Build value
Several conventional research methods such as data collection, analysis, statistics, comparison, studies of historical experience and forecasting for a reconsideration of the values and usability of bamboo in traditional housing and modern architecture are introduced in the paper in order to accomplish the objectives to be set.
7p viyoko 24-09-2024 3 1 Download
In order for Vietnam to enhance welfare gains from the integration, there has been analysis on impacts for Vietnam. Vietnamese government is expected to support firms with understanding about the EVFTA, market information on quality standards, labour and environmental requirements, building capacity to improve quality and value of exporting products including rice exports.
4p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 5 2 Download
Since community buildings are a large group of assets managed by local city councils, current research has the potential to identify asset management deficiencies and assist in improving an integrated management model by: Establishing deterioration trends in building components for community buildings; Validating proposed deterioration using case-study data; Developing a database of costs to facilitate optimisation of maintenance; Developing a methodology to integrate deterioration and cost to optimize maintenance requirements.
186p runthenight05 01-03-2023 6 3 Download
This research focuses on Fibre Cement Felts (FCF), which is a non-woven textile substrate acting as a conveyor belt for the manufacturing of Fibre Cement Sheets (FCS). Fibre Cement Felts are a valued component required in the manufacturing process of Fibre Cement Sheets, used in construction for today’s building industry. Identifying the key factors that most influence FCF will assist in understanding of the relationship between fibre diameters, carded web, and mechanical bonding.
137p runthenight07 01-03-2023 7 3 Download
This research aims to address these research gaps. Through the literature review, the most popular building PV applications in China are identified. Hence, five building PV scenarios are developed based on real-word cases, including BAPV, roof BIPV and window BIPV. Given the diverse geographic conditions and policy conditions in China, 12 typical cities are selected for the research. A MATLAB program is established to calculate energy generation and evaluate the economic performance of the building PV applications in the 12 cities.
186p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 4 Download
Lesson "Planning and Creating A Value Proposition The Offer" with content that helps readers know how to analyze the market, define goals and give a timeframe for implementation. Develop strategies with optimal solutions to bring profits and revenue to the business. Hope the document will help you in your work and life.
29p mrh155 26-09-2022 25 6 Download
Bài viết trình bày việc ứng dụng sơ đồ chuỗi giá trị trong giai đoạn thi công nhà thép công nghiệp bằng phương thức thực hiện dự án thiết kế - thi công và đề xuất giảm thiểu phí phạm. Với việc áp dụng triết lý xây dựng tinh gon bằng công cụ VSM (Value Stream Mapping), dựa theo dòng giá trị để tìm ra các hoạt động tạo ra giá trị và các hoạt động không tạo ra giá trị nhằm loại bỏ hoặc giảm thiểu chúng để góp phần mang lại hiệu quả cho dự án.
9p vibugatti 29-08-2022 29 6 Download
Building approximation formulas using equivalentinclusion method to determine the effective values of the conductivity, the elastic modulus of compound-inclusion composite materials and applying numerical methods using finite elements (FE) calculated for some specific material models.
27p capheviahe26 25-01-2021 15 4 Download
Identify the factors of CV of the ethnic group, the manifestations of the CV of the Khmer ethnic groupsITSW today and apply the Khmer CVITSWin the process of building NRA where they are living. Since then, there are predictions of a number of factors affecting the promotion of the Khmer cultural values in building NRA in the Southwest region and proposing recommendations to contribute to the better promotion of Khmer CVin building NRAITSW in the near future.
23p gaocaolon6 30-07-2020 17 2 Download
This paper provides a conceptual understanding of how co-creation can add value in the service industry regarding brand loyalty as well as customer relationship management through some of its basic features of co-creation which include co-designing, collaborating, tinkering, and submitting.
11p guineverehuynh 18-06-2020 33 5 Download
The main aim of branding is to make the customers of that product learn to associate with the value created by a particular product. All over the world, humans are drowning in data and information.
8p guineverehuynh 20-06-2020 26 4 Download
Research objectives: Supplement and complete a biodata and production technics of a native species with high economic values; the findings of the study are references for future researches, curriculums, technical officers, advisors and students; the study is also expected to build a technical guidance for producing Phay’s seedlings contributing to development andproduction of Phay, a native large-timber species, in Bac Kan province and other provinces with similar natural conditions.
27p change03 06-05-2016 53 4 Download
This chapter discuss the role of a company’s salespeople in creating value for customers and building customer relationships, identify and explain the six major sales force management steps, discuss the personal selling process, distinguishing between transaction-oriented marketing and relationship marketing,...
32p allbymyself_06 28-01-2016 79 7 Download
In this chapter you will learn: What is Marketing? Understand the marketplace and customer needs, designing a customer-driven marketing strategy, preparing an integrated marketing plan and program, building customer relationships, capturing value from customers, the changing marketing landscape.
36p allbymyself_06 28-01-2016 136 10 Download
Lecture Principles of Marketing - Chapter 8 presents the product, services, and brands: Building customer value. After studying this chapter you will be able to understand: What is a product? Product and services decisions, services marketing, branding strategy: building strong brands.
42p allbymyself_06 28-01-2016 106 8 Download
The general aims Bring out the importance, real statements of the promotion of the nation’s tradition value for building new lifestyle for students; propose methods and some major solutions in order to promote the nation’s tradition value in building new lifestyle for Vietnamese students in the context of globalization.
28p nguyenthiminh32 12-07-2014 72 4 Download
Building marketplace excitement before media advertising breaks. Creating advertising news where there is no product news. Introducing a product with little or no advertising. Providing a value-added customer service. Building brand-to-customer bonds
31p sonnguyen3515 19-09-2013 75 10 Download
Given a collection of records (training set ) Each record contains a set of attributes, one of the attributes is the class. Find a model for class attribute as a function of the values of other attributes. Goal: previously unseen records should be assigned a class as accurately as possible. A test set is used to determine the accuracy of the model. Usually, the given data set is divided into training and test sets, with training set used to build the model and test set used to validate it.
101p trinh02 18-01-2013 104 13 Download
A constructor is a special method that used to initialize the properties of the object A constructor is invoked when the object gets instantiated Note to write a constructor: The name of the constructor and the name of the class are the same A constructor does not return value, not even void A class can have multiple constructors (overloaded constructors)
40p batman_1 10-01-2013 58 2 Download
Once an object has been instantiated, we can use the dot operator to invoke its methods title.length(); Note: A method may return a value or not Example: String s = new String(“Hello"); int count = s.length(); System.out.println("Length of s is " + count);
63p batman_1 10-01-2013 54 4 Download