Language use
The purpose of this paper aims to find out the language of “Affect”, “Judgement” and “Appreciation” in the category “Attitude” used in English restaurant reviews in terms of syntactic features and semantic features. The findings reveal that the semantic features, the positive evaluative Attitudes reflected in the samples outweigh the negative values.
6p vibenya 31-12-2024 11 0 Download
The purpose of the topic is to help students have more chances to interact and experience with English, create a language practice environment where learning and using English can take place at all times. In this process, Students can react flexible in all situations by using topics, differents areas of knowledge being suitable for Vietnamese culture, customs and habits. With simple activities and the simplest space like the classroom, students have the opportunity to experience, use foreign languages in real situations, actively support for the regular class time.
43p tueman07 21-08-2023 12 5 Download
TOEIC, Test of English stands for International Communication, is an international certificate in English communication for people who are not going to use English as their mother tongue. The goal of English language learners is how to use English effectively in the workplace every day, from the basic situations, simple to complex situations and expertise more!
36p lean89 04-03-2011 220 78 Download
This is the 3500 question test certificate B to refer your readers. They settled in the south-east of the island, became the majority and do a variety of languages other natives on the island, the Celts, come dangerously close to oblivion. English is widely used due to the influence of U.S. and UK in the fields of military, economic, science, computer science, politics and culture.
503p newbievnx 18-03-2011 745 430 Download
Aims Help students revise the use, the meaning and the forms of future tenses ( will, going to, present continuous) 2. Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to use different future forms , structures of the future forms. Aims and objectives of the lesson: By the end of the lesson students will be able : to do all the practice exercises read the texts fluently translate the texts into Vietnamese and answer all the questions do all listening exercises
69p thienchim_bs 05-12-2010 220 57 Download
English is a language of the West Branch of the German group of languages in the Indo-European), were imported to England by the languages invasion of many people in the 6th century. Transmitted throughout the English colonialism in the boom period of the British Empire, from the British Isles through Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand, the United States and some English becomes "sub-language" most important and increasingly more people learn to use.
44p naiankusan 02-10-2010 525 235 Download
Chúng tôi trình bày một phương pháp sử dụng Unified Modeling Language (UML) để phân tích thiết kế hệ thống (PTTKHT) quản lý tuyển sinh tại Đại học Đà Nẵng. Quá trình PTTKHT gồm các bước từ khâu khảo sát thực tế, xây dựng mô hình dòng dữ liệu, xác định các tác nhân, các đối tượng, các lớp để xây dựng các biểu đồ như biểu đồ trình tự, biểu đồ lớp, biểu đồ đối tượng, biểu đồ các trường hợp sử dụng. ...
100p ddanhthong 13-05-2010 350 107 Download
In its role as a high level assembler used for writing operating systems, C is often used to access memory locations and change individual bits. You might for example need to access individual bits in an int. It can sometimes be useful to conserve memory by using a byte to hold 8 flags though with an abundance of ram it's common to just use one byte per flag or even one per int. Knowing how to extract or alter individual bits is still worthwhile knowing; you may never have to use it but when you have to maintain code that...
49p gaconht 04-06-2011 74 9 Download
Unified Modeling Language (UML) là ngôn ngữ giúp - đặc tả - trực quan hóa - xây dựng - làm sưu liệu các artifact của một hệ thống phần mềm Ví dụ : Use-Case Hệ thống Đăng Ký học phần ở một Trường ĐH
100p itvovantien 13-06-2012 130 31 Download
Careful selected practice materia an effective way of developing listening skill used for testing listening comprehension .an awareness of ways in which the spoken language differs from the written language is crucially important in testing listening comprehension skills
22p namson94 20-07-2012 168 25 Download
Understand the linguistic systems Grasp basic principles of language learning & teaching Have fluent competence in speaking, writing, listening & reading Understand the close relationship b/w language & culture.apply well-informed approach to teaching use wide variety of techniques design & execute lesson plans use effective, clear presentation skills give optimal feedback to Ss …
0p namson94 20-07-2012 115 17 Download
1 .2 .Listening sources ho / What do pupils listen to in class? eacher talk ecordings riends 3 .Teacher talk hy should teachers use English in class? to provide language input to get pupils used to intonation patterns and sounds ow can
25p nhatro75 23-07-2012 194 57 Download
Are they speaking English? Why is pronunciation important ? “I went to the US in 1996 for the first time. Whenever I spoke to a person in America, they kept asking me : "what ? what ?". I would repeat my sentence again and again. Finally, they would say "Ah-ha!" and then repeat my sentence, using exactly my words ! It was embarrassing! I knew my words and grammar were correct but nobody would understand me just because of my pronunciation. I am very motivated to learn English and the right pronunciation and phonetics now” Mike said...
