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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 12 unit 7: Economic reforms

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Thông qua nội dung bài Economic reforms, học sinh có thể đọc và đoán ý nghĩa của từ trong ngữ cảnh, trả lời các câu hỏi về các văn bản, tìm hiểu về những thay đổi mang lại của cải trong cải cách kinh tế, được phổ biến kiến ​​thức về giáo dục, y tế, nông nghiệp. Hy vọng rằng bộ sưu tập Tiếng Anh lớp 12 unit 7 sẽ là tài liệu hữu ích cho các bạn.

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 12 unit 7: Economic reforms



A. AIMS: To help students

  • To help students gain some knowledge about economic reforms in Vietnam.
  • To help students improve their reading skills: scanning and skimming, guessing the meaning of words in context.
  • Students learn words and phrases in terms of economics and policies.


  • English textbook for students
  • English textbook for teachers
  • Pictures
  1. Methods : Communicative approach and leaner- centered approach.

1.Class organization:


Teaching date























2.Checking up: Checking during the new lesson.

3.New lesson:

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

I. Warm-up:

Aims: To introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest.

- Tell the class the the differences between schools (hospitals, houses) now and the past ten years.

-  How do farmers transport their farming products now and how did they do ten years ago?

- What make all of these changes?

II. Before you read :

- Ask students (to work in pairs) to open their books, look at the pictures, and do the tasks that follow.

1. What can you see in the picture?

2. Do you think that the people in this picture lead a rich or poor life?

3. What, in your opinion, should be done to improve the situation?

- Ask them to work in 3 minutes, meanwhile the teacher moves round to help if necessary.

 - Ask some pairs to report .

 - Give some remark if necessary

III. While you read :

- Ask students to look through the passage and read in silence

- Help students read the passage

- Explain pronunciation and meaning of new words which appear in the passage

Task 1 :

- Ask students to read through the text once to find out some new words, guess the main idea.

- Explain new words (give the Vietnamese equivalents), guide the sts to get the main contents of the reading text.

- Ask students to work individually in 3 minutes to do this task.

- Guide students to read through the passage , then focus on only the sentences surrounding the suggested words to do the task effectively.

- Give students some more words that may be new/ unfamiliar to them.

- Guide the students to read the word in chorus and individually.




Task 2:

- Ask students to read the passage again and choose whether the statements given are true (T) or false (F).

- Ask them to work individually to do the task and give the evidence to prove the keys.

- Move round to make sure that all students are working and to help them if necessary.

- Ask some students to report  and give feedback.

Task 3:

- Ask students to read the passage again then work in pairs to ask and answer the suggested questions.

- Walk round the class to give help if necessary.












- Give suggested words, phrases or useful suggestions.


- Correct the students’ work.






IV. After you read :

- Ask students to work in group to scan the text again.

- Ask them to work in  small groups of three or four to talk about the text based on the suggested points.

- Encourage them to use their own words.

- Ask one or two pairs to report.


V. Home work:

 - Write a passage to say what changes you’ve seen in your village since the year 1986. compare to the past.



-   Now: beautiful buildings, good facilities,..

past: ….

Now: tractors, motorbikes, …

Past: Human’s force or animal’s force.

-    the development of economic.




- A village, farmers, a buffalo, some huts,…

- A poor village, of course the farmers lead a poor life.

- Build a new road, change the cultivation methods, …





- Listen to the teacher then read the passages

- Ask some new words if necessary



- Read through the text find the new words, try to guess the meanings of those words in contexts:

+ National Congresses: Đại hội toàn quốc

+ Renovation (n): đổi mới

+ Under-developed (pp):áchậm phát triển

+ Inflation (n): lạm phát

+ Stagnant (adj): trì trệ

+ Government subsidies (n): sự bao cấp của

         chính phủ

+ Government commitment (n): cam kết của

           chính phủ

+ Dissolve (v): tan rã

+ Substantial (adj): lớn lao, đáng kể

- Get the meaning of some more words:

+ Eliminate (v):….

+ Intervention (n):…..

+ Vietnamese Communist Party

+ Measure (n):……

+ Promote (v):…..

+ Economic reforms (n):…..

+ Land Law

+ Enterprises Law


- Work individually to read the text then choose whether the statements given are true (T) or false (F).

- Share the key with other Ss.

1. F        2. F         3. T         4. F         5. T

- Find in the text the evidence to prove the keys.


- Do the task in pairs:

A: When and by whom was …?

B: in 1986 by the Vietnamese Communist Party

A: What was the aim…?

