Level b english
This research project aimed to: (a) determine the demographic profile and common conditions of patients in a Teaching Clinic; (b) describe the adverse events from Chinese medicine treatment; (c) examine the overall treatment outcomes and treatment interventions of Chinese medicine in patients with respiratory disorders; and (d) assess the level of knowledge and compliance with Chinese medicine in patients with respiratory disorders.
304p runthenight07 01-03-2023 9 3 Download
This thesis is organised based on three case studies. This thesis attempts to contribute to existing knowledge of carbon trading on two levels: (a) empirical and (b) theoretical. Firstly, it seeks to make an empirical contribution to the existing literature generally and the accounting literature specifically. Secondly, using institutional theory, this thesis also seeks to make a contribution at the theoretical level.
333p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 4 Download
This qualitative study focuses on identifying the formal and informal performance management (PM) practices currently in use in Australian public universities for academic staff Levels A, B and C.
325p runthenight04 02-02-2023 5 2 Download
Evaluate plasma microRNA-21 and microRNA-122 expression levels in hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma patients. Analyze the relationship between microRNA-21, microRNA-122 plasma with some clinical, subclinical and stage indicators in hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma patients.
27p gaocaolon7 18-09-2020 23 2 Download
Hepatitis B Infection is an occupational high risk factor. Immune response for vaccination was measured by Antibody to Hepatitis B surface antigen (anti HBs) levels. A course of Hep B vaccine yields a protective immune response (anti-HBs ≥10 mIU/mL) this study was designed to determine the anti HBs levels in Health Care Workers (HCWs) working as laboratory technician and staff nurses.
7p angicungduoc6 22-07-2020 20 3 Download
Research mission: The characteristics and changes in plasma (natriuretic peptide type B) BNP levels in patients with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis. Understanding correlation between plasma BNP levels with some morphological parameters of ultrasound, left ventricular systolic function and value of BNP in predicting heart failure, mortality prognosis in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing dialysis.
28p change03 06-05-2016 58 4 Download
PII-like proteins are signal transduction proteins found in bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. They mediate a variety of cellular responses. A second PII-like protein, called GlnK, has been found in several organisms. In the diazotroph Herbaspirillum seropedicae, PII protein is involved in sensing nitrogen levels and controlling nitrogen fixation genes. In this work, the crystal structure of the unliganded H. seropedicae PII was solved by X-ray diffraction. H. seropedicae PII has a Gly residue, Gly108 preceding Pro109 and the main-chain forms a b turn. ...
8p system191 01-06-2013 36 5 Download
Selenoprotein P (SeP) is a plasma protein that contains up to 10 selenocysteine residues and accounts for about 50% of total selenium in human plasma. We have previously shown that SeP expression in the human liver cell line HepG2 is inhibited by transforming growth factor (TGF)-b1 on a transcriptional level. Smad proteins are the transcriptional mediators of TGF-b signalling and putative Smad-binding elements (SBE) comprising the core sequence CAGACA are present at two positions in the SeP promoter....
6p system191 01-06-2013 35 4 Download
Insulin is the principal regulatory hormone involved in the tight regulation of fuel metabolism. In response to blood glucose levels, it is secreted by the b cells of the pancreas and exerts its effects by binding to cell surface receptors that are present on virtually all cell types and tissues. In humans, perturbations in insulin function and/or secretion lead to diabetes mellitus, a severe disorder primarily characterized by an inability to maintain blood glucose homeostasis. Furthermore, it is estimated that 90–95% of diabetic patients exhibit resistance to insulin action....
10p research12 01-06-2013 34 4 Download
Amyloid protein (Ab1–40) aggregation and conformation was examined using native and sodium dodecyl sulfate/ polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,and the results com-pared with those obtained by atomic force microscopy, and with Congo red binding,sedimentation and turbidity assays. The amount of Ab aggregation measured was different,depending upon the method used. Incubation for 15 min at pH 5.0 or in the presence of Fe 2+ ,Cu 2+ or Zn 2+ did not alter the level of Aboligomers observed on SDS and native gels....
12p tumor12 20-04-2013 41 4 Download
Theb-amyloid peptide (Ab) is a major component of toxic amyloid plaques found in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.Abis liberated by sequential cleavage of amyloid precursor protein (APP) byb-andc-secre-tases.The level of Abdepends directly on the hydrolytic activity ofb-secretase.Therefore, b-secretase is an excel-lent target for drug design.An approach based on RNA-cleaving ribozymes was developed to control expression ofb-secretase.
