Housing market
Luận văn Thạc sĩ Marketing thương mại "Nghiên cứu các yếu tố tác động đến sự hài lòng của khách hàng với The Coffee House và đưa ra giải pháp giúp doanh nghiệp nâng cao sự hài lòng của khách hàng" trình bày các nội dung chính sau: Cơ sở khoa học về các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến sự hài lòng của khách hàng đối với doanh nghiệp F&B Ch ơng 2. Phân tích thực trạng về các yếu tố tác động đến sự hài lòng của khách hàng với doanh nghiệp The Coffee House Ch ơng 3.
130p vinatis 02-08-2024 22 6 Download
The thesis "Mutual fund intentional style drift: presence, motivation and performance impact" uses a methodical stock level analytical framework to uncover the presence of intentional style drift in a market of exclusively in-house fund managers, and investigates the motives and effects of style drift in a fledgling but immature fund market in China.
248p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 2 Download
This research demonstrates how housing demand can be modelled by using a System Dynamics approach. This modelling concept has been set up, using the root causes which generate housing demand. Causal factors which influence housing demand are collated, and mapped. A model simulating housing demand was developed. Keys to this are demographic, social and economic factors. This model is presented with a view to pursuing new approaches for housing demand modelling.
344p runthenight04 02-02-2023 14 4 Download
This research focuses on the emerging overseas investor determinants for the Australian residential property market subsequent to the GFC 2008. The aim of this study is to determine whether there is historical evidence and whether there are emerging trends to support the existence of a significant relationship between overseas investors and residential housing markets’ performance. This research will first examine the established residential property market performance in metropolitan Melbourne and two Melbourne suburbs which have attracted substantial overseas investment interest.
297p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 3 Download
This research is aimed at identifying and examining house price determinants at a local level to understand why house prices vary across different locations and the factors influencing such price differentiation. This research has adopted explanatory mixed research methods (QUAN -> QUAL) where quantitative analysis is used in the first stage to examine the Melbourne housing market and its performance at different levels. The research found there were certain periods where local house prices do not perform in line with either country, city or other local housing markets.
280p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 3 Download
Luận văn "Giải pháp marketing cho sản phẩm BAOVIET Happy House của Ngân hàng Bảo Việt trên địa bàn thành phố Đà Nẵng" trình bày cơ sở lý luận về marketing trong hoạt động Ngân hàng, thực trạng hoạt động marketing cho sản phẩm BAOVIET Happy House của Ngân hàng Bảo Việt trên địa bàn thành phố Đà Nẵng; giải pháp marketing cho sản phẩm BAOVIET Happy House của Ngân hàng Bảo Việt trên địa bàn thành phố Đà Nẵng.
105p bigdargon07 09-12-2022 15 5 Download
With the aforementioned subjects, the author conducts research on two aspects of the housing market in HCM city: analysis of housing supply and analysis of housing demand. On the supply side, the author analyzes the seller's bidding strategy. On the demand side, this thesis focuses on house buying behavior under the influence of current house’s characteristics.
28p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 11 3 Download
Generalize fundamental theories on marketing communication policies of real-estate enterprises in a market. Apply theoretical grounds to survey and evaluate the situation of marketing communication policies of Vietnam housing enterprises in Hanoi. Propose solutions to complete marketing communication policies for Vietnam housing enterprises in Hanoi market in the coming time.
23p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 19 1 Download
Luận văn tập trung nghiên cứu các vấn đề về lý luận và thực tiễn trong hoạt động xây dựng giải pháp marketing cho sản phẩm BAOVIET Happy House của Ngân hàng Bảo Việt – Chi nhánh Đà Nẵng. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.
26p thuongdanguyetan01 03-09-2019 65 7 Download
Các phương thức nhập khẩu thiết bị toàn bộ Phương thức tự quản (in house method) Phương thức cổ truyền (conventional method) Phương thức quản lý dự án (project management) Phương thức chìa khóa trao tay (turn- key method) Chìa khóa trao tay thuần túy Chìa khóa kỹ thuật trao tay Sản phẩm trao tay Thị trường trao tay
6p home_12 12-08-2013 58 8 Download
THE USE OF INTENAL AUDIT FINDINGS IN GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION : AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY In modeling the effects of parental preferences on equilibrium outcomes under Tiebout choice, it is important to account for two key issues that do not arise under choice programs like vouchers. The first is that residential choice rations access to highlydemanded schools by willingness-to-pay for local housing.4 As a result, both schools and districts in high-choice markets (those with many competing school districts) are more stratified than in low-choice markets....
