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Hiện nay khi các bạn search trên trang google.com.vn có một hiện tượng là đường link của các trang không được hiện ra đầy đủ trong trang kết quả tìm kiếm của Google, điều này đã khiến cho cộng đồng mạng phản ứng trên một số website (gồm người sử dụng và nhất là các webmaster) vì họ cho rằng Google làm vậy là không tôn trọng các website và người tìm kiếm. Tìm từ khóa "chia se kinh nghiem lam giau" trên trang google.com.vn thì không thấy hiện đầy đủ đường link trên trang kết quả tìm kiếm. Tương...
3p bibocumi21 19-12-2012 133 7 Download
Tạo thiệp Giáng Sinh hai mặt trực tuyến Chức năng Printable Cards của dịch vụ Got Free Cards giúp bạn tạo thiệp Giáng Sinh hai mặt trên nền web với nhiều mẫu đẹp, hỗ trợ đảo mặt giấy tự động khi in thiệp. Đầu tiên, bạn truy cập “kho” thiệp chủ đề Giáng Sinh tại địa chỉ http://printablecards.gotfreecards.com/index.html?cat=Christmas, chọn một mẫu thiệp yêu thích từ danh sách. Tại trang mới, bạn thấy phía trên tấm thiệp gồm hai thẻ: Cover (mặt ngoài thiệp) và Inside (mặt trong thiệp, phần chứa nội dung lời chúc)....
8p xavi2425 13-04-2011 67 5 Download
Axial Force: Lực dọc. - Shear 2-2: Lực cắt theo phương 2 (dầm có phương 2 trùng với phương Z). - Moment 3-3: Mô ment uốn quanh trục 3, 1.6.3 Xuất kết quả thành file * File text.TXT , file.RTF, file.HTML File Print Tables… Chọn các dữ liệu nhập và các kết quả tương ứng cần xuất thành file. * File Excel: File Export SAP2000 MS Excel Spreadsheet xls File. Chọn các dữ liệu nhập và các kết quả tương ứng cần xuất thành file. 1.7 Kiểm tra và hiệu chỉnh 1.7.1 Kiểm tra các dữ liệu...
10p venus1357 12-01-2011 189 80 Download
Chèn trường dữ liệu văn bản trong tài liệu đích - Tạo một khung văn bản trong một trang tài liệu hoặc trang chủ - Đặt điểm chèn trong khung văn bản nới bạn muốn trường giữ chỗ xuất hiện, hoặc chọn văn bản bạn muốn thay thế. - Để chèn một trường giữ chỗ, làm một trong các cách sau
10p xmen1357 06-01-2011 150 34 Download
Sau khi đã cài đặt và cấu hình cho Joomla! tại Localhost, công việc tiếp theo là đưa Website lên Web Host (Host) để bắt đầu hoạt động trong hệ thống mạng toàn cầu. Sau đây là cách tạo Database và đưa Website Joomla! từ Localhost lên Web Host:
3p syhuyen612 09-12-2010 230 62 Download
Complete Idiot's Guide to Drawing- P39:You will learn to unlock the artist within you so you too can draw and express yourself!! This book will show you how to use different basic mediums, such as pencils, charcoal, pen and ink. It will also teach you different types of drawing such as line, cartoon, figure, perspective and technical drawing. The book will include using shading, light, dimension, energy and mood techniques. Blank pages are included to serve as practice pages.
3p robben246 13-10-2010 57 6 Download
logos: Making a strong mark- P8:when it comes to creating strong logos, design and implementation are the last steps along a long patth.The design of a visual inentity essential to the maket-ing of any brand because logos are maketing tools
4p xmen246 27-09-2010 81 11 Download
form adressbuch 2006- P8: Nachdenklich schaut er drein. Irgendein Gedanke beschäftigt den Mann auf unserem Cover. Er grübelt so intensiv, dass Rauch aufsteigt. Immerhin: Es ist weißer Rauch. Und das bedeutet, dass die Lösung für sein Problem gefunden zu sein scheint.
