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Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 năm 2023-2024 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ, Hà Nội

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Nội dung Text: Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 năm 2023-2024 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ, Hà Nội

  1. SỞ GD & ĐT HÀ NỘI ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KỲ 2 Trường THPT Phúc Thọ MÔN: TIẾNG ANH - LỚP 11 DISCOVERY Năm học 2023- 2024 A. THEORY - Pronunciation, vocabulary- Unit 6-9 - Language function- speaking Unit 6-9 - Grammar- Unit 6-9 I. MODAL VERBS FOR SPECULATION IN THE PAST/AT PRESENT You can use modal verb structures to speculate things - Must: used when you are sure something is/ was true. - May/ might/ could: used when you think it’s possible sth is or was true. - Can’t/ couldn’t: used when you are sure sth isn’t or wasn’t true. Present: must/ maight/ may/ could/ can’t + V Past: S + must/might/may/could/can’t + have + Vpp Eg: It must be a lion. (Chắc chắn đây là con sư tử) Eg: Yesterday, I saw abig animal. It must have been a lion. Eg: They might have huge arms to lift the blocks of stone. (Có lẽ họ đã sử dụng những cánh tay khổng lồ để nhấc những tảng đá lớn) II. USED TO AND WOULD - You can use USED TO + V or WOULD + V to talk about regualr past actions, past habits that no longer happpen. - USED TO + V: talk about past things and situations that are no longer true (usually with stative verbs: be, have, love…) Eg: Harry used to be a good student. - Don’t use USED TO/ WOULD + V for single past actions. Eg: In 1963, my granddad bought his first car. III. GERUND AS SUBJECT AND OBJECT - Gerunds are forms of verbs ending with -ing that act as nouns. They can act as a subject or an object in a sentence. ● Gerund as subject: Taking care of your own health is very important for an independent life. ● Gerund as object: I find being self-reliant a very difficult thing to do. IV. PERFECT GERUNDS AND PERFECT PARTICIPLES - Perfect gerunds (Having Vpp): talk about events happening before the time of the main verb. Eg: She was ashamed of having spent all of her money before the end of the year. Eg: He denied having broken the window. - Perfect participle (Having Vpp): used to reduce the time clauses or clauses of resaon when actions in these clauses happened and finished before the action of the main verbs. Eg: Having passed the exam, she felt happy. (Because she passed the exam, she felt happy) Eg: Having finished her work, she went home. (After she had finished her work, she went home) V. GIVE ADVICE - It's (high) time + S + Ved/ V2 = It’s (high) time for sb to V - It's (high) time + S + didn’t + Vbare - S + had better (not) + Vbare Eg: It's time we left the party. = It’s time for us to leave the party. Eg: You had better finish your homework before bedtime. VI. TENSES 1. FUTURE PERFECT - Form: will have + past participle. - Meaning: to talk about actions that will finish before a certain time in the future - Signs: by 2025, by the time S + V(s/es) Eg: By 2060, future builders will have used materials mined from older buildings to construct modern buildings. Eg: By the time you are 18, you will have finished your secondary education. 2. FUTURE CONTINUOUS - Form: will (not) + be + Ving. - Meaning: to anticipate ongoing actions in the future or denote an action that will be happing at a specific time in the future. - Signs: at/ by this time next week, at 7 a.m. tomorrow …… Eg: At this time next month, we will be taking the final exam. VII. THE PASSIVE 1. FORM: BE + Vpp - Used when it isn’t important/ you don't know who performed the action.
