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Luận văn Thạc sĩ Khoa học Lâm nghiệp: Đánh giá sinh trưởng các giống bạch đàn lai tại một số tỉnh miền Bắc và Bắc Trung Bộ

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Mục tiêu của đề tài là đánh giá sinh trưởng các giống bạch đàn lai nhằm tìm hiểu mức độ tương quan giữa đường kính và chiều cao qua các thời kỳ sinh trưởng ở những điều kiện lập địa khác nhau. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

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Nội dung Text: Luận văn Thạc sĩ Khoa học Lâm nghiệp: Đánh giá sinh trưởng các giống bạch đàn lai tại một số tỉnh miền Bắc và Bắc Trung Bộ

  1. bé gi¸o dôc ®µo t¹o bé n«ng nghiÖp vµ ptnt Tr­êng ®¹i häc l©m nghiÖp nguyÔn thÞ thanh nga "®¸nh gi¸ sinh tr­ëng c¸c gièng b¹ch ®µn lai t¹i mét sè tØnh miÒn b¾c vµ b¾c trung bé" luËn v¨n th¹c sü khoa häc l©m nghiÖp hµ t©y – 2007
  2. bé gi¸o dôc ®µo t¹o bé n«ng nghiÖp vµ ptnt Tr­êng ®¹i häc l©m nghiÖp nguyÔn thÞ thanh nga "®¸nh gi¸ sinh tr­ëng c¸c gièng b¹ch ®µn lai t¹i mét sè tØnh miÒn b¾c vµ b¾c trung bé" chuyªn ngµnh: l©m häc m· sè: 60.62.60 luËn v¨n th¹c sü khoa häc l©m nghiÖp Ng­êi h­íng dÉn: TS. NguyÔn ViÖt C­êng hµ t©y – 2007
  3. Danh môc c¸c b¶ng STT Néi dung Sè trang 2.1 §Æc ®iÓm khÝ hËu ë c¸c ®Þa ®iÓm nghiªn cøu 19 2.2 TÝnh chÊt ®Êt ë c¸c ®Þa ®iÓm nghiªn cøu 20 Sinh tr­ëng cña b¹ch ®µn lai ë Tam Thanh - Phó Thä giai 3.1 28 ®o¹n 1 n¨m tuæi. Sinh tr­ëng cña b¹ch ®µn lai ë Tam Thanh - Phó Thä giai 3.2 30 ®o¹n 2 n¨m tuæi. Sinh tr­ëng cña b¹ch ®µn lai ë Tam Thanh - Phó Thä giai 3.3 32 ®o¹n 3 n¨m tuæi. Sinh tr­ëng cña b¹ch ®µn lai ë Tam Thanh - Phó Thä giai 3.4 34 ®o¹n 5 n¨m tuæi. T¨ng tr­ëng cña c¸c dßng b¹ch ®µn lai ë Tam Thanh - 3.5 37 Phó Thä giai ®o¹n 5 n¨m tuæi. Sinh tr­ëng cña mét sè tæ hîp b¹ch ®µn lai t¹i §«ng Hµ - 3.6 39 Qu¶ng TrÞ giai ®o¹n 15 th¸ng tuæi. Sinh tr­ëng cña mét sè tæ hîp b¹ch ®µn lai t¹i §«ng Hµ - 3.7 40 Qu¶ng TrÞ giai ®o¹n 3 n¨m tuæi. Sinh tr­ëng cña mét sè tæ hîp b¹ch ®µn lai ë §«ng Hµ - 3.8 42 Qu¶ng TrÞ giai ®o¹n 7 n¨m tuæi. T¨ng tr­ëng b×nh qu©n cña c¸c tæ hîp b¹ch ®µn lai t¹i 3.9 45 §«ng Hµ - Qu¶ng TrÞ giai ®o¹n 7 n¨m tuæi. Sinh tr­ëng b¹ch ®µn lai t¹i §ång Híi - Qu¶ng B×nh giai 3.10 46 ®o¹n 3 n¨m tuæi. 3.11 T­¬ng quan HVN - D1.3 vµ ph­¬ng tr×nh håi quy. 49 3.12 Khèi l­îng thÓ tÝch gç cña mét sè dßng b¹ch ®µn lai 51 3.13 Thµnh phÇn hãa häc cña c¸c dßng b¹ch ®µn lai 52 HiÖu suÊt bét giÊy cña mét sè dßng b¹ch ®µn lai ë giai 3.14 53 ®o¹n 3 tuæi.