108p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 100 10 Download
UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY YOUTH SUBSTANCE USE AND HUMAN CAPITAL FORMATION In this chapter, I use data on school assignments and outcomes of students across schools within different metropolitan housing markets to assess parents revealed preferences. To preview the results, I find little evidence that parents use Tiebout choice to select effective schools over those with desirable peers, or that schools are on average more effective in markets that offer more choice.
147p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 62 11 Download
UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY RATES OF RETURN TO ADVANCE EUDUCATION IN ALBERTA AND CANADA Parents exert some control over their childrens school assignment via their residential location decisions, and can exit undesirable schools by moving to a neighborhood served by a different school district. As U.S.
200p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 64 12 Download
SERVICE PARTS LOGISTICS: MODELING, ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION Chapter One develops this idea and implements tests of the hypothesis that school effectiveness is an important determinant of residential choices among local-monopoly school districts. I model a Tiebout-style housing market in which house prices ration access to desirable schools, which may be desirable either because they are particularly effective or because they enroll a desirable set of students.
210p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 66 14 Download
MARKETING HIGHER EDUCATION: APPLYING A CONSUMPTION VALUE MODEL TO COLLEGE CHOICE Chapter One develops this idea and implements tests of the hypothesis that school effectiveness is an important determinant of residential choices among local-monopoly school districts. I model a Tiebout-style housing market in which house prices ration access to desirable schools, which may be desirable either because they are particularly effective or because they enroll a desirable set of students.
295p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 60 9 Download
THREE ESSAYS ON FINANCIAL DISTRESS AND CORPORATE CONTROL Chapter One develops this idea and implements tests of the hypothesis that school effectiveness is an important determinant of residential choices among local-monopoly school districts. I model a Tiebout-style housing market in which house prices ration access to desirable schools, which may be desirable either because they are particularly effective or because they enroll a desirable set of students.
173p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 89 11 Download
THE ROLE OF IMPORT SUBSITITUTION AND EXPORT ORIENTATION STRATEGIES ON THAILAND'ECONOMIC GROWTH This result calls the incentive effects of Tiebout choice into question, as it indicates that administrators of effective schools are no more likely to be rewarded with high demand for local housing in high-choice than in low-choice markets. To explore this further, I estimate models for the effect of Tiebout choice on mean scores across metropolitan areas. Consistent with the earlier results, I find no evidence that high-choice markets produce higher average SAT scores.
98p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 95 18 Download
Stabilization Programs, Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Movements in Emerging Markets Economies I use a unique data set consisting of observations on more than 300,000 metropolitan SAT takers from the 1994 cohort, matched to the high schools that students attended. The size of this sample permits accurate estimation of both peer quality and average performance for the great majority of high schools in each of 177 metropolitan housing markets. I find no evidence that the association between peer group and student performance is stronger in high-choice than in low-choice markets....
139p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 77 8 Download
TWO ESSAYS IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS: AN EMPIRICAL APPROACH TO PURCHASING POWER PARITY AND THE MONETARY MODEL OF EXCHANGE RATE DETERMINATION I adopt a different strategy: I compare housing markets that differ in the strength of the residential location-school assignment link, and I develop simple reduced-form implications of parental valuations for the across-school distribution of student characteristics and educational outcomes as a function of the strength of this link.
122p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 70 10 Download
Three essays consider implications of the strong association between student background characteristics and academic performance. Chapter One considers the incentives that school choice policies might create for the efficient management of schools. These incentives would be diluted if parents prefer schools with desirable peer groups to those with inferior peers but better policies and instruction. I model a Tiebout choice housing market in which schools differ in both peer group and effectiveness.
177p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 62 9 Download