Learning needs
This exploratory study employed surveys to measure and understand the learning needs for language testing and assessment of a diverse sample of English teachers from various educational contexts in northern Vietnam, as well as the relationship between their learning needs and personal factors including age, years of experience, and educational level.
10p tuetuebinhan000 23-01-2025 1 1 Download
This research paper focuses on the critical role of demand forecasting in FMCG, emphasizing the need for LSTM-based deep learning models to deal with demand uncertainty and improve predictive outcomes. Through this exploration, we aim to illuminate the link between demand forecasting and advanced deep learning, enabling FMCG companies to thrive in a highly dynamic business landscape.
8p vifilm 11-10-2024 3 1 Download
Giving a dinner party is a way of entertaining people. You can also make new friends and give others the chance to get to know each other better. It needs planing, though. First make a guest list, with different kinds of people and a mixture of men and women. Don’t invite couples because they aren’t so much fun! When you know who can come, find out what they like to eat and drink.
27p honghungcan 12-08-2012 275 88 Download
Introduction, different ways to say friend, greetings, farewells, add-ons to thank you, ways to say you're welcome, apologies, other ways to say cool,... As the main contents of the document "101 english words you'll never learn in school". As the main contents of the lectures, Invite you to consult for additional documents for the academic needs and research.
55p thanhbinh23595 09-11-2015 70 17 Download
To help you have more learning materials and prep English, invite you to consult the document content "Actual Test 1 - Tapescript LC 1000" below. The material includes homework questions in the exam TOIEC, hopefully useful documents for the learning needs and studying for exams.
64p dat93prohn 11-04-2016 396 151 Download
Definition and Basic Elements ● Development is an ongoing, dynamic, long-term change or evolution that occurs because of various learning experiences. (London and Mauer, 2004) ● Leader development ○ is the “expansion of a person’s capacity to be effective in leadership roles and processes” (McCauley and Van Velsor, 2004:2) ○ focuses on the individual and involves providing leaders with the tools that they need to improve their effectiveness in the various roles they play.
34p sony_12 25-06-2013 132 34 Download
Getting to know the hardware, understanding the big picture, draw your own data flow diagram, examine the landscape,... As the main contents of the lecture "Embedded software engineering: Advanced hardware fundamentals ". Each of your content and references for additional lectures will serve the needs of learning and research.
24p theanh180bg 31-10-2015 70 5 Download
Invite you to consult the lecture content "Embedded software engineering: Embedded softwarearchitectures" below. Contents of lectures introduce to you the content: Round robin, function queue scheduling, real time operating systems, selecting an architecture. Hopefully document content to meet the needs of learning, work effectively.
49p theanh180bg 31-10-2015 49 5 Download
Invite you to consult the lecture content "Central banks: A global perspective" below. Contents of lectures introduce to you the content: Structure of the federal reserve system how independent is the fed, explaining central bank behavior, structure and independence of the european central bank, central banks in other countries. Hopefully document content to meet the needs of learning, work effectively.origins of the federal reserve system.
32p grintokyro 05-11-2015 63 5 Download
Lecture Electronic commerce - Chapter 15: Economics and Justification of Electronic Commerce learning objectives: Describe the need for justifying EC investments, how it is done, and how metrics are used to determine justification. Understand the difficulties in measuring and justifying EC investments. Recognize the difficulties in establishing intangible metrics and describe how to overcome them. List and briefly describe traditional and advanced methods of justifying IT investments.
50p caphesuadathemtac 09-11-2021 15 4 Download
Lecture Electronic commerce - Chapter 11: E-Commerce Security learning objectives: Explain EC-related crimes and why they cannot be stopped. Describe an EC security strategy and why a life cycle approach is needed. Describe the information assurance security principles. Describe EC security issues from the perspective of customers and e-businesses.
51p caphesuadathemtac 09-11-2021 16 3 Download
The experience of English teaching, especially speaking class, comes from the actual classroom and that is not a good news for a new teacher, who does not have it but urgently needs to acquire the basic knowledge. This writing provides the reasons why the level of interesting acts as a crucial point in the succeeding of a class. Furthermore, some methods of teaching speaking are going to be viewed and discussed to strengthen the point of view that intrinsic motivation should be applied in the class.
52p xuanphongdacy09 28-09-2024 11 3 Download
Master's thesis of Education: Implementation of project based learning in a training package context
The research was conducted retrospectively from a case study of an AQF Level 6 Textile, Clothing and Footwear Training Package Program at RMIT University TAFE. An Action Research approach underpins the investigation, resulting in the profiling of teaching, learning and assessment as areas in need of further examination. These defining themes are explored in the context of the Project Based Learning model developed at RMIT, with consideration given to the potential for broader application. The discussion concludes with a theoretical review of the new understandings of pedagogy.
143p runthenight07 01-03-2023 14 4 Download
Aims of the study: This study aims at improving the quality of learning English reading comprehension for 10th – form students at a high school in Bac Ninh province based on learners‟ needs.
109p closefriend09 16-11-2021 23 5 Download
KPIs for Employee information refer to issues such as: full Time Equivalent forecast hit rate, average time to update employee records, percent of time sheets in need of correction/validation invite you to consult. In addition, to learn more about KPI indicators of other departments in the business, please consult Bộ Tài Liệu Xây Dựng KPI Cho Doanh Nghiệp on TaiLieu.VN. Good luck!
2p vrohtovitamin 18-06-2019 24 0 Download
Research objectives: Identify the rationale and practical basis of E-learning materials to meet the needs and professional characteristics of the primary teachers; design E-learning materials and e-learning system to support the primary teachers’ professional development based on network communication technology.
26p change04 08-06-2016 55 3 Download
Invites teachers and students with reference lecture "Lesson English 5: Unit 2 - Let’s Learn Some More " below for additional material to serve the needs of learning and teaching, lectures are designed by professional Powerpoint help improve skills skills and knowledge in the development of electronic lectures teaching and learning.
14p thutailieu66 14-04-2016 75 3 Download
Reference document content "Top 10 IELTS grammar mistakes and how to avoid them" below to catch 10 common grammatical errors in the IELTS exam and how to fix it. Hope content useful document for the learning needs and research.
9p duongle161093 08-04-2016 74 13 Download
To help you and your teachers have more documents to serve the needs of learning and teaching, invite you and your teachers with lesson content reference lesson Plan 6 "Unit 6 - Places". Contents lesson gives you goals, requirements, teaching and learning activities of places.
6p hoathanh91 02-03-2016 109 7 Download
In this chapter you will learn: Know the content of and differences among strategies, marketing plans, and a marketing program; know how to use S.W.O.T. analysis and other planning approaches to zero in on a marketing strategy that fits the firm's objectives and resources and meets customers' needs; understand why the product classes and typical mixes are a good starting point for planning;...
8p allbymyself_06 26-01-2016 65 3 Download