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Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7 - Unit 1: My hobbies (Skills 1)

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Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7 - Unit 1: My hobbies (Skills 1) được biên soạn với mục tiêu nhằm giúp học sinh làm quen với các từ vựng: (to) carve, eggshell, fragile, unique, piece of art; luyện tập bài đọc về sở thích bất thường của cha Nick và trả lời được các câu hỏi liên quan;... Mời quý thầy cô và các em học sinh cùng tham khảo chi tiết nội dung bài giảng!

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7 - Unit 1: My hobbies (Skills 1)

  2. UNIT 1: MY HOBBIES SKILLS 1 I. Vocabulary - (to) carve : khắc, chạm - eggshell vỏ trứng (n) : - fragile (adj) : dễ vỡ - unique độc đáo (adj) : - piece of art (n) : tác phẩm nghệ thuật
  3. II. Reading 1. What can you see from the pictures? 2. What do you think the objects are made of?Can you guess what hobby it is? 3.
  4. 1. Now, read about Nick’s father unusual hobby and check your answers. My  fathe r  has   an  unus ual  hobby:  carving  e ggs he lls .  As   e ve ryone   knows ,  e ggs he lls   are   ve ry  fragile .  My  dad  can  m ake   be autiful  pie ce s   of  art  from   e m pty  e ggs he lls .  It’s   am az ing! He   s tarte d  the   hobby  five   ye ars   ago  afte r  the   trip  to  the   US   whe re   he   s aw    s om e   carve d  e ggs he lls   in  an  art  galle ry.  My  fathe r  did  not  go  to  clas s   to  le arn  how  to  carve .  He   le arne d  e ve rything from  the  Inte rne t. S om e  pe ople  s ay that this  hobby is  difficult and boring, but it  is n’t. All you ne e d is  tim e . It  m ay  take   two  we e ks   to  com ple te   one   s he ll.  I  find  this   hobby inte re s ting be caus e  carve d e ggs he lls  are  unique  gifts   for fam ily and frie nds . I hope  that in the  future  he ’ll te ach m e   how to do e ggs he lls  carving.
  5. 2. Re ad  the  te xt and  ans w e r the   q ue s tio ns My  fathe r  has   an  unus ual  hobby:  carving  1. Why does Nick think his father’s e ggs he lls . As   e ve ryone   knows ,  e ggs he lls   are   ve ry  hobby is unusual? fragile .  My  dad  can  m ake   be autiful  pie ce s   of  art  from  e m pty e ggs he lls . It’s  am az ing! Because eggshells are fragile and his father can make beautiful pieces of art He  s tarte d the  hobby five  ye ars  ago afte r the  trip to  from empty eggshells. the   US   whe re   he   s aw    s om e   carve d  e ggs he lls   in  an art galle ry. My fathe r did not go to clas s  to le arn  2. Where did Nick’s father see the how  to  carve .  He   le arne d  e ve rything  from   the   carved eggshells for the firs time? Inte rne t. He saw them in an art gallery in the S om e   pe ople   s ay  that  this   hobby  is   difficult  and  USA. boring, but it is n’t. All you ne e d is  tim e . 3. How do some people find this It m ay take  two we e ks  to com ple te  one  s he ll. I find  hobby? They find it difficult and this   hobby  inte re s ting  be caus e   carve d  e ggs he lls   are   unique   gifts   for  fam ily  and  frie nds .  I  hope   that  boring. in  the   future   he ’ll  te ach  m e   how  to  do  e ggs he lls   carving. 4. Does Nick Yes, he like his father’s hobby? does.
  6. 3. Read the sentences below and use no more than three words from the text to My  fathe r  has   an  unus ual  hobby:  carving  complete them. e ggs he lls .  As   e ve ryone   knows ,  e ggs he lls   are  ve ry fragile . My dad can m ake  be autiful  1. Nick’s father enjoys ______________ carving pie ce s   of  art  from   e m pty  e ggs he lls .  It’s   eggshells am az ing! 2. He took up this hobby when he came  He   s tarte d  the   hobby  five   ye ars   ago  afte r  back home from ______ the US the   trip  to  the   US   whe re   he   s aw    s om e   carve d e ggs he lls  in an art galle ry. My fathe r  did not go to clas s  to le arn how to carve . He   3. He learned to carve from ___________ the le arne d e ve rything from  the  Inte rne t. Internet S om e   pe ople   s ay  that  this   hobby  is   difficult  4. Nick thinks you learn to carve if you have  and boring, but it is n’t. All you ne e d is  tim e . _____ time It  m ay  take   two  we e ks   to  com ple te   one   s he ll.  I  find  this   hobby  inte re s ting  be caus e   carve d  e ggs he lls   are   unique   gifts   for  fam ily  5. Carved eggshells can be used as _____  gifts and  frie nds .  I  hope   that  in  the   future   he ’ll  for your family and friends te ach m e  how to do e ggs he lls  carving.
  7. III. Speaking 5. Do you intend to 1. What’s continue your the name hobby in the of your future? hobby? 2. When 4. Is your did you hobby start your useful? 3. Is your hobby? hobby easy or difficult?
  8. My hobby is collecting butterflies. I started it when I was eight years old. I find it quite difficult because it takes me sometimes to catch butterflies. I think it is useful because there are many kinks of beautiful butterflies to discover. And of course, I will take up this hobby in the future.
  9. Homework q Learn new words. q Rewrite 2,3 into your notebooks. q Prepare Looking back.
  10. Goodbye See you again!!!



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