Commercial banking
The basics of commercial banks: 2. Classification of commercial banks: * According to ownership: - National commercial banks - Joint-stock commercial banks: for example, Asia Bank, Bank of East Asia…. - Joint venture banks: - Branches of foreign banks: For example, HSBC, City Bank, ABN-AMRO ... * According to the nature of business: choosing to rely on wholesale customers (businesses, large sales transactions) and retail (personal ...) ...
43p dauxanhnguyenhuong 28-09-2011 120 27 Download
Hệ thống ngân hàng trung gian gồm : Ngân hàng thương mại , Ngân hàng có mục đích đặc biệt , ngân hàng tiết kiệm . a . Hệ thống ngân hàng thương mại (Commercial bank system ) : (cái này thi ai cũng biết nên tớ sẽ ko giới thiệu về hoạt động của nó nữa) b . Hệ thống ngân hàng có mục đích đặc biệt : trước đây các ngân hàng như ngân hàng ngoại thương , ngân hàng công thương , ngân hàng phát triển nhà Hà Nội hay ngân hàng phát triển nhà đồng bằng sông Cửu...
30p le3kut3_tn 19-11-2012 439 86 Download
I. QUÁ TRÌNH RA ĐỜI & BẢN CHẤT CỦA NHTW 1. Qúa trình ra đời của NHTW Giai đoạn I:Giai đoạn phát triển từ loại Ngân hàng thương mại (Commercial Bank) trở thành loại Ngân hàng Phát hành (Issuing Bank).TK XVI_TK XVII Giai đoạn II: Giai đoạn phát triển từ ngân hàng phát hành trở thành các ngân hàng phát hành độc quyền-Exclusive Issuing Bank (Khoảng từ đầu TK XVIII đến đầu TK XX). Giai đoạn III: Giai đoạn phát triển từ Ngân hàng phát hành độc quyền thành ngân hàng Trung ương (Central Bank). Từ giữa TK XX 2. Bản chất...
71p tab_12 26-07-2013 196 26 Download
Cùng tìm hiểu tổng quan về Ngân hàng thương mại; nghiệp vụ nguồn vốn trong ngân hàng thương mại; những vấn đề chung về tín dụng ngân hàng; tín dụng ngắn hạn tài trợ kinh doanh cho doanh nghiệp;... được trình bày cụ thể trong "Bài giảng Tín dụng ngân hàng (Nghiệp vụ NHTM – Commercial Banking)" của Lê Trung Hiếu.
71p codon_01 16-11-2015 245 34 Download
Luận văn "Pháp luật về thế chấp tài sản để đảm bảo thực hiện nghĩa vụ của doanh nghiệp Việt Nam vay vốn Ngân hàng Hua Nan Commercial Bank, Ltd Đài Loan" với mục tiêu là thông qua việc hệ thống hóa cơ sở lý luận và phân tích quy định pháp luật về đảm bảo thực hiện nghĩa vụ, về thế chấp tài sản của doanh nghiệp Việt Nam vay vốn ngân hàng HNCB TW; đánh giá thực trạng về cho vay, cấp tín dụng có thế chấp tài sản của Ngân hàng Hua Nan Commercial Bank cho khách hàng là doanh nghiệp Việt Nam.
91p phuong10693 19-06-2023 22 13 Download
The research objective of the thesis is to evaluate the financial capacity of commercial banks after M&A in Vietnam according to Camels criteria in the past time, thereby offering solutions to improve the financial capacity of commercial banks after M&A in Vietnam in the coming time.
14p unforgottennight08 06-10-2022 9 2 Download
The research objective of the topic is to analyze the current situation of using the credit derivatives tool, explore the conditions, and propose solutions and recommendations to improve the conditions for using the credit derivatives tool in credit risk management at Vietnamese commercial banks.
45p badbuddy10 21-04-2022 38 6 Download
The thesis aims to assess the actual performance of Vietnamese commercial banks and the impact of a number of macro factors such as FDI, GDP and inflation on their performance. Consequently, the thesis proposes some recommendations to improve the operational efficiency of Vietnamese commercial banks in the coming time.
13p guitaracoustic02 08-12-2021 15 1 Download
The purpose of thesis is to propose a brand valuation model for Vietnam’s commercial banks based on financial data. Brand valuation for commercial banks is a process with many steps; however, the thesis will concentrate on researching and proposing brand valuation model for Vietnam’s commercial banks.
13p beloveinhouse10 28-11-2021 15 2 Download
In addition to the introduction, conclusion, the thesis is divided into three chapters: Basic theory of bad debt management of commercial bank; current situation of bad debt management at Techcombank; solution for bad debt management at Techcombank.
28p closefriend09 16-11-2021 20 3 Download
In addition to the introduction, conclusion, references, appendixes; the content of the dissertation is divided into three chapters: Theory of competitiveness of commercial banks; current situation of competitive capacity at BIDV So giao dich 1 banch; solutions to improve competitiveness of BIDV So giao dich 1 banch.
95p beloveinhouse06 07-09-2021 17 3 Download
The research content of the thesis explores the profitability ratio of commercial banks; credit risk of commercial banks; other factors affecting profitability of commercial banks; foundational theories...
12p gaocaolon12 14-06-2021 14 2 Download
Most of the researches in the world give different concepts, according to different standard views on developing non-credit services. In Vietnam, most studies have not generalized a pure Vietnamese concept. This limits the system of evaluation criteria to measure the development level of non-credit services at commercial banks.
27p petsematary 06-06-2021 20 5 Download
General research objectives: The thesis aims to studying the credit risk management on loan portfolios in Vietnamese commercial banks, then proposes solutions and recommendations for improvement.
42p themeg 02-06-2021 69 7 Download
Research objectives: General research objectives: the thesis aims to study the impact of macroprudential policy on systemic risk in commercial banks. The thesis targets to five specific objectives as follows: Firstly, presenting theoretical background of systemic risk, macroprudential policy and the impact of macroprudential policy on systemic risk. Secondly, analyzing, quantifying and evaluating the current situation of systemic risk of Vietnam commercial banks using SRISK.
31p themeg 02-06-2021 62 4 Download
Overall objectives: The overall goal is to study the theory and practice of the credit risk early warning system at Vietnamese commercial banks to provide solutions and recommendations to complete the credit risk early warning system at commercial banks in Vietnam.
25p themeg 02-06-2021 15 3 Download
The thesis aims to study the theoretical framework and the actual state of state management of the state bank for bad debts of the Vietnamese commercial banking system, thereby proposing views and solutions to help the SBV promote its role. State management role for Vietnam's commercial banking system in managing and controlling bad debts effectively.
25p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 23 4 Download
Determining the factors affecting the intention of individual customers to choose online banking services at Vietnamese commercial banks. Measure and evaluate the impact of each factor on the intention of individual customers to choose online banking services at commercial banks in Vietnam. Proposing some administrative implications to develop online banking services of individual customers at Vietnamese commercial banks.
31p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 13 4 Download
The study aims to assess the impact of macroprudential policies on the risks of the commercial banking system; propose recommendations to strengthen the impact of macroprudential policy on the risks of Vietnam's commercial banking system.
31p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 36 4 Download
Building and testing the relationship between elements of relational bonds and the individual customer loyalty through satisfaction; At the same time, testing the relationship between switching costs and individual customer loyalty. Provide administrative implications, suggestions for banking service providers in maintaining and enhancing individual customer loyalty.
22p kequaidan11 17-04-2021 12 1 Download