Biological parameters
The project's main objectives were to analyse the data obtained during geological exploration and use it to model and predict biological patterns in order to answer the main research questions: 1) Is there a statistical relationship between the environmental parameters and the benthic community composition and morphospecies observed? 2) Can predictive models be developed from this relationship? In achieving these main objectives, the project also developed recommendations for methods that could be applied during geological exploration voyages to maximise the potential use of data collected.
206p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
Objectives of the study: Determination of technical parameters such as variety, nutrition, EC, pH, planting density and harvest time, which are suitable for growth, quality of spinach grown on recirculating hydroponic systems. From there, evaluation the effects of using artificial light (luminescence spectrum and light intensity) on the growth, yield and quality of spinach grown on recirculating hydroponic systems indoor.
26p thebadguys 08-06-2021 29 4 Download
objectives: To describe the epidemiologically clinical and biological characteristics of steroid - dependent and steroid - resistant INS in children at the Hai Phong Children’s Hospital. To evaluate the efficacy of the combination of intravenous cyclophosphamide and prednisolone in treatment of steroid - dependent and steroid - resistant INS in children. To describe changes in several immune parameters before and after treatment in these patients.
29p extraenglish 24-05-2021 9 3 Download
Research objectives: Describe the clinical and subclinical characteristics in patients with Graves’ disease. Evaluation of Graves' disease treatment in children by anti-thyroid drug methimazole group synthesis. Survey and evaluate change TRAb levels and some clinical parameters, subclinical concerning treatment outcome and recurrence in children with Graves’ disease.
29p change03 06-05-2016 70 4 Download
Introducing site-directed mutations in surface-exposed residues of subunit II of the heme aa3 cytochrome c oxidase of Paracoccus denitrificans, we analyze the kinetic parameters of electron transfer from reduced horse heart cytochrome c. Specifically we address the following issues: (a) which residues on oxidase contribute to the docking site for cytochrome c, (b) is an aromatic side chain required for electron entry from cytochrome c, and (c) what is the molecular basis for the previously observed biphasic reaction kinetics....
9p system191 01-06-2013 37 3 Download
A clear difference in the enthalpy changes derived from spectroscopic and calorimetric measurements has recently been shown. The exact interpretation of this deviation varied from study to study, but it was generally attributed to the non-two-state transition and heat capacity change. Although the temperature-dependent thermodynamics of the duplex formation was often implied, systemic and extensive studies have been lacking in universally assigning the appropriate thermodynamic parameter sets.
10p system191 01-06-2013 37 4 Download
A comparative study of thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of Cu(II) and Ni(II) binding at the N-terminal binding site of human and bovine serum albumins (HSA and BSA, respectively) and short peptide analogues was performed using potentiometry and spectroscopic techniques. It was found that while qualitative aspects of interaction (spectra and structures of complexes, order of reactions) could be reproduced, the quantitative parameters (stability and rate constants) could not.
9p research12 01-06-2013 38 4 Download
We used parameter scanning to emulate changes to the limitingrate for steps inafittedmodel of glucose-derepressed yeast glycolysis. Three flux-control regimes were observed, two of which were under the dominant control of hexose transport, in accordance with various experimental studies andothermodel predictions.
11p research12 23-04-2013 43 2 Download
The structure–activity relations of a series of synthetic phenoxazone drugs with aminoalkyl side chains of variable length and different terminal groups were investigated by examining their biological activity and DNA complexation affinity. Biological activitywas determined fromtheir ability to induce apoptosis and cell cycle perturbations (activation of cell cycle checkpoints) using the human malignant MOLT-3 cell line. The thermodynamic parameters of drug– DNA complexation were determined by differential scan-ning calorimetry....
8p tumor12 20-04-2013 37 4 Download
Several oncogenic proteins are known to influence cellular glycosylation. In particular, transfection of codon 12 point mutated H-Ras increases CMP-Neu5Ac: Galb1,4GlcNAc a2,6-sialyltransferase I (ST6Gal I) activity in rodent fibroblasts. Given that Ras mediates its effects through at least three secondary effector pathways (Raf, RalGEFs and PI3K) and that transcriptional control ofmouse ST6Gal I is achieved by the selective use of multiple promoters, we attempted to identifywhichof these parameters are involved in linking the Ras signal to ST6Gal I gene transcription in mouse fibroblasts. ...
