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Đề thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 năm 2023-2024 có đáp án - Trường THPT Ngô Gia Tự, Phú Yên

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 năm 2023-2024 có đáp án - Trường THPT Ngô Gia Tự, Phú Yên

  1. TRƯỜNG THPT NGÔ GIA TỰ ĐỀ KIỂM TRA TẬP TRUNG CUỐI KỲ 2 NĂM HỌC 2023 – 2024 TỔ: TIẾNG ANH Môn: Tiếng Anh – Khối 11 (Đề thi có 03 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút ( không tính thời gian phát đề) Họ và tên: ………………………………… SBD: …………….. Lớp: ………… Mã đề: 201 Part 1: Listen to the recording and decide if the statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). You can listen to the recording twice .(1 point) Question 1: Amber felt like there was no one she could trust at school. A. True B. False Question 2: Amber told her mother about being called “fat” at school. A. True B. False Question 3: Amber finally could open up with someone at school. A. True B. False Question 4: Words cannot badly affect how someone thinks of themselves. A. True B. False Part 2: Listen to a talk and choose the correct answers A, B, C, or D. You will hear the recording twice. (1 point) Question 5 : Which of the following is NOT a course mentioned by the receptionist at ABC Vocational School? A. Tour guide training B. Hotel and restaurant management C. Cooking D. Computer programming Question 6 : How long does it take to complete the professional cooking courses at ABC Vocational School? A. One year B. Six months C. Two to three months D. Two years Question 7: What opportunity does ABC Vocational School offer once a student joins a course? A. Job placement assistance B. Access to exclusive culinary events C. Opportunity to work as an apprentice in a real restaurant D. Free cooking supplies Question 8 : What does the receptionist suggest Lan take before discussing his plans with his parents? A. Application form B. School brochure C. Course catalog D. School newsletter Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. (0.5 point) Question 9: A. pressure B. campaign C. parents D. problem Question 10: A. generation B. diversity C. environment D. community Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. (1,5 points) Question 11: The guest on our show is the youngest golfer ________the Open. A. winning B. to win C. won D. being won Question 12: There are things that humans can do to protect and restore the earth's ecosystems. A. vary B. variously C. various D. variety Question 13: A lot of people want to live and work in urban areas. ________, these areas become overpopulated. A. By contrast B. In addition C. Because D. As a result Question 14: I managed to convince them that I'm responsible when I’m out and about. A. differ B. persuade C. encourage D. contact Question 15: The overuse of may lead to loss of biodiversity. A. climate change B. conservation C. natural resources D. national park Trang 1/ Mã đề 201
  2. Question 16: In many cases, peer pressure can depression, low self-confidence, distance from family and poor school performance. A. lead to B. take up C. look up D. go off Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. (1 point) In the past hundred years, biodiversity around the world has decreased dramatically. Many species have gone extinct. Extinction is a natural process; some species naturally die out while new species evolve. But human activity has changed the natural processes of extinction and evolution. Scientists estimate that they are dying out at hundreds of times the natural rate. A major reason for the loss of biodiversity is that natural habitats are being destroyed. The fields, forests, and wetlands where wild plants and animals live are disappearing. Land is cleared to plant crops or build houses and factories. Forests are cut for lumber and firewood. Between 1990 and 2005, the amount of forested land in Honduras, for instance, dropped 37 percent.As habitats shrink, fewer individuals can live there. The creatures that survive have fewer breeding partners, so genetic diversity declines. Pollution, overfishing, and overhunting have also caused a drop in biodiversity. Global climate change – the latest rise in the average temperature around the globe, linked to human activity - is also a factor. Warmer ocean temperatures damage fragile ecosystems such as coral reefs. A single coral reef can shelter 3,000 species offish and other sea creatures such as clams and sea stars. Source: Question 17: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Extinction is a natural process that occurs over time. B. Climate change does not have any effects on marine animals. C. Land is cleared to build houses and factories. D. Pollution and overfishing have contributed to declining biodiversity. Question 18: The word “shrink” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _________. A. decrease B. expand C. describe D. manage Question 19: What is the main reason for the loss of biodiversity mentioned in the passage? A. natural processes of extinction and evolution. B. pollution, overfishing, and