  2. - Use by + person/ thing when mentioning who/what performed the action. 2. Special passive: - When you arrange somebody to do something for you. (You don’t do it yourself) Active: S + have + O1 (normally persons) +Vbare + O2 (things)  Passive: S + have/ get + O2 (thing) + Vpp + by O1(person). Eg. I had my mother wash my hair yesterday  I had my hair washed (by my mother) yesterday. VIII. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS, EACH OTHER AND ONE ANOTHER IX. BOTH, EITHER, NEITHER, NONE 1. BOTH/ EITHER/ NEITHER: - used to talk about 2 things or 2 people - used with and without OF - Both/ Neither/ Either + N - Both of / neither of / either of + the/ these / my / Tom’s … + Noun Eg: Both of the students/ Both students are hardworking. (Cả 2 bạn HS đều chăm chỉ) Eg: Neither of the students/ Neither student is/ are hardworking. (Cả 2 bạn HS đều không chăm) Eg: We can go to either restaurant. (Chúng ta có thể đến hoặc cái nhà hàng này hoặc nhà hàng kia đều được) - 2. NONE - Nothing or no one abomg more than 2 things/ people - None of the + N Eg: We tried a lot of hotels. None of them had any rooms. All of them were full. X. PHRASAL VERBS WITH GO - walk away from: rời khỏi - set off: khởi hành - carry on: tiếp tục - run out of: hết - put sb up: cho ai ở qua đêm - put sth up: dựng (lều) - turn into: trở thành - break dowm: hỏng, bị hỏng - bring sb up: nuôi dạy ai đó B. EXERCISES PHONECTICS Choose the underlined part which is pronounced differently from the rest 1. A. decisive B. credit C. impulsive D. public 2. A. self-reliant B. develop C. respect D. hygiene 3. A. opportunities B. social C. emotional D. goal 4. A. recreation B. vertical C. monitor D. megacity 5. A. habitat B. infrastructure C. transportation D. atmosphere 6. A. self-reliant B. develop C. hygiene D. respect 7. A. opportunities B. social C. emotional D. goal 8. A. trivival B. livable C. reliant D. decision 9. A. poverty B. comb C. downhill D. emotion 10. A. thermostat B. infrastructure C. transportation D. atmosphere 11. A. megacity B. evade C. estate D. emission 12. A. concrete B. evade C. estate D. emission 13. A. hygiene B. general C. program D. region 14. A. exist B. child C. resident D. liveable
  3. 15. A. cynical B. suspicion C. sociocultural D. concern Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the rest 16. A. suspension B. transport C. continent D. valley 17. A. determined B. emotional C. management D. shampoo 18. A. develop B. decision C. impulsive D. poverty 19. A. emotion B. poverty C. liveable D. habitat 20. A. barefoot B. seatbelt C. downhill D. public 21. A. megacity B. amenity C. emotion D. decisive 22. A. resident B. livable C. emission D. management 23. A. cycle B. suburb C. respect D. barefoot 24. A. exist B. credit C. payment D. toothpaste 25. A. winding B. challenge C. payment D. downhill 26. A. achieve B. concrete C. concern D. uphill 27. A. evade B. control C. cycle D. achieve 28. A. public B. transport C. seatbelt D. exist 29. A. abuse B. welcome C. respect D. exist 30. A. decisive B. habitat C. management D. atmosphere 31. A. financial B. impulsive C. sugary D. decision 32. A. cynical B. reliant C. consider D. amenity 33. A. responsible B. conditioner C. decisive D. payment 34. A. achieve B. consider C. toothbrush D. impulsive 35. A. urban B. suburb C. evade C. dweller VOCABULARY 36. My big sister should be more __________. She doesn’t know how to take care of herself. A. self-reliant B. self-reliance C. decisive D. decisiveness 37. Mum, why do I have to be __________ for the broken dish? It’s not my fault! A. decisive B. managing C. considerable D. responsible 38. Where is your __________? Come on, make up your mind. A. decide B. decision C. decisive D. decisiveness 39. You have to __________ a clear goal if you really want to succeed. A. set B. make C. consider D. achieve 40. Being good at __________, she nearly never wastes her time. A. earning money B. self-development C. time management D. goal setting 41. __________ buying shows poor financial management. A. Decisive B. Financial C. Impulsive D. Responsible 42. Urban farming is an example of _________ that promotes sustainable food production in cities without much human's labour. A. automated technology B. well-developed infrastructure C. high-speed transportation D. green spaces 43. A/An __________ is a densely populated and highly developed urban area A. megacity B. residential area C. recreation centre D. industrial estate 44. The use of __________ can help keep cyclists safe from drivers. A. concrete materials B. automated taxis C. cycle lane D. biodiverse habitats 45. The _____ of public buildings can be utilized for green initiatives such as urban gardens or solar panels. A. roofs B. common lands C. city dwellers D. cemeteries 46. A __________ is an essential feature in a city, providing entertainment for its residents. A. high-speed transportation B. greening C. recreation centre D. well-developed infrastructure 47. The concept of "going green" refers to adopting environmentally friendly practices and using __________. A. mine B. vertical C. sustainable energy D. monitor 48. To ensure safety, passengers must _________ their seatbelts once they get in the car. A. fasten B. fastened C. cross D. forget 49. Many different projects were implemented last year to ensure children’s general __________. A. well-being B. abuse C. poverty D. disadvantage 50. We realized our car tires were flat. Unfortunately, we had to _____ because we _____ from anyone. A. walked on barefoot/got a lift B. walk on barefoot/didn’t got a lift C. walk on barefoot/didn’t get a lift D. didn’t walk on barefoot/get a lift MODAL VERBS FOR SPECULATION IN THE PAST/AT PRESENT 51. I don’t see her on the school bus. She _______ the bus. A. may have miss B. may miss C. must have missed D. must miss 52. The murderer ______ my husband because he was with me the whole day. A. can’t have been B. must have been C. could be D. is 53. We woke up too late this morning. I’m afraid that we ______ the bus. So hurry up before it’s late! A. must miss B. may miss C. could have missed D. can’t miss
