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Introduction and Problem

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  • INTRODUCTION Contrary to popular belief, pharmacy is not limited to counting and dispensing pills. Pharmacy is a rewarding profession in the health care system that involves working closely with doctors and patients. No matter what health field you step into, there will always be a need for pharmacists. They provide their expertise on the composition, use, and manufacturing of a drug, as well as its physiological and chemical interactions. Pharmacy offers flexible work schedules, a broad spectrum of opportunities, direct patient contact, and top salaries right out of college!...

    doc30p mailan1977 29-03-2013 142 18   Download

  • Lecture Steganography: Introduction of Mr. Ho Dac Hung provides problem messages, covers objects, cryptosystems, steganographic keys (stego key), steganography throughout history, and modern steganography. Download this lecture to see more.

    pdf30p lavender2022 22-04-2022 18 3   Download

  • Planning involves selecting a course of action and specifying how the action will be implemented. The first step in planning is to identify the various alternatives. Next, the alternative that does the best job of furthering the organization’s objectives is selected. Management’s plans are usually expressed in budgets. Typically, budgets are prepared annually under the direction of the controller, who is the manager of the accounting department.

    ppt70p phamcanhtoan398 20-10-2012 101 15   Download

  • Lecture Strength of Materials I - Chapter 6: Torsion. The following will be discussed in this chapter: Introduction, torsional loads on circular shafts, strength condition and stiffness condition, statically indeterminate problem, strain energy, examples.

    pdf28p larachdumlanat122 28-11-2020 18 1   Download

  • The thesis is structured as follows: Chapter 1 introduction; chapter 2 a review of fuzzy multicriteria analysis approaches; chapter 3 problem formulation and developments; chapter 4 pairwise comparison based multicriteria decision making under uncertainty; chapter 5 effective decision support for fuzzy multicriteria group decision making; chapter 6 a consensus based approach for multicriteria group decision making; chapter 7 risk-oriented decision making for multicriteria group decision making under uncertainty; chapter 8 hospital location evaluation and selection under uncertainty; chapter...

    pdf232p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 3   Download

  • This thesis is organized into five chapters. In chapter 1, I give an introduction to remotely-sensed data and its application in various domains. A problem statement is also presented. Theoretical backgrounds in remote sensing, compositing methods and land cover classification methods are introdu ced.

    pdf39p tamynhan0 04-07-2020 22 6   Download

  • This study explains the effects of repatriates on managers returning from foreign assignments. The first chapter provides the reader with an introduction to my chosen topic, the justification of undertaking the topic and my research objectives. The second chapter explains the research methodology, my questionnaire design and the problems I encountered when gathering information. The study goes on to explain the expatriation/repatriation process in detail. It begins with the selection criteria needed for expatriation and goes on to criticize it.

    pdf85p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 32 6   Download

  • Lecture “Natural language processing – Chapter 5: Foundation of statistical machine translation” has contents: Introduction to statistical machine translation, statistical MT systems, three problems in statistical MT systems, translation model, and other contents.

    pdf12p dien_vi01 21-11-2018 25 1   Download

  • Lecture “Natural language processing - Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview of NLP” has contents: Introduce some of the classical problems in NLP, learn to address empirical problems, talk/write clearly about your work, decision and observations.

    pdf12p dien_vi01 21-11-2018 37 1   Download

  • The Hybrid Artificial Intelligent model is a new method for evaluation of food biotechnology based on collaborative expert preferences and customer behaviours. This new approach using Kansei evaluation is to quantify expert sensibilities and emotions about bio-food quality in market and biofood research environments. Further improvement of food biotechnology evaluation applying for a real case study with expert feedbacks can be considered in future studies.

    pdf5p lalala06 02-12-2015 44 3   Download

  • Contents "Integration of Speech Recognition-based Caption Editing System with Presentation Software": introduction, preliminary survey and investigation, problems and apparatus, results, summary.

    ppt22p chugnpro 07-11-2014 45 6   Download

  • We construct an exhaustive submeasure that is not equivalent to a measure. This solves problems of J. von Neumann (1937) and D. Maharam (1947). Contents 1. Introduction 2. Roberts 3. Farah 4. The construction 5. The main estimate 6. Exhaustivity 7. Proof of Theorems 1.2 to 1.4 References 1. Introduction Consider a Boolean algebra B of sets.

