Working quality model
Although the research direction on NSFD schemes for differential equations have achieved a lot ofresults shown by both quantity and quality of existing research works, real-world situations have always posednew complex problems in both qualitative study and numerical simulation aspects. On the other hand, there aremany differential models that have been established completely in the qualitative aspect but their correspondingdynamically consistent discrete models have not yet been proposed and studied
26p capheviahe29 17-03-2021 27 4 Download
In this paper, staffs of 10 selected tech-start-ups located in Lagos have been surveyed using a questionnaire form. Four hypotheses were developed with a sample data of 300 employees across the different tech-start-ups.
19p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 28 2 Download
Producers of dragon fruit in Vietnam have seen prices for their fruit decline by about 60% since 2000 which can be attributed, in part, to their dependence on local and nearby exports. There are about 10 major exporters in Vietnam but a significant portion of the total production is sourced from many small-holder growers. During the previous dragon fruit GAP project 037/04VIE, growers were evaluated through a benchmarking study to determine the status of the dragon fruit producers against the standards required by high value export markets....
33p xinh_la 05-03-2012 73 9 Download