  4. Lêi c¶m ¬n LuËn v¨n "§¸nh gi¸ sinh tr­ëng c¸c gièng b¹ch ®µn lai t¹i mét sè tØnh miÒn B¾c vµ B¾c Trung Bé” ®­îc hoµn thµnh theo ch­¬ng tr×nh ®µo t¹o Cao häc hÖ chÝnh quy kh«ng tËp trung kho¸ 12 (2004 - 2007) t¹i tr­êng Tr­êng §¹i häc L©m NghiÖp. LuËn v¨n lµ thµnh qu¶ cña mét qu¸ tr×nh mµ ngoµi nh÷ng nç lùc cña b¶n th©n, t¸c gi¶ ®· nhËn ®­îc sù quan t©m, gióp ®ì cña c¸c ®¬n vÞ vµ c¸ nh©n, ®Æc biÖt lµ Ban chñ nhiÖm cïng toµn thÓ c¸n bé Khoa sau ®¹i häc - Tr­êng §¹i häc L©m NghiÖp, Ban l·nh ®¹o Trung t©m Khoa häc s¶n xuÊt L©m nghiÖp vïng B¾c Trung Bé, c¸c c¸n bé nghiªn cøu cña Phßng chän gièng vµ lai gièng - Trung t©m c«ng nghÖ sinh häc l©m nghiÖp Nh©n dÞp nµy, t¸c gi¶ xin bµy tá lßng biÕt ¬n s©u s¾c ®Õn TS. NguyÔn ViÖt C­êng, lµ gi¸o viªn h­íng dÉn khoa häc ®· tËn t×nh vµ dµnh nhiÒu thêi gian quý b¸u gióp ®ì t¸c gi¶ hoµn thµnh luËn v¨n. T¸c gi¶ xin göi lêi c¶m ¬n ch©n thµnh ®Õn Ban l·nh ®¹o vµ toµn thÓ c¸n bé nghiªn cøu thuéc Trung t©m Khoa häc s¶n xuÊt L©m nghiÖp vïng B¾c Trung Bé, c¸c c¸n bé nghiªn cøu cña Phßng chän gièng vµ lai gièng - Trung t©m c«ng nghÖ sinh häc l©m nghiÖp ®· gióp ®ì t¸c gi¶ trong qu¸ tr×nh thu thËp sè liÖu. T¸c gi¶ còng xin c¶m ¬n c¸c thÇy c« gi¸o, gia ®×nh, b¹n bÌ, ®ång nghiÖp gÇn xa ®· quan t©m, gióp ®ì t¸c gi¶ trong qu¸ tr×nh häc tËp, nghiªn cøu vµ hoµn thiÖn luËn v¨n. MÆc dï lµm viÖc rÊt nç lùc nh­ng do h¹n chÕ vÒ tr×nh ®é vµ thêi gian nghiªn cøu nªn luËn v¨n kh«ng thÓ tr¸nh khái nh÷ng thiÕu sãt, rÊt mong nhËn ®­îc nh÷ng ý kiÕn ®ãng gãp cña c¸c thÇy c«, c¸c nhµ khoa häc vµ b¹n bÌ ®ång nghiÖp. Hµ T©y, th¸ng 07 n¨m 2007 T¸c gi¶
  5. phô biÓu
  6. Phô biÓu 01: Kh¶o nghiÖm B¹ch ®µn lai t¹i §«ng Hµ - Qu¶ng TrÞ ë giai ®o¹n 7 tuæi ***** Analysis of variance ***** Variate: v[1]; d1.3 - cm Source of variation d.f.(m.v.) s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr. repl stratum 2 0.294 0.147 0.05 repl.plot stratum seedlot 14 181.913 12.994 4.24
  7. Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr. repl stratum 2 93.3 46.7 0.24 repl.plot stratum seedlot 14 17520.0 1251.4 6.36
  8. ***** Tables of means ***** Variate: v[5]; log(variance(hvn) + 1) Grand mean 1.288 seedlot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.374 1.332 0.890 2.285 1.365 0.983 1.240 seedlot 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1.629 0.869 1.574 1.563 0.575 0.860 1.234 1.546 *** Standard errors of differences of means *** Table seedlot rep. 3 d.f. 27 s.e.d. 0.4795 ***** Analysis of variance ***** Variate: v[6]; v - v=3.1416*d1.3*d1.3*hvn*0.5/40 Source of variation d.f.(m.v.) s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr. repl stratum 2 219.9 110.0 0.16 repl.plot stratum seedlot 14 48061.1 3432.9 4.90
  9. 7.39 7.23 7.60 7.99 7.77 7.12 7.64 seedlot 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7.95 7.36 7.06 6.03 7.47 7.34 8.36 7.23 *** Standard errors of differences of means *** Table seedlot rep. 3 d.f. 27 s.e.d. 0.836 (Not adjusted for missing values) Phô biÓu 02: Kh¶o nghiÖm B¹ch ®µn lai t¹i Tam Thanh - Phó Thä giai ®o¹n 5 n¨m tuæi ***** Analysis of variance ***** Variate: v[1]; d1.3 - cm Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr. repl stratum 2 0.3500 0.1750 0.34 repl.row.column stratum seedlot 33 147.7186 4.4763 8.65