  4. 54. Mary______ be in this room. It’s her voice. A. must B. have to C. should D. need 55. The girl in this picture _______ Elinor because she has the same tattoo! I can’t be mistaken! A. can’t be B. must be C. can be D. might be USED TO AND WOULD 56. Going to school _____ so dangerous for children as they had to travel long distances on foot or boat. A. used to B. are C. used to be D. will be 57. In the past, there _____ any suspension bridges and it was difficult to cross the river. A. would be B. didn’t use to be C. used to be D. wouldn’t be 58. I _____ to school by bus. But my dad _____ a car 2 years ago and now he always gives me a ride. A. went/bought B. used to/would C. used to/used to D. used to/bought 59. There _____ a lot of trees but deforestation caused them to disappear. A. was B. used to be C. wouldn’t be D. are 60. Marianne ________ her ankles yesterday. I saw her walking normally this morning! A. must have sprained B. can’t have sprained C. must sprain D. can’t sprain 61. In 1983, we ______ to Hanoi. We _____ in Ho Chi Minh before. A. would move/would live B. used to move/used to live C. moved/used to live D. move/live GIVING ADVICE 62. You have grown up now. It’s high time you __________ more responsible. A. have B. had C. become D. became 63. You ________ take along some cash. The restaurant may not accept credit cards. A. has to B. had better C. can D. could 64. Kids, you had better __________ if you want mum to take you to the park. A. behave B. behaved C. have behaved D. being behaved 65. It’s time for you __________ to sleep - it’s already very late. A. go B. to go C. going D. went 66. It's about time Mrs Richards ______to me for having called me a gossip in front of everybody. A. apologizes B. should apologize C. to apologize D. apologized GERUND AS SUBJECT AND OBJECT, PERFECT GERUNDS AND PERFECT PARTICIPLES 67. __________ all your money on sales days every month is not wise. A. Spend B. Spending C. Having spent D. Spent 68. Yesterday, __________ sick, she had to stay home from school. A. having been B. has been C. being D. was 69. __________ to many places around the world, my teacher knows a lot about different countries. A. Travelling B. Having travelled C. Has travelled D. Travelled 70. I find __________ not really difficult, but a lot of fun! A. bake B. baking C. baked D. having baked 71. I remember ____ advised you to stop hunting endangered animals. A. to have B. having C. have D. had 72. The local authorities were blamed ____ ignored the pollution issues in the area. A. about having B. on having C. for having D. before having 73. ______the responsibility for the environment it caused, the factory was forced to close down. A. Having denied B. Have denied C. To deny D. Denying 74. ______ about the relationship between climate change and the spread of infectious diseases, everyone should get vaccinated. A. Having warned B. Having been warned C. Warning D. Having been warn 75. These companies were accused of ______ a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. A. being released B. Have released C. releasing D. having released 76. ______on the topic of the presentation, he started finding relevant information for it. A. Having decide B. Having deciding C. Having decided D. Having to decide PASSIVE VOICE 77. I will have my computer __________ the next time I go into town. A. fix B. fixed C. fixes D. fixing 78. Last weekend, a large amount of money __________ by the community centre to help needy children. A. was raised B. has been raised C. is raised D. is being raised 79. I will have my computer __________ the next time I go into town. A. have my computer fix B. have fixed my computer C. have my computer fixed D. have my computer fixing 80. He didn't fix his car himself, but he ______ at the garage. A. had it fixed B. had to fix it C. had fixed it D. had it fixing
  5. 81. I am going to do my shopping online and I am ______ to my house. A. having to deliver it B. having it delivered C. delivering it D. having it delivered 82. Are you going to paint the kitchen yourself or are you going to ______? A. have it painted B. paint it C. have it paint D. painting it 83. If you can't see properly, you should ______. A. test your eyes B. have your eyes tested C. have tested your eyes D. have your eyes test 84. People should ______ every six months. A. have their health checked B. have their health check C. have to check their health D. have their health checking 85. She is not making her own wedding dress; she is ______ by a designer in Italy. A. having it made B. having it to make C. having it make D. having it to be made 86. My father couldn't repair the plumb, so he ______ by a plumber. A. had it repair B. had repaired C. had it repaired D. had it to repair PRONOUNS 87. How long did it take her to prepare __________ for the end-of-term test? A. yourself B. himself C. itself D. herself 88. I and my best friend phone __________ almost every day. A. each other B. ourselves C. themselves D. yourselves 89. Mr. Tran is very good at expressing __________ in English. A. itself B. myself C. yourself D. himself 90. What do you and your siblings often talk to __________ about? A. themselves B. ourselves C. yourselves D. one another 91. They can only blame __________ for their sedentary lifestyle. A. yourselves B. ourselves C. themselves D. yourself 92. __________ of the three oppositions candidates would make a better president than the incumbent. A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. None 93. __________ of the options seem appealing to me, but I think the first one is better. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None 94. __________ of my friends, Anh and Phương, have seen that movie yet. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. No TENSES 95. At 6 p.m tomorrow, we _______ dinner. A. will have prepared B. will prepare C. will be preparing D. prepare 96. I am sorry. I can't go to the party tonight. I ______ for an important meeting. A. will have preapred B. will be preparing C. will prepare D. had prepared 97. Don't call me after 9 p.m. tonight as I ______ . A. am sleeping B. will have slept C. will sleep D. will be sleeping 98. This time next week, we ______ our final exam. A. is taking B. will take C. will be taking D. have taken 99. This time next week, I __________ a conference in the city. A. will have been attending B. will be attending C. will have attended D. will attend 100. At nine o'clock, the baby …………. A. will sleep B. will have slept C. is sleeping D. will be sleeping 101. That’s what they always say, but they…………… about it by next year. A. will surely forget B. will surely have forgotten C. will be surely be forgetting D. surely forget 102. I ______ English at 8 a.m. tomorrow. A. will be studying B. will have studied C. will study D. had studied 103. At this time tomorrow, they ______ badminton in the park. A. will be playing B. will have played C. will play D. have played 104. At 9 p.m. tonight, I ______ for my final exam. A. will be preparing B. will have preapred C. will prepare D. am preparing 105. The show ______ at 6 p.m. tomorrow. A. will be started B. will have started C. will be starting D. started 106. At 7 p.m next Sunday, she ______ a concert. A. will attend B. will have attended C. are attending D. will be attending 107. At this time tomorrow, we ………. to New York. A. are flying B. will fly C. will have flown D. will be flying 108. I …… a speech at my friend’s wedding on Friday at seven. A. will have given B. will give C. will be giving D. am giving 109. When you come home, I ...........dinner for you.
  6. A. will be cooking B. will have cook C. will cook D. am cooking 110. They ………………… the dishes by now. A. will be washing B. will wash C. will have washed D. are washing 111. You …………….. this work by the end of the work day. A. won’t finish B. won’t be finishing C. haven’t finished D. won’t have finished 112. The car …………. ready for him by the time he ……………..tomorrow. A. will be/ will come B. will have been/ comes C. will have been/has come D. had been/ came PHRASAL VERBS 113. We ______ luggage ______at the hotel and went sightseeing. A. put/up B. pulled/over C. dropped/off D. broke/down 114. They will always ______the port and steer straight toward the harbour. A. turn up B. head for C. pull over D. bring up 115. My patient is beginning to_______. A. run off B. run out C. put out D. break up 116. Can you ______ me ______ from the airport. A. pull/ over B. put/ up C. pick/up D. bring/ up 117. They decided to ______ a tent in the backyard for the camping trip. A. set up B. turn up C. pick up D. put up 118. An anonymous hacker outside the building ______ the system. A. put up B. broke down C. brought up D. broke up 119. The traffic was ______ for several hours by the accident yesterday. A. held up B. pulled over C. put up D. dropped off 120. The police officer ______ him ______ for changing lanes without signaling. A. held/ up B. pulled/ over C. bought/up D. picked/ up READING Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. COPING WITH TRAFFIC Many large cities around the world have struggled to keep up with the increase in traffic in recent times. Densely populated areas, growing car ownership, as well as narrow roads brought for much lower volumes of traffic all (1) _______ to this. In 1975, Singapore decided to introduce a congestion charge - a (2) _______ paid by drivers entering the most traffic-heavy zones of the city. London introduced a congestion charge in 2003. Public opinion was initially opposed to the idea, (3) _______ people soon became more supportive of the scheme. Despite this, its first decade brought mixed success, and the (4) _______ of cars in the city fell by only 10%. However, the scheme proved massively profitable, (5) _______ allowed the city council to invest in other measures aimed at improving traffic conditions in London. These included cycle lanes, pedestrianized areas and better road surfaces. (Adapted from Oxford Exam Trainer by Helen Weale) Question 1. A. result B. cause C. induce D. contribute Question 2. A. fine B. fee C. pension D. wage Question 3. A. or B. but C. so D. and Question 4. A. number B. amount C. other C. little Question 5. A. that B. whose C. who D. which Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 44 to 50. The next time you're out in a public place, like a park or a restaurant, look around you. What is happening? Some people are surfing the internet on their phones. Others are wearing headphones, listening to music