9p tumor12 20-04-2013 37 4 Download
The ethanol utilization pathway inAspergillus nidulansis a model system, which has been thoroughly elucidated at the biochemical, genetic and molecular levels. Three main ele-ments are involved: (a) high level expression of the positively autoregulated activator AlcR; (b) the strong promoters of the structural genes for alcohol dehydrogenase (alcA)and aldehyde dehydrogenase (aldA); and (c) powerful activa-tion of AlcRby the physiological inducer, acetaldehyde, produced from growth substrates such as ethanol and L-threonine. ...
10p tumor12 20-04-2013 21 2 Download
Seven alleles of the chicken melanocortin (MC) 1 receptor were cloned into expression vectors, expressed in mam-malian cells and pharmacologicallycharacterized. Four of the clones e +R ,e +B&D ,e wh /e y ,E Rfayoumi gave receptors to which melanocortin stimulating hormone (a-MSH) and NDP-MSH bound with similar IC50values and responded toa-MSHbyincreasing intracellular cAMP levels in a dose-dependent manner.
9p tumor12 20-04-2013 31 3 Download
Members of atRNA Gly 1 multigene family from the silkwormBombyx mori have been classified based on their transcriptions in homologous nuclear extracts, into three groups of highly, moderately and poorly transcribed genes. Because all these gene copies have identical coding sequences and consequently identical promoter elements (the A and B boxes), the flanking sequences modulate their expression levels. Here we demonstrate the inter-action of transcription factor TFIIIB with these genes and its role in regu-lating differential transcriptions....
15p fptmusic 12-04-2013 37 2 Download
The enzymatic properties of chitinase A fromVibrio carchariaehave been studied in detail by using combined HPLC and electrospray MS. This approach allowed the separation ofaandbanomers and the simultaneous monitoring of chitooligosaccharide products down to picomole levels. Chi-tinase A primarily generated b-anomeric products, indicating that it cata-lyzed hydrolysis through a retaining mechanism.
11p fptmusic 11-04-2013 30 2 Download
a-lactalbumin (LA) in its molten globule (MG) state at low pH forms amyloid fibrils. Here, we have studied the aggregation propensities of LA derivatives characterized by a single peptide bond fission (1–40⁄41–123, named Th1-LA) or a deletion of a chain segment of 12 amino acid resi-dues located at the level of the b-subdomain of the native protein (1– 40⁄53–123, named desb-LA). We have also compared the early stages of the aggregation process of these LA derivatives with those of intact LA....
13p awards 06-04-2013 38 2 Download
Retinoid receptors are ligand-dependent transcription factors belonging to the nuclear receptor superfamily. Retinoic acid (RARa, b, c) and retinoid X (RXRa, b, c) receptors mediate the retinoid/rexinoid signal to the transcriptional machineries by interacting at the first level with coactivators or corepressors, which leads to the recruitment of enzymatically active noncovalent com-plexes at target gene promoters.
10p awards 05-04-2013 33 4 Download
Insulin resistance is a cardinal feature of type 2 diabetes and also a conse-quence of trauma such as surgery. Directly after surgery and cell isolation, adipocytes were insulin resistant, but this was reversed after overnight incu-bation in 10% CO2 at 37C 2 . Tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate (IRS)1 was insulin sensitive, but protein kinase B (PKB) and downstream metabolic effects exhibited insulin resistance that was reversed by overnight incubation....
0p awards 05-04-2013 46 3 Download
Ligand-induced oligomerization of receptors is a key step in initiating growth factor signaling. Nevertheless, complex biological responses often require additionaltrans-signaling mechanisms involving two or more signaling cascades. For cells of neuronal origin, it was shown that neurotrophic effects evoked by nerve growth factor or other neurotro-phins dependhighlyon the cooperativitywith cytokines that belong to the transforming growth factor b (TGF-b) superfamily.
12p dell39 03-04-2013 31 3 Download
Conformational studies on amyloidb peptide (Ab) in aqueous solution are complicated by its tendency to aggregate. In this study, we determined the atomic-level structure of Ab28)42 in an aqueous environment. We fused fragments of Ab, residues 10–24 (Ab10)24) or 28–42 (Ab28)42), to three positions in the C-terminal region of ribonuclease HII from a hyper-thermophile, Thermococcus kodakaraensis(Tk-RNase HII).
9p dell39 27-03-2013 36 3 Download