  10. seedlot 33 5.0348 0.1526 1.32 0.168 Residual 66 7.6257 0.1155 Total 101 12.7914 ***** Tables of means ***** Variate: v[2]; log(variance(d1.3) + 1) Grand mean 0.825 seedlot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.528 0.551 0.650 0.651 0.762 0.687 0.489 seedlot 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0.972 1.079 0.986 0.903 0.751 1.049 1.137 seedlot 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1.103 1.359 1.046 0.844 0.484 0.677 0.741 seedlot 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0.561 1.007 0.599 0.655 0.542 0.671 0.716 seedlot 29 30 31 32 33 34 0.995 0.836 1.086 0.870 1.027 1.053 *** Standard errors of differences of means *** Table seedlot rep. 3 d.f. 66 s.e.d. 0.2775 ***** Analysis of variance ***** Variate: v[3]; d1.3 survival percentage Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr. repl stratum 2 60.78 30.39 0.68 repl.row.column stratum seedlot 33 2534.31 76.80 1.72 0.030 Residual 66 2939.22 44.53 Total 101 5534.31 ***** Tables of means ***** Variate: v[3]; d1.3 survival percentage Grand mean 95.39 seedlot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 93.33 96.67 90.00 100.00 96.67 93.33 86.67 seedlot 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 96.67 100.00 93.33 83.33 96.67 93.33 100.00 seedlot 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 93.33 96.67 83.33 100.00 100.00 100.00 96.67 seedlot 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 93.33 93.33 93.33 96.67 100.00 96.67 100.00 seedlot 29 30 31 32 33 34
  11. 83.33 100.00 96.67 100.00 100.00 100.00 *** Standard errors of differences of means *** Table seedlot rep. 3 d.f. 66 s.e.d. 5.449 ***** Analysis of variance ***** Variate: v[4]; hvn - m Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr. repl stratum 2 9.3572 4.6786 13.40 repl.row.column stratum seedlot 33 135.2414 4.0982 11.73
  12. Variate: v[5]; log(variance(hvn) + 1) Grand mean 0.505 seedlot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.499 0.422 0.451 0.561 0.327 0.551 0.401 seedlot 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0.588 0.566 0.403 0.260 0.408 0.475 0.647 seedlot 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 0.476 1.028 0.628 0.535 0.445 0.488 0.547 seedlot 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0.350 0.417 0.543 0.271 0.570 0.436 0.358 seedlot 29 30 31 32 33 34 0.737 0.706 0.468 0.407 0.737 0.450 *** Standard errors of differences of means *** Table seedlot rep. 3 d.f. 66 s.e.d. 0.2609 ***** Analysis of variance ***** Variate: v[6]; v - v=3.1416*d1.3*d1.3*hvn*0.5/40 Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr. repl stratum 2 157.04 78.52 0.92 repl.row.column stratum seedlot 33 30775.71 932.60 10.88
  13. d.f. 66 s.e.d. 7.561 ***** Analysis of variance ***** Variate: v[7]; log(variance(v) + 1) Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr. repl stratum 2 1.2054 0.6027 0.85 repl.row.column stratum seedlot 33 50.2903 1.5239 2.16 0.004 Residual 66 46.5914 0.7059 Total 101 98.0870 ***** Tables of means ***** Variate: v[7]; log(variance(v) + 1) Grand mean 5.116 seedlot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4.391 4.204 4.185 4.314 4.704 5.377 4.242 seedlot 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5.492 5.584 5.523 6.079 4.418 6.057 6.197 seedlot 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 5.610 6.447 5.773 5.500 4.840 4.551 4.433 seedlot 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4.505 5.116 4.722 4.015 4.649 4.192 4.586 seedlot 29 30 31 32 33 34 5.928 5.588 5.838 5.312 5.834 5.743 *** Standard errors of differences of means *** Table seedlot rep. 3 d.f. 66 s.e.d. 0.6860
