Lecture Business communication design
An employment interview is an exchange of communication between an employer and job applicant for the purpose of considering an employment match. One company representative or a panel of people can conduct interviews. Chapter 16 provides knowledge to how tnterviewing to get the job.
33p nomoney2 10-02-2017 51 6 Download
Visual design is the process of structuring messages by using visual elements. The purpose of visuals is to communicate messages. Good visual designs match the message goal with the purpose for using the visual-for example, to increase understanding or interest and to clarify, simplify, or summarize ideas. Chapter 17 provides knowledge of creativity and visual design.
37p nomoney2 10-02-2017 45 5 Download
Chapter 7 - Designing oral presentations. This chapter includes contents: Speak up, choosing a speech topic, speech goals, doing your homework, organizing your speech, visual aids, using electronic presentation software, types of speech delivery, after the speech.
27p nomoney2 10-02-2017 44 4 Download
Chapter 15 - Creating a career and designing resumes. In this chapter, the following content will be discussed: Creating a career, a career-finding strategy, designing your résumé, résumé formats, résumé ingredients, designing cover letters,...
31p nomoney2 10-02-2017 42 4 Download
Lecture Business communication design - Chapter 2: How business communicates. The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: 21st-Century business directions, formal communication networks, informal communication networks, communicating externally.
22p nomoney2 10-02-2017 58 3 Download
Chapter 10 - The business of reports: Informal and formal report writing. In this chapter, the following content will be discussed: The business of reports, purposes of reports, conduct research and collect data, types of problems, primary data collection methods.
30p nomoney2 10-02-2017 78 3 Download
Chapter 12 - Culture: Inside and out. Organizational culture is a corporate way of life that is derived from the national culture but it is a distinct co-culture with its own values, behaviors, and believes. Deep organizational culture is the soul of what the company values and its vision for the future.
29p nomoney2 10-02-2017 45 3 Download
The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Communication design, map out message goals, evaluate your audience, shape message content, select channels, acquire resources, generate source credibility, eliminate design flaws, send message.
31p nomoney2 10-02-2017 48 2 Download
The topics discussed in Chapter 8 are business writing design. This chapter includes contents: The writing process, business writing style, designing memos and letters, writing collaboratively, designing e-mail messages.
31p nomoney2 10-02-2017 50 2 Download
Chapter 9 - Direct and indirect communication strategies. This chapter provides knowledge of: Why use direct or indirect communication strategies? Direct strategy, types of direct messages, Indirect strategy, types of negative indirect messages, types of persuasive indirect messages.
31p nomoney2 10-02-2017 51 2 Download
Lecture Business communication design - Chapter 4: Listening: A silent hero. The following will be discussed in this chapter: Are you listening? Active listening in business, passive listening in business, listening liabilities.
22p nomoney2 10-02-2017 64 1 Download
Chapter 6 - Designing messages with words. The main contents of the chapter consist of the following: Can we talk? Talk about meaning, speaking of rules, what are you talking about? Must we talk? Using persuasion and building arguments.
23p nomoney2 10-02-2017 41 1 Download
Chapter 13 - Interpersonal and collaborative messages. The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Communicating interpersonally, relational communication, communicating nonverbally, types of nonverbal communication, communicating in small groups,...
31p nomoney2 10-02-2017 55 1 Download
Chapter 14 provides knowledge of the business of change and conflict. Organizational change means modifying the way the company conducts business and performs work tasks. As an outgrowth of change, conflict is an event expressed through communication that motivates individuals or groups to behave in ways that suggest incompatible goals.
25p nomoney2 10-02-2017 44 1 Download
Chapter 5 provides knowledge of creating and using meaning. Because we understand ourselves when we communicate intrapersonally, we assume that other people understand us the same way. Problems arise if we fail to realize that others interpret the world differently from us and that our meanings for things are not always shared.
16p nomoney2 10-02-2017 42 1 Download
Chapter 11 - Writing strategies for reports and proposals. When you finish this chapter, you should: Explain how to adapt to your audiences when writing reports and proposals; name five characteristics of effective report content; list the topics commonly covered in the introduction, body, and close of formal reports;...
19p nomoney2 10-02-2017 50 2 Download