7p xmen246 27-09-2010 82 3 Download
The Art of Poser and Photoshop- P17:Before you dive into the first chapter, be sure to download the content and images from www.chromeallusion.com/downloads.html. You will see the title of the book in bold and below that, you will find the files you need. Please download the files for each chapter and place them into a main folder named Tutorials. You will be asked to reference the images from that folder as you work through the tutorials throughout the book. Of course you will need Poser Pro and Photoshop CS4 as well....
9p xmen246 25-09-2010 70 8 Download
Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Design- P7: You've just picked up another book on motors. You've seen many others, but they all assume that you know more about motors than you do. Phrases such as armature reaction, slot leakage, fractional pitch, and skew factor are used with little or no introduction. You keep looking for a book that is written from a more basic, yet rigorous, perspective and you're hoping this is it.
15p xmen246 25-09-2010 85 7 Download
Complete Guide to the Nikon D200- P25:As with all my books, a full draft was reviewed by volunteers to weed out unclear language and misstatements. This book is better because of them.
12p xmen246 25-09-2010 40 3 Download
AutoCAD 2010 Manual de personalización- P22: AutoCAD puede personalizarse de un modo sencillo. Por ejemplo, se puede cambiar la estructura de directorios o pasar un botón de una barra de herramientas a otra. Si desea realizar cambios más profundos en la interfaz, puede editar el archivo CUIx y utilizar código del lenguaje DIESEL para crear personalizaciones con sus propios comandos.
16p xmen246 25-09-2010 52 4 Download
Essential Blender- P28:You may copy and distribute exact replicas of the OpenContent (OC) as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the OC a copy of this License along with the OC.
2p venus246 24-09-2010 53 5 Download
Advanced Maya Texturing and Lighting- P17: I should stress that I am self-taught. In 1994, I sat down at a spare seat of Alias PowerAnimator 5.1 and started hacking away. After several years and various trials by fire, 3D became a livelihood, a love, and an obsession. Along the way, I was fortunate enough to work with many talented artists at Buena Vista Visual Effects and Pacific Data Images. In 2000, I switched from PowerAnimator to Maya and have since logged tens of thousands of hours with the subject of this book....
18p venus246 24-09-2010 125 14 Download
Better Game Characters by Design- P13: The game industry is a powerful and driving force in the evolution of computer technology. As the capabilities of personal computers, peripheral hardware, and game consoles have grown, so has the demand for quality information about the algorithms, tools, and descriptions needed to take advantage of this new technology. To satisfy this demand and establish a new level of professional reference for the game developer, we created the Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive 3D Technology....
5p venus246 24-09-2010 88 5 Download
Tham khảo tài liệu 'the adobe illustrator cs wow- p16', công nghệ thông tin, đồ họa - thiết kế - flash phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả
14p venus246 24-09-2010 91 13 Download
PHOTOSHOP CS4 DOWN & DIRTY TRICKS- P13: These chapter intros are all named after either song titles, movies, or TV shows, and this chapter is named after the song “Miracle Photo,” by a band called Ruth (which is an all-guy band, which is what makes the name cool, right? Because if it was an all-guy band and they named it Mike, it would sound totally uncool, unless of course, no one in the band was named Mike, which would then make the name cool again.
1p venus246 23-09-2010 73 5 Download
Photoshop CS4 Studio Techniques- P17: Staring at a shelf full of Photoshop books at the local bookstore, it seems that there are more special-effect “cookbooks” and technical tomes than anyone would ever care to read. The problem is that none of those “cookbooks” provide enough detail to really let you feel like you understand the program
1p venus246 23-09-2010 66 7 Download
Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS4- P13: Learning Adobe Photoshop is essential to success in digital media industries. Photoshop is a gateway into several related technologies. From digital image acquisition and processing to typography and compositing, Photoshop is often your fi rst introduction. If you can master this program, you can go on to success with several other technologies. With this in mind, it is important to learn Photoshop with one eye on the present and the other on the future.
1p venus246 23-09-2010 108 20 Download
Photoshop Lab Color- P12: LAB has a reputation for enormous power, yet virtually all reference materials that advocate its use illustrate its capabilities with a single class of image. This chapter introduces the basic LAB correction method and explains why it is so extraordinarily effective. if you happen to have a picture of a canyon.
20p venus246 23-09-2010 81 4 Download