The limits of current micro-scale technology is approaching rapidly. As the technology is going toward nano-scale devices, physical phenomena involved are fundamentally different from micro-scale ones. Principles in classical physics are no longer powerful enough to explicate the phenomena involved in nano-scale devices. At this stage, quantum mechanic sheds some light on those topics which cannot be described by classical physics. The primary focus of this research work is the development of an analysis technique for understanding the behavior of strongly perturbed harmonic oscillators.
165p runthenight07 01-03-2023 6 3 Download
This research is built upon the determination of the Eigenpairs of one and two dimensional positive differential operators with periodic boundary conditions. The Schrödinger equation was solved for positive operators in both one and two dimensions. Fourier series were used to express the derivatives as the summation of Fourier terms. This led to a novel approach for the calculation of the eigenmodels of a perturbed potential well. The perturbation can be done via an electric field applied to the potential well.
88p runthenight07 01-03-2023 6 3 Download
The dissertation has five chapters and a list of references. The chapters concentrate on the following issues: In Chapter 1, we recall some classical results of the problem and some basic concepts from variational analysis and nonsmooth analysis. In Chapter 2, we investigate some new models of nonlinear nonlocal regularity; Chapter 3 is devoted to the study of metric perturbation of Milyutin-type regularity on a fixed set under composition of a set-valued mapping and a Lipschitz single-valued mapping;...
145p visteveballmer 06-11-2021 15 3 Download
Nội dung nghiên cứu của luận văn là mô hình hóa hệ thống Pin quang điện trên Matlab/Simulink. Khảo sát đặc tính điện như dòng điện, điện áp, công suất của Pin quang điện khi thay đổi điều kiện môi trường như bức xạ, nhiệt độ. Mô phỏng hệ thống tìm điểm MPP với giải thuật P&O (Perturb and Observe). Mô phỏng hệ thống tìm điểm MPP với giải thuật Incond (Increamental Conductance).
74p khunglongboiboi 18-07-2021 42 4 Download
The thesis is devoted to constructing and evaluating versions of the SM extended with an A4 symmetry to explain some of the problems of neutrino physics. Within these extended models, the results on neutrino masses and mixing, derived by the perturbation method, are very closed to the global fit. In two models, a relation between the Dirac CPV phase and the mixing angles is established. In particular, the models predict Dirac CPV phase δCP and effective mass of neutrinoless double beta decay jhmeeij in good agreement with the current experimental data.
26p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 19 3 Download
This presents the advantage of decoupling the management of the minor actinides from the conventional fuel and not impacting the core reactivity coefficients. In both cases, the design and analyses of potential transmutation systems have been carried out in the frame of Gen IV fast reactor using a “perturbation” approach in which nominal power reactor parameters are modified to accommodate the loading of minor actinides.
8p christabelhuynh 31-05-2020 24 1 Download
In nuclear safety research, the quality of the results of simulation codes is widely determined by the reactor design and safe operation, and the description of neutron transport in the reactor core is a feature of particular importance.
14p christabelhuynh 30-05-2020 41 1 Download
With Europe’s ageing fleet of nuclear reactors operating closer to their safety limits, the monitoring of such reactors through complex models has become of great interest to maintain a high level of availability and safety.
9p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 10 1 Download
In the current paper, we investigate the application of the Equivalent Generalized Perturbation Theory (EGPT) to derive trends and associated covariances on the neutron capture cross section of one major fission product for both light water reactors and sodium-cooled fast reactors which is Rhodium-103.
9p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 13 0 Download
In the present paper, firstly, we review our previous works on uncertainty quantification (UQ) of reactor physics parameters. This consists of (1) development of numerical tools based on the depletion perturbation theory (DPT), (2) linearity of reactor physics parameters to nuclear data, (3) UQ of decay heat and its reduction, and (4) correlation between decay heat and b-delayed neutrons emission.
7p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 15 2 Download
In this study, COMAC nuclear data uncertainties have been propagated on the BEAVRS benchmark using a two-step APOLLO2/CRONOS2 scheme, where APOLLO2 is the lattice code used to resolve Boltzmann equation within assemblies using a high number of energy groups, and CRONOS2 is the code resolving the 3D full core diffusion equation using only four energy groups.
