Lecture programming
The article presents the assessment of the students from K24, 23, and 22 (alumni) on its main program in 7 aspects: (i) program objectives; (ii) program content; (iii) soft skills; (iv) lecturers and teaching activities; (v)students’ learning outcome assessment; (vi) materials and facilities for learning; (vii) consultancy and supports given to students.
13p viormkorn 27-09-2024 13 3 Download
Lecture Network programing: JAVA socket programming. This lesson provides students with content about: what is a socket; client-server applications; sockets working model; socket programming with TCP; sockets for server and client; Unix/Linux socket functional calls; socket-programming using TCP; client/server socket interaction - TCP; socket programming with UDP;... Please refer to the detailed content of the lecture!
26p codabach1016 03-05-2024 9 1 Download
Lecture Java programming language: Inheritance and Polymorphism has main content such as Object-Oriented programming, extending a class, implementing a subclass, polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces.
11p lavender2022 22-04-2022 21 2 Download
Lecture Java programming language: GUIs and Event-Driven programming provide knowledge about what is a gui, the swing package, the swing package, the Jbutton class, handling events, layout manager, controlling layout, getting input from the user,…
23p lavender2022 22-04-2022 26 2 Download
Lecture Java Programming Language: Variables and Constants provide knowledge about declaring variables, using variables, primitive data types, abstract data types, java packages, obtaining a value from the user, type casting, formatting numeric ouput, assignment operators, using named constants.
15p lavender2022 22-04-2022 39 2 Download
Lecture Java programming language: Conditional Control Structures introduces content such as the if Statement , the if-else statement, nested statements, the if-else if statement, the switch statement, generating random number, compound boolean expressions, the math class.
11p lavender2022 22-04-2022 50 2 Download
Loop Structures and Strings has main content such as the while statement, the do-while statemen, infinite loops , the for statement, debugging techniques, the string class, the string class, comparing strings.
10p lavender2022 22-04-2022 26 2 Download
Methods has main content such as program development using methods, program development using methods, writing methods, method parameters, method overloading, the return statement, documenting methods.
10p lavender2022 22-04-2022 22 2 Download
Lecture Java programming language: Classes and Object-Oriented Development mentions about what is an object?, designing and writing a class, writing constructors, instance and class members, the object class, classes using classes, object-oriented development.
10p lavender2022 22-04-2022 26 2 Download
Lecture Java programming language: Arrays introduces content such as declaring arrays, using arrays, array parameters, array parameters, searching an array, two-demensional arrays, the arraylist class
21p lavender2022 22-04-2022 26 2 Download
Lecture Java Programming Language: Files and Exception Handling has main content such as what is a file, handling exception, the filereader and bufferedreader classes, he filewriter and bufferedwriter classes, object serialization,…
12p lavender2022 22-04-2022 23 2 Download
Lecture Java Programming Language: Introduction has main content such as desktop computing, operating systems, enviroment, programming languages, networks, number systems, storing data in memory, why program in java, a java application, formatting output.
22p lavender2022 22-04-2022 39 2 Download
Lecture Java Programming Language: Recursion and Advanced Algorithms provide knowledge about selection sort, sorting objects, insertion sort, recursion, mergesort, depth-first searching.
10p lavender2022 22-04-2022 22 2 Download
Lecture Java Programming Language: The content of data structures mentions about the stack data structure, the queue data structure and the linked list data structure. Download to see more, please!
12p lavender2022 22-04-2022 23 2 Download
Summary of Doctor of Business Administration thesis: Factors affecting the admission of training knowledge of Vietnamese university lecturers through international university joint training programs.
0p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 32 3 Download
The article analyzes the causes of inadequacies in terms of: recruitment, facilities, training programs, pedagogical skills training, examination and evaluation of student learning outcomes and performance of fine arts lecturers.
11p tamynhan9 02-12-2020 8 1 Download
Lecture Introduction to software engineering - Week 10: Agile software development. In this chapter, you will learn to: Agile methods, extreme programming, agile project management, scaling agile methods. Invite you to find out the detailed content.
67p larachdumlanat 09-11-2020 11 3 Download
In this chapter, the following content will be discussed: Operating system services, user operating system interface, system calls, types of system calls, system programs, operating system design and implementation, operating system structure, operating system debugging, operating system generation, system boot.
55p dien_vi02 07-10-2018 54 2 Download
In this chapter, the following content will be discussed: Overview, multicore programming, multithreading models, thread libraries, implicit threading, threading issues, operating system examples.
46p dien_vi02 07-10-2018 38 1 Download
Bài giảng Hệ điều hành máy tính: Lecture 3 do Nguyễn Thanh Sơn biên soạn nhằm mục đích phục vụ cho việc giảng dạy. Nội dung bài giảng gồm Các thành phần của hệ điều hành, các dịch vụ hệ điều hành cung cấp, giao tiếp giữa quá trình và hệ điều hành, các chương trình hệ thống (system program), cấu trúc hệ điều hành,...
16p sangbanmai_0906 17-01-2018 64 4 Download