  14. Phô biÓu 3: B¶ng ph©n tÝch ANOVA vÒ t­¬ng quan H - D cña mét sè dßng b¹ch ®µn lai giai ®o¹n 3 tuæi t¹i Tam Thanh Dßng UE24: Model Summary Adjusted Std. Error of R R Square R Square the Estimate ,738 ,545 ,528 ,604 The independent variable is Duong kinh d1.3 (cm). ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 11,808 1 11,808 32,319 ,000 Residual 9,865 27 ,365 Total 21,672 28 The independent variable is Duong kinh d1.3 (cm). Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Duong kinh d1.3 (cm) ,612 ,108 ,738 5,685 ,000 (Constant) 4,519 1,155 3,914 ,001 Dßng UC80: Model Summary Adjusted Std. Error of R R Square R Square the Estimate ,781 ,610 ,595 ,688 The independent variable is d. ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 19,976 1 19,976 42,192 ,000 Residual 12,783 27 ,473 Total 32,759 28 The independent variable is d. Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. d ,664 ,102 ,781 6,496 ,000 (Constant) 3,357 ,923 3,638 ,001
  15. Dßng UE31 Model Summary Adjusted Std. Error of R R Square R Square the Estimate ,849 ,720 ,699 ,551 The independent variable is d. ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 21,100 2 10,550 34,737 ,000 Residual 8,200 27 ,304 Total 29,300 29 The independent variable is d. Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. d -2,663 ,780 -3,144 -3,415 ,002 d ** 2 ,196 ,046 3,898 4,235 ,000 (Constant) 17,002 3,272 5,197 ,000 Dßng UE57 Model Summary Adjusted Std. Error of R R Square R Square the Estimate ,738 ,544 ,528 ,623 The independent variable is d. ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 12,982 1 12,982 33,470 ,000 Residual 10,860 28 ,388 Total 23,842 29 The independent variable is d. Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. d ,629 ,109 ,738 5,785 ,000 (Constant) 3,611 ,987 3,659 ,001
  16. Dßng UC79: Model Summary Adjusted Std. Error of R R Square R Square the Estimate ,821 ,674 ,650 ,424 The independent variable is d. ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 10,024 2 5,012 27,940 ,000 Residual 4,843 27 ,179 Total 14,867 29 The independent variable is d. Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. d -5,944 1,778 -6,899 -3,343 ,002 d ** 2 ,356 ,096 7,623 3,695 ,001 (Constant) 34,187 8,150 4,195 ,000 Phô biÓu 4: B¶ng ph©n tÝch ANOVA vÒ t­¬ng quan H - D cña mét sè dßng b¹ch ®µn lai giai ®o¹n 5 tuæi t¹i Tam Thanh Dßng UE24 Model Summary Adjusted Std. Error of R R Square R Square the Estimate ,747 ,558 ,539 ,500 The independent variable is d2. ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 7,252 1 7,252 29,020 ,000 Residual 5,748 23 ,250 Total 13,000 24 The independent variable is d2. Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. d2 ,566 ,105 ,747 5,387 ,000 (Constant) 6,453 1,479 4,364 ,000