B: to restructure the economy of Vietnam, to

    Raise the living standard of the people.

A: Name the renovation measures…?

B: eliminated government subsidies. shifted economic priority…..of export. reduced state intervention in business. open trade relation…..the world.

    encourage foreign……investment.

A: How has Vietnam changed…?

B: productivity and agricultural export. farmers have enjoyed. workers have worked harder. children, especially from, training.

A: What do we believe?

B: We believe that with the …..

VN before DM: economy under - developed country and poor people – production stagnant – shortage of schools, hospitals – inflation.

Renovation measures:

eliminated government subsidies - shifted economic priority…of export -  reduced state intervention in business -   open trade relation…the world -  encourage foreign……investment.

VN since DM: productivity and agricultural export -farmers have enjoyed…workers have worked harder.  children, especially from …, … training.


- Listen to the teacher

- Write down the homework to do at home.




  • Students can ask and answer about some World Cup
  • Students learn more words and phrases in term of music.


  • English textbook for students
  • English textbook for teachers

Methods : Communicative approach and leaner- centered approach.




A. Aims

  • Students can improve their listening skill: they can catch detail information from the passage.
  • Students can summarize the passage.

B. Aids

  • English textbook for students
  • English textbook for teachers
  • Tapes and cassette
  • Handouts 




       A. AIMS:

          1. Pronunciation:

  • Students can pronounce correctly the sounds /s/ and /z/ and words pronounced with /s/ and /z/.

 2. Grammar:

  • Students know how to use “to infinitive” to talk about purposes.
  • Students revise information questions.
  • Students practice using past tense to talk about people’ autobiography.


  • English textbook for students
  • English textbook for teachers
  • Pictures

     C. Methods : Communicative approach and leaner- centered approach.

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

I. warm up:

- Introduce the lesson to the students.

Auxiliary often has the strong form when it is used in short answers, and it has the weak form when it is used in questions.

- Read the auxiliaries both strong and weak forms for students to recognize the difference

- Read the second time for the students to repeat.

- Ask 2-3 students to repeat, correct their mispronounce.

II. Pronunciation:

- Explain the way to use strong form (emphasis, positive, stressed cases ), weak form (interrogative, unstressed cases)

- Help students to know the pronunciation.

- Practice:

A: Can you speak English?

B: Yes, I can.

A: Must we go now?

B: I think we must.

A: Have you met Quang?

B: Yes, I have

A: Has she gone?

B: Yes, she has.

A: Shall we go now?

B: I think we ought to.

A: Will you come tomorrow?

B: Yes, I will.

A: Do you really have time for it?

B: Yes, I do.

III. Grammar and vocabulary:

- Ask students to do Exercise  

complete the sentences, use “although” + a sentence from the box.

- Read the example to illustrate.

- Go around to supervise them

- Ask students to discuss the answers in pairs.

- Call some students to give their answers. If students’ answers are right, repeat them, if not, give the right answers

- Explain once again the “Clause of concession”.


Although        S + V,  S + V

Even though

Guide the students how to do the exercises.

Divide the class into groups, ask them to do the exercises.

-     Walk round to give help if necessary.

 Correct the students’ work if necessary.








IV. Homework:

 - Ask students to revise the strong form and weak form of auxiliaries, the use of clause of concession, redo all the exercises and prepare unit 8 at home.


- Listen to the teacher.




- Read the sound



- Get the teacher’s explanation.

Can /kæn/ (str)              /kən/ (w)

Could /kud/

Must /mLst/ (str)           /məst/ (w)

Have /hæv/

Has /hæs/

Do /du/

Does /dLz/

Is /iz/

Am / æ m/

Will /wil/

Shall /∫æl/

- Practice reading in chorus or individually.








- Discuss the answers in pairs

- Give the answers



1. Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our vacation.

2. Although we had planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong.

3. Even though/ Although the doctor has advised him to quit, Bob (still)….

4. Although it was cold and rainy, we managed to go to class in time.

5. Although Luong has studied English only for six months, he can …….

6. I didn’t go to bed early although I was …

Exercise 2:

1. Although I was very tired

2. Although I had never seen her before

3. although it was pretty cold

4. although we don’t like them very much

5. Although I didn’t speak the language

6. Although the heat was on

7. although I’d met her twice before

8. although we have known ……..

Exercise 3:

1. we forget many things

2. they were very happy

3. he could speak/ read the language…

4. Although he had revised everything…

5. it is pretty cold/ there hasn’t been…

- Listen to the teacher and write down homework to do at home


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