The senior manager
The primary objective of the research is to develop a balanced scorecard framework for construction contractors and measu re performance of contractors using that framework. The results of the questionnaire survey carried out and follow-up interviews conducted among 34 senior managers in Melbourne revealed that the above performance measurement framework is appropriate to use in a contracting organisation. The respondents perceive that the process management perspective measurement is more desirable than others.
200p runthenight05 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
This thesis examines the implications of public sector HRM architecture and its impact on HR professionals, senior managers and employees who are integral to service delivery in the public sector. To achieve its objective, conclusions are based on findings from practitioners and employing organisations, in a context of the prominent literature in this field. A mixed methods approach was adopted with 54 semi-structured interviews conducted in case study organisations representing an in-house, shared service and outsourced model of HRM.
274p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
The purpose of this research was to study the level of appreciation executive and senior managers have towards the contribution person-environment (P-E) fit attributes, in particular the person-organisation (P-O) fit and person-job (P-J) fit attributes, have in describing the competency of a project manager from the perspective of executives and senior managers who, within their respective organisations, are responsible for the workplace management team that directly manages short and long-term projects.
313p runthenight04 02-02-2023 5 2 Download
This thesis focuses on the skills and attributes required by Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and senior staff as leaders and managers in the residential aged care services (RACS) sector. It makes a significant contribution to this field of inquiry by utilising original research to examine the capabilities needed to meet the challenges faced within this industry sector.
407p runthenight04 02-02-2023 3 3 Download
The main objective of the thesis is to set up a model and test the relationship between top management commitment, HRM practices and employee's organizational commitment in Vietnamese garment companies.
11p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 33 2 Download
The purpose of this study is to find out how women's leadership in the education sector in Merauke Regency. This study used a qualitative approach, the informants selected were informants of female leaders in the education sector, namely in high schools and universities.
6p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 30 1 Download
The present paper provides a detail overview regarding the concept of women entrepreneurship, what are the factors that support them to start a business, what are the reasons that impede their growth and finally government strategies to promote these women entrepreneurs.
9p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 13 1 Download
In the present scenario, it is rare to find people becoming Industry Loyal or Organization Loyal. More over the percentage of people leaving the organization is also very high. When it comes to senior level people, they do not want to take any ownership or control as they do not wish to take risk at that level.
8p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 19 4 Download
CBRE MARKET UPDATE Da Nang Q1/2012 Presented by: THAO LE Da Nang Research Opening Remarks from: TIEN CAO Da Nang Research ADAM BURY Senior Manager CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. Friday, April 20th, 2012 .OPENING WORDS Da Nang 2012 – Continued Signs of Growth Hyatt Regency Da Nang Da Nang International Airport The Summit All Pictures – Source: CBRE Vietnam. Date 19th April, 2012 Harmony Tower MARKET INSIGHTS FROM CBRE’s DA NANG QUARTERLY UPDATES | APRIL 2012 2 CBRE RESEARCH & CONSULTING .
20p hoadat_1990 12-07-2013 122 6 Download
Database Systems: The Complete Book- P13: Database Systems and Database Design and Application courses offered at the junior, senior and graduate levels in Computer Science departments. Written by well-known computer scientists, this introduction to database systems offers a comprehensive approach, focusing on database design, database use, and implementation of database applications and database management systems
19p baby246 18-08-2010 81 6 Download
Database Systems: The Complete Book- P12: Database Systems and Database Design and Application courses offered at the junior, senior and graduate levels in Computer Science departments. Written by well-known computer scientists, this introduction to database systems offers a comprehensive approach, focusing on database design, database use, and implementation of database applications and database management systems
20p baby246 18-08-2010 70 6 Download