12p awards 05-04-2013 44 3 Download
In this work we compared two plant ureases, jackbean urease (JBU) and embryo-specific soybean urease (SBU) and a bacterial (Bacillus pasteurii) urease, for kinetic parameters and other biological properties described recently for ureases that are independent of the ureolytic activity. The insecticidal effect of ureases was investigated in feedingtrials with the cotton sucker bug,Dysdercus peruvi-anus (Hemiptera) as an insect model. Contrastingwith B. pasteuriiurease (PBU), both plant ureases presented potent insecticidal activity, with LD50 values of 0.017% (w/w) and 0.
7p dell39 03-04-2013 44 2 Download
The control properties of biochemical pathways can be described by control coefficients and elasticities, as defined in the framework of metabolic control analysis. The determination of these parameters using the traditional metabolic control analysis relationships is, however, lim-ited by experimental difficulties (e.g. realizing and meas-uring small changes in biological systems) and lack of appropriate mathematical procedures (e.g. when the more practical large changes are made).
12p dell39 03-04-2013 66 3 Download
Previous cross-linking studies [Kim E, Bobkova E, Hegyi G, Muhlrad A & Reisler E (2002)Biochemistry41, 86–93] have shown that site-specific cross-linking among F-actin monomers inhibits the motion and force generation of actomyosin. However, it does not change the steady-state ATPase parameters of actomyosin.
10p inspiron33 26-03-2013 38 5 Download
RNA-mediated gene silencing (RNA interference) is a powerful way to knock down gene expression and has revolutionized the fields of cellular and molecular biology. Indeed, the transfection of cultured cells with small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) is currently considered to be the best and easi-est approach to loss-of-function experiments.
16p media19 06-03-2013 48 5 Download
Thrombi, which are dissolved primarily by plasmin (EC, contain up to millimolar concentrations of fatty acids and these are known to affect the action of the protease. In the present study the modulation of plasmin activity was characterized quantitatively in a continuous amidolytic assay based on synthetic plasmin substrate (Spectrozyme-PL).
9p media19 06-03-2013 41 5 Download
Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) of DNA are formed spontane-ously by the reaction of carbonyl compounds such as sugars, methylglyoxal or dihydroxyacetonein vitro andin vivo. Little is known, however, about the biological consequences of DNA AGEs. In this study, a method was developed to determine the parameters that promote DNA glycation in cultured cells.
12p media19 05-03-2013 27 3 Download
Experimental design has a long tradition in statistics, engineering and life sciences, dating back to the beginning of the last century when optimal designs for industrial and agricultural trials were considered. In cell biol-ogy, the use of mathematical modeling approaches raises new demands on experimental planning.
17p vinaphone15 27-02-2013 40 3 Download
Laccase-encoding sequences sharing 65–71% identity were shuffledin vivo by homeologous recombination. Yeast efficiently repaired linearized plas-mids containingclac1, clac2 orclac5 Trametes sp. C30 cDNAs using a clac3 PCR fragment. From transformants secreting active variants, three chimeric laccases (LAC131, LAC232 and LAC535), each resulting from double crossovers, were purified, and their apparent kinetic parameters were determined using 2,2¢-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) and syringaldazine (SGZ) as substrates. ...
10p viettel02 20-02-2013 43 3 Download
A limited number of publicly available resources provide access to enzyme kinetic parameters. These have been compiled through manual data mining of published papers, not from the original, raw experimental data from which the parameters were calculated. This is largely due to the lack of software or standards to support the capture, analysis, storage and dissemi-nation of such experimental data.
11p viettel02 19-02-2013 29 2 Download
Realistic quantitative models require data from many laboratories. There-fore, standardization of experimental systems and assay conditions is crucial. Moreover, standards should be representative of thein vivoconditions. How-ever, most often, enzyme–kinetic parameters are measured under assay con-ditions that yield the maximum activity of each enzyme.
12p mobifone23 18-01-2013 37 3 Download