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Đề thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 năm 2022-2023 - Trường THPT Võ Chí Công, Quảng Nam

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 năm 2022-2023 - Trường THPT Võ Chí Công, Quảng Nam

  1. SỞ GD & ĐT QUẢNG NAM KIỂM TRA CUỐI HỌC KỲ II TRƯỜNG THPT VÕ CHÍ CÔNG NĂM HỌC2022 - 2023 MÔNTIẾNG ANH - LỚP 11 ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài : 45Phút; (Không kể thời gian (Đề gồm có 3 trang) giao đề) Họ tên : ................................................ Lớp : ................... MULTIPLECHOICETEST (5points) Listen to the dialogue about Tuan’s hobby and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to each of the following questions. You will hear it twice. Question 1. When did the student start his hobby? A. When he was 3 years old B. When he was young C. In 2000 D. Two years ago Question 2.What kind of books did he always want his parents to read to him at that time? A. Comic books B. Science fiction books C. Fairy tales D. Novel Question 3. How did his parents feel when they had to read to him continually? A. Happy B. Excited C. Bored D. Fascinated Question 4. How can the boy avoid a disease? A. By watching TV B. By reading about it in a book C. By walking in the jungle D. By studying hard MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatethewordwhoseunderlinedpartdiffersfromthe otherthreeinpronunciationineachof thefollowingquestions. Question5:Aschooling B.schappe C.skim D.skull Question6:A.slave B.sleeping C.slim D.island ReadthefollowingpassageandmarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatethecorrect wordorphrasethatbestfitseachofthenumberedblanks. The Asian Games take place every four years. The spirit of the Asian Games has been builtupoveralongperiodoftime,spreadingthemessagesofunity,(7) _______,andfriendshipthroughcompetitivesports.Ithelpstoestablishtherelationshipsamongindividual (8) _______, coaches, trainers, officials, volunteers andspectators who cometogetherfrommany differentbackgrounds and cultures. Just 11 countries and regions with 489 athletes participated in the 1stAsianGamesinNewDelhiin1951,withonlysixsports.The15thAsianGamestookplace(9) _______ December 1st to December 15th,2006, in Doha, the capital of Qatar. More than10,000athletes,who(10) _______45countriesandregions,tookpartin39sportsand424eventsofthegames.Someneweventssuchas chess andtriathlonwerealso includedintheGames. Question7:A.warmth B.warm C.warmly D.warmer Question8:A.viewers B.audiences D.athletes B.on C.from D. at Question10:A.consisted B.represented C.played D.attended Markthe letterA,B,CorDonyouranswersheettoindicatethewordCLOSESTinmeaningtotheunderlinedwordint hefollowingquestion. Question11:Solar energyisnotonlyplentifulandinfinitebutalsocleanandsafe.
  2. A.unlimited B.sufficient C.countable D.inflexible Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of thefollowing questions. Question12:How many countries _________ part in the last Olympic Games? A. made B. took C.joined D. got Question13:Mr.Dan, _________ isnowteachingusEnglish, haswrittenseveralbooks. A.whom B.which C.that D.who Question14:Thelastperson _________ theroommustturnoffthelight. A.leave B. to leave C.leaving D.leaves Question 15:Isthisthearticleabout _________ youaretalking? A.which B.that C.whose D.who Question 16:Youneedauniversitydegreeto be_________ intoday’sjob market. A.competitively B.compete C.competitive D.competition Question 17:That’sthehouse _________. A.Iusedtolivein it B.whoIusedtoliveinit C.whomIusedtolive init D.Iusedtolivein Question 18:Humanbeingsareaddingmoreandmorepollutants _________ theenvironment. A.from B.for D.on Question 19:ItwasMr.Harding _________ wassentthebillbymysecretaryyesterday. A.who B.whom C.which D.whose Question20:The year _________ we came to live here was 1975 A. where B. when C. that D. which MarktheletterA,B,CorDonyouranswersheettoindicatethemostsuitableresponseorquestiontocomple teeachofthefollowingexchanges. Question 21:JohnandMaryaretalkingabouttheir hobbies. -John:“Whichdoyouprefer, collecting stamps orkeepingfish?” -Mary:“_ .” A.Yes,Ilikethem B.Both.Theyareuseless C.Yes.Collecting stamps ispopular D.Neither. Ilike readingbooks ReadthefollowingpassageandmarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatethecorrectans wertoeachofthequestions. Today, wild animals and the wild places where they live are seriously threatened almosteverywhere. One species has become extinct in each year of this century. But many hundreds arenow in danger. The speed of the extinction of species has been faster than ever before. Hunting isno longer the major cause of mass extinction, although rare birds and animals continue to bebutcheredfor their skin, feathers, tusks, and internal organs, or taken as savage pets. The mainreason ofthe extinction comes from the destruction of the natural habitat where wild plants,animals, and insects need to survive. As a result,many species of animals, birds and even insectsare at risk of disappearing from the Earth. The draining and damming of wetland and river coursesthreatens the aquatic food chain and our own seafood industry. Overfishing and the destruction offragile coral reefs destroy ocean biodiversity. Deforestation has caused serious damage of naturalhabitatwhichanimalsrelyontosurvive,particularlyinthetropicswhichthemostglobalbiodiversity is at stake in. The immense tropical forests that are known as the lungs of the earth arebeing destroyed by human activities such as building hydroelectric dams across rivers, agriculturalcultivation,...ect,suchspeciesdisappearforever. Question22: Whichisnolongerconsidereda majorcause ofthemassextinction?
  3. A.Thebuildingof damsacrossrivers B.Thedestruction ofhabitatsofspecies C.Thedestructionoftropicalrainforests D. Thekillingofanimalsfortheirbodyparts Question23:Thewordbutcheredinline5isclosestinmeaningto _______. A.killed B.fed C.cooked D.raised Question24:All ofthefollowingarementionedasaformofhabitatdestructionEXCEPT _______. A.destroyingcoralreefs B.cutting downforests C.dammingwetlandsandrivers D.hunting rarebirdsandanimals Question 25:The passage mainlydiscusses_______. A. humanactivities andtheirimpactonspeciesofanimals B. theways inwhichspeciesdisappear C. the massextinctionofspeciestoday D. deforestationasamajorcauseofmassextinctionsof species WRITINGTEST(3 points) Combinethetwosentences asdirectedinbrackets.Writeyouranswersonyouranswersheet. Question 26:TheTownHallwas spaciousand modern.Ifirstmet mywifeinit.(use:where) Question27:The experimentwas successful.HeconducteditatDaNangUniversity. (beginwithTheexperimenthe ) Finisheachofthefollowingsentencesinsuchawaythatitmeansthesameastheoneprintedbeforeit.Writ eyouranswersonyour answersheet. Question28:Mysister wasthe onlypersonthatwasinvitedtotheparty. Theonlyperson to _______________________________________________________________ Question29:The 14thAsianGamestookplaceinBusan,Korea. Itwasin Busan,Korea___________________________________________________________ Question30:The apartmentoverlookingtheparkis moreexpensivethanthisone. Theapartmentwhich____________________________________________________________ ---HẾT---



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