on their MP3 players. That's just the way life is today. We all spend a fair amount of our time connected to technology. Now imagine living in a world without smartphones, tablets or any of the electronic gadgets we take for granted these days. There's no internet and you go to the library and look at a book when you want to find anything out. You play outside with friends in the real world instead of playing online video games in virtual worlds. There are no texts, no DVDs and no email. Welcome to 1986! That's the world the McMillan family from Ontario, Canada, decided to live in for a year. Blair, 27, Morgan, 28, and their two sons Trey and Denton, aged five and three, got rid of their cable TV, smartphones, internet, new games console, digital camera, DVD player and sat nav, and instead used an old TV, a radio, old telephones, a VHS video player, an old games console and maps. They decided to try it after seeing how their young children were becoming dependent on technology. They aren't alone. More and more parents today worry about the effect technology is having on their children, particularly very young children. The McMillans decided to get back to basics to see how things have changed. So how did they find their year without modem technology? ‘I thought Blair was mad when he suggested doing this whole thing,’ says Morgan, but it's made me realise how much time we wasted. We seem much more relaxed now, not checking in on email or Facebook all
  7. the time.’ The McMillans are now back in the present with a different attitude to today's technology. Blair said, ‘I'm not anti-technology. I wanted to taste, and I wanted my kids to taste what it would be like without it, and to see if we could actually do it.” (Adapted from Optimise by Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles) Question 1. Which best serves as the title for the passage? A. A Year without Technology B. The Fresh Era of New Technology C. A Day of Living without Your Phone D. Technology in Times of Change Question 2. According to paragraph 1, people nowadays _______. A. tend to stroll around public parks frequently B. are only keen on reading news on the Internet C. lead an easier life D. are addicted to using technology Question 3. The word ‘fair’ in paragraph 1 mostly means _______. A. limited B. equal C. pretty small D. quite large Question 4. The word ‘dependent’ in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______. A. reliant B. stuck C. pessimistic D. confused Question 5. The word ‘They’ in paragraph 3 refers to _______. A. Electronic gadgets B. The McMillans C. Modem parents D. Young children Question 6. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. Life today is better and healthier than life in the past. B. The McMillan family changed their forms of entertainment in their experiment. C. Trey and Denton were very hooked on modern technology. D. Many parents nowadays share the same concern as the McMillans. Question 7. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. Blair was crazy about a life dominated by modern technology. B. Life with lots of electronic gadgets might make the McMillans quite stressful. C. Morgan attributed the success of her family’s experiment to Blair’s willingness. D. The McMillans returned to the present because they’re fed up the life in 1986. WRITING Rearrange the jumbled sentences to make a meaningful letter 1. A. b-d-c-a-e-f B. b-d-e-a-c-f C. b-e-d-a-f-c D. b-f-e-c-a-d a. I think Chris and Kim are coming, too. We'll have "Pho” and some other special dishes. b. Dear Patricia, c. My parents are giving a house-warming party this Saturday evening, around 6:30 p.m. Would you like to come? d. Guest what! I've just moved to a new house in Tay Ho District. It's beautiful house and it looks over the West Lake and the Water Park. e. Please let me know your answer as soon as possible. This is my address: 150A Au Co Road. f. See you! 2. A. b-c-d-e-a B. b-d-e-a-c C. b-e-d-a-c D. b-e-c-a-d a. Last but not least, I fear that the population growth will also lead to a higher unemployment rate because there is only a certain amount of work but the number of people is increasing. b. I read the newspapers about our Earth in the next 50 years last night and I’m concerned about my city, Hà Nội, in the future. c. I am worried that Hà Nội will not handle all these challenges and the citizens will find it difficult to survive in the future. d. Hà Nội is the second most populous city and the second highest population density in Việt Nam. Therefore, I’m fearful that my city will no longer have space to live and produce. e. Moreover, overpopulation will lead to pollution problems. In fact, Hà Nội is facing air pollution due to the emissions of too many vehicles. I'm worried that this will get worse in the future and people will not have clean air. 3. A. b-c-a-e-d B. b-d-e-a-c C. b-e-a-c-d D. b-e-d-a-c a. The city authorities have built a very careful plan to promote self-driving electric taxis to deal with crowded public transport. b. I received your email last week, in which you asked me about my city New York in 2050. There are different ideas about this question. c. In addition, the city dwellers are encouraged to use city's building roofs for gardens fertilised with compose in order to recycle rubbish and reduce pollution. d. That's all about my answer to your question. I hope you will be satisfied with it, Phong. e. Let's take a look at an optimis viewpoint. In 2050 New York will become a more liveable city than ever before for lots of reasons.