overhunting. C. global climate change. D. destruction of natural habitats. Question 20 : The word “they” in paragraph 1 refers to _________. A. scientists B. processes C. species D. habitats Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. (1 point) Social media issues It is hard to imagine a Gen Z teenager growing up without smartphones and social media. (21) __________, while these sites provide entertainment and ways to connect with people, they can also harm young people. One of the risks is cyberbullying, especially body shaming. Social media users often hide their identities online, so it is easier for them to post offensive comments or images. Social media can also make teens feel less (22) _______. As images of paper-thin models and glamorous ‘influencers’ with expensive cars and clothes are everywhere, teenagers start thinking that being slim and (23) __________ is the only way to be accepted in society and become successful. In addition, there is a risk that they meet bad people online, as well as come across harmful content. Parents can’t ban teenagers from social networks because it is actually impossible to do so. Instead, young people should learn how to stay safe online. Parents and teachers play an essential role here as knowing how their children and students use the Internet is essential for (24) __________ them online. Question 21 : A. However B. Besides C. Therefore D. Then Trang 2/ Mã đề 201
  3. Question 22 : A. confidence B. confident C. confidently D. inconfidently Question 23 : A. healthy B. generous C. rich D. clever Question 24 : A. encouraging B. promoting C. preserving D. protecting Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. (0.75 point) Question 25: Because of my teacher liked my idea so much, I decided to submit it to the ideas competition. A. Because of B. so much C. to submit D. competition Question 26: Spreading lies about others on the Internet is an example of cyberbully. A. Spreading B. about C. on D. cyberbully Question 27: I remembered having visit the historic site, but I didn’t remember exactly the time. A. having visit B. historic C. didn’t D. exactly Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. (0,5 point) Question 28: Because the government has strict environmental conservation laws, many rich ecosystems are protected. A. Many rich ecosystems are protected. In addition, the government has strict environmental conservation laws. B. The government has strict environmental conservation laws. As a result, many rich ecosystems are protected. C. The government has strict environmental conservation laws. However, many rich ecosystems are not protected. D. The government has strict environmental conservation laws. Moreover, many rich ecosystems are protected. Question 29: The fishing cats are on the list of endangered species. People hunt too many of them. A. The fishing cats are on the list of endangered species; otherwise, people hunt too many of them. B. The fishing cats are on the list of endangered species since people hunt too many of them. C. The fishing cats are on the list of endangered species; by contrast, people hunt too many of them. D. The fishing cats are on the list of endangered species; therefore, people hunt too many of them. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest inmeaning to each of the following questions. (0.75 point) Question 30: In spite of his suffering from a bad cold, William went to school. A. Although William suffers from a bad cold, he went to school. B. William went to school; he suffered from a bad cold although. C. William went to school although he is suffering from a bad cold. D. Although William suffered from a bad cold, he went to school. Question 31: Her plan for an awareness campaign is very interesting, but it will be difficult to carry out. A. Because her plan for an awareness campaign is very interesting, it will be difficult to carry out. B. Her plan for an awareness campaign is very interesting. Moreover, it will be difficult to carry out. C. Her plan for an awareness campaign is very interesting. However, it will be difficult to carry out. D. We won’t carry out her interesting awareness campaign because it will be difficult to carry out. Question 32: Her parents always teach her how to make action plans for every task. A. It's her parents who always teach her how to make action plans for every task. B. It's her which her parents always teach how to make action plans for every task. C. It's how to make action plans for every task which her parents always teach her. D. It’s every task which her parents always teach her how to make action plans for -- THE END --- Trang 3/ Mã đề 201
  4. ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ KIỂM TRA CUỐI HỌC KÌ 2 – ANH 11 - NĂM HỌC 2023 - 2024 Mã đề 201 Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Answer A B A B D D C B B A B C D B C A Question 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Answer B A D C A B C D A D A B B D C A Trang 4/ Mã đề 201



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