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Connection object

Xem 1-20 trên 30 kết quả Connection object
  • The primary objective of this study was to investigate the connection between temperature variations and the range of motion (ROM) in the neck and shoulder regions following specific joint movements based on Traditional Medicine practices. To accomplish this, a novel infrared measurement method was employed to enhance the accuracy of assessments.

    pdf7p viyamanaka 06-02-2025 1 1   Download

  • Lecture Electronic commerce - Chapter 19: Building E-Commerce Applications and Infrastructure learning objectives: Discuss the major steps in developing an EC application. Describe the major EC applications and list their major functionalities. List the major EC application development options along with their benefits and limitations. Discuss various EC application outsourcing options, including application service providers (ASPs), software as a service (SaaS), and utility computing. Discuss the major EC software packages and EC application suites.

    ppt50p caphesuadathemtac 09-11-2021 17 3   Download

  • Official Lauch Campaign Stives campaign objectives: Raise awa reness of new product Sheet Masks to at least 2 millions TA. Promote them to interact with brand in the campaign, and afterw ards they still connect with brand in digital. Build brand love by reminding TA of the presence of ST.Ives is a natural brand with serious benefits and seriously Fun to use.

    pdf27p qthow2011 25-05-2024 9 3   Download

  • The objective of my research is to develop a body of work for exhibition based on an examination of the ways that corporate space, as exemplified by the foyers and conference rooms of contemporary corporate offices, reflect societal anxieties about wealth and power. These works will draw on the history of painting, with particular reference to 17th century Dutch still life painting, as a framework within which to conduct the exploration of contemporary space.

    pdf202p runthenight05 01-03-2023 9 4   Download

  • Objects, when understood as retrieval cues for memories, may elicit psychological benefits and connections to an individual's past. They are integral to our life story and help to form our individual sense of identity and ability to establish a sound psychological foundation. Transitional objects are an important related category of objects that have been identified in this research. The concept and use of transitional objects and their related phenomena during infancy is well researched, whereas the impact and importance beyond infancy is less established.

    pdf130p runthenight04 02-02-2023 14 4   Download

  • Aims and Objectives of the study: To find out the teachers‟ theoretical knowledge of CLT; to investigate whether there is a connection between the teachers‟ theoretical knowledge of CLT and their practices or not; to find out some reasons for the gaps between the teachers‟ theoretical knowledge of CLT and their practices.

    pdf60p closefriend09 16-11-2021 23 3   Download

  • Objectives: Our objective of this thesis is to make clear the lyricism in short stories of Bunin, from definition to expressions of lyricism in short stories (including those elements belong to ideological contents and art forms); based on that to identify the connection between the lyricism and the depth of thought and the artistic style of the author, to identify Bunin’s contributions to the development of the world literature, as well as the echo of his works in the contemporary literature.

    pdf27p tunelove 10-06-2021 34 5   Download

  • Thesis objectives and tasks: Establishing a mathematical model, putting forward an algorithm applied for seeking the solar system's irradiance equalization configuration under the heterogeneous lighting conditions; establishing a mathematical model, putting forward an algorithm applied for choosing an optimal circuit switching method, from the initial connection configuration to the irradiance equalization configuration.

    pdf26p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 31 4   Download

  • The research focuses on consumer intentions for eWOM and purchase in the period of internet connection. Therefore, targeted objects are identified as individual consumers from over 18 years of age, who are currently using social networks or online communication platforms, and can independently making purchase decision (called for connected spenders).

    pdf24p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 37 3   Download

  • The research also applied historical method and logical method. Specifically, in historical method, the author perceived things and phenomena according to the chronological process (through different time milestones), and the logical method enabled the author to connect all events' sequences and discover the nature of research object. Periodization was also used to study more deeply and discover characteristics of objects and phenomena in specific historical periods.

    pdf13p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 19 2   Download

  • The study has objective to identify the connection between state mechanism and ways to resolve crisis, from which apply to Vietnam in order to enhance effectiveness of preventing and overcoming crisis.

    pdf90p trananh2212 30-09-2020 19 2   Download

  • The thesis aims to propose the Heuristic method algorithm applied to the problem of power grid restructuring with the objective of reducing power loss in case of having / without distributed power source connecting to the distribution grid. Study the effect of distributed power source when connecting to the distribution grid, affecting the power grid restructuring problem.

    pdf27p xacxuoc4321 11-07-2019 27 2   Download

  • Given a compact four dimensional manifold, we prove existence of conformal metrics with constant Q-curvature under generic assumptions. The problem amounts to solving a fourth-order nonlinear elliptic equation with variational structure. Since the corresponding Euler functional is in general unbounded from above and from below, we employ topological methods and min-max schemes, jointly with the compactness result of [35]. 1.