  8. 4. A. b-d-e-a-c B. d-b-e-c-a C. d-e-b-a-c D. b-e-a-c-d a. That's all about my thoughts about your question. I hope you will be satisfied with it, Nga. b. Pessimistic people think that the city life will be a dangerous place to live in because the environment is completely polluted. c. Besides, there are a lot of means of transport so that emissions from them cause air pollution. Our health will be threatened because of low air quality index. d. Your last email asked me about my city Ha Noi in 2050. There are different ideas about this question. e. The effects of global warming have great impacts on the city dwellers, higher temperature in the summer and colder climate in the winter. 5. A. e-a-d-b-c B. e-b-a-c-d C. a-e-c-d-b D. b-d-c-e-a a. Let's take a look at optimis aspects. In 2050 Ha Noi will become a more liveable city for lots of reasons. b. In addition, the city dwellers are encouraged to make use of public transport system to reduce traffic jam. The government will also grow more trees and encourage people to use solar panels. c. That's all about my answer to your question. I hope you will be satisfied with it, Peter. d. The city authorities have built a very careful plan to promote advanced technology to make greener motorbikes to deal with air pollution. e. I received your email last week, in which you asked me about my city Ha Noi in 2050. There are f. different ideas about this question. Read and fill in the blanks with the correct option. Cell phones are causing social problems (1) ______. In public places like libraries and movie theaters, people should only use their phones(2) ______. Many people feel that cell phone use (3) ______in schools. Cell phone advertising focuses on (4) ______ you look and feel. Their companies imply that if you buy their phone, your life (5) _____that of the models in their advertisements. 1. A. because of their popularity B. because their popularity C. because of they are popular D. because of their popular 2. A. to texting message B. texting message C. to text message D. text message 3. A. should be banned B. should ban C. can be banned D. be banned 4. A. how can cell phones make B. how to make cell phones C. how cell phones can make D. how cell phones making 5. A. is like B. would be like C. would like D. will be like ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAMPLE TEST (Time: 60 minutes) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from that of the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1. A. honest B. honour C. ghost D. honey Question 2. A. budget B. humour C. mutual D. duty Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of stress in each of the following questions. Question 3. A. comfort B. hobby C. knowledge D. surprise Question 4. A. attention B. management C. emotion D. relation Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 5. Sarah looked surprised; she _______ received the news about her promotion. A. may have B. could have C. must have D. can’t have Question 6. The old library _______ a quiet place where students often studied. A. was B. used to be C. wouldn’t be D. are Question 7. It’s time you _______ more attention to your health. A. pay B. to pay C. paying D. paid Question 8. _______ all their saving money, they started doing some odd jobs to make ends meet. A. Spend B. Spending C. Having spent D. Spent Question 9. There is just too much work to be done. We’ll have to ______ some new employees. A. get on B. take on C. take off D. get off Read the following advertisement /school announcement and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 10 to 15. Question 10. A. independent B. independently C. dependent D. independence Question 11. A. measurements B. solutions C. products D. developments Question 12. A. with B. by C. for D. into
  9. Being (10)________ is a vital skill for people who want to take more control of their lives and feel like they don't need others to accomplish their goals. Being more independent will give you the freedom to do what you want without caring what others think and it will also lead you to find some original (11)_________ to your problems. You may even feel relief and joy as you grow in independence and start taking your life (12) ________ your own hands. ANNOUNCEMENT OF SCHOOL SPRING CAMPING The School Youth Union would like to announce: • All students (13) ______to be present at 17:00 on February 3, 2024, for a school-wide event. • Each class is tasked with adorning a camping tent, complete with a charming entrance, a bouquet of flowers, and a national flag. Foods and drinks are also expected to be arranged. • Each class needs to (14) ______ one student to participant in the Singing competition. • This camping excursion aims to cultivate teamwork, a deeper connection with your classmates, and create lasting memories. Our experienced teachers and police will oversee safety and supervision, ensuring a secure and delightful experience for all student. • (15) ______you have any questions, please contact your form teacher. Question 13. A. is required B. requiring C. requires D. are required Question 14. A. activate B. clarify C. nominate D. illustrate Question 15. A. Do B. Had C. Should D. Were Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph/ letter in each of the fallowing questions. Question 16 a. Despite the challenges of managing expenses and household chores, I've found that the benefits of living independently outweigh the initial concerns. b. Initially, there were concerns about whether my parents would approve of my decision to move out. c. Moreover, independent living has granted me personal space and freedom to make