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Valuing traded

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  • The study investigates the relationship between liquidity and returns on a stock exchange in a frontier market. The paper applies three asset pricing models, including Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), the Fama-French three-factor model, liquidity-augmented three-factor model. To measure the liquidity in the study, five measures: quoted spread, trading volume, trading value, Amihud measure, and turnover ratio were applied.

    pdf16p viormkorn 27-09-2024 4 2   Download

  • In particular, the number of cases hit a record high of 200 in 2009 following the international financial crisis. TBTs are standard-related regulations that serve as trade barriers but can also positively impact trade. This study investigates the impact of China’s imposition of TBT on Korean manufacturing industry exports from 2002 to 2014.

    pdf18p toduongg 24-08-2024 4 1   Download

  • By using secondary data collected from official sources, the article will provide an overview of Vietnam's economic development through a detailed analysis of the three aspects mentioned above; on that basis, suggest some opportunities and challenges for Vietnam in the coming time.

    pdf14p toduongg 24-08-2024 1 0   Download

  • In order for Vietnam to enhance welfare gains from the integration, there has been analysis on impacts for Vietnam. Vietnamese government is expected to support firms with understanding about the EVFTA, market information on quality standards, labour and environmental requirements, building capacity to improve quality and value of exporting products including rice exports.

    pdf4p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 4 2   Download

  • The dissertation comprises of EIGHT chapters, reference lists and appendix lists which have been discussed briefly in the subsequent sections. The key findings of the study are as below: A long-run relationship exists between exports and GDP of Vietnam and shows a substantial long-run contribution of exports in the real GDP. A short-run relationship also exists between them.

    doc30p acacia2510 11-05-2021 18 2   Download

  • The study is based on time series data pertaining to the period 1996-2013. The data on value of exports/imports for India and world were collected from FAOSTAT database. The data was analysed using simple descriptive statistical tools. Simpson diversification index was used to measure the export import diversity and export performance ratio were calculated to find out the comparative advantage.

    pdf10p gaocaolon9 22-12-2020 16 2   Download

  • As the authors’ review, there are six main approaches measuring competitiveness such as the economic indicators, the trade performance indices, the determinants of competitiveness, the multidimensional frameworks, the value chain performance and the benchmarking. The trade performance indices and economic indicators are the most popular and efficient measures in agricultural research.

    pdf266p quenchua 28-09-2019 19 5   Download

  • KPIs for marketing refer to issues such as: Sales lead value ratio, Response Rate, Contact Rate, Average response rates of campaigns, Number of article placements in trade magazines,... In addition, to learn more about KPI indicators of other departments in the business, please consult Bộ Tài Liệu Xây Dựng KPI Cho Doanh Nghiệp on TaiLieu.VN. Good luck!

    doc4p vrohtovitamin 18-06-2019 23 1   Download

  • This paper conducts a pilot research on the relationship between industrial policy quality and growth performance. A middle income trap is defined as a situation where the domestic economy is unable to create value beyond what is delivered by given advantages. Given advantages include natural, demographic and geographical factors as well as such external factors as trade, aid, and foreign investment inflow. When growth depends mainly on these factors, little domestic value is created and the economy does not reach high income.

    pdf11p truongtien_08 06-04-2018 39 3   Download

  • xuất, nhập khẩu hàng hóa của việt nam giai đoạn 2005-2015 với các nước thành viên tpp bao gồm các biểu số liệu được chia thành ba phần: phần i - trị giá xuất, nhập khẩu với các nước thành viên tpp; phần ii - mặt hàng chủ yếu xuất, nhập khẩu với các nước thành viên tpp; phần iii - xuất, nhập khẩu với từng nước thành viên tpp.

    pdf188p nomoney7 04-03-2017 52 5   Download

  • After studying this chapter, you will be able to: ● Explain the role of individual difference characteristics in leadership ● Describe the difference between the past and current approaches to leadership traits ● Discuss the role demographic characteristics play in leadership ● Identify the impact of values on leadership

    pdf61p sony_12 25-06-2013 104 17   Download

  • 3 functions: 1/ Medium of Exchange—promotes economic efficiency by minimizing the time spent in exchanging goods and services Must be easily standardized Must be widely accepted Must be divisible Must be easy to carry Must not deteriorate quickly 2/ Unit of Account—used to measure value in the economy: we measure the value of goods & services in terms of money. 3/ Store of Value— power - used to save purchasing power; most liquid of all assets (that why we want to keep money) but loses value during inflation ...

    ppt8p sony_12 25-06-2013 91 9   Download

  • World Map Financial Derivatives Financial derivatives are financial instruments that are linked to a specific financial instrument or indicator or commodity, and through which specific financial risks can be traded in financial markets in their own right. Transactions in financial derivatives should be treated as separate transactions rather than as integral parts of the value of underlying transactions to which they may be linked. The value of a financial derivative derives from the price of an underlying item, such as an asset or index.

    pdf336p la_la123 04-04-2013 174 47   Download

  • When we do a benefit-cost analysis, we have to value a range of commodities which are either inputs to or outputs of the project. Some of these commodities are traded (i.e. can be bought or sold on international markets) and some are non-traded (are not bought or sold in international markets but are only traded domestically).

    ppt28p muaxuan102 21-02-2013 71 8   Download

  • The budget deficit equivalent to total government spending tax minus total government spending revenue.If income tax independently, but depend on the net income, The relevance of seaports in the efficient working of an economy cannot be understated since all goods and passengers transported by sea require the use of, at least, two ports. In the majority of countries, most international trade (export/import), and in some cases also large shares of domestic trade, is done through maritime transport.

    ppt9p nhatro75 09-07-2012 69 6   Download

  • Bonds pay fixed coupon (interest) payments at fixed intervals (usually every 6 months) and pay the par value at maturity. Debentures - unsecured bonds. Subordinated debentures - unsecured “junior” debt. Mortgage bonds - secured bonds. Zeros - bonds that pay only par value at maturity; no coupons. Junk bonds - speculative or below-investment grade bonds; rated BB and below. High-yield bonds. Eurobonds - bonds denominated in one currency and sold in another country. (Borrowing overseas). example - suppose Disney decides to sell $1,000 bonds in France. These are U.S.

    ppt54p huynhcongdanh 12-06-2012 116 29   Download

  • Chi phí kiểm soát; chi phí chống (ô nhiễm) Năng lực và thu nhập Khả năng chi trả.

    pdf28p cnkbmt10 24-10-2011 107 32   Download

  • Năm 1982, Kansas City Board of Trade đưa ra thị trường hàm phiếu toàn chế ký sinh vào biểu số giá trị hỗn hợp Value Line (Value Line stock index futures).

    pdf10p phuochau19 22-05-2011 35 3   Download

  • Introducing a produduct uct into the commerce of another country at less than its normal value.

    ppt36p trumps 21-04-2011 95 10   Download

  • Tại sao cần sắp xếp thứ tự ưu tiên yêu cầu: Cần cân bằng các yêu cầu khác nhau để đạt được sự kết hợp tốt nhất (Trade-offs).  Định hướng theo Chi phí –Giá trị (Cost-Value Approach): Sắp xếp các yêu cầu theo tiêu chí Chi phí/Giá trị, Đánh giá quan hệ Chi phí/Giá trị (dùng AHP),  Liệu các đối tác có đồng ý? Hình dung sự chênh lệch khi sắp xếp ưu tiên, Giải quyết bất đồng.

    pdf15p cuong1024 06-01-2011 236 38   Download


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