    pdf48p dontetvui 17-01-2013 59 7   Download

  • A p-compact group, as defined by Dwyer and Wilkerson, is a purely homotopically defined p-local analog of a compact Lie group. It has long been the hope, and later the conjecture, that these objects should have a classification similar to the classification of compact Lie groups. In this paper we finish the proof of this conjecture, for p an odd prime, proving that there is a one-to-one correspondence between connected p-compact groups and finite reflection groups over the p-adic integers. ...

    pdf117p dontetvui 17-01-2013 41 7   Download

  • Let G be a connected reductive group. The late Ramanathan gave a notion of (semi)stable principal G-bundle on a Riemann surface and constructed a projective moduli space of such objects. We generalize Ramanathan’s notion and construction to higher dimension, allowing also objects which we call semistable principal G-sheaves, in order to obtain a projective moduli space: a principal G-sheaf on a projective variety X is a triple (P, E, ψ), where E is a torsion free sheaf on X, P is a principal G-bundle on the open set U where E is locally free and ψ is an isomorphism...

    pdf57p noel_noel 17-01-2013 54 8   Download

  • Giám sát hoạt động của Firewall với GPO – Group Policy Object – P.2 .Thậm chí, nếu có thay đổi quy luật để chặn inbound traffic của skype.exe và thiết lập chế độ chặn qua bất kỳ giao thức nào thì cũng không có tác dụng. Vậy phải làm thế nào để đạt được yêu cầu của chúng ta? Để khắc phục, các bạn chuyển sang Outbound Rules và tạo mới Rule tại đây: Nhấn Next, trỏ tới đường dẫn file thực thi trực tiếp của Skype và Next: .Giữ nguyên chế độ mặc định là Block the connection và tiếp tục Next ....

    pdf9p quynho77 14-11-2012 127 8   Download

  • C# and .NET Framework Bài 6: Data Access and Viewing with .NET Đoàn Quang Minh Last update: 30. December 2006 Data Access and Viewing with .NET Editor: Đoàn Quang Minh Đoà 1 Mục lục ADO.NET Overview Using Database Connections Commands Quick Data Access: The Data Reader Working with DataSet Viewing .NET data Example Data Access and Viewing with .NET Editor: Đoàn Quang Minh Đoà 2 ADO.NET Overview ADO.NET là gì – ADO - Microsoft's ActiveX Data Objects: thư viện các cho phép truy cập và xử lý CSDL.

    pdf20p tengteng14 20-12-2011 119 9   Download

  • Bài 7: KẾT NỐI DATABASE. 1. ADO là gì? ADO Có thể dung để truy cập DL từ trang web. ADO là công nghệ của Microsoft ADO được viết tắt là ActiveX Data Objects ADO là một thành phần của Active-X ADO tự động cài đặt khi cài IIS ADO là môi trường lập trình giao tiếp với CSDL- database 1. Cách truy xuất database bằng ADO trong ASP. Cách thông thường để truy cập CSDL từ trang web ASP như sau: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Create an ADO connection to a database Open the database connection Create an ADO recordset...

    pdf14p tengteng14 20-12-2011 489 21   Download

  • BÀI 2: LẬP TRÌNH VỚI ASP 1. Khai báo biến. Không bắt buộc nhưng nên khai báo để kiểm soát và bắt lỗi. Nên sử dụng ở ngay đầu mỗi tệp ASP. Cú pháp: Dim biến 1, biến 2… Để khai báo mảng: 1. Dim a(10) : chỉ số chạy từ 0-10 do đó có 11 phần tử. 2. Khi khai báo nên sử dụng các tiền tố: Dạng dữ liệu Tiền tố (prefix) Boolean Bln Byte Byt Double Dbl Integer Int Long Lng Object Obj String Str ADO command Cmd ADO connection Cnn ………………….. Ví dụ: 2. Khai...

    pdf3p tengteng14 20-12-2011 79 5   Download

  • Tham chiếu đến thư viện ADO bằng cách chọn Project\References\ActiveX Data Object 2.0 Library. Chọn OK. Bước 4: Đặt một điều khiển ListBox lên Form (Name: lstName) Bước 4: Xử lý sự kiện Form_Load như sau: Set m_Connection = New ADODB.Connection m_Connection.ConnectionString = _ "File Name=C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Ole DB\Biblio.udl" m_Connection.Open Set m_RecordSet = New ADODB.Recordset m_RecordSet.Open "Select Name FROM Publishers", m_Connection Do While Not m_RecordSet.EOF lstName.AddItem m_RecordSet!Name m_RecordSet.

    pdf15p cnkbmt10 24-10-2011 88 5   Download



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