  17. Dßng UC80 Model Summary Adjusted Std. Error of R R Square R Square the Estimate ,823 ,677 ,665 ,887 The independent variable is d. ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 44,511 1 44,511 56,606 ,000 Residual 21,231 27 ,786 Total 65,741 28 The independent variable is d. Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. ln(d) 8,909 1,184 ,823 7,524 ,000 (Constant) -8,343 2,906 -2,871 ,008 Dßng UE31 Model Summary Adjusted Std. Error of R R Square R Square the Estimate ,840 ,706 ,693 ,497 The independent variable is d. ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 14,227 1 14,227 57,516 ,000 Residual 5,937 24 ,247 Total 20,163 25 The independent variable is d. Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. d ,762 ,101 ,840 7,584 ,000 (Constant) 3,787 1,014 3,735 ,001
  18. Dßng UE57 Model Summary Adjusted Std. Error of R R Square R Square the Estimate ,774 ,599 ,584 ,425 The independent variable is d. ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 7,529 1 7,529 41,774 ,000 Residual 5,046 28 ,180 Total 12,575 29 The independent variable is d. Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. d ,516 ,080 ,774 6,463 ,000 (Constant) 6,169 ,805 7,661 ,000 Dßng UC79 Model Summary Adjusted Std. Error of R R Square R Square the Estimate ,771 ,594 ,580 ,668 The independent variable is d. ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 18,263 1 18,263 40,977 ,000 Residual 12,479 28 ,446 Total 30,742 29 The independent variable is d. Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. ln(d) 8,860 1,384 ,771 6,401 ,000 (Constant) -8,916 3,319 -2,686 ,012
  19. Phô biÓu 5: B¶ng ph©n tÝch ANOVA vÒ t­¬ng quan D - H cña mét sè tæ hîp lai t¹i §«ng Hµ - Qu¶ng TrÞ. Tæ hîp U29E2: Model Summary Adjusted Std. Error of R R Square R Square the Estimate ,938 ,880 ,874 ,765 The independent variable is d. ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 94,088 1 94,088 160,830 ,000 Residual 12,870 22 ,585 Total 106,958 23 The independent variable is d. Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. d ,689 ,054 ,938 12,682 ,000 (Constant) 2,409 ,795 3,032 ,006 Tæ hîp U29C3: Model Summary Adjusted Std. Error of R R Square R Square the Estimate ,855 ,730 ,717 1,152 The independent variable is d. ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 71,833 1 71,833 54,150 ,000 Residual 26,531 20 1,327 Total 98,364 21 The independent variable is d. Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. ln(d) 7,994 1,086 ,855 7,359 ,000 (Constant) -9,418 2,884 -3,266 ,004
  20. Tæ hîp E1U29: Model Summary Adjusted Std. Error of R R Square R Square the Estimate ,744 ,553 ,535 ,835 The independent variable is d. ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 21,579 1 21,579 30,968 ,000 Residual 17,421 25 ,697 Total 39,000 26 The independent variable is d. Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. d ,385 ,069 ,744 5,565 ,000 (Constant) 7,392 ,991 7,459 ,000 Tæ hîp U15E4: Model Summary Adjusted Std. Error of R R Square R Square the Estimate ,858 ,737 ,720 ,716 The independent variable is d. ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 22,932 1 22,932 44,782 ,000 Residual 8,193 16 ,512 Total 31,125 17 The independent variable is d. Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta t Sig. d ,406 ,061 ,858 6,692 ,000 (Constant) 7,265 ,910 7,982 ,000



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