    pdf30p dontetvui 17-01-2013 80 12   Download

  • Given a compact four dimensional manifold, we prove existence of conformal metrics with constant Q-curvature under generic assumptions. The problem amounts to solving a fourth-order nonlinear elliptic equation with variational structure. Since the corresponding Euler functional is in general unbounded from above and from below, we employ topological methods and min-max schemes, jointly with the compactness result of [35]. 1.

    pdf48p dontetvui 17-01-2013 61 8   Download

  • Let f be a real-valued function on a compact set in Rn , and let m be a positive integer. We show how to decide whether f extends to a Cm function on Rn . Introduction Continuing from [F2], we answer the following question (“Whitney’s extension problem”; see [hW2]). Question 1. Let ϕ be a real-valued function defined on a compact subset E of Rn . How can we tell whether there exists F ∈ C m (Rn ) with F = ϕ on E? Here, m ≥ 1 is given, and C m (Rn ) denotes the space...

    pdf48p noel_noel 17-01-2013 39 8   Download

  • We prove that a nonrenormalizable smooth unimodal interval map with critical order between 1 and 2 displays decay of geometry, by an elementary and purely “real” argument. This completes a “real” approach to Milnor’s attractor problem for smooth unimodal maps with critical order not greater than 2. 1. Introduction The dynamical properties of unimodal interval maps have been extensively studied recently. A major breakthrough is a complete solution of Milnor’s attractor problem for smooth unimodal maps with quadratic critical points. ...

    pdf23p noel_noel 17-01-2013 51 9   Download

  • We show that the Dirichlet to Neumann map for the equation ∇·σ∇u = 0 in a two-dimensional domain uniquely determines the bounded measurable conductivity σ. This gives a positive answer to a question of A. P. Calder´n o from 1980. Earlier the result has been shown only for conductivities that are sufficiently smooth. In higher dimensions the problem remains open. Contents Introduction and outline of the method

    pdf36p noel_noel 17-01-2013 72 7   Download

  • Steiner symmetrization is known not to increase perimeter of sets in Rn . The sets whose perimeter is preserved under this symmetrization are characterized in the present paper. 1. Introduction and main results Steiner symmetrization, one of the simplest and most powerful symmetrization processes ever introduced in analysis, is a classical and very well-known device, which has seen a number of remarkable applications to problems of geometric and functional nature.

    pdf32p noel_noel 17-01-2013 37 5   Download

  • We prove the Minimum Vertex Cover problem to be NP-hard to approximate to within a factor of 1.3606, extending on previous PCP and hardness of approximation technique. To that end, one needs to develop a new proof framework, and to borrow and extend ideas from several fields. 1. Introduction The basic purpose of computational complexity theory is to classify computational problems according to the amount of resources required to solve them. In particular, the most basic task is to classify computational problems to those that are efficiently solvable and those that are not. ...

    pdf48p noel_noel 17-01-2013 61 6   Download

  • We establish a correspondence between orbifold and singular elliptic genera of a global quotient. While the former is defined in terms of the fixed point set of the action, the latter is defined in terms of the resolution of singularities. As a byproduct, the second quantization formula of Dijkgraaf, Moore, Verlinde and Verlinde is extended to arbitrary Kawamata log-terminal pairs. 1. Introduction One of the fundamental problems suggested by the intersection homology theory is to determine which characteristic numbers can be defined for singular varieties. ...

    pdf50p noel_noel 17-01-2013 53 6   Download

  • We prove that knowing the lengths of geodesics joining points of the boundary of a two-dimensional, compact, simple Riemannian manifold with boundary, we can determine uniquely the Riemannian metric up to the natural obstruction. 1. Introduction and statement of the results Let (M, g) be a compact Riemannian manifold with boundary ∂M . Let dg (x, y) denote the geodesic distance between x and y. The inverse problem we address in this paper is whether we can determine the Riemannian metric g knowing dg (x, y) for any x ∈ ∂M , y ∈ ∂M . ...

    pdf19p noel_noel 17-01-2013 42 3   Download



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