6p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 11 2 Download
Instead of running hundreds or thousands of neutronics calculations, we therefore investigate the possibility to take those many cross-section file samples and perform ‘cheap’ sensitivity perturbation calculations. This is efficiently possible with the NEA Nuclear Data Sensitivity Tool (NDaST) and this process we name the half Monte Carlo method (HMM).
8p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 9 0 Download
DNA of prokaryotes is in a nonequilibrium structural state, characterized as ÔactiveÕ DNA supercoiling. Alterations in this state aect many life processes and a homeostatic control of DNA supercoiling has been suggested [Menzel, R. & Gellert, M. (1983) Cell 34, 105±113]. We here report on a new method for quantifying homeostatic control of the high-energy state of in vivo DNA. The method involves making small perturbation in the expression of topoisomerase I, and measuring the eect on DNA supercoiling of a reporter plasmid and on the expression of DNA gyrase....
8p system191 01-06-2013 34 5 Download
Insulin is the principal regulatory hormone involved in the tight regulation of fuel metabolism. In response to blood glucose levels, it is secreted by the b cells of the pancreas and exerts its effects by binding to cell surface receptors that are present on virtually all cell types and tissues. In humans, perturbations in insulin function and/or secretion lead to diabetes mellitus, a severe disorder primarily characterized by an inability to maintain blood glucose homeostasis. Furthermore, it is estimated that 90–95% of diabetic patients exhibit resistance to insulin action....
10p research12 01-06-2013 34 4 Download
ZntA, a bacterial zinc-transporting P-type ATPase, is homologous to two human ATPases mutated in Menkes and Wilson diseases. To explore the roles of the bacterial ATPase residues homologous to those involved in the humandiseases, we have introduced several pointmutations into ZntA. The mutants P401L, D628A and P634L corres-pond to the Wilson disease mutations P992L, D1267A and P1273L, respectively.
8p research12 29-04-2013 43 3 Download
The structure–activity relations of a series of synthetic phenoxazone drugs with aminoalkyl side chains of variable length and different terminal groups were investigated by examining their biological activity and DNA complexation affinity. Biological activitywas determined fromtheir ability to induce apoptosis and cell cycle perturbations (activation of cell cycle checkpoints) using the human malignant MOLT-3 cell line. The thermodynamic parameters of drug– DNA complexation were determined by differential scan-ning calorimetry....
8p tumor12 20-04-2013 37 4 Download
Halobacterium salinarumdisplays four distinct kinetic forms of M-intermediate in its bacteriorhodopsin photocycle. In wild-type, there are mainly two species with time constants near 2 and 5 ms. Under various kinds of stress, two other species arise with time constants near 10 and 70 ms. We show that these four species are interconvertible. Increases in membrane hydrophobicity convert the slower to faster forms. Perturbations caused by Triton X-100 or mutations convert faster to slower forms.
7p tumor12 20-04-2013 26 4 Download
Investigations of protein–solute interactions typically show that osmolytes favor native conformations. In this study, the effects of representative compatible and counteracting osmolytes on the reactivationof lactate dehydrogenase from two different conformational states were explored. Contrary to expectations, proline and trimethylamine oxide inhibited both the initial time course and the extent of reactivation of lactate dehydrogenase from bovine heart following dena-turation in guanidine hydrochloride, as well as following inactivation at pH 2.3.
12p fptmusic 12-04-2013 40 2 Download
To probe the stability of the seven-iron ferredoxin from Thermus thermophilus(FdTt), we investigated its chemical and thermal denaturationprocesses insolution.Aspredicted from the crystal structure, FdTt is extremely resistant to perturbation. The guanidine hydrochloride-induced unfolding transition shows a midpoint at 6.5M(pH 7, 20C), andthe thermalmidpoint is aboveboiling, at 114C. The stability of FdTt is much lower at acidic pH, suggesting that electrostatic interactions are important for the high stability at higher pH.
8p fptmusic 12-04-2013 58 5 Download
NMR and visible spectroscopy coupled to redox measurements were used to determine the equilibrium thermodynamic properties of the four haems in cytochrome c3 under conditions in which the protein was bound to lig-ands, the small anion phosphate and the protein rubredoxin with the iron in the active site replaced by zinc.
10p awards 06-04-2013 37 4 Download