my own decisions, manage my time, and nurture a healthy work-life balance. d. Moving out and living independently has been an eye-opening experience for me. e. The primary motivation behind my move was to reduce commuting time to work, which has significantly improved since relocating. A. b-e-d-c-a B. d -a-c-b-e C. e-a-b-d-c D. d-e-a-c-b Question 17 a. I believe sharing this experience with you would make it even more memorable. How about planning a trip to Trang An together? b. Looking forward to your response and hoping we can make this trip to happen! Warm regards, c. Firstly, the scenic beauty and historical significance of this place are beyond words, and I can't help but feel that it's something we shouldn't miss out on. d. Besides, the limestone karsts, serene rivers, and ancient caves create a terrific atmosphere. We can take a lot of photos there. There are the fascinating boat tours through the limestone caves, exploring ancient temples, and immersing oneself in the natural wonders. e. Dear Jack, I hope this letter finds you well! I would like to invite you to join us in a trip to Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex. A. e-c-d-a-b B. a-b-d-c-e C. d-e-a-c-b D. e-d-a-b-c Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 18 to 23. To lead an independent life, certain skills are indispensable. Firstly, (18) ______ allows individuals to control their expenses wisely, ensuring financial stability and security. This skill is crucial as it enables people to budget effectively
  10. and (19) ______ unnecessary debt. Secondly, cooking skill is essential for (20) ________. Without this skill, individuals may struggle to make nutritious food choices and (21) ______ unhealthy habits. Furthermore, time management skills are paramount for balancing work, personal life, and leisure activities. Those who (22) ______ prioritize their time effectively are better equipped to achieve their goals and aspirations. Lastly, effective problem- solving skills are necessary for overcoming obstacles and navigating life's challenges independently. Individuals who (23) ______ these skills are more resilient and adaptable in the face of adversity. In summary, equipping with these skills is essential for individuals to cultivate these skills to lead a fulfilling and independent life. Question 18. A. Managing finances B. It is managing finances C. Having managed finances D. Manage finances Question 19. A. avoiding B. avoid C. avoids D. avoided Question 20. A. maintaining a healthy lifestyle B. maintaining a health lifestyle C. maintaining a lifestyle healthy D. maintaining healthy lifestyle Question 21. A. develop B. develops C. developing D. developed Question 22. A. are able to B. able to C. being able to D. have been able to Question 23. A. possess B. possessing C. possessive D. are possessing Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 24 to 28. Travelling can be an expensive hobby but it also is compensates the (24)______ loss with all benefit. As a hobby, travelling keeps us busy during leisure time; it is the best method to use time. Till a person breaks from dull routine, physically and mentally; one cannot find satisfaction. Travelling helps us to achieve this break. At a new place, one is curious to know (25)_____ eager to gather all the unknown information about the place which he has neither read nor heard before he gets thrills and surprises (26) ________keep the interest and enthusiasm alive and encourages us to keep our journey on. While travelling, one comes across (27) _______ people from varied backgrounds and places. By interacting with them, he comes to know about their heritages also. In case one has psychological bent of mind, one increases one’s (28)________ and power to understand others. Understanding human nature is, perhaps, the best part of education. Travelling satisfies all demands of a good hobby – it is absorbing education and refreshment to the mind, body and soul. Question 24. A. financeable B. financial C. finance D. financially Question 25. A. yet B. but C. or D. and Question 26. A. when B. which C. who D. where Question 27. A. all of B. a number of amount of D. a variety of Question 28. A. hobby B. impression C. experience D. interest Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet Living on my own When I tell people about the idea of moving out, many people's reaction is like, “what do your parents say?” because they assume parents would not like their children to leave them. I don't know if my parents like it, but they always support and respect my decisions. They think it is good for me to try and live on my own and then I would know it is the best to stay with my family. The most important reason for independent living is to save the travelling time to work. It used to take me one hour fifteen minutes to travel to work from my previous living place. From my new apartment, it just takes me thirty minutes, so I saved forty-five minutes' travelling time. I don't have to get up early, and I save two thirds of my traveling cost. In addition, I gain my personal space and freedom by independent living. I make my own decisions; I don't have to say whether I would go home for dinner; I can invite my friends to come and stay late. Money is the main issue in living on your own. You have to be responsible for all the expenses. Therefore, you've got to be well prepared and save up for your bills. Although I find my transportation time much shorter, the saved time is spent on other things, such as cooking and other household chores. Preparing and cooking the food do occupy a significant portion of my time, therefore I always try