52p vidangquang 24-07-2012 251 98 Download
Outline Objects and Classes OOP Concepts Encapsulation Aggregation/Composition Inheritance & Polymorphism Some useful Java classes Exception Handling, I/O Readings & Exercise Discussion .
52p lebronjamesuit 23-08-2012 80 9 Download
Identifiers: Names for the things you will refer to in your programs Used for programming entities as variables, constants, methods, classes, and packages Rules for naming identifiers: A sequence of characters that consists of letters, digits, underscores (_), and dollar signs ($). Cannot start with a digit. Cannot be a reserved word. Cannot be true, false, or null. An identifier can be of any length. .Variables & Constants Variables: used to store data in a program datatype variableName; datatype variable1, variable2, ..., variablen; Constants Represents permanent data...
37p lebronjamesuit 23-08-2012 88 5 Download
Mechanism to create new classes using existing classes The existing class is called the parent class, or superclass, or base class The derived class is called the child class or subclass As the name implies, the child inherits characteristics of the parent That is, the child class inherits the methods and data defined by the parent class. Once a behavior (method) is defined in a super class, that behavior is automatically inherited by all subclasses
77p nguyenvanhabk1 04-09-2012 80 10 Download
Contents Client-side dynamic pages JavaScript .Client-side dynamic pages Web page contains programs (script) that will be executed in the client side by browser. Script improve the interaction of users and web page (than HTML) Program is written by different scripting technologies Javascript: Vbscript Flash Applet Ajax … .Javascript, VBscript Javascript: An interpreted programming, a script language from Netscape. Syntax similar to Java but it is not Java Easier and faster to code in than the more structured and compiled languages such as C and C++.
23p nguyenvanhabk1 03-09-2012 61 6 Download
Describe the necessity and the advantage of the framework Develop the Web application by using the framework. Struts: The Apache Software Foundation JSF (JavaServer Faces): The Java Community Process(JCP) Webcoordinator: FUJITSU Ltd.Framework to develop the Web app. by using Servlet and JSP. Starts according to the request from a client Offers the mechanism to process request, storage of data, screen transition control, etc. Defines screen transition information in XML file (strutsconfig. xml)...
66p nguyenvanhabk1 04-09-2012 105 19 Download
Language Lap trinh JAVA Java is the language programming direction objects (as C + +) do Sun Microsystem output to the first hex niên 90 the ky 20. Program Việt using Java can be running on any hệ system that have installed your virtual Java (JVM - Java Virtual Machine). Máy virtual Java (JVM - Java Virtual Machine): One programs write by Java will be compile ra mã of the virtual Java (mã java bytecode)
53p nguyenvanhabk1 04-09-2012 83 6 Download
Tập hợp các ký pháp đồ hoạ được sử dụng để mô hình hoá hệ thống hướng đối tượng. UML có 4 biểu đồ cơ bản: Ca sử dụng (Use Case): mô tả tương tác của ứng dụng với môi trường bên ngoài. Biểu đồ lớp (Class Diagram): mô tả cấu trúc của lớp và mối quan hệ giữa các lớp. Biểu đồ trình tự (Sequence Diagram): Mô tả tương tác giữa các lớp theo trình tự thời gian và các thông điệp. Biểu đồ trạng thái (State Diagram): Mô tả cách chuyển biến trạng thái của đối tượng tương ứng với tác...
29p thedaigiapro 22-11-2012 93 12 Download