Models of language
The study "A study on the use of body language in oral presentations by the English majors at Hai Phong University of Management and Technology" is conducted with the aims to: introduction to body language for students; the effect of using sign language on the presentation; the importance of using sign language for presenters and listeners; practical application of sign language in presentations of Hai Phong University of Management and Technology students;...
53p vuhuyennhi 06-09-2022 22 10 Download
The dissertation aims to address these limitations by using annotation-based domain-specific language (aDSL), which is internal to OOPL, to not only express an essential and unified domain model but generatively construct modular software from this model.
193p justiceleague 09-06-2021 17 7 Download
The research objective: To study the methods used to modeling constraints and improve constraint solving capability. To apply symbolic execution technique in automatic test case generating. To implement proposed methods in automatic test case generating on string constraints and mixed constraints. To analyze and evaluate the obtained results.
27p extraenglish 24-05-2021 18 5 Download
The present study investigates teachers‘ perceptions of the values of the CEFR, the perceived readiness and necessity of its application, and the work involved in its application process. Also, it explores teachers‘ responses to the use of the CEFR to renew the general English curriculum, reflected in how they changed their teaching activities, adapted the assigned textbooks and modified their assessment practice. The study was a case study applying the mixed method sequential explanatory model (Creswell & Clark, 2007).
201p nguathienthan12 23-05-2021 31 3 Download
My graduation paper focuses specifically on the investigation of method used by the teachers at AMES center and give some suggestions for applying the new methods to enhance the students' self - learning for improvements in their listening skills. The specific aims of the research are as follows: To investigate the teachers' and students' attitudes towards the application of listening methods in self-learning. To find out the most common technique contents exploited by the teachers at AMES center. To examine the students’ preferences for the model practice.
84p cothumenhmong10 19-03-2021 65 6 Download
The aim of the research presented in this paper is to give a detailed overview of what active learning is. The presented information about forms, models and methods of active learning are supposed to raise the reader’s interest and awareness for the importance of students’ active participation in their learning process. Various methods, ideas and researches are discussed in order to acquire information about the meaning of active learning and its background.
60p trinhthamhodang10 16-03-2021 41 8 Download
This study analyses the effects that some Active learning strategies and instruments have had in changing the classroom environment. Through active learning activities and modeling by the teacher, students changed the traditional role as passive receptors and learn and practice how to apprehend knowledge and skills and use them meaningfully.
65p trinhthamhodang10 16-03-2021 27 3 Download
This thesis aims to research on overview of automatic test case generating, symbolic execution applied into automatic test case generating. The modeling techniques based on Automata and Bitvector are also studied in this thesis. Apart from that, the analysis and evaluation of available test case generating methods on different constraint are mentioned. The quality and effectiveness of test cases generated by using symbolic execution are assessed.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 39 4 Download
The study aims at evaluating the textbook Tiếng Anh 6 (10-year program) to explore if it really meets the defined aims of the course and if it is appropriate to the students’ level of English and their background knowledge. I also hope that the findings of the thesis will partly help to decide whether to modify any contents or the structure of the book to improve the quality and the effectiveness of the material.
116p minhxaminhyeu1 06-05-2019 59 11 Download
Lecture “Natural language processing - Chapter 2: Fundamental algorithms and mathematical models” has contents: Probability theory and Bayes theorems (Concepts in probability, Bayes theorems, application of the probability theory in NLP).
14p dien_vi01 21-11-2018 34 1 Download
Lecture “Natural language processing – Chapter 5: Foundation of statistical machine translation” has contents: Introduction to statistical machine translation, statistical MT systems, three problems in statistical MT systems, translation model, and other contents.
12p dien_vi01 21-11-2018 21 0 Download
Our thesis shows the quality of semantic vector representation with random projection and Hyperspace Analogue to Language model under about the researching on Vietnamese. The main goal is how to find semantic similarity or to study synonyms in Vietnamese. We are also interested in the stability of our approach that uses Random Indexing and HAL to represent semantic of words or documents. We build a system to find the synonyms in Vietnamese called Semantic Similarity Finding System. In particular, we also evaluate synonyms resulted from our system.
55p 01202750693 09-06-2015 96 9 Download
Theories of second language acquisition có nội dung trình bày về: An innatist model: Krashen’s input hypothesis, Two cognitive models, A social constructivist model: Long’s interaction hypothesi. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo bài giảng.
18p lg123456 21-04-2014 98 6 Download
The nature and amount of information needed for learning a natural language, and the underlying mechanisms involved in this process, are the subject of much debate: is it possible to learn a language from usage data only, or some sort of innate knowledge and/or bias is needed to boost the process? This is a topic of interest to (psycho)linguists who study human language acquisition, as well as computational linguists who develop the knowledge sources necessary for largescale natural language processing systems. ...
1p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 66 2 Download
Over several years, we have developed an approach to spoken dialogue systems that includes rule-based and trainable dialogue managers, spoken language understanding and generation modules, and a comprehensive dialogue system architecture. We present a Reinforcement Learning-based dialogue system that goes beyond standard rule-based models and computes on-line decisions of the best dialogue moves. The key concept of this work is that we bridge the gap between manually written dialog models (e.g.
4p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 75 4 Download
This work describes an online application that uses Natural Language Generation (NLG) methods to generate walking directions in combination with dynamic 2D visualisation. We make use of third party resources, which provide for a given query (geographic) routes and landmarks along the way. We present a statistical model that can be used for generating natural language directions. This model is trained on a corpus of walking directions annotated with POS, grammatical information, frame-semantics and markup for temporal structure. ...
4p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 43 3 Download
We describe Joshua (Li et al., 2009a)1 , an open source toolkit for statistical machine translation. Joshua implements all of the algorithms required for translation via synchronous context free grammars (SCFGs): chart-parsing, n-gram language model integration, beam- and cubepruning, and k-best extraction. The toolkit also implements suffix-array grammar extraction and minimum error rate training. It uses parallel and distributed computing techniques for scalability.
4p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 46 2 Download
ProLiV - Animated Process-modeler of Complex (Computational) Linguistic Methods and Theories - is a fully modular, flexible, XML-based stand-alone Java application, used for computer-assisted learning in Natural Language Processing (NLP) or Computational Linguistics (CL).
4p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 60 4 Download
The newly emerging field of systems biology involves a judicious interplay between high-throughput ‘wet’ experimentation, computational modelling and technology development, coupled to the world of ideas and theory. This interplay involves iterative cycles, such that systems biology is not at all confined to hypothesis-dependent studies, with intelligent, principled, hypothesis-generating studies being of high importance and consequently very far from aimless fishing expeditions.
22p inspiron33 26-03-2013 37 5 Download
Various efficient VHDL behavioural modelling language constructs are available to generate stimulus to test a VHDL model, e.g., • for loop • defining stimulus array & indexing the array to apply stimulus • reading stimulus data directly from a file Messages can also be added to testbench Remember that this type of testbench / behavioural VHDL code is not intended for logic synthesis, and normally cannot be synthesised ! Refer to muxAndDecEx1 lab files muxAndDecEx1_TB.vhd for these examples of testbench coding...
18p vinhtk7ce 06-07-2012 89 13 Download