to make simple meals. Moreover, I have to regularly tidy up my apartment and wash my clothes, so it doesn't really save much of my time after all. Now I'm getting used to my new life, and I'm enjoying it. I feel that moving out makes it easier for me to strike a balance between my work, my social life, my study and my family. It may be troublesome, but it may be worth it. (Adapted from Question 29. What is the main idea of the passage? A. The author's parents do not support their decision to move out. B. Independent living primarily saves time and money on transportation. C. The author finds that living independently provides personal space and freedom. D. Moving out does not significantly impact the author's balance between work, social life, study, and family. Question 30. What can the writer gain by independent living? A. His personal space and freedom B. His money C. His decisions D. His transportation Question 31. The word “strike” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to_______ A. reach B. upset C. destroy D. consider
  11. Question 32. The word “it” in paragraph 4 refers to _________ A. enjoying life B. moving out C. my work D. my social life Question 33. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Moving out doesn’t help his travelling to work more convenient B. Many people assume parents would not like their children to leave them C. His parents support and respect his decision D. It used to take him one hour fifteen minutes to travel to work from his living place. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 34 to 40. The age at which teenagers should become independent is a topic of debate and can vary depending on cultural norms and individual circumstances. While there is no set age that universally marks the transition to independence, it is generally recognized that the teenage years are a crucial period for developing autonomy and taking on increasing responsibility. During adolescence, teenagers undergo significant physical, emotional, and cognitive changes. They begin to form their own identities, explore their interests, and develop a sense of self. This period provides an opportunity for teenagers to gradually take on more independence and learn essential life skills that will prepare them for adulthood. However, it is important to note that independence should be a gradual process and not something expected to happen overnight. Teenagers still require guidance, support, and supervision from parents, caregivers, and trusted adults. The transition to independence should be based on individual maturity, readiness, and the ability to handle increasing responsibilities. Factors such as cultural expectations, family dynamics, and the level of trust and communication within the family also play a role in determining when teenagers should become more independent. Open and honest communication between parents and teenagers is crucial in navigating this transition, as it allows for discussions about expectations, boundaries, and the gradual relinquishing of parental control. It is important to recognize that the journey towards independence is not solely determined by age, but also by the readiness and capabilities of the teenager. Some teenagers may display greater maturity and responsibility at an earlier age, while others may require more time and support to develop these skills. Parental guidance and assessment of the teenager’s readiness are vital in determining when they should gradually assume more independence. It is essential to strike a balance between fostering independence and ensuring the teenager’s well-being and safety. By providing opportunities for growth, encouraging responsible decision-making, and maintaining a supportive environment, parents can help teenagers navigate the path to independence at a pace that suits their individual development. (Adapted from The Forbes) 34. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? A. The Importance of Independence in Teenagers B. Determining the Age of Independence for Teenagers C. The Transition to Independence in Adolescence D. Cultivating Autonomy and Responsibility in Teenagers 35. According to the passage, the following factors should be considered when determining the transition to independence for teenagers EXCEPT _______. A. Their physical and emotional changes during adolescence. B. Cultural norms and individual circumstances. C. The level of trust and communication within the family. D. Financial ability to pay for life on their own. 36. The word "universally" in paragraph 1 is OPPOSITE in meaning to _______. A. locally B. normally C. ultimately D. exclusively 37. The word "undergo" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______. A. experience B. sustain C. witness D. preview 38. The word "it" in paragraph 2 refers to _______. A. transition B. adolescence C. parental control D. open and honest communication 39. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Independence should be a gradual process for every teenager. B. Teenagers do not need guidance and support from adults to become independent themselves. C. Factors such as cultural expectations and family dynamics influence the transition to independence. D. Honest talk between parents and teenagers is crucial during the transition to independence. 40. Parents can help teenagers navigate the path to independence by ______. A. providing opportunities for growth B. encouraging responsible decision-making C. maintaining a supportive environment D. All are correct ----- GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL -----



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