhugiobay_13 26-01-2016 53 3 Download
Chương 3 - Các quy luật phân phối xác suất thông dụng. Chương này trình bày các nội dung về quy luật phân phối rời rạc (Descrete probability distributions) như: Phân phối nhị thức (Binomial), phân phối siêu bội, phân phối Poisson. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.
34p nhanmotchut_4 01-11-2016 110 7 Download
Lecture "Probability & statistics - Chapter 5: Discrete probability" has contents: Random variable, probability distribution, expected value, variance – standard deviation, bivariate probability, binomial distribution.
21p abcxyz123_07 19-03-2020 35 1 Download
Chapter 5 - Discrete random variables. After mastering the material in this chapter, you will be able to: Explain the difference between a discrete random variable and a continuous random variable, find a discrete probability distribution and compute its mean and standard deviation, use the binomial distribution to compute probabilities,...
12p whocare_b 05-09-2016 69 3 Download