Pricing policies
Describe your pricing policies and how they are determined. Discuss the influences of the competition, discounts, cost of goods, market forces, and other factors that will affect pricing. Justify your prices, particularly if they are substantially above or below the prices of similar products/services in the marketplace. Above all, demonstrate that your pricing decision is based on your company’s ability to make a profit.
38p sonnguyen3515 19-09-2013 51 8 Download
Bài giảng Marketing căn bản gồm có 7 chương với những nội dung chính sau: Nhập môn marketing, nghiên cứu thị trường, chính sách sản phẩm (product policy), chính sách giá (price policy), chính sách phân phối (distribution policy), chính sách chiêu thị (promotion policy), marketing chiến lược và marketing quốc tế.
135p lovebychance07 12-07-2021 55 12 Download
The failure of inflation targeting regimes in several emerging economies has received renewed interest among academics and policymakers alike. This ineffectiveness can be attributed to worsening fiscal positions in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis, which sheds light on the importance of coordinating fiscal policy and monetary policy to achieve price stability. This thesis, therefore, aims to investigate the effects of fiscal policy on the different transmission channels of monetary policy, which ultimately results in high inflation.
191p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 3 Download
The experience of previous oil price shocks has shown that these shocks can provide an important catalyst for policies to encourage demand reduction, substitution to other fuels, and development of new sources of energy supply.
11p maingoc84 28-12-2022 35 4 Download
Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu này là xác định chính sách cổ tức (dividend policy), được đo lường bằng 2 cách là tỷ suất cổ tức (dividend yield) và tỷ lệ chi trả cổ tức (dividend payout) tác động như thế nào lên biến động giá cổ phiếu (share price volatility) của các công ty niêm yết trên TTCK Việt Nam.
86p thiennhaikhach01 05-07-2021 25 6 Download
The thesis analyzes the impact of changing accounting policies on exchange rate differences on stock prices of non-financial companies listed on Vietnam's stock market. You are invited to join us in the thesis to understand the details of the research.
0p trinhthamhodang8 20-10-2020 32 3 Download
The Party's direction and view and the State's policies on completing the land law and development on agriculture, rural areas and farmers in the current period.
26p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 31 2 Download
To systematize theoretical basis and analyze international experience relating to the State price management of essential goods; to assess the realities of the State price management of essential goods, namely as electricity and gasoline in Vietnam; and to propose recommendations to complete macro-economic policies, particularly specific solutions of the State price management of electricity and gasoline in Vietnam.
29p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 21 1 Download
This paper set up a new composite index called economic condition for tourism (ECT) index. This index summarizes the information of the macroeconomic variables which effect the demand for tourism in Thailand.
9p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 36 4 Download
In this study, we incorporate trade credit policy into a joint marketing and pricing problem in which demand rate depends on the length of the credit period provided by the retailer for her customers, marketing expenditure, and selling price.
16p tocectocec 24-05-2020 21 2 Download
The major objective of this article is to derive the inventory models for deteriorating items by maximizing the total profit of the retailer.
18p tocectocec 24-05-2020 16 1 Download
Research objectives: The impact of monetary policy on Vietnam stock market with regard to two aspects which are stock price and market liquidity.
36p slimzslimz 23-12-2019 43 8 Download
Bài giảng "Marketing công nghiệp - Chapter 9: Pricing in business marketing" cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Special meaning of price, factors influencing pricing decision 3, pricing methods and strategies, pricing policies, commercial terms and conditions
7p tieu_vu08 05-05-2018 78 3 Download
The transmission of monetary policy is the center of economic studies, this field was renewed in light of the 2008 global financial crisis with arguments about the effectiveness and the determinants of transmission channels especially in emerging markets such as Vietnam which may have strong bank lending channel while asset price channel and exchange rate channel may be weak.
310p change08 30-06-2016 73 9 Download
The transmission of monetary policy is the center of economic studies, this field was renewed in light of the 2008 global financial crisis with arguments about the effectiveness and the determinants of transmission channels especially in emerging markets such as Vietnam which may have strong bank lending channel while asset price channel and exchange rate channel may be weak.
34p change08 30-06-2016 69 5 Download
In this chapter you will: Understand how pricing objectives should guide strategic planning for pricing decisions; understand choices the marketing manager must make about price flexibility and price levels over the product life cycle; understand the many possible variations of a price structure, including discounts, allowances, and who pays transportation costs;...
10p allbymyself_06 26-01-2016 77 3 Download
COMPETITIVE PRICES Finally, it may be that the sorts of policies that I call school effectiveness, those not dependent on the peer group, are relatively unimportant determinants of student outcomes (or that they do not vary substantially across schools), and thus that effectiveness sorting and differences in average effectiveness across markets are not observable in the pattern of average SAT scores.
80p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 81 7 Download
"Investigation and control of the rice in the field and during harvest in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam" project is part of the Cooperation Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD) between the Ministry of Agriculture and rural Development of Vietnam (Ministry of Agriculture and rural Development) VACO Australian International Development (AusAID). The purpose of this project is to help households and small farmers in Vietnam to improve rice quality and prices to improve their income. The project will be implemented through a cooperative choice.
9p xinh_